Dedicated to my two good friends:

To Rob who didn't want it and to Bryce who really needed it.


"Fall back!" Inu Yasha yelled his muscles tightening and untightening in excitement at his new prey. His eye's averted to the side for a moment catching Kagome as she quickly scooped up Shippou and darted into the tree line. He snorted, finally able to cut loose without any worry. If only things were always this easy he thought to himself as he drew out Tetsaigia. Taking a more defensive stance, the large snake making up the tail of the beast darted to him, only to be smacked away with the hilt of the blade. He growled out, baring his fangs as his ears darted back and forth making sure Kagome and Shippou were well out of the creatures reach.

Kagome notched an arrow into her bow, aiming at the enormous chimera, a haphazard beast that seemed to be compiled of a bull, lion, and snake. The back of the body was muscular and built like a bull while its front section was of a lion. Despite the mixture of creatures it was quick and nimble on its feet able to dodge this way and that out of the Tetsaiga's reach.

Taking aim she let the arrow fly, it sped through the air only to be caught mere inches from the body by the snake's head, snapping it in two. She cursed inwardly, if only it hit! It would have definitely killed the beast if it landed on its mark. Her eye's twitched slightly as she glared down at the snakehead that was hissing back with a venomous smile and a wink. She cringed inwardly, were snakes even able to smile let alone wink!? The snakes head nonchalantly went back to dealing with Inu Yasha, striking at him with it's fangs as the hanyou held them back with the blade of the sword. Pushed back he grunted, as he took a step forward and moved the sword in an upward thrust, throwing the snake back into the main body of the beast with a hiss and a growl.

The human like quality that seemed to seep from the features in the beast made Kagome step back in shock and surprise coiling her arms about herself in a protective manner as she let her bow slip from her hands to drop to the ground. That was just too creepy, even for her.

The lions head took it's attentions to Miroku, eyeing him up and down in a somewhat pleased manner before it lashed out with it's hooves knocking him to the ground before he could register the lion's pleased gaze at him. Miroku quickly scrambled to his feet pushing his shocked expression aside as he slashed at the chimera with his staff, dragging it across the skin leaving it a bloody gash that didn't even seem to phase it. It just continued to batting at him trying to swat him to this side or that and doing a pretty good job at it to. The end half seemed to be doing a pretty good job at infuriating Inu Yasha into a rage. His face set into a scowl as he jumped up only to be knocked backwards into the forest by a bunt from the bull's hooves.

His stomach throbbed, as it seemed to cave inward from the forceful blow. Inu Yasha rolled up onto his knees doubling over from the blow and panting slightly from the strenuous work of trying to fend off and kill the snake half of the body with little to no success. He cursed at himself as he pushed himself up into a standing position; one arm snaking around his stomach to cradle the wound while the other leaned into the Tetsaiga for leverage. He was pissed, and by god he was going to kill that thing even it meant the death of him. There was no way he was going to let it get away with tossing him away like he was some piece of trash.

Kagome gasped as she saw Inu Yasha kicked back into the woods with a shocked expression. She quickly snatched up her bow as she searched frantically for the hanyou. Following the line of broken tree's and upturned soil she finally found him in a very irate state, cursing blatantly as he pulled the tetsaiga up and over his shoulder and giving her a side ways glance.

"Inu Yasha are you alright??" She looked at him with concern and bit her lip as she saw him scowl at her in an unpleased manner. He turned his body to give her his full attention tilting his head up slightly and giving her a sweet smile.

"I'm going to rip that fucking thing into pieces." His voice was soft and sweet as he smiled at her. Kagome backed up a step, looking at the hanyou with a creped out expression as he dashed back into the clearing to finish the fight.

"What's wrong with Inu Yasha? That was really creepy..." The kitsune clutched Kagome's shoulder as he burrowed his head into her hair to hide his scared face. Kagome reached back and rubbed his head softly, looking back to where Inu Yasha dashed off to.

"I think...he's really pissed and I'm guessing that we should stay out of his way until he gets it out of his system." She shivered slightly as she recalled the soft tone his voice and the smile on his face. That was really creepy. almost like the snake.... Her thoughts trailed off as she absent-mindedly pulled the kitsune to the front of her, holding him protectively.

"Ieeee!!" Miroku's scream blasted through the trees as Kagome's head spun to face back to where her friend was stuck in battle. Instinctively Kagome's feet moved forward gripping her bow tightly and hurrying to her friend in need, breaking the tree line and jumping back out into the clearing.

Kagome gasped inwardly as her eyes enlarged in shock. There was blood everywhere, the remains of the snake tail was slithering helplessly on the ground, impaled through the stomach with a log to hold it in place. The body of the creature was only an empty shell of what it was, the eye's of the lion were empty and hollow and by one look into them you could tell that the rest of the insides were just as empty as those sockets. Inu Yasha stood off to the side, the detransformed blade laying at his side and the monk in his arms. Kagome ran to the two kneeling down to his side and looking down at the unconscious bloody monk.

"Wha-what happened!?" Kagome stammered as she looked at the monk with concern. Gently brushing his bangs aside she looked up at Inu Yasha with teary eyes." Is he...?"

"No." He looked into her eyes and returned the worried expression. His nose twitched at the smell of blood and something else in the air causing him to cover his nose with his free hand. "We gotta get out of here, something doesn't smell right." With that Inu Yasha pulled Miroku up into his arms bridal style grunting at Kagome to position herself on his back to make a quick getaway. She nodded as she positioned herself on his back clutching his waist with her thighs and hooking her ankles together.

"Kagome hold on tight I can't hold you like I usually do with Miroku in my arms."

"Gotcha." Kagome hooked her arms around his neck and repositioned her legs to get a firmer grip on him without having her legs get in the way of his mobility. Shippou mimicked Kagome as he positioned himself on her back and clung to her clothes.

Inu Yasha dashed off into the forest, quickly fading from view.


"Kuso! I can't stop the bleeding! Kagome come over here, I can't do this by myself!!" Inu Yasha was kneeling next to the naked monk his hands slightly trembling as he held the bandages. The blood pouring from the monk wouldn't ceased to stop and began to pool under him.'Shit shit shit!! What the hell did that thing do to him!?'

Inu Yasha was frantic trying desperately to apply the herbs Kagome handed him as she walked off into the woods to spare Miroku's decency and her virgin eye's. Nothing was working, and the smell from the battlefield still lingered over Miroku's body. The scent was not all that unpleasant, infact it was quiet alluring, but the level of it was beginning to make him nauseated and dizzy.

"Kagome come here! These herbs aren't working!" Kagome ignored the hanyou; she was to embarrassed to move from the spot she was in. There was no way she would see Miroku naked then have him hold that above her. He'd probably request a peek of her in the hot springs or something perverted like that for payment.

Inu Yasha applied more of the pulp onto the various wounds scattered around his body. He couldn't figure out how in that short period of time the monk managed to get them while he was knocked back into the forest. It was barely a minute and by the time he returned the beast was hollowed out like a pumpkin and Miroku was half dead on the ground. The same scent lingered in the air as it did now, but before it also had a twinge of something else... something a whole lot less pleasant.

Shippou trembled slightly at the sight of blood that was creeping towards him slowly. His eye's never waved from it, the sheer amount sent his mind into a frenzy. 'He should be dead...there's no way anyone could loose that much blood and still be clinging to life.' He balled up his fists, trying to push the thoughts from his mind. He just couldn't let such things roam freely in his mind, he should be glad the hoshi was still alive, but the thought of all the blood and the paled skin still haunted him.

"Inu Yasha...? Is he going to be alright?" His hands balled up into fists as he clenched onto the material of his pants.

"I don't know...right now the only thing we can do is wait." Inu Yasha finished off bandaging the monk and looked him once over again to make sure he had gotten all the wounds. His attention however was drawn to a mysterious liquid that was mixed into the pool of blood around the hoshi. It was a morbid shade of purple, slick with a somewhat matt finish to it, it paled in comparison to the scarlet of the blood. 'What the heck is this shit?'

Inu Yasha's hand moved in-between the monk's parted knee's to inspect the liquid with a slow poke of his finger. Nothing. It neither hurt or moved from his touch. With curiosity pushing the hanyou reached down to snatch some of it up, if he only knew this quick action would stir the mystery liquid to life

"What the fuck!? It's alive!!" Inu Yasha leapt back as the purple substance solidified itself into a crystallized form and made a thrusting movement at his chest. Once getting some distance from the substance Inu Yasha tried to make his way towards the hoshi's arm to drag him away. But with every nearing step the liquid became more agitated then before. 'Fuckin shit, I can't get the stupid monk away without pissing that thing off.' Inu Yasha snorted in agitation, getting the monk out of danger was going to be a tricky task and with Kagome still off gallivanting in the woods and Shippou in a state of shock there was no way he could depend on them.

Inu Yasha couldn't think of anything to do other then to try and quickly dash in and snatch the monk up and hope to god the gew wouldn't be able to have time to get off an attack. He looked at the gew and readied himself, he'd have to be quick about this, the motion of moving the monk was surely going to aggravate his wounds and cause him to increase the still steady flow of blood leaking from him.

"I don't like the smell of this." The kitsune held his nose tightly as he gazed at the now slowly dissipating pool of purple gew. Where it was all going he had no idea.

"Inu Yasha! That stuff! It's disappearing!!"

Whipping his head back to the now marginally small pool of purple substance he took his chance he took his chance and snatched up the naked monk.

"Where the hell did it all go??" Inu Yasha's legs wobbled as he stumbled back trying to get more distance from the pool of blood and the small amount of substance left.

"I don't know!"

"Shit, I don't like this one bit, but as long as it's gone.... Runt, go get the stupid hoshi's clothes so we can beat it before it decides to make another appearance."
