Am I?

Disclaimer: Again, not mine.

A/N: Just a little "scene". It's the first time I've felt like writing in ages. Bear with me. Comments are appreciated. Oh, Sorato warning.


"Am I?"

He paused, not entirely certain of what she was asking, "Are you what?"

"Am I in love with you?"

Silence. His fingers, formally stroking her bare arm, fell still. "I- How am I supposed to know?"

Okay, so he was coming off defensive. But it was to be understood, really. When you really thought about it, what kind of question was it? He couldn't read her mind. It seemed a little silly. They were together now, wasn't that all that mattered? Why did love have to come into it?

She frowned slightly, brown eyes thoughtful. "There's no need to snap." It was more a command than a reprimand, really. "I was just wondering, that's all."

It fell quiet again. That calm silence that they often lapsed into. It wasn't uncomfortable; they didn't need to say anything. He ran his thumb over the skin of her arm gently.

"Have you ever been in love?"

Great. There was than "l-word" again. It must be a girl thing, really. He didn't understand why women couldn't simply take things as they came. He didn't like talking about love. To him it wasn't something that should be discussed like this. Love often meant that emotion was attached. He tried to distance himself from emotion if he could.

She was looking at him expectantly, waiting for an answer.

He went for something non-committal. "I don't think I have."

"Oh." Then, "Well, what do you think it feels like?"

The wind blew gently, causing her to shiver. He tried for a quick subject change, "You cold?"

She brushed her hair behind her ears, "A little, but its okay."

He wrapped an arm around her anyway, pressing a kiss against her neck.

"Don't even try it, buddy."

He gave her the best innocent look he could muster, widening his eyes and pouting a little, "Try what?"

She smiled, "You didn't answer the question."

Nuts. That was the problem with women sometimes; they were just so focused on one thing. Did love really matter all that much? Why was it so important that he have an opinion on this subject?

"I dunno," he shrugged, "Like love I guess."

"But, what is that?"

It sounded like a rhetorical question. Maybe if he just stayed quiet she'd drop the subject. "How come you don't sing about love?"

Now that question was definitely directed at him. It looked like she wasn't about to drop the subject anytime soon. "It's…not something I feel comfortable writing songs about." There, a nice, honest answer. That ought to satisfy her.

She leaned her head against his shoulder. "I think there are different kinds of love, you know?" He made a noise that sounded vaguely like he was agreeing. She laughed. "You're not enjoying this conversation, are you?"

He shook his head.


He turned to look at her, blue eyes catching the sunlight. "Yeah?"

"I am."

"You are what?"

She kissed him softly, "I am in love with you."


© 2003-10-01
