Blood Omen 2: The Alternate Universe

Chapter Eleven: Reacquainted

As Kain departs Lulu and Vorador, the vampire wheels around and sprints through the streets of Luca, heading towards Dock 4. Charging through a large crowd of people, civilians and tourists alike, Kain's eyes scan the perimeter, noticing a large amount of machinery littering the floor. He also notices a small splatter of blood near a mechanical claw, and then gives a slight nod.


"The Al Bhed was expecting me..."

"It appears they found someone else..."

His attention is triggered away from the remains of the ruined machines and he glances up at another crystal, dangling on the wall. Kain blinks, then notices the Blitzball game had long since begun and was already tied 2-2. From the crystal, he hears the announcers voices enter into his mind.


"The Aurochs are keeping the score tied with some excellent defense, folks!"

Kain watches as the teams swim about insanely. Among the players, he notices the captain with the horrid accent as Wakka catches the blitzball. No sooner is the ball in his grasp, he eyes the area, noticing three of the Al Bhed players converge on his position. Kain narrows his eyes, eyeing each one of the Al Bhed players, as if trying to identify them from the crew members aboard Rikku's ship. And before he can take the time to concentrate, one of the players smashes into Wakka, causing him to drop the ball.


"Ow! He'll feel that one in the morning!"


"But the referee doesn't call the foul! Wakka's taking a real beating out there."


"Still in there."

"He won't last..."

[he eyes Dock 4, and notices a large boat]

"No time to waste..."

Without another word wasted, Kain sprints towards the boat, only to have three machines leap out infront of him. He raises an eyebrow with uncertainty, and then leaps forward, unsheathing Chappu's sword and swinging it towards the nearest machine. Just as the blade slices against the steel plate of the machine's outer shell, the second and third machines leap ontop of him, one slicing at his back while the other impales his stomach with a large, sharp talon of some sort. Kain winces and yelps in pain, then slices at the machine with the sword, cutting off the mechanical arm.

His hand grips the arm, still impaled into his stomach as he rips it out. But no sooner does this happen, the other two machines leap towards him as the armless one explodes in a combination of large sparks and a large amount of smoke. Kain drives the sword through the nearest attacking machine, but to his surprise, the second attacking one explodes without him ever touching it. After slowly prying the heap of metal and wire off of his blade, he eyes the self-destructed remains of the other machine, and notices a long gladius sticking into the ground where the machine once was.

Female Voice

"That would belong to me, dear."

Kain's ears twitch and he glances over towards the dock. Before the ship is a large amount of cargo, consisting of that of crates, barrels, boxes and fishing supply and stockage. The vampire's eyes narrow, for the voice is extremely familiar to him as well. And before he could say a word, a tall, beautiful woman glides from behind one of the crates, her purple tabard flowing in the wind behind her as a large, muscular man follows after her. Kain nods without little surprise as Umah and Barthello smirk at him.


"So, we meet again, Umah."

"Come to play the temptress for the athletes."



"Hardly, my friend."

"Barthello and I have taken an interest in you."


"How charming..."

"If you two will excuse me..."

[Kain watches as the boat slowly begins to leave]

"I have a boat to catch."


"Chasing your summoner, are you?"


[glares at her]

"How would you know of this?"

"If you are in league with the Al Bhed, I swear it woman-"


"Don't rile yourself."

"After hearing about your conflict with the Sarafan Lord, I have kept a close eye on you."

[she brushes her hair back]

"Barthello and I shall assist you in your rescue mission."

Had this been an appropriate time, Kain would have argued at the fact that he needed nothing from her or her guardian. However, the boat was already pulling out of his distance for his jump technique. He merely nodded at the two, then crouched down. Umah, holding Barthello by his shoulder, imitated Kain's movements, and in a matter of seconds, the two of them sprang off the dock and went soaring through the air. The ship's size and structure, made from that of iron, made it difficult for the ship to gain speed. With this as their advantage, Kain, Umah and Barthello landed on the ship's deck easily.

However, once aboard the ship, a large machina emerges from inside it. Kain's eyes scan the machine, noticing the name Oblitzerator written on the side. The machina was unlike any type of machinery Kain had ever seen before. The machine's height was impressive, reaching at least 15 to 20 feet, yet it was wide. The "head" of the machine was between two large drill-like structures. From the blades of the drills came two curved blades of some sort, making it look like a hook or a claw. From below the head was a large, round base with three small legs holding up it's massive structure. Just as the three approach the machina, a strange alarm triggers the artificial intellgence to attack. Kain hisses and flexes his claws as Umah and Barthello prepare themselves.


"You still have your hammer with you?"


[nods and holds a large hammer close]



"Save the small talk, let's kill it."

No sooner does Kain speak these words, the machina vibrates violently, and from the head of the machine comes a large sphere covered in a black mist. The sphere flies through the air at an inhuman speed, smashing into Kain's chest just as the black mist engulfs his chest, shoulders and face. The vampire hits the ground, then slaps his claws over his eyes. Inspeakable burning pain builds up within his pupils, then explode throughout his eyes, balls and sockets alike until the vampire screams in torment. Umah gives a gasp, flips to the side and narrowly dodges another one of the spheres.


"Barthello, he's blinded! Assist him!"

The human nods, then moves his way towards Kain. Umah charges towards the machine, then holds her claws over a balled up fist, making a prayer-like stance. Multicolored orbs surround her form and shimmer around her figure, then slowly form into flames that circle around her, then halt before her. Infront of her figure is her summoned Aeon, brought forth in an explosion of fire and light. The Aeon known as Ifrit.

Barthello slips his hand in a small knapsack around his waist and pulls out a small blue vile. He pours the periwinkle-colored liquid from the vile into the black mist that had abandoned Kain's body, yet remained in his eyes. No sooner does the liquid reach the mist and touch the skin of Kain's eyes, his sight returns to him just enough to see Ifrit using an explosive mass of fire explode along the Oblitzerator. He gives a glare, then charges forward, standing beside the Aeon. The Oblitzerator vibrates once more, and this time, a large amount of blitzballs showers towards the vampires, the Aeon and Barthello.

Umah and Kain use their quickness and agility to dodge the shower of blitzballs as Barthello smacks the flying spheres of white and blue back with his hammer. Ifrit gives a growl, pawing away the blitzballs and roaring with annoyance once the spheres out of his reach hit him. Kain leaps to the side as the shower halts, then notices a crane about 20 meters away from him, then sees that Umah is the closest to the crane. He nods, then turns to her.



"Tell your beast to continue fighting!"

"Get to that crane and operate it!"

The sensual vampire gives a quick nod, then abandons Ifrit to battle the machina. She sprints towards the crane as the Aeon continues to attack with impressively strong fiery attacks. Kain, hoping to buy Umah time to operate the crane, signals to Barthello to follow his lead. The two sprint towards the machine, Barthello holding the hammer back, ready to swing and attack. In the meantime, Kain kicks off the ground and leaps through the air, landing ontop of the machine. With Chappu's sword in hand, he slices at one of the arms of the machina, hoping to stall it.

The blade slices through a large amount of steel and wires. The machina, like most machines, hasn't a reflex and cannot respond to these attacks. However, it focuses on Barthello, whose swung the hammer into the head of the machine, jamming it in hopes of preventing anymore attacks. As this happens, Umah begins to operate the crane, which stalls. It stalls once, twice, and then gives up on her.


"Pick up the pace, woman!"



"It's out of power!"

The machine's arms and drills slowly began to fuse and spark with bolts of blue electricity. The same electricity covers Barthello's hammer. Kain leaps off the arm and readies for a counter attack as Ifrit continues to unleash fire attacks, which seem to be less than effective. The machina slowly begins to vibrate, and then it violently increases, shaking incredibly as smoke begins to erupt from the head. In less than a split second, the hammer goes rocketing through the air, smashing into Barthello's face as another shower of blitzballs blasts from the malfunctioning machine. Kain does a magneficient backflip and lands behind Ifrit, using the Aeon as a shield as a stray blitzball, covering in the blue bolts of electricity, smashes into the crane, which falls ontop of the machine, getting caught between the drills which adds on to the malfunction. Within a matter of seconds, the machine explodes as pieces of the machina flies off in every direction.

Before Kain could have a second thought of victory, a loud scream is heard, triggering him to look to his side. One of the drills had flown towards the crane and smashed into Umah's body. The force was so incredible it had sent her flying backwards, forcing her through the railing of the ship and then making her body skid across the sea until the gravity forced her to sink beneath the surface. Kain notices as soon as the vampire was attacked, the Aeon had vanished completely. Knowing the Aeon or the wounded guardian was nowhere in the condition of assisting the fallen woman, Kain sprints to the side and throws himself off the side of the ship.

Furiously kicking and pulling with his arms through the water, he sees Umah's unconscious and bleeding body about 60 meters away from himself, and his pace quickens until she is safely in one of his arms. Pulling himself through the water, he approaches the ship and notices Barthello, bleeding from his forehead, had made it to his feet and opened a door. From behind the metal slab of a mechanical door, Yuna exits. An Al Bhed, who stood behind her, slumps to the ground unconscious. Kain lowers Umah to the ground, then eyes Yuna.


"I hope you hurt them."


"A little."

[She eyes Umah, then stiffens]

"Oh... Lady Umah"

"What happened to her?"


"A minor accident, I assure you..."

Barthello rushes to Umah's side and opens a small vile of green liquid, pouring it onto her wounds.


"My thanks for your assistance back there, my friend."


[nods, then helps Umah to her feet]

"Are you alright, milady?"


[rubs her temples]

"It's nothing... my thanks..."

[she notices Yuna's concerned look]

"You seem disappointed to see me, Yuna."


[lowers her head respectfully]

"It's not that..."

"I was just... surprised to see you here."


"As was I..."

[Kain eyes Umah, who smirks at him]

"How and why she is here is beyond me."

[he eyes the ship]

Yuna looks at Umah, who gives her a taunting smirk, one that's effect had increased and doubled as she glanced at Kain with what seemed to be much interest. Yuna gives a face of sorrow, then lowers her head, only to notice Kain surveying the deck of the ship.


"What's wrong?"


"There were these Al Bhed that had assisted me when I came to Spira."

"They took me aboard their ship."

"I was somewhat hoping this was the same ship."

[he glares at the ground]

"Unfortunately, I've raised my hopes."

[he eyes the sea]

"I wonder if they're all gone."


[walks closer to him]

"What happened?"


"Sin came up near us."

"I made it out..."

"Yet I know nothing of the whereabouts of their ship."


"Um, was there anyone called Cid on that ship?"


"The hell if I know."

"They were all speaking that Al Bhed language."


"I see..."


"So who might this Cid be, if you don't mind my asking?"


"He's my uncle, but I've never actually met him."

Kain and Umah automatically stiffen, then turn to see her.



"That means you're Al Bhed, too, Yuna?"


"On my mother's side, yes."

"Cid is my mother's brother."

"He became distant after my mother married."

"But she told me to seek him out if I ever needed help."


"You're worried he was...?"

Umah steps between them and eyes up Kain, both giving him a word of advice for his own good, and possibly to play along in a small game of competition with the young summoner. She notices a look of slight annoyance from Yuna in the cornor of her eye, then looks at Kain.


"It would be wise not to inform your friends of Yuna's lineage."

"Many people here never had much love for the Al Bhed."

Kain nods. Suddenly, at the thought of his "friends" as Umah had put it, he automatically thought of Wakka. It was not in the position that he had ever conscidered Wakka as a friend of his, possibly his accent and his annoyance seemed to be the source of that. Yet he was reminded...



"I have to tell Wakka!"


[gives him a puzzled look]

"I thought I told you not to inform your friends!"



"The game!"


"Hold on..."

Seated in the crowd of the blitzball game, Lulu notices Wakka's distress. She watches as he weakens on the field, then look sat the sky with impatience. In her view, she sees Lord Mika and the Sarafan Lord, surrounded by the vampires that had attacked Kain. Her eyes narrow with annoyance, when suddenly her attention is jerked towards Vorador as a white aura surrounds his form. A look of satisfaction appears on his face and he places a hand on Lulu's shoulder, nodding to her.

The black mage looks at him, then smiles. She lifts out her hand infront of her and watches as a small sphere of blue flames form in her palm. Instantly, she throws her arm up in the air, sending the flame rocketing into the sky, then exploding like that of a silent firework. From the water sphere, Wakka slowly opens a bruised eye, and sees the blue explosion of flames as time ticks down in the final half of the game...


"Thirty seconds left..."

"The Aurochs are launching an all-out offensive!"

Wakka gives a smirk and begins to swim quickly as one of the Al Bhed throws the ball towards a fellow teammate...


"A long pass from Letty!"

Wakka catches the ball halfway...


"It goes through!"

With impressive agility and intensifying speed, Wakka avoids an Al Bhed defender. He moves in towards the goal, rears back and then fires the ball towards the goal...


"He shoots!"

The goalie moves towards the ball, arms pinwheeling through the water, hoping to grasp the spinning, rocketing sphere shooting towards him. His fingertips nearly brush against the ball when...



"Unbelievable! The Aurochs win the match, 3-2!"



"We won..."



"We did it?"

[she looks up at Kain]

"We're in the finals?"


[smirks at her]

"You heard me..."

Kain, Yuna, Umah and Barthello find themselves back on Dock 4. Umah crosses her arms and moves towards Kain with a smirk on her face.


"That was the Whisper, wasn't it?"


"That it was."



"Perhaps that shall be in use someday..."

[she glances at Barthello]

"Come Barthello, let us go..."


[watches them]

"Leaving so soon?"


"We would like to get a headstart if we wish to make it to the next temple."


Kain gives a low sigh as he watches Umah and her guardian turn their backs on him then walk towards the next dock. Yuna watches as they leave, her eyes focusing on Umah's figure with a almost sorrowful look. Kain goes to turn around and leave when he notices this look. His hand slaps on Yuna's shoulder, causing her to look up at him. She nods, then turns.

The next moment was so sudden that she nearly passed into shock. No sooner did she turn around, Kain's hand slipped from her shoulder to her hand as he went running down the hall, pulling him after her. She gave a slight gasp as she found herself forced to run with him, fearing if she resisted she would end up without an arm. A sharp, stinging pain slowly built within her shoulder, but she continued to run.

Her eyes fixed not on the path before her, but on Kain. And when she stared at him, looking at a small glimmer of his face, noting every detail of his determination, capturing every movement of his dancing strands of hair floating behind him as he ran, the pain began to vanish. Everything seemed to move in slow motion for her, and she notice that she was trailing farther and farther behind. Kain, obviously noticing this, turned his head to see her face.

He found himself looking into her starry eyes, the shimmering sapphire and emerald irises gazing up into his golden eyes. The feeling was as if he had stumbled into a dream. It nearly scared him... yet he felt some peace from it as well. The mixing and combining of fear and peace swirled in his subconsciousness until he found himself growing slightly annoyed as she began to slow him down.

The next moment seemed like hours to Yuna. Kain's iron grip began to reel her in, as if she was a fish caught on a hook. She felt herself being pulled forward, then felt the world spin and fly around her as her feet left the ground and she found herself not in the air, but in Kain's arms. He was now carrying her bridal style, and sprinting with a much more faster speed, rushing through the civilians and tourists of Luca, sprinting towards the Locker Room.

I am still uncertain as to why I was entranced by her eyes.

She was a mere human...

Someone of a race I easily discarded time and again.

I continued to console myself, saying she was slowing me behind.

Telling myself that I had no time left that needed wasting.

But her... this fragile, delicate tiny being in my arms...

The next words she spoke to me...

I was unsure of wheither I was impatient, or...


[leans her head on his chest]

"I... never want this moment..."

[closes her eyes]

"To go away..."

The locker room was a hectic mess of battered blitzers and worried faces. Kain and Yuna entered the room, Yuna now out of Kain's arms, and was greated by Lulu's arms enwrapping around Yuna, embracing her with an emotion of relief. Her eyes then fell onto Kain.


"For ridiculing you in the Kilika Temple..."

"I apologize."

"Thank you for bringing back Yuna."


[nods slightly]


Kain moves pass the black mage, placing his hand on her shoulder, then running his fingertips along her throat, across her jawline and under her chin as he moves towards The Aurochs. Lulu gives a blink of uncertainty as she touches her face, then gives a puzzled look. The Aurochs stand around Wakka, who's lying down on a bench.


"Sure you're all right, Cap'n?"


"The game starts in a few minutes. You sure you okay?"


"We're playing the Goers, too."


[approaches Wakka]

"Miss me?"


"Kain, you came back just in time, man..."

[he eyes his injuries]

"Looks like I might be needing some assistance."


"It was all because of me... I'm sorry Wakka."


[eyes Yuna]

"How can you let some Al Bhed kidnap you?"


[glares slightly]

"Let it go, Wakka"


"Don't go near Al Bhed any more, okay? They're trouble."

[Wakka turns to the Aurochs, then stands up]

"The game starts soon. No time for warm-ups."



[crosses his arms]

"I have a debt to repay."

"Allow me to repay it."


"All right!"

[Wakka stands up]

"I got something to tell you boys."

"After this game..."

"I'm retiring."

"I promised myself this would be my last tournament."

"Win or lose, I'm quitting blitzball."

"But you know..."

"Since we're here, we might as well win!"




"A-Am I on the bench?"

Wakka steps in front of Kain, and puts his hand on Kain's shoulder.


"I'm warming the bench. He's taking my place."

[Faces the Aurochs]

"All right, boys, let's win this one! Let's make the Goers goners!"


"Victory, boys."

The Aurochs ball up their fists and give a warm look of motivation towards Kain, and the team exits the locker room. Wakka, Lulu and Vorador are the only ones left in the Locker Room. The vampire and the black mage approach Wakka cautiously.


"I saw you floating there..."


[laughs slightly]

"Hey, you weren't supposed to see that."

Wakka nearly collapses. In a slight gasp, Vorador and Lulu rush towards him. Lulu catches him as he crashes into her, her arms wrapping around him in a warm embrace as she seats herself on the bench.


[looks down at him]

"You really gave it your all, didn't you...?"

A.N. - Very sorry for the lack of updates and sorry that the format is all fucked up. Blame this stupid computer and the system for that. I'm guessing I'm gonna have to change it around, but as long as you guys still like the story I hope the writing's all that matters to you rather than the the form it's written in. Sorry again.