A/N: Well. Hello all. Just would like to share something that I found kinda funny. The last time I updated this story was on 6/30/04. Today's date? 6/30/06. Even more funny? In the prologue I said, and I quote "And I hope that I won't put it on a 2 year hiatus like I did with my Darkwing Duck story, that I'm just NOW getting new ideas for." It has been EXACTLY two years. Did I call that one or what? So, why the delay? I lost interest. And then picked it back up, but, couldn't figure out where to go with this. But I have ideas again! So, I'm gonna try to make it up as much as possible. Also, to everyone who reviewed, you guys are awesome. 57 reviews altogether. You guys are the reason I want to continue. I got a review yesterday in my email, and something just sorta clicked. So, everyone, thank you for the reviews, and Amy Kachelries, thank you for being the one that proved people still liked this story enough for me to WANT to continue. Also, I'm sorry about the endling of last chapter. There isa reason that I made it so craptacular.

Disclaimer: …insert here


To say that The Mayor was worried would be an understatement. Worried was what one got when they were running late for a meeting that would make or break a career. The Mayor was beyond worried, so much so that he felt like crying. There was no other way to put it.

The townsfolk had been beginning to suffer from severe nightmare. Normally, that wouldn't be anything to be upset about. That happened once or twice a month. It was natural, being the creatures that they were. But these were daily occurrences. No one knew where they were coming from, or how to stop them.

It also didn't help that the Trick-or-Treat Trio had been missing for two days. Since they were usually the first ones to blame when something this large happened, everyone began pointing fingers. When the accusations where ignored, the townsfolk grew suspicious. Besides, hadn't that Shock girl been receiving strange dreams also?

And what was going on with their monarch? Why was he going out of his way to help them? Didn't he know that they were the cause of most heartache felt throughout Halloween Town? Come to think, hadn't he been suffering from horrible nightmares as well?

The Mayor reached Jack's door surprisingly quick. He pulled the string that signaled the door bell.

No answer.

He pulled again.

Still nothing.

He began knocking.


His face revolved to the worried side. Pulling out his megaphone, he called out to the leader. "Jack? Jack! Are you there?"


"Oh, please don't let this be another Christmas thing…" the Mayor muttered. "Jack? Sally? Are you guys there? I need to ask you some questions!"

Waiting at the door for a couple of minutes more, the Mayor finally gave up. Maybe Jack was already at Town Hall! He did have a knack for slipping in and out of crowds inconspicuously, after all.

The drive to Town Hall was eerily quiet. The normal hustle and bustle of creatures was severely diluted. Almost silent.

"Mayor! Oh, Mayor, that goodness!" cried someone. The Mayor was too distracted to notice whom it was. A quick glance to his left revealed the Vampire family, the eldest grabbing his arm. "Mayor, there is something terribly wrong going on where Oogie Boogie used to dwell!"


"Yes," said the eldest vampire. "Ever since yesterday, there have been strange noises coming from there."

"I heard screaming," said the Mummy.

"But, isn't it our job to make people scream?" questioned the Mayor. This was beginning to frighten him.

"Not normal screaming. It was different. They sounded like they were in pain."

"Pain? No, that can't be."

The conversation was cut short due to a startled gasp. The Mayor turned to the direction everyone was looking. Faint cries of "Jack" erupted from Oogie Boogie's former lair. And said lair appeared to be on fire!

"Oh no! Jack what have you gotten yourself into this time?" cried the Mayor. He was positive that if it were possible, his face would switch again, into a sheer terrified look.


It's not much. But it's a start.