
Kyubi was sealed in a girl who from young disguised as a boy named Uzumaki Naruto to protect herself. As Naruto finds himself attracted to someone, will he reveal the secret? Or will someone find out his secrets first?


Obviously Naruto and co. isn't mine. Otherwise what am I doing here!

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S e c r e t s


The Angel

He paused before the door, a sense of apprehension swept over him. The old man was wearing his usual red robe with white coat but smudged with dirt, dust and blood, the hat with 'fire' painted on it was also missing. Instead of his usual relaxed face, the present one was plagued with deep worry and fatigue.

The Kyubi - has it finally been vanquished? Will all terror lie to rest? Uncertainty erupted in his inner self and slightly trembling, he pushed open the door quietly and slowly - as if a single sound will cause an avalanche of catastrophes. The dim room was illuminated by a strange glow and crying emanated from the inner room. Cautiously, he parted the curtain that separated the room from the main one. He could see a baby girl crying loudly while a man lay slumped on the ground - eyes closed forever, expression peaceful, as though he had just fallen into a deep slumber.

The old man closed his eyes, willing himself to keep his composure as pain stabbed his heart. He had lost yet another comrade, one so dear to him. Taking a few gulps of air, he opened his eyes and brought his attention to the infant.

" Quiet.. Little one.." He whispered and much to his surprise, the baby compromised, staying silent.

The baby lay on the white cloth encircled by lighted white candles, stark naked yet angel like, almost ethereal, beautiful and unmarred except for the distinct blood-red spiral seal at her abdomen. He trod to the altar and bent to pick up the baby. Patting the little one, he smiled warmly as he melted at the sight of the tousled blond ringlets framing her heart shaped face and her eyes so startlingly deep blue.

" The resemblance is uncanny." He muttered under his breath.

As the old man turned to make his exit out of the room, he cast a long look at the fallen man.

" Don't worry, the Fourth. I'll take care of her and make sure she grows up to be the hero you wanted her to be." He spoke determined.

Throwing one last glance, he turned his head and closed the door resoundingly behind him. As he walked down the long, dark corridor, he sighed.

/I've to tell the rest the news and settle the funeral. /

He tried to imagine the looks of people when he broke the news. Will there be looks of sorrow? Or will it be joy?

Shaking his head, he swept away all his careless thoughts and looked at the infant, peacefully sleeping in his arms. He walked out of the building, thankful that on one else was there. Crossing the forest, he craned his neck to glance at the sky.

/The sky is still so dark even after the battle. /

He watched the infant carefully and mused.

" Hmm.. I need to name you, Little One."

He thought for a few moments, frowning.

" What about Kaede?"

He shook his head, pausing.

" Yukie? Asari? Minara?"

He shook his head. It didn't seem right. He frowned deeply, twitching his eyebrow, frustrated.

" No, it's no good."

Overhead, the clouds started to clear and the first ray of sunlight fell onto him and the baby, seemingly engulfing them in brightness and warmth. Gradually, a broad smile appeared on the old man's face as enlightenment finally dawned on him.

" Hikari."

" May you be the light that will shine on people in times of darkness. Be strong and grow well."

As he spoke, he raised his arms out to hold the little angel in mid-air.

" Ne, Hikari?" He smiled.

Giving yet another sigh, he straightened suddenly, his eyes took on a resolute glint as he walked to his abode.

On reaching his abode, he motioned to his servant.

" Tsuki, take the child to mistress. Tell no one anything." He ordered.

" Yes, master."

Taking care not to rouse the child, she gently reached out and walked softly to the living quarters. The old man mumbled in approval and proceeded to his room to change into a fresh robe. Looking out from the tower window that overlooked the Leaf Village, he massaged his aching shoulders at the same time.

The destruction of the battle was visible. Houses had been struck down by the blast, walls swept away, shutters and window frames ripped off and smashed. The heart of the village where the post office, bazaar and eateries once stood, was no longer visible. The stricken village was strewn with wreckage. Protruding from the debris were smashed crockery, parts of broken furniture, bits of wood and debris from mixed buildings.

At the base of the tower, the population of Konoha was waiting impatiently. Noticing the crowd, he picked up his hat from his desk and adjusted it on his head before heading downstairs.

" It'll be a long difficult day."

As soon as the third Hokage appeared, an impenetrable silence hung in the air. The atmosphere was electrifying and intense with sobriety. The old man stared at the villagers for a full minute. And every second, he could feel himself growing older and wearier.

Bracing himself, he cleared his throat and started. " The demon fox had been subdued and was sealed in a newborn baby."

Looking at the faces of the villagers, he could see signs of relief. Holding his hand up for their attention, he added sadly and regretfully, " The Fourth Hokage died in the sealing."

There was a deadly hush after he made the announcement. Silence blanketed the village as all became subdued by the news. After a long moment, a jounin asked, " Then Hokage-sama, who is the vessel of the demon?"

As if something snapped, the villagers started speaking in hushed whispers.

" That will be a secret for now. I strongly discourage any of you to find out who is the vessel. It will be told in time to come." He said sternly.

/No one must know who is the vessel of the Kyubi. /

/No one must hurt her. /

To be continued

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So what do you think? Acceptable? Naruto will make his first appearance soon. Maybe in one or two chapters' time. Hikari will transform into Naruto. Should young Hikari meet the other characters before she become Naruto? Who should be the someone that Naruto finds himself attracted? I'm open to all suggestions. So say something! Thanks for reading. Meanwhile, go and review! Review! Review! Review!

Till next chap, ja-nei~
