HOLY SHIT! This fic got like eleven review for one chapter! That's a lot! That's like unusual! I don't have anything to say since all my reviews were good! Well actually yeah I do.

Goddess of Details- So you don't know blue Gender eh? That's too bad. When I first saw it I hated it. But it grew on me. Now I love it. It's on Adult swim on Cartoon network every weeknight at 11:30 Central time in America. Breif summary of Blue Gender? Well basicly this guy, Yuji, has a fatal disease. He is put to sleep hoping the futere generation of people could cure him. Unfortunantly the blue attack during that time. The human race was completly taken over by huge insect-like monsters called blue. A few hundred thousand people were brought to an enormous space station called Second Earth. The people there learn to fight to retake the earth from the blue. Now 21 years after Yuji was put to sleep, he awakens and learns to fight in smaller gundam type mobile suits called strikers. You'd have to watch it to know really well what was going on. (COULD THEY HAVE POSSIBLY THOUGHT OF A LESS INTIMIDATING NAME FOR THE DESTROYERS OF EARTH AS WE KNOW IT! THEY CALLED EM BLUE! MIGHT AS WELL CALL EM MARVIN OR SOMETHING! This is one of the major draw backs of Blue Gender. So yeah it's pretty good.)

Micheal The-Zorch Haney- Heh, don't worry. There aint anything I need to know about Ranma. I have seen every episode of the series. (EXCEPT THE STUPID KOI ROD EPISODE! DAMN IT I CAN"T FIND IT!!!! I CAN'T ORDER IT ON THE INTERNET ANYWHERE! STUPID STUPID STUPID!) Well other than that... I've never actually seen a manga of Ranma, even though I know what happens in the saffron thing by heart. If there is anything different about the manga then you can tell me. Lets have a contest shall we? Every time I put in a chapter I'll say something about Ranma to you. You tell me if you knew about it allready and then tell me something. Who ever didn't know what the other said first loses? I'll go first. DId you know that Ranma's birthday is May 21? Oh and Tenchi Muyo? Well I've seen every episode of tenchi universe (uncensored and original. Not the stuff they put on Cartoon network blotting out the perverted episodes and stuff.) But I don't really like tenchi. Ranma's better.

Joe Fenton- Scratch that. I did have some criticism. Joe, Joe, Joe. Your a pain in the neck but you help me out a lot. Allright here it goes. Ranma was in China while Japan was taken over. When he returened to China It had been taken over as well. While yes people were alive in Japan that is not the same for every where else. Sorry but in this fic the only survivors are in Japan. Always questioning my fics.. Lsoie wies oie, Joe Fenton. Lsoie wies oie!.

Sunamee- Saffron and Herb will be explained later on. Sorry. Suspence is my middle name. (Actually Action/Adventure is my middle name. Romance is my first name. Suspence actually hangs back there with my sixth and seventh, but I'm rambling on now.)

On with the show!

Chapter 1: Untrusting Ways

Marlene, I don't trust him, Yuji was saying. But Marlene didn't care. The man had fallen unconcious after he had blasted away the entire mountian. As he had slumped to the ground the smile on his face was like nothing she'd ever seen before. A genune happy face. Like, Yuji in some ways. He could be happy and extreamly serious at the same time.

"Why not? He just saved our lives," Marlene said in a monotone voice.

"It.. It's just! I just don't trust him. He's from here, not second earth. He may turn on us! Or worse yet he may be some type of machine!" Yuji said.

"Yuji, Machines can't smile. He's human, he has a heart beat blood and everything," Marlene replied.

"But...!" Yuji trailed off.

"Sir, there were 16 casualties. No one wounded was crippled in any major way," an underclass soldier told Yuji.

"Gah! I want this man fixed up. Treat him with the wounded," Yuji told the soldier.

He went about his job without a reply.

As the man(Ranma) was hauled away Yuji looked back a Marlene, "Marlene, I... I don't know about this... What if...!"

"If something happens we'll take it as it comes," Marlene interupted.

Yuji turned and walked away slowly.

Suddenly the ground burst open a few feet away. A gigantic wormlike blue sprung from the earth.

Yuji was a deer in the headlights. Marlene reacted quickly as it began to head for Yuji.

"YUJI! LOOK OUT!!!" She shouted.

He awoke from his daze and shot like mad, most of his shots dangerously close to their mark but not close enough. Just as the Blue was less than a foot away from contact with Yuji's head, Marlene pushed him out of the way... only to be sliced straight in half by the jagged edge of the Blue. She screamed as her legs were completely separated from her body and thrown a few feet to the left.

"Marlene... Marlene!! MARLENE!!!! NOOOOOOOO,URK!" Yuji was suddenly punched in the stomach and brought to his knees.

Ranma stood in front of him. He said two solitarty words. "Focus, friend." Then he drew a blade. It was an amazing blade with a stallion figure imbedded into the hilt. Its blade looked as if it had never seen a day. He held it up and glowed his eerie blue color again. He dissapeared and reapeared hovering in midair at the level of the tall blue. He sliced it with his blade glowing his own blue color and it cut completely in two, just as Marlene had.

He landed.

"You... How dare you stop me.... I'll... I'll kill you!!!!" Yuji shouted. But he moved in the complete opposite direction... towards Marlene.

Ranma walked ahead of him and picked up Marlene's disattatched legs and set them by her body. She was looking at him with abnormal calm dispite her pain. "What... What are you doing?" She asked.

He knelt beside her. Yuji had just about made it to them when suddenly Ranma's hands began to glow pink.

"What the hell are you doing to my wife!" Yuji screamed.

Suddenly her legs began to reatatch themselves to her body. A great tiredness washed over her and she became almost too dazed to think.

"Heal," Ranma said. "Sorry,"

Yuji, needless to say, was breathless.

Marlene came out of her daze. She felt no pain at all. "I... I'm fine...?" She asked.

Ranma nodded.

"Who... Who are you?" Marlene asked.

Ranma pointed at himself and said, "Ranma. Can't speak. Haven't spoke in long time,"

All the while Yuji was in shock. Staring at the most kind person he had ever met since he'd woken. He could have kissed the man. He saved his wife. He couldn't have done more ever.

"Ranma, was it? Well... sorry and thank you..." Yuji said after he had stood up.

Ranma chuckled. You Blue human. Sorry. I've seen you kind before. Can't control. Blue instinct take over. Sorry, hit you," Ranma got out after a time.

Yuji chuckled as well. "Just call me Yuji. This is Marelene," he said.

And suddenly in completely perfect Japaneese Ranma said, with his hand on the back of his head. "I'm Ranma Saotome. Sorry about this,"
