This fanfic takes place in ancient Egypt.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Gi Oh! or any of the characters in the show. Yu Gi Oh and

its characters are the property of their respective owners. I am as always only borrowing

these wonderful characters. I will also be adding new characters!

Dim by Light, Bright by Dark

Chapter 1

The greenest grass grew, the slyest cats were raised, and a supreme power unstoppable ruled once upon a time. The greatest sorcerers were born and raised in the heart of this land. Yet less and less people came and more and more fled in fear of the extremities that it wreaked. Yes, Egypt at its height scared all and sundry.

Further into the land was where the pharaohs who ruled lived. They did not call it a palace because it was better than even that. It's walls said to be fifty feet thick, so that even the most well equipped army could not breach it, was built by the first pharaoh of Egypt. And what held the structure together was an unknown magic, not even the present Pharaoh-the greatest in over ten thousand years-knew about. Nevertheless, deep within the halls of the greatest structure in Egypt lived the greatest Pharaoh to ever reign.

Yami strode down the ancient hall of stone tablets guided only by the dim torches that floated in the air. This hall's walls were covered in stone tablets carved with the monsters of another realm. From these tablets, each standing one hundred feet high and forty feet wide, Yami could summon any monster he pleased with just a short command. His bare feet padded the cold, dank stones of the floor as he listened to the spirits of the monsters in the tablets. The light padding only stopped when Yami halted to stand before his greatest warrior, the Dark Magician. Now he heard the Dark Magician's voice above all others, "Master, you must rest."

Yami looked away. "I cannot."

The vision appeared to his surrounding the second time this day. He found himself walking into his past as if it were again happening. A younger Yami stood beside a taller figure whose back was turned away from him. The present Yami stood beside the soft cushions where lay the sick pharaoh of the past, his father. Younger Yami moved from his place to crouch before the former pharaoh whose life was decaying from old age.

"Yami, my youngest child, you must rule wisely." Young Yami nodded as a tear found its way. Still, the figure who had his back turned against Yami and the old pharaoh did not speak.

"Tell Seto that..." The old pharaoh coughed uncontrollably.

"Seto! Do you have nothing to say to our dying father?" Yami turned to the figure who still stood there unmoved.

"I am supposed to be pharaoh," Seto mumbled. "I will be pharaoh. No one will stop me. I will be pharaoh. I will be pharaoh. I will be pharaoh..."


Suddenly the picture dimmed and present Yami was hurled across space again. Yami felt like his whole body was being thrust against glass, and the force easily shattered it. He had no control as a second part of the vision swayed his sight.

Seto was walking across the dessert, his robes billowing in the air. The dust rose and swirled around him. Young Yami stood right beside Yami, his eyes incomprehensible. Yami remembered this day as clearly as he remembered the vision from before. As he watched the scene with his past self his emotions whirled. The image of Seto walking away disappeared as the wind took him away.

"My Pharaoh!"

Yami this time thrust himself out of the vision finding him-self standing face to face with the tablet of the Dark Magician. He turned to look at who had addressed him.

"My Pharaoh." The woman said again, out of breath.


"Pharaoh, Seto is back."

"It's been three years... He is back?"

"His company does not look so affable." Ishizu added quickly.


"They have stormed Egypt, and killed countless thousands."


Well, how was that? Review, just no flames please. I delete all flames anyway.