BOYS & GIRLS - Chapter 1

Rachel and Monica have been friends ever since they could remember. When they started highschool nothing of this change, even when Rachel was one of the most popular girls at school and Monica was really fat.

Monica had an older brother, who was 2 years older than her, Ross was a very smart and shy guy, who loved Dinasaurs and everything related to them, but for Monica he was just a big geek. He'd always had a crush on his sister friend, but never did anything about it, after all she was one of the most popular girls at school, and he was just a geek, and then there was another reason, every time he was near to Rachel the words simply didn't want to come out, usually making him made a fool of himself.

Our story begins at Monica and Rachel's freshman year at the NYU, while Ross was on his 3th year.

The girls arrived to this new life filled with expectations for their new life, and completly willing to live everything that was on their future. Monica lost an amazing amount of weight that summer, and was almost as thin as Rachel, so she felt like nothing could stop her now to find the man of her dreams, while Rachel was just getting over the horrible break up with her first boyfriend, so wasn't exactly looking for a new 'romance', she just wanted to have fun. "I hate commitments now, why limits yourself when there's a whole world of possibilities out there" she always told Monica everytime her friends started to talk about how she wanted to find her soulmates now that they were at the University

"Look, we are in the same bedroom... we're gonna be roomies Mon!, this was good luck, I didn't wanna share my room with anybody else", said Rachel while they were looking at the bedrooms list. "Yeah, it was LUCK the one that help us, specially after all the begging we did back there". The girls started to laugh. "But look, there says that we're gonna be sharing our room with another girl.... Phoebe Buffay.... how do you think she's like". "I thought it was gonna be just both of us... but hey, if this girl is too weird we always can go and live with my brother. He lives in a huge house like two blocks from the University with a couple of friends".

Rachel stare at Monica amazed. "A house full of guys?!.... why didn't you tell me about it before?!.... oh no no no no wait... wait, those are your brother's friends, right?.... they must be a bit geeky, aren't they?... no ofence Mon". Monica laugh at her friend's reaction

"I know, that's why I didn't tell you anything about it before, I didn't think about it when my parents told me, beside one of those friends is that guy who called me fat last thanksgivin, remember him?"

"That weird guy who hated thanksgivings and who you thought was cute?... of course I remember him.... you never got back at him tough"

"Maybe this year Rach, maybe this year"


Ross and his friends, Chandler, Joey and Steve (let's say he looks like Justin Timberlake) were sitting in their favourite couch, on their favourite place, 'Central Perk'. They hang out there most of the time. Joey was studing theatre in an academy near NYU, well he used to study really, cause he had already finnished, and now was focused on finding a job, going to every audition he could; Steve's major was literatury, but what he really liked was partying and fooling around with all the girls he could... he and Joey were the womanizers of the group, they always managed to get the most atractive girls in campus, but the difference between them was that Steve was more like a player, he liked to get involved in relationships with them and then cheat, he said it was more amuzing than just one night stand sex, cause there was always the chance to get caught and that was more exciting; the last friend, but not the least, was Chandler, nobody really knew what his major was, all they knew was that it was something to do with numbers, but they weren't even sure about that, he hardly went to classes, and when he did, he was always late, yet somehow he had excellent grades, and never had failled any asignature ever.

"When does your sister gets here Ross?.... can I meet her?" asked Steve with a smile

"Doesn't she arrived today Ross, she and YOUR precious Rachel, who you've been talking about non stop for the past 2 month" said Chandler in a sarcastic kind of way

Ross, who was drinking his coffe jump of his sit, he totally forgot about her sister arriving that day "God My sister!!.... I completly forgot about her.... AND AND RACHEL!!!.... I hope they're oke... I better get going"

Ross grabed his jacket and stormed out the coffe house

"Geez!" said Joey with the mouth full of food "he's been talking about this Rachel girl for like 2 months and now he forgets... how stupid"

"yeah, he's the stupid one" said Chandler


Ross arrived to the bedrooms building as fast as he could. It had been more than a year since the last time he saw Rachel, and that last time had been awful, he got so nervous that had drope and broke a plate, 4 glasses, and spilled a little soda on Rachel's new shirt. But he wasn't a nervous 17 years old boy anymore looking at the most popupar girl in school, he was a man now and he was gonna ask her out, this was gonna be his year, and this was gonna be his chance to be with the girl he has been in love with ever since he was 15. This tought draw a huge smile on his face, while he was entering the bulding


Monica and Rachel's new bedroom wasn't what they expected, at least not Rachel, it was smaller than her bedroom at home and had 3 beds, a desk next to the windows, wich had some really old an ugly courtains. Next to the bathroom door (wich by the way was as small as the bedroom) was a small closet... Seen the small size of the closet Rachel freaked out. "Here's not enough room for all my clothes, or my shoes!!"

"I told you Rach not to bring all your clothes, just the one you normally use"

"THIS IS THE ONE I NORMALLY USE MONICA!, this is terrible, where are you gonna put your clothes.... and that Phoebe girl?!... and what am I gonna do with the rest of my clothe... and my shoes?!"

Monica had to speak lauder for Rachel to listened to her. "Rachel CALM DOWN!!, this closet is for the three of us, so you will have to send back a couple of bags.... see I just bought one, but I think if we get organized and put everything methodicaly arranged, you know.... the way I DO IT at home, the lack of space won't be a issue....but you still have to return a bag". Monica's voice was faster and lauder while she was talking, she loved everything related to been organized giving orders to other people

"You know Mon, you gave me a headache.... why don't we just wait for Phoebe and we'll talk about it, ok?"

Without been notice by the two friends a blond girl dressed with hippy clothes entered the bedroom holding a guitar. "You're Monica and Rachel" Phoebe's commet took Rachel and Monica off guard, making them jump out of fear. "I'm Phoebe, Phoebe Buffay.... I feel like I know you from another life... you two have a really wonderful aura.... by chance any of you used to be alive by the Victorian times?"

Rachel and Monica looked at each other not knowing really what to answer, this girl was weird, but both of them felt she was really nice and sweet

"Hi, I'm.... I'm Rachel Greene" Rachel was he first one to speak

"And I'm Monica Geller"

"I knew that, I've known you two were gonna be my roommates for a long time, I'm psychic!"

"You're what?!" asked Rachel

Phoebe looked at her for a couple of seconds and then answered "You want your major to be fashion. And you..." said looking at Monica "don't really know what you wanna do, cause you like to cook, but you think your parents may not like you to be a cooker, and that's killing you.... ow, and you used to be really fat in high school"

Monica looked at Rachel really scared.... now that was weird, the girl was weirder than they thought

"How do you know that?" managed Monica to ask

"I told you, I'm psychic" sai Phoebe matter of factly

"Wow... this is great... you're gonna be really useful for knowing the test question and everything" said Rachel very excited

A couple of knock on the door interrupted the girl's conversation. When she opened the door, Rachel saw Ross standing in the hallway, who by the way was already pale. "My God, she's even more beautiful than I remember..." he thought

"Eeeeh.... well..... I....." he tried to speak

"Hey Ross" said Rachel trying to not laugh at her friend's brother, she wasn't sure why, but Ross always seems to be really clumsy when she was near her, and his reaction were always really amuzing. "Monica, your brother's here!"

Monica came to the door while Rachel was heading to her bed to carry on her conversation with Phoebe. "Hey Ross... what are you doing here?"

Ross kept on looking at Rachel and still feeling really nervous, and also very dumb... he had done it again, he hasn't been able to put himself together in front of Rachel.... she may be thinking he's stupid or something. "I came to see how you guys were... if you needed something... to give you my phone number and my adress and to see if you wanted me to give you a tour arond the campus... or anything you need"

Rachel looked at Ross, he was really sweet she thought "You're really sweet Ross, thanks, but we just arrived and now we are kind of unpacking you know, trying to settle down, maybe later we can give you a call for that tour thing"

Ross couldn't believe Rachel was talking to him "stop acting like a teenage girl Ross.... BE A MAN!" he thought to himself "Ok.... see you then..."

He was about to leave the room when Monica said "wait wait, let me introduce you to our roommate.... Phoebe, this is Ross Geller, my geeky older brother, Ross this is Phoebe Buffay"

"Nice to meet you Phoebe.... and I'm not geeky Monica!"

"Oh you're not stutterer!!, YAY!, I was starting to feel sorry for you....why so nervous Ross?!"

Ross looked at Rachel, who wasn't paying attention to him anymore, trying to decide wich clothes she was gonna send back home "I'm.... I'm not nervous"

Phoebe looked at Ross and then at Rachel, understanding right away what was going through the guy's head "Oooh.... I see.... don't worry though, she's your lobster.... everything will turn out good"

"She's my what?!...." said Ross not really getting what the weird girl was trying to say

"Uff.... long story.... the lobster thing is a whole theory, other day I'll tell you about it.... all I can tell you now is that you have to trust me, I'm a psychic, and I feel this story" Phoebe pointed to Rachel and to Ross "will end up really good.... I can't tell you more though...."

Ross looked weirdly at Phoebe... "she's weird, but nice" thought... "I hope so"

Ross' cell phone started to ring, he quickly answered it "Hello?"

"hey Dude" Chandler's voice came from the phone "why don't you invite the girls over, so we can meet YOUR famous Rachel"

"Shhhh" said Ross, worried that Rachel could hear anything "Ok, I'll tell them"

"And bring some beers... Steve just drank the last one" said Chandler.

"And Pizzas!!!" Ross could hear Joey's voice screaming maybe from the other side of the room

"Ok, on my way home I'll buy some beers and some pizzas, keep Joey away from the fridge though.... don't let him eat the ice, remember the other day he got really sick and screw our plans"

"Yes mum, I'll take care of the baby" said sarcasticly Chandler

Ross hang off the phone and looked at Monica, trying not to watch Rachel to keep himself calm. "That was Chandler, remember him Mon?, he's the guy I invited over last thanksgiving" Monica looked at Rachel who started to laugh. "Well, he told me to invite you guys over.... I mean, when you're done with the unpacking and stuff, so you can meet them..."

"It sounds like fun" said Rachel "beside we haven't met anyone yet, appart from Phoebe, of course. I don't wanna spend the first day here in this room"

"How many 'friends' are we talking about?" asked Phoebe

"3, I mean.... we are 4, Chandler, Joey, Steve and me, but I don't think Steve will be at home, he had a date"

"So there would be 6 of us, 3 boys and 3 girls, 3 couples.... we could all hook up" said Phoebe winking at Ross "I'm going!!"

"Ok, I'll go" said Monica "but please say to your friend Chandler not to come even close to me, ok?"

"Ok" said Ross looking at Monica weidly


It was 8:30 in the afternoon, the girls had agreed to be there by 9, and Ross was running around the house like crazy, yelling at Chandler and Joey to change their clothes and stop watching 'Baywatch', and to Steve to get out of the bathroom, so he could take a shower, cause Rachel and the rest (that was the way he refered to the girls) would be arriving anytime soon, and the house was a mess

"Chill out Ross" said Steve "beside, who's gonna score tonight?, you with that girl who you don't even talk with? or me?"

"That's not the point, beside Rachel is more than a girl to 'score' with, ok?... and hurry up!"

Joey and Chandler were still on the couch watching their favourite tv show

"Do you think this Rachel chick is hot?" asked Joey

"I wouldn't trust Ross' taste in woman.... remember Carol?"

"the lesbian one?"

"Yeah, that one.... she wasn't that hot"

Joey closed his eyes and said "oooooh yeah, the way I remembered she really was HOT... hehehe"

Ross approced them really mad and said "you two are like old ladies gossiping, could you please go change?...."

"Ok dude... we're going, we're going...." said both of them while they were standing up the couch, and going upstairs to their bedrooms

A half hour later the belldoor ringed, Steve, who was on his way out, openes the door. Rachel, Monica and Phoebe were there, but only Rachel was standing in front of the door, the other girls were behind her.

Steve looked at the girl standing in front of him, and thought that maybe she was by far the most beautiful woman he's ever seen "Hi, can I hel you?"

"Oh my God!" thought Rachel when Steve opened the door "never thought Ross would have so hot friends, I hope he stays all night.... I hope he doesn't have a girlfriend....". She finally managed to say "is this Ross' house?"

"Yeah, come on in.... Steve Moore, nice to meet you"

"Rachel" she said "Rachel Greene.... a pleasure"

"So this is Rachel" Steve thought "now I can understand why Ross can say a word when he's near her..... this sure will be fun"

The other 2 girls finally aproached to the door too

"Rachel, are you even help us with this ba....." said Monica, looking at Steve "Hi!"

Steve keep on looking at Rachel, clearly flirting with her, while he helped Monica and Phoebe with the bags "Ross, your guest are here!"

Ross was standing by the kitchen door, looking the whole scene, not believing that he so called friend was so obviously flirting with the one woman he loved. "Yeah, I saw.... come on in. Rachel, Monica, Phoebe.... please sit down.... I believe you alredy met Steve.... don't you had a date mate?, and you don't wanna be late... I mean, you're gonna score tonight, don't you?" said looking at his 'friend' really pissed

"Yeah dude.... I'm leaving now...."

Ross grabbed Steve by the harm and lead him to the door

"What's your problem Ross?, I was just trying to be nice with your sister and her friends"

"You were been TOO NICE with Rachel"

"She didn't mind" said Steve, half joking.... "don't worry man, I'm not gonna go for her", "at least not now" completed the sentence in his head

"Please Steve, get away from her, that's all I'm asking... as a friend"

"ok, ok.... chill out"

"Goodbye girls" said Steve from the door before he left, Rachel looked disapointed.

Chandler and Joey were coming down stairs, Monica looked at Chandler

"Look Rach, there's Chandler... I didn't remember he was THAT cute"

Rachel wasn't paying much attention to Monica, she was thinking about Steve "Do you think Steve has a girlfriend?, do you think he'll ask me out?"

Monica wasn't paying attention at what Rachel was saying either "I think I could even forgive him for calling me fat"

Ross approached to the girls interrumping their 'conversation'. "this are my other roommates and friends, this is Joey, and this is Chandler.... and they are Monica, my sister... you remember her, right Chandler?"

Chandler stare at Monica for a while, Ross had told him that her sister had lost a lot of weight.... but he didn't thought she was this beautiful "Hi Monica", he said in a shylish kind of way

"She's Rachel" said Ross starin at Rachel with loving eyes

Joey looked at her and said "How U doing?!", but it took only one stare from Ross to regret saying it. "Sorry.... hi Rachel"

"And this is Phoebe, Monica and Rachel's roommate" said finally Ross

"Hi Joey" said Phoebe, clearly flirting with him

The night went by between beers, pizzas, laughs and conversations. Steve got home early, and spent the entire night talking to Rachel. Ross couldn't believe what his friend was trying to do, he knew, Steve knew how much Rachel meant to him, he had listened every time he spoke about her, how his crushed started in 9th grade. Steve was flirting with her in front of him, and the worst part was that she was flirting back

"Cool off man" said Chandler "I don't think he wants to date her". Chandler was obviously lying, he knew Steve too well, what he really liked was sleeping with hot girls, and Rachel certainly was hot.

"That bastard!, I swear if he ask her out I'm gonna beat him till his face and his *** look exactly the same"

Chandler started to laugh "Really?, remember the last time you tried to beat a guy?, 2 black eyes, and a broken rib, and the dude was fine"

"Now it's different... Rachel is in the middle of it, look, I don't care that she dates guys, I don't even have the corage to talk to her, and I've been living putting this feelings aside for a really long time, what I don't want is seeing how she gets hurt, I don't want him to use her, and broke her heart like he does with all the girls". Chandler could see how serious his friend was about this whole thing and stopped laughing.

"Mon, can I talk to you for a second?" asked Ross

"yeah, right... tell me"

"I want you to tell Rachel that she must be really careful with Steve, she better not get involved with him, I know him, and he's just gonna hurt her, that's what he does"

"Are you serious?, or are you just saying this cause you still have a 'thing' for Rachel?"

"I'm serious Monica, and I don't have a 'thing' for her"

"Yeah right, but don't worry I'll talk to her"

When the girls left at 3 am Steve, Chandler and Ross walked them home. Joey had fall asleep in the couch, and they didn't want to wake him up. Ross was looking at Rachel and Steve the whole time

"Ok, this is us" said Rachel when they arrived the bulding "thanks for walk us home guys. And you..." she looked at Steve "call me".

"Ok, I'll call you and we arranged everything for our date". With Steve's words Ross' heart broke into 1000 pieces.

"Well" said Monica "Steve, Ross, Chandler, thanks for everything... I'm kind of tired"

Phoebe, who fell sleep next to Joey in the couch said: "bhhhhyhshdey"

"I think she ment 'bye'" said Rachel laughing, Phoebe was practicly sleeping standing. "Bye guys, thanks for everything Ross"

And with that the 3 girls went into the bulding