Disclaimer- I keep forgetting to put these up, but I kind of hoped that by now I wouldn't have to because of the simple fact that I do no, have not, and never will own Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, or anything else that has been copy-written in this fiction. Thank you for reading.


After Jin finally woke up, the group decided to continue their travels. Nothing too exciting happened, but Yoko noticed that Kagome kept looking behind her in a nervous manner. He decided not to say anything until the thirty-fifth time she did it. (yes, he counted.) Yoko stopped walking, "Kagome, is something wrong?"
"What do you mean?" Kagome asked as she, and the rest of the group, stopped.
SesshouMaru spoke, "You've been glancing back ever since the attack by Shisou."
"It's just this feeling I have, that's all."
Shippou jumped from Kirara's back, where he and Rin had been sitting, to Kagome's shoulder, "Like when you fell a Shikon shard?"
Kagome shook her head, "No, this is different. It's like something's wrong, but I just can't tell what it is." She looked around, "But now that you mention it, I haven't sensed a Shikon shard in a while."
Yoko looked to the woods, then back at Kagome, "I haven't sensed any demons since the attack, what about you guys?" He asked Jin and SesshouMaru.
Jin just shook his head and SesshouMaru answered, "It's possible that any demons who were in the area before or during the attack had fled, and have yet to return."
"Uhm...."Jin got everyone's attention, "This might just be me but, maybe tis some sorta diversion?"
Rin got nervous, and got off of Kirara to stand closer to SesshouMaru. Kagome thought about it for a bit, "Did you actually *kill* Shisou, or did her just disappear?"
"He just disappeared, why?" Yoko asked.
Kagome looked around, "It's just that this feeling is starting to creep me out, it's like....." Kagome trailed off and her eyes widened. Kagome ran in the direction of the Bone Eater's Well, using the speed obtained by Inuyasha's blood.
Everyone was taken by surprise from this, and it took a while before they ran after her. Yoko was the first to catch up, "What's wrong?"
"My family! That's *got* to be what the weird feeling meant!" Kagome sped up, "I JUST HAVE TO BE SURE!" She yelled before disappearing into the distance.
SesshouMaru caught up to Yoko, "You make sure nothing happens to the others, I'll follow Kagome."
"But-" Yoko was cut off by SesshouMaru's voice.
"No buts, you'll never be able to catch up to her!" He growled, "If I find out that *anything* has happened to Rin whilst she was in your care, you shall die a slow and painful death, fox!"
Yoko stopped and watched as SesshouMaru sped ahead to find Kagome. When Jin and the others finally caught up, Yoko stopped them, and the small assembly waited for the others to return.


Kagome got to the well in record time, but this went unnoticed as she jumped into it. When the blue and purple swirls of light died down, Kagome jumped out. New scents assaulted her nose and overwhelmed her. The small well house began to spin as she stumbled out, thinking that fresh air would help. Unfortunately, the air in her time was not as fresh as the air in the Feudal Era, so the smell of rotting wood and mud, gave way to sulfur, blood, fear, and too many people to count. As she passed out something she smelt clicked, "Naraku."
When SesshouMaru arrived, he followed her scent down the well. He got out, and was almost as overcome as Kagome when he left the well-house. He saw her on the ground and lifted her up. He took a quick look around, 'the pile of ashes must have been a house of some sort, perhaps even Kagome's. Too many people have been around here to tell, but it's odd I could have sworn that I smelt. . . . myself.' He thought as he took Kagome to the well, with the full intention of letting her regain consciousness at the village by Inuyasha's Forest.


After an hour, Kagome began to stir. "Ow, my head." she mumbled as she sat up, and put her hand to her head. She looked around, to see that Keade and SesshouMaru were looking at her. One of their gazes was filled with relief, whilst the other was indifferent. (::sarcastic:: I bet you can't guess which one is SesshouMaru)
SesshouMaru scoffed, "You should have known that with the henyou gone, the restraints that held his traits, and senses, would be gone as well."
"Feh. Well *sorry* if I didn't notice that." Kagome said as she crossed her arms much like Inuyasha once did.
SesshouMaru sighed, "And how could anyone forget, his personality will show more." The great demon lord fought the urge to roll his eyes, "Anyways, there's another thing that Inuyasha neglected to mention."
"Because you gained some of his filthy blood, you and I are now related. If I should die, seeing as I have no rightful heir to the throne, you shall have to take my place."
Kagome twitched, "Inuyasha never once mentioned anything like that."
"That's because he didn't know." SesshouMaru started to leave, "Now come on, the foxes are waiting for you, as well as everyone else." The two walked back in silence. SesshouMaru was busy trying to figure out what god he had pissed off to end up being related to *both* Inuyasha and 'his wench', and Kagome plotting the things she would do when she meets Inuyasha's reincarnation.


Yoko watched as Shippou tackled down Jin and yelled, "TAG, YOU'RE IT!" Before running away. Rin had started the game with Shippou and Kirara, but Jin just *had* to get involved, and now it looked more like a mini-war than a child's game. Yoko sighed as he took a step to the left, causing Jin, who was charging at him, to hit a tree.
Jin shook his head to clear his vision, and charged at Rin, who jumped to the right, forcing him into yet another tree. Jin decided to try something new as he jumped high into the air, and stayed there for a second. He then dived towards the ground, and turned (so he's parallel with the ground) at the last second, and headed for Kirara. He went by the fire- neko in a flash, tagging her as he passed.
Kirara changed to her smaller form and snuck up on Rin, making the child 'it'. Rin ran at Shippou, who changed into a pink ball and floated above her. Rin, thinking that Shippou was cheating, threw a good sized rock at the kitsune, and knocked him out of the sky. She then walked beside him and offered her hand. He took it and stood up.
Rin smiled, "YOU'RE IT!" was all she yelled before running off.
Yoko raised an eyebrow, 'What has the dog been teaching that kid?' He sniffed the air, 'Speaking of dog, he's almost back with Kagome.' He thought, as he took a step to the right, effectively dodging Jin who had just been tagged by Shippou, again.


Naraku smirked as he moved his phantom castle closer to his 'pursuers'. 'Soon I shall have the Shikon no Tama, and all those who *might* have been able to stop me, will be out of the picture.' He turned to his latest incarnation, "Shisou, keep them busy, I intend to have a *chat* with the miko."
Shisou bowed, "Yes, master Naraku."


As SesshouMaru and Kagome met up with their rag-tag group of friends, a familiar shadow covered them. SesshouMaru was immediately close to his ward, who happened to be by Shippou and a transformed Kirara. Yoko and Jin were on guard, but (amazingly) no one noticed that Kagome disappeared.


Before Kagome knew it, she was face to face with Naraku, who was grinning maliciously, "No one can save you now, miko."
Kagome smirked, "Last time I checked, *you* were the one that was in need of help, Naraku!"
"So, the henyou left behind his arrogance as well as his sword, ne?" Naraku jested.
"I've had enough talk." Kagome drew Tetseiga, and charged Naraku, "PREPARE TO DIE!!!"
Naraku jumped to the right, and threw a small wooden doll on the ground. The doll quickly turned into a copy of himself. The puppet unleashed it's tentacles at Kagome, who was dodging and hacking off each one. Naraku stood back, and charged a blast of evil energy. (I know that wasn't creative, but please bare with me.)
Once Kagome had disposed of the puppet, she turned toward Naraku. He threw his dark energy at her, and she deflected it with Tetseiga, thus causing the sword to revert to it's rusty form. Naraku charged at Kagome so fast, she didn't even see him coming. Before she could blink, Kagome's neck was being crushed by Naraku's hand, and she was staring into his hate- filled eyes.
"Let me tell you a little story, miko," Naraku started, "It's about an innocent man who was deceived by a priestess, and punished many times over for her (the priestess's) deeds." Naraku used his a clawed hand to puncture part of Kagome's neck and inject a poison to temporarily paralyze her. "As you know, I used to be Onigumo. Keade and Kikyo probebly have you believing that I was a thief, but that's a lie, one that I myself almost thought of as the truth. But no, Onigumo was just a normal villager, who had a loving wife. She was taken from him and held ransom by none other than Kikyo. The funny think was that the *real* priestess, Kikyo, had been dead for close to eight years, when she died to protect her younger sister, Keade. The witch that killed her had possessed her soul, and hid within her body. Over time, the witch became Kikyo, inside and out. She had used this façade to obtain the Shikon no Tama. Soon, though, she regretted ever taking the jewel. It was too much for her to bear, constantly having to protect it, and never being able to actually *use* the Shikon, for fear it would consume her. One day, she met a half-demon, by the name of Inuyasha. She tricked him into thinking that she loved him, in hopes of getting him to use the jewel to become human. But, she herself couldn't kill him when he became as such, for fear of showing people what she truly was.
"Which brings me back to Onigumo. Kikyo had taken his wife away from him, and promised her safe return after he had killed the half-breed, Inuyasha. Onigumo was going to do as he was told, until he found out that Kikyo killed his beloved wife. In a rage, he attacked the witch, but she was too powerful for him. Onigumo was nothing more than a charged shell of what used to be a man when she was finished. Kikyo had planned to leave him there, that is until her sister Keade found them, and assumed that Kikyo was helping him.
"Onigumo's memories were stolen from him, and replaced with Kikyo's lies. But that also took the memory of the pain he had from loosing his wife away. Kikyo thought that he didn't deserve to live without such a pain after his so-called 'treachery', so she used her black magic to make Onigumo lust for something he could never have.......her." Naraku smirked at the horrified, and saddened look on Kagome's face as he continued his story, "But what she didn't count on was Onigumo giving up his body to form me, Naraku.
"I decided to punish Kikyo for making Onigumo want her. Now, you're probebly wondering why Inuyasha was killed. That's simple, somewhere deep in Onigumo's subconscious, he believed that killing Inuyasha would some how give him his wife back." Naraku laughed, "Fools, all of them. Kikyo, Inuyasha, and Onigumo were all fools, that is why they are gone, and this Naraku is not."
Kagome used all of her strength to speak, "Are you trying to bore me to death?! Stop with your damned 'stories' and fight me like a man!" She struggled to stand, but couldn't do it.
Naraku laughed, "You don't seem to be paying attention." He kicked her through a tree, "You see, I have no intention of killing you. That would ruin all of my plans. Didn't it ever occur to you that something as weak as a corpse-fire would be nothing more than a hindrance to me?"
"W-what do you mean?" Kagome asked as she coughed up some blood.
"Kikyo wanted her body to be burned with the jewel to end her life. She knew that she couldn't truly die with the jewel in her possession, so she did the first thing that came to mind. She didn't have to have the jewel with her for it to disappear, all that she needed to do was die. She knew that I would've taken the jewel, and that it was merged with her soul. As long as she was dead, the jewel would be gone."
Kagome struggled to speak, "That doesn't make any sense, Kikyo didn't want the jewel!"
"She didn't want anyone else to have it, either!" Naraku picked Kagome up by the hair, "You had the jewel because you and the witch share a soul. It's still bound to you, so if you die, the jewel goes too. But don't worry, I don't intend on killing you, yet...."
Kagome's eyes widened, "W-what do you mean?!" her voice portrayed her fear.
Naraku lifted her off the ground by her hair and pulled her face close to his, "I'm going to lock you into a prison of perpetual darkness until the jewel has bonded with *my* soul. At which point in time, I shall proceed to crush the prison that surrounds you, thus killing you in a slow and painful way."


Shisou had tried his 'Shadow Orb' attack, but they were ready for that. Jin and Kirara were protecting Shippou and Rin, while Yoko was using his Kagayakasu Plant to force away the darkness, while SesshouMaru attacked Shisou every chance he got. When Shisou finally died, the darkness completely dissipated, leaving only them, and Naraku, who was holding Kagome by her hair, and had yet to notice them.
Naraku opened up some sort of portal, and everything seemed to go into slow motion. Naraku threw Kagome as Yoko ran towards them yelling, "KAGOME!" and, at the last second, Kagome grabbed onto Naraku, pulling him in with her. Once both were inside, it closed and disappeared.
Rin and Shippou had both started to cry, and Kirara's head was bowed, small tears falling from the neko's eyes. Jin hadn't really gotten to know Kagome all that well, but he still couldn't have thought as a more cruel fate than being stuck with Naraku. Sure the wind-demon had never *actually* encounter the henyou before, but his best friend had, and ended up with a curse that went through the generations because of it. (can you guess who?)
Although SesshouMaru would never admit it, he was secretly glad that it was Kagome that Inuyasha chose to share his blood with, because she was the only one strong enough for him to call family. She had, in her own way, formed a small place in the tundra of his heart.
But the one that this effected most, was Yoko. The fox dropped to his knees, and wept like a new-born pup. The one that he had loved with all of his heart was stuck forever with the being that had caused her the most pain. What must have hurt most, though, was the fact that he could do nothing about it.

~*five days later*~

SesshouMaru stood in front of the massive waterfall that served as Kouga's den. He called the wolf demon out, and Kouga appeared before him, "Yeah?"
SesshouMaru showed no emotion as he spoke, "You won't have to worry about loosing your jewel shards, no one wants them anymore."
"What do you mean?" Kouga looked confused, "What about Kagome?"
"She's gone."
SesshouMaru growled, "The miko is no longer around!"
Kouga grabbed the front of SesshouMaru's shirt, tears falling, "THAT'S A LIE! SHE CAN'T BE GONE, SHE JUST CAN'T!!!"
SesshouMaru punched the wolf, "Kouga, you are a leader to your people. Kagome would be disappointed if she knew that you were neglecting your duty. Now stand up and dry your tears." With that said, he left the wolf prince to wallow in misery.

(That's the whole story, BUT DON'T KILL ME YET! THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL! It will take place entirely inside of the prisons with Naraku and Kagome WITH NO PARINGS AT ALL, and then a third story will come out, picking up where this one left off, ENTIRELY OUTSIDE OF THE PRISON, and any/all questions that were left unanswered such as the thing with Souta will be included. Until then, bah-bye ^.^)