Hey, new fic here. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ. The original idea for my story came from "The Trust In Lies" by Raen. I have her permission for writing this. Check out her story, its very cool.

Longer Summary: A young boy is kidnapped from his home and taken to rule a troubled race. He is devoted to his people and grows in power and intelligence as he grows older. A man now, he struggles to pull his people out of the pit they have languished in for the past decades. A young girl is adored by all. She struggles with her own identity and how to truly be herself in a world where everyone sees her as the embodiment of hope.  She escapes to forge an alliance with a barbarian prince, an alliance not only of planets, but of two lost souls…

Seven-year-old Trunks executed kicks and punches in the still air. He was alone on a high plateau in the middle of nowhere. He had run away again. Trunks knew that his solitude would not last long. It would only be a matter of time before his mother discovered that he was gone and would get Gohan to track him down. He would get lectured and his mother would 'forbid' him from leaving the house. Then she would forget and he would be out in the yard again, and then later he would run away, and be lectured and. . . It was all a cycle.

Trunks did not really know why he ran away so often. It was not like he would actually leave his mother. She was all he had, and he was all he had.

Maybe it was just that when Trunks was at home, he was constantly aware of the responsibility pressed on him. He felt almost as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders. In some ways, it was. He and Gohan were the world's only hope. Sure, Gohan was stronger than Trunks, but if Trunks could gain strength equal, if not greater than Gohan's, then maybe together they could defeat the androids. Not to mention the fact that Gohan had not started training until later in his childhood. Trunks had been fighting since he was a baby. Maybe, this way he could be stronger.

Then again, maybe Trunks left because the city depressed him. So much death, and pain. Trunks understood why Gohan lived out in the country, and wished he could talk his mom into leaving the city. He had tried once, but his mother was not keen on taking the advice of a seven year old and was convinced that she could do the most good in West City.

Trunks' ceased his train of though as he noticed two black specs on the horizon. Trunks frowned, he had not expected Gohan this soon. The other figure must be Videl. She seemed to be everywhere that Gohan was these days. Trunks continued his workout in spite of the figures closing in, concentrating on his exercises and raising his ki level to its peak, hoping to impress Gohan.

The figures were fifty yards away before Trunks looked up again and realized that it was not Gohan and Videl.

Fortunently, it was not the androids either. The intitial fear that Trunks had experienced once he realized that two unknown people were flying towards him quickly faded. He could sense that they did have ki signatures, though he was too inexperience to tell what their levels were. Trunks was, however, confident in the fac that he was a saiyan and no one on Earth could defeat him, even if they could fly.

Trunks smirked, he hoped that these fellas were looking for trouble, because he was willing to give it.

Matsu studied the figure that he and Kaida sped towards it. It was the highest level on the planet. (A/N: Gohan is at the moment busy- doing something. Use your imagination. He keeps his ki level down out of habit.) It was hard to make out what the figure looked like from so far away in the air, but he appeared- small. Well, Prince Vegeta was rumored to be short in stature. Maybe this was him. It had to be him.

The thought of returning to Vegeta-sei without the Prince of All Saiyans made Matsu's blood run cold. Calling the situation on Vegeta-sei turmoil would be an understate. The Vegetan throne was empty and some semblance of a monarch was needed to prevent civil war. The only choice for a monarch would have to come from the royal Vegetan line.  A monarch without blood claims to the royal line would only result in a planetary war. Unfortunately, siaya-jinn kings seldom had more than one heir, fearing a civil war. King Vegeta was gone. The only choice was Prince Vegeta. Matsu and Kaida had traced Prince Vegeta to Namek and from there, finally, to Earth.  Now the odds were in their favor that the figure ahead was the Prince of All Saiyans.

All of Matsu's hopes were dashed as soon as he was within twenty feet of the figure. This was not the prince. This was not even a saiyan. All saiyans had black hair and this creature with an impossibly high ki and-gray?-hair was not a saiyan.

Matsu and Kaida landed beside the person for questioning when Matsu noted that this person was not merely short, he was a child! Matsu glanced over at Kaida who looked as shocked as he did.  They locked eyes for a moment and Kaida shrugged. Without another glance at him Kaida took one step forward and began to assess the child.

Matsu followed her lead. The boy's pale purple hair fell over his forehead in one shining wave. He had bright blue eyes and sharp features that struck a cord a familiarity within Matsu. The boy was wear a simple blue gi. The boy had as much muscle as a child could have and Matsu could tell by his stance that he was a practiced fighter.

"Who are you boy?" Kaida questioned sharply.

"Trunks. Who are you?" The boy answered with insolence befitting a spoiled child.

"Kaida. Who trained you boy?"


This was getting no where. Kaida was about to ask another question when Matsu suddenly realized why the boy had looked so familiar.

"Who is your father boy?"

"Stop calling me boy!" Was the angry reply.

"Fine. Who is your father Trunks."

"One of the strongest fighter's in the universe."

"What was his name?" Matsu questioned impatiently.

The boy smirked. Kaida gasped. She must have seem the resemblance. "Vegeta, Prince of All Saiyans."

Moving swiftly, Kaida's fingers shot forward and pinched the boy's skin. Her fingers came away with blood and Kaida smeared the blood on a small machine the contained the blood of the royal Vegetan line. The boy did flinch, but looked at Kaida and the device curiously.

Kaida looked up at Matsu, joy shining in her eyes and spoke in saiya-go, "Positive. This is it!" then, speaking in basic, "Where is your father boy?"

"He's dead. What do you want with me?"

Kaida spoke before Matsu could stop her, "We've come to take you back to your people, for you to be Prince of All Saiyans in your father's place."

Fear shone in the boy's eyes for the first time. Yes, Kaida had made a mistake. It had never occurred to her that the boy might not want to go to Vegeta-sei. Matsu might have thought the same, but there was one more unknown in the equation. The boy's mother.

"No! No, I can't leave! My mom, and Gohan, and I have to defeat the and. . ." The boy trailed off.

Matsu asked another question before the boy could have more time to think, "Who is your mother? Is she an Earthian?"

"She's human. I can't leave her! I don't want to be a prince! I need to stay here! And Gohan's getting married, I'm the best man I can't leave!I've got to save the worold from the. . "

The boy continued speaking meaningless words and Matsu grimaced. There was only one choice. Before the boy ran, or worse, attacked, Matsu sprang into action. In a flash he was floating over the boy and sent his elbow down into the boy's head, knocking him unconscious.

Kaida looked sharply at Matsu. "Was that really necessary?"

"Yes. I realized when he mentioned his mother that he would not leave with us on his own free will. She could not go with him either, you know that saiyan royalty are not allowed any female contact until they exit childhood."

Kaida sighed regretfully. "I suppose you're right. It never occurred to me that the boy might not want come with us. Will we just keep him unconscious until we get to Vegeta-sei?"

"Yes, I suppose so. We will also have to find some way for him to lose his memory. If he retains it, he will forever be wishing to return here. Besides, his mother probably spoiled him and the effects of a woman's care might have ruined him. He must forget her."

"Yes. It is sad though. We are taking him away from his mother and this life that he has-"

"Do not forget Kaida, that this is for the glory of Vegeta-sei. Without him, millions would die. The trade of this boys childhood for all those lives is not unfair, I think."

Kaida's resolve stealed and Matsu could see that she was now confident in his choice. There would be no more questions. "Something will have to be done about his hair, and his eyes. We do have the blood samples proving that he is royal Vegetan, but the public may not believe. They need to identify with him, and will be hard to identify with this purple-haired hybrid. We will have to keep the fact that he is only a demi-saiyan a secret. What was Prince Vegeta thinking, mating with an Earthian?"

"I don't know, but I am glad he did, regardless. We could die his hair, I suppose, or give him a wig, or even just shave his head. His eyes, well, contact would be too complicated with this boy. He might wonder why he has to wear them. Why don't we just spread some rumors or  make up a prophecy about a blue eyed saiyan that will save his race. That should satisfy the people."

"Yes. Let's go home now, before we run into some trouble. We can settle the rest of the details on the way. . . I suppose we should call him Vegeta?"

Matsu stared at the boy thoughtfully. "No, that age is over. A new era has begun. We will call him Toran, it is a saiyan name and translates roughly into the Earthian name "Trunks" his mother gave him. It is the least we can do to honor her."

"Toran then. Let us take Toran home."

No one noticed the saiyan space craft blasting out of Earth's atmosphere.

There you have it. This fic is different from my others because I actually have the next six chapters ready and waiting for posting. I'll probably put the next chapter up sometime this week and then after that put one up every Saturday until I run out. This chappie is shorter than the others because really it's just a prologue..
