Title: Virago
Rating: PG
Summary: Following the events of 'Self Possessed', Rogue leaves. She returns years later, not alone and in need of help.
Type of fic: Story
Disclaimer: All recognisable characters and places are not mine. They belong to Marvel and/or Marvel Studios, WB, Film Roman (I think), and whoever else claims rights to them.
Distribution: Random Thoughts. All else, please just ask.
Author's notes:
· Set after 'Self Possessed', the original idea was Rogue running away. Then I thought I could somehow turn it into a Rogue/Scott vignette. Then I wrote 'Serendipitous', and I wanted to add a little Rogue/Warren twist to it. Then it became a sort of future-fic. So here it is. And yes, I know that Rogue is very much out of character, but that was done on purpose.
· I know nothing about DNA or any of that stuff, so if someone else does and I've made a big mistake, I'm sorry!




06 January 2002

'You won't tell anyone?'

'I won't tell anyone, not unless you give me permission to.'

'Ah… Ah'm scared, Professor.'

'I admit that I am not entirely happy with your decision, but I also know that you will do what you think you should do.'

'Ah can't stay, Professor. Ah…Ah just can't! With what just happened, and with…with Mystique…'

'I understand. And I hope you know that you will always have a home here with us.'

'Ah know.'

'And you will call if you are ever in need?'

'Ah will. Thank you, Professor. For everything.'

'You will find it, Rogue. What it is you're looking for.'

end prologue.