Such We Be

     A small moon drifted into the range of the large viewing screen on the bridge.   The planet below gave no hint of the hidden malevolence.  Occasionally a sparkle would flash from the surface.    Data knew the cause was the minerals in the soil and the reflection from the two suns.  Worf entered the bridge and went to his station.  Data noticed his subdued manner.  The android was not sure of the exact cause.  Data refrained from looking at the Klingon.  The most likely factor would be Riker's injury.  Data reasoned.  And perhaps Ensign Kyree's too, he thought.

     "Commander, I am picking up four objects coming from behind the two suns." Worf said, interrupting Data's reasoning.

     Data turned to look at the Klingon.   "Analysis?"   A frown deepened on the security officer's face. 

"Inconclusive.  A strange energy field surrounds them.  Perhaps, the ships that have been on this planet have returned.  The objects have changed course, toward us."  Worf raised his head as if to see them on the viewer.

     "On viewer."  Data ordered.  The brightness of the two suns caused everyone but the android to shield their eyes.  "Mask out photosphere."  With the blinding light gone, four irregular shapes could easily be seen moving quickly away from the suns. 

     "There are more than four things out there.  Three more larger in mass, moving slower then the four."  Worf studied the sensors.  "The larger ones seem to be towing something."

     All attention focused on the main viewer as they watched the objects draw closer.  "Data to medical."     "Crusher here,"

     "I know you can not leave sickbay Doctor, if you have a moment to monitor the objects heading towards us, your analysis would be appreciative."  Data rose as he spoke.  "And as soon as Captain Picard is available, he is needed on the bridge."

     "Understood.  I'll take a look."   A long moment passed, Dr. Crusher came back.  "Captain Picard is on his way, Data.  I need more information to make an analysis.  Keep me posted.  Crusher out."

     "Those things are changing shape as they move."  The Ensign at opps commented in a puzzled voice.

     The door of the turbo lift opened with a swish.  Captain Picard and Troi hurried down the ramp to the command position.  "What do we have, Data?"

     "Uncertain, Sir."  Data nodded to the four objects heading towards them.  The android relieved the ensign at opps.

     "Captain, these things will reach the Enterprise in 4.37 minutes."  Worf reported. His eyes glared a challenge at the viewer.

     "Data, what are they?"  Picard watched with intense interest.  He had encountered space creatures before, not on good terms either.

     "Inconclusive, Captain.  The objects are not spaceships.   The energy emissions are similar in nature to the ones we recorded in this planet's atmosphere."

     "You said similar, not the same."  Picard grasped at the few facts coming his way.

     "The slight variations suggest a individual signature rather than species difference."  Data reported.

     "They are alive?"  Picard stared at the viewer.

     "Yes, Sir. I believe so."

     Drawing on a past experience with creatures living in space, Picard ordered the shields up.  He wanted to leave them down, to show no hostility towards them, but the risk was too great.  He retreated to his chair and waited for the creatures approach.

     "Mr. Worf transmits a greeting of welcome on all channels."

     "Transmitting now, all channels, with universal translator tied in."

     "We do not know if they are intelligent."  Data reminded.

     "Nothing ventured nothing gained, Data."  Picard quipped.  He knew it was a long shot.  He glanced at Troi.  He could tell she was reaching out to them.  She shook her head.  Picard wasn't sure of her meaning.

     "Counselor?"  Picard prodded gently.  "Anything?"

     "I'm not sure.  There is something there but..." Troi closed her eyes for a moment.  "It may be so alien, I can't understand it."  She finished with a shrug.

     "Two minutes to contact."  Worf growled.  He didn't like these 'things' floating around in space.  His words turned everybody's attention to the viewer.

     Tumbling over each other as they came closer, the amoeba like creatures almost looked playful.  If they hadn't been twice the size of the Enterprise they would have.  Picard mused.  Arm like projections would form on one and punch at its companions.  Twisting and shifting in shape the foursome, frolicked as they drew nearer.  Suddenly one stopped dead in space.  Picard knew the Enterprise had been seen.  The other three seem to notice their companion's attention on something.  All three froze, a moment of slight hesitation, then the four's shapes spiked like sea anemone.  Contortions wracked the creatures as they scrambled into each other.  With a burst of speed, the four shot away from the Enterprise, towards the three larger creatures.

     "They have achieved warp 1.5, in their retreat."  Data reported.

     "It was a retreat.  Wasn't it?"  Picard considered, he leaned toward the woman beside him. "Counselor, Tell me if I'm wrong, it looked to me as if those...creatures just 'screamed and ran'" Picard looked at the Betazoid.

     She nodded.  "Perhaps their shape changes are their language."  Troi suggested.

     "Interesting, Counselor, I will attempt to translate them."  Data rose from opps and hurried to science station one.

     "It seems our friends are as leery of us as we are of them."  Picard watched the screen as the four reached the larger three.  The smaller ones darted in and around the larger shapes, shifting shapes and swirling around as the larger ones continued its steady pace toward the Enterprise.

     "Captain, I have something."  Data said in triumph.

     "Let's hear it, Data."

      "Calm, calm, children.   Peace, nothing will be allowed to harm you.  What has frightened you so?"  A cheerful voice asked.

     "A bug, A big big Bug."  A young excited voice answered.

       "It is sucking the crops dry."  Another younger voice added.

     "Come see,  *, Come see."  A third urged.  A fourth voice echoed the third.

     "Alright, for a moment.  But I cannot allow my piece to drift.  If three of you will tow it, I will take Golo to show me your bug."

       "Sounds like we are about to get looked over again."  Picard stood.  "Data how can we communicate with them?"

     "I'm afraid that is not possible." Data turned and walked to the railing " While we can translate their shape language into words, it is not possible for us to translate words into body language."

     Picard nodded.  Obvious after Data said it.  He turned back to the viewer.  Picard considered all of his options.  He could leave, although, the reaction to movement would be unpredictable.  He favored staying and trying to find some way of communicating with them.

     "SEE, there, Magro, near that brown plant."  The smaller creature's surface had spiked as it neared the Enterprise.

     "MMMMh.  It is not a bug, Golo. I have seen creatures like this though."  The large creature came closer."

     "Captain," Troi said uneasily.  "They are coming closer."

     "I realize that Counselor."

      "Never speaks.  Hard shell.  Not like us."  The large shape continued toward the Enterprise.  Without warning a thin probing arm flung out at the Enterprise.  It tapped the hull of the saucer section. Reverberations shook the ship.

     "Damage?"  Picard held his breath.

     "The shields held.  Only a slight drop in power."  Worf reported with satisfaction in his voice.

     "Let's back off a bit" Picard rose to stand behind the navigator.  "Ensign, reverse one quarter impulse for five seconds."

       "See Golo,  your bug is responsive to stimulants."

     "Magro, Why is this plant brown?  I think it did something to it."

     "Go look then, I'll wait here."  With that the smaller one made a large detour around the Enterprise and entered the planet's atmosphere.

      "Captain, the smaller creature has circumvented the planet and is returning."  Data reported.

     "Magro, Everything is brown, The plant is sick.  I think it is dieing!!"  The young excited voice matched the sharp spike surface of the creature.

     The larger creature did not respond immediately.  But remained almost motionless.

     "Captain!"  Troi stood in alarm.  "It's going to do something to us."

     "Reverse full impulse."  Picard ordered, returning to his seat to face the Counselor.  He could see the fear in her eyes.  "Break orbit and plot a course away from this system."

     "The creature has fired something at us!"  Worf warned.  Before he could analyze it, the substance had engulfed the ship.  All power cut off completely.

     "LaForge, where is auxiliary?"   Picard asked, listening to the uneasiness of the crew in the total darkness.

     "You should have it now, Captain," LaForge told him. "But that won't last for long.  Auxiliary is down to thirty percent and falling."

     "Data analysis?"  The Captain asked.  With no response coming from the android, Picard turned to look at the science officer.  "Data?"  The android stood staring blankly.  Data's head jerked several times.  Worf grabbed his arm to steady him.  Picard and Troi hurried to Data's side.

     "The substance engulfing the Enterprise must be affecting Data's systems as well."  Worf apprised.  The android jerked again.

     "Yes, systems are...." Data's voice sounded strangely tired. "Are...not reliable."  A jerk in his arm broke Worf's grip.  The swing came dangerously close to the Captain's nose.  Picard jumped back as he felt the breeze.

     "He is dangerous like this."  Worf grabbed Data again, but knew the hold could be easily broken by the android.

     Picard sighed, they needed Data so much, but he knew Worf was right.   "Take him to a security cell."  Picard turned away so not to see any reaction in Troi or Data's face.

     "Security?  Captain, don't you mean medical?"  Troi followed him down the ramp.

     "Counselor, medical does not have the restraints powerful enough for Data.  The only other alternative is to shut him down completely.  I would rather not do that."  Picard turned to face her.   He softened his voice.  "Hopefully he will still be able to help from there, without any risk to us."


     Riker gripped the bed as the Enterprise was rocked.  He had seen Picard hurry out of sickbay.   Nobody told him anything.  Only by ease dropping on a conversation did he learn about the space creatures looking the ship over.  He wondered if it was like Junior, one that had thought the Enterprise was its mother.  The Ship shook again, and all the lights went out.  Riker held his breath.  Slowly the auxiliary lights lightened the room.  Medical was in chaos.  He propped himself up to see how Kyree was doing.   Only a nurse hovered around her, evidence that the young ensign's condition must have stabilized.  As he eased back down, a flash of red hair stopped him.

     "Doctor who's hurt?"  Riker asked as he noted her medical kit.     She paused and came to his bedside.

     "Data, the substance covering the ship is affecting his systems.  He's in a security cell."  Her voice gave hint of her displeasure.  "You should be resting."

     "I'm not tired.  Doctor, find a way to get me to the bridge."  He sat up and swayed slightly.

     "Will, don't be difficult.  In a couple of days, you can be fitted with a prosthesis.  Don't rush it."  She put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him to lie back down.

     "Beverly, we may not have a couple of days.  This ship can't afford to have both the first officer and second officer out of commission."  Riker stared her down. "Come on, Beverly, we may not have time to debate this."  The Doctor shook her head but her face softened at the same time.

     "Will, it's not going to be easy.  It takes time to learn to use a Baudlet-leg."  She warned.

     "Then give me a temporary simple peg leg!  I don't care what, but I'm needed on the bridge."  Riker had to check himself to keep from shouting at her, but his volume had gotten the attention of others in medical.

     "You really think that would be much easier?"  Beverly almost laughed.   She threw up her hands.  "You can't damage the nerve endings or a prosthesis, later on, might not work.  The best I can do is a pair of crutches. Take it or leave it."

     "I'll take them."  Riker said without hesitation.  He practiced with them, making it across the medical lab smoothly on his second try.

     Dr. Crusher watched Riker's broad shoulders flex as he hobbled out of sickbay.  She tried to justify in her mind the reasons for letting him go.  The whole exchange had happened in less than five minutes.  She glanced at the astonished faces around her.  No doubt the doctor treating Riker will have a few words with her later.  She resumed her interrupted task and headed for security.

     "Careful Doctor.  He will strike with force."  Worf warned as Dr. Crusher entered the cell, after he had lowered the force field.

     'I'll be careful."  She said distracted.  All her attention was on her patient now.  "Data, Can you hear me?"  The android's body gave a jerk.  She took it as a yes.  "Data do you have any suggestions of what we can do to help you shield your systems?"  Dr. Crusher asked as she passed a medical scanner over him.  "I'm getting intermittent failures of all your muscular system and voluntary responses are erratic.  Even your servo mechanisms seem to be affected."  Dr. Crusher paused to give Data a chance to respond.

     "Sit...Spot...Feline friend" Data spouted.   A slower labored voice seemed more coherent.  "Perhaps...a...force.... field...." his body jerked violently.  The Dr. jumped back.  "SUIT."   The volume of the last word hurt Beverly's ears as it echo in the cell.

      The Doctor looked at Worf.  "Would that be possible?"

     "It is possible, but other than Commander Data, Commander LaForge would be the only one with the expertise to construct such a suit."  Worf considered.

     "And he is need in Engineering."  Crusher sighed.  Her mind raced trying to find a solution.  "What about Commander Riker and you Worf?  You both know your way around his systems.  If you need to confer with Geordi..."

     "Commander Riker is in sickbay."  Worf reminded her. 

     "By now he's probably on the bridge."  Crusher gave him a sheepish look, without bothering with explanations.  Worf gave her a hard stare.  She tapped her communicator.   The noise normally emitted sounded flat.   "Crusher to Commander Riker."

     Picard felt relieved as young Ensign Mercer on duty at opps finally succeeded in restoring the sensors and the main viewer.  Strange not having his main people to count on.  It was hard placing his trust in these people he barely knew.  But he knew all the crew on the bridge had been trained and tested.  They would have to prove it now.  He hid any hint of doubt of their abilities, in his orders and requests.  Although he found himself standing at Lt. Roger's side watching her analysis of the film covering them.  Picard had to admit she was efficient.

The two space creatures had joined the others still making their way to a large asteroid between this planet and the suns.

     "Captain, the creatures are still 'talking' do you wish to hear them."  Mercer reported.

     "Yes Ensign, let's hear what they intend to do."

     "Magro, Do you really think it did harm the plant?"  An adult voice questioned.

     "I'm not sure, but I have made sure it doesn't do any more damage."  Magro replied.  "We will get this plant started then all of us will determine what to do with it."

     "Captain, it keeps referring to the planets as 'plants," Troi commented.

     "I've noticed that."  Picard felt the seeping of a realization. As the facts took hold he gasped and stood up.  "They have started all of these planets!  Or plants."  He whirled to the officer at the science station.  "Is there any way to verify that?"   Picard knew the statement lacked rationality.  He needed facts to back it up.  If it would do them any good at a time like this, he considered.  "Never mind, for now.  Continue with the analysis on the substance, Lieutenant."  Picard couldn't keep the regret completely out of his voice.

    Picard barely heard the swish of the turbo lift doors opening. A normal back round noise for the bridge but when the sound of it closing seemed delayed, Picard turned to see the cause.  The grinning face of his first officer, quickly schooled itself into a more serious look, suitable for greeting his Captain.

     "Commander Riker reporting for duty, Sir."  Riker hobbled off the lift to meet the Captain half way.

     "Number one in my ready room."   Picard moved pass him and led the way.  As the door closed behind Riker, the Captain turned.   "Will, this is not necessary.  You should be in sickbay."

     "Captain, my leg is gone, not my mind."  Riker's grim assessments made Picard turn away and walk to the desk.

     "Will...What did Dr. Crusher say?"  He could hardly believe Riker left medical with her permission.

     "She said, if I break my neck don't blame her."  His response made the Captain smile slightly.

     "Nor me."  Picard stared at the tall man, his face sobered.  "We...I do need you."  He briefed Riker on the situation, as the first officer watched the bridge log of the creatures flicker by.

     "This stuff...analysis hasn't been much help yet.  Too bad Data can't help."  Riker flipped threw several screens of figures.  He felt a dull ache from his leg.  He fought the impulse to reach down and rub what wasn't there in front of his Captain.  He was glad of the con call that distracted him.

     "Worf to Riker."

     "Riker here."

     "Commander, to help Commander Data, he has suggested creating a force field to filter out the effects of what is surrounding the ship.  Since LaForge is needed in engineering, Dr. Crusher suggests you and I make the attempt."   Worf explained.  With a nodded from Picard, Riker answered.

     "I'm on my way."  Riker hobbled out of the room.


     Kyree woke with a start.  Where was she?  What happened?  With the fog of medicine and sleep slowly lifting familiar sounds and smells calmed her wildly beating heart.  She started to sit up.

     "No you don't."  Dr. Crusher's hand stopped her.  More gently she chided her patient.  "You just be still and we'll get along fine."   The Dr. noticed the slight confusing on Kyree's face.  "What do you remember?"  She asked.

     Kyree considered for a long moment.  "Everything now.  But something is.... different."  She said puzzled looking into Dr. Crusher's face.

     "Wrong is right."  Crusher said without smiling.  Quickly she told the woman the ships problem, but the puzzle look only deepened.

     "No I did not mean with the ship.   I mean with me.  There is something different.  I feel.... strangely.... I do not know how to say it."

     Concerned the doctor, check all the readings and did several scans.  Shaking her head, she answered.  "I see nothing wrong...your readings are getting stronger..." she mumbled to herself.  "No signs of rejecting the blood transfusion...wait...what is this?"  Dr. Crusher looked up sharply at Kyree.  "You are pregnant!   I don't understand this at all.  You weren't pregnant 12 hours ago.  There's no way...Barclay and you could...." Crusher stopped as she saw the color drain from Kyree's face.  A look of utter horror froze was on the Oradican's face.