Frozen Nightmares

Disclaimer: I don't own Card Captor Sakura

Chapter 1: Raging Emotions

A/n: Okay, this is my first CCS fic so please tell me if anything is wrong. I hope you enjoy it.

Read, enjoy, and review please.


It was bitter.


Chilling to the bone, she shivered slightly.

It was dark, black in all actuality.

She couldn't see anything. There was no inkling to whether she even had her eyes opened or closed, besides the soft brush of lashes against her cheeks.

Empty laughter erupted around her and she jumped in surprise.

The evil laughter sent a shiver down her spine; she groped around wildly for something warm.


She found nothing, nothing but empty darkness. It frightened her.

She sunk to her knees, resting on what felt like icy concrete. The laughter got louder and louder and she couldn't block it out. Even shielding her ears, she heard it. It echoed through her.

She was alone; no one was there to help her. No one was there to hear her. And most of all, no one was there to see her through the dark blackness.

Where was he? Where was her savior? Her protector? Where was he? Why wasn't he there to save her from it? Why wasn't he there to comfort her, soothing the wild emptiness coursing through her, making her feel so alone, worthless? Where was he in her time of definite need?

Where was her . . . her Syaoran?

Terror coursed through her. Why wasn't he here? Had he left her?

Had Syaoran left her for good?

Gods, where was he?!


Syaoran awoke with a start. What was that he was feeling? Panic? Fright? Despair? What was going on? It wasn't his.

What was this?

He drowsily staggered to the window, staring out cautiously. What the hell was going on?!

A nagging feeling in the corner of his mind kept repeating that something was up. What was it? Or who, more likely, was it?

A small voice repeated 'Sakura' over and over, but what trouble could she be in when he didn't feel anything? It wasn't an enemy.

His head snapped in the direction of Sakura's house as he felt a new flare of her energy. What could be going on?

Deciding he should check up on her, he picked up the small green cell phone that was sitting on his desk, ignoring the time.


The icy laughter continued mercilessly. "Alone. Unloved. Hated upon. Despised. You're a disgrace to family and friends . . . Card Mistress." A frosty, arrogant voice growled.

She screamed and screamed for it to stop but it wouldn't. Despite her protests, it continued, louder and louder for each yell.

"Stupid girl,"

She cried out again but a soft noise interrupter her.




What was that? A noise? But, she didn't see anything. What could it be? It almost sounded like her phone, but why would anyone call so late?

The laughter had stopped at the sound. Dead silence took over, ignoring the occasional ring. She slowly uncovered her ears, blinking severely. She was confused. Why had it stopped now? Why didn't it stop when she was screaming for it too?





. . .

The ringing disappeared followed by a crash and the laughter picked up again.

Sakura whimpered.

"You are alone, see? No body cares," it growled again.

Tears formed in her eyes. The haughty voice frightened her enough, but the berating could have easily broken her completely.


Touya Kinomoto sat at his desk, nearly falling asleep in his books.

His head flickered to the door when he heard a muffled scream.

In an instant, he was on his feet and completely alert.

He cautiously slid down the hallway to his sister's room, where he'd heard the scream from. What was going on?

He pushed the door open and met a low ringing sound. On the desk, there was a small, blinking phone. He picked it up and, almost violently, threw it into the wall, earning a splintering crash. He smirked and looked to the bed. There lay his little sister. Squirming in her tangled sheets, sweating like crazy, gem-like tears spilling from her closed eyes, and murmuring or yelping once every while, she looked extremely uncomfortable.

Touya frowned. She'd had bad dreams but nothing like this, he could tell, in a while.


Syaoran looked at his phone in surprise as it suddenly cut off from the other side. "Damn telephone service," he grumbled sullenly.

Pulling on a pair on jeans and shoes, he grabbed his jacket and apartment key and ran out the door, nearly slamming it behind him.


Touya gently shook his little sister's shoulders but she yelped and violently shrugged away from his touch.

His gaze softened visibly. "That much be one hell of a dream, Kaijuu,"


Sakura gasped inwardly when she felt someone grasp her shoulders. It was a gentle grip but those could never be trusted unless she could see who was delivering them. She jerked away from the grip and the volume of the laughter rose at her stupidity.

She heard a soft murmur from far off. Who was that? It sounded familiar. . .


Touya took a firm grip of her shoulders and shook her again.

Emerald eyes shot open as she awoke with a stifled scream. Sakura saw a blurry figure hovering above her. She squeaked in horror. Who was it?

Sakura gasped as the familiarly warm arms of her older brother surrounded her. "Onii-chan," She mumbled. Flinging her arms around her older brother's neck, she sobbed against his chest.


From the tree outside Sakura's window, Syaoran sighed in relief.

His eyes narrowed and he growled as he saw Sakura cry on Touya, but, all the same he was really relieved she woke up from whatever was scaring her like that. He glanced at the cell phone that was now in pieces near the door and growled again. "Damn him," he murmured sourly as he expertly dropped down from the tree's branch and casually walked away.

He'd ask her about that tomorrow.


How do ya'll like it?! Tell me, please!!! Criticism is welcomed but make sure it's reasonable, please. And definitely tell me if this is OOC in any way . . .

