Disclaimier: Only the amazingly insane think these characters belong to me.

Authors note: Please review, even if it sucks!

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"Looking forward to seeing her again?"

Legolas was startled out of his reverie by the sound of a voice. Spinning around from his solitary place on the balcony, he saw Aragorn, son of Arathorn.

"Sorry?" Legolas hadn't heard his friends question.

"I said, are you looking forward to seeing Hana again?" Aragorn repeated gently.

Legolas smiled. His sister had gone to the other side of Middle-Earth seven years ago, and he hadn't seen her since. The two were very close, as Legolas was only three years older than Hana, which was even less in Elven years. They were almost identical, the only difference was that Legolas had blonde hair, and Hana had brown hair. They had the same plaits, just above their pointed ears. Their eyes were the same, a dazzing shade of silvery- blue.

"You could say that," Legolas finally replied.

Aragorn laughed. He knew how close the two were. Hana had been asked by Gandalf to go and keep an eye on some things. It made it worse that nobody knew what the 'some things' were. Now though, they no longer needed watching, but Hana's help was required at a council in Rivendell, where Legolas and Aragorn were now.

"I just wish I could go with you and meet her," murmured Legolas.

So did Aragorn. Legolas had been ordered to stay Rivendell, whilst Aragorn rode out to meet Hana. This was because Lord Elrond did not wish to call attention the the fact that Hana was arriving in Rivendell. For some strange reason, he had demanded that Aragorn and Gimli go, and Legolas not. Lord Elrond had said that all would be revealed at the council meeting.

"I'd better get going. I'll go and grab Gimli, and then we'll set off." Aragorn said.

"Gimli's going!? He's much more noticeable than me! He's a dwarf, for heavens sake!" Legolas hissed.

"Don't complain to me, it's not my fault!" Aragorn laughed on his way through the door.