Disclaimer: I Don't own CCS or HP

Asian Magic Goes To Hogwarts!


~Three Years Later~

'Hm, I'm worried. I haven't gotten a letter or a visit since last year. I hope they're all right. Maybe I should go, skip classes and check if everything is fine.' [Kaho]

It was a beautiful sunny Monday day at Hogwarts and Professor Kaho Mizuki was walking to breakfast.

"I think I'll ask Albus if I can skip," murmured Kaho to herself.

~Great Hall~

Kaho was sitting down at the Staff Table, eating quite gloomily when a beautiful sound echoed throughout the Hall.

Kaho looked up to find a pink phoenix. It landed right in front of Kaho with a letter tied on its leg.

"Hi Cherry. Long time no see," said Kaho in Japanese.

Cherry squawked.

Kaho untied the letter and opened it.

Dear Kaho-san,

Gomen. Sorry we haven't really been communicating with you for the past year. We've been really busy and we're coming over there at nine am sharp! Monday morning! We've been so stressed with the wedding and all we haven't exactly had time visiting you and all. Gomen Nasai!!!!

I hope this reaches you in time, if not that too bad. The whole gang is coming so it would feel like we're together again!!! Remember, nine am sharp!!

See you then!

Sincerely from,

Sakura, Meilin, Tomoyo, Nakuru, Eriol, Syaoran, Yukito.

Kaho glanced at her watch and it read 8:59 am.


9:00 am


The door slammed open to reveal seven figures.


It was Sakura, Meilin, Tomoyo, Nakuru, Eriol, Syaoran and Yukito.

"Ohayo," said Kaho.

Sakura skipped up to the table, up to Kaho and took out Kero.

He flew out, outraged.

"You forgot about me again didn't you!!! How dare me lock me up in a bag with now sweets!!! I almost...SWEETS!!!!!!" said Kero, starry eyed.

Kero dived over to the sweets and ate them all up.

"Ano, why do you have sweets on the breakfast table anyways?" asked Tomoyo.

"I really don't know," said Kaho.

"Okay, enough chit chat and more announcing, remember Sakura-chan," said Meilin slyly, smirking.

"Right. Can we speak to you in private for a while? The staff hasn't exactly got them yet so we'll make it a surprise! They'll soon find out in...five minutes," said Sakura.

"Who or what is 'them'?" asked Kaho.

"You'll see. Come on!"

They all dragged her out of the Hall out of the side door and closed it behind them.

~Out side the Hall~

"The wedding is a fortnight away at Tomeda. I'm inviting the whole staff but I don't really expect them to wear tuxedos though. So we'll let them wear robes," said Sakura.

By now Tomoyo was crying.

"I can't believe I can't make them wear my gorgeous creations!!!"

"There, there Tomoyo-chan," soothed Eriol.

"Have you told Harry and the others yet?" asked Syaoran.

"Yep! All set, all we need is to let the staff know and we'll be on our way!" said Sakura.

They all nodded and walked back into the Hall.

Hoot, Hoot!!!

They all look up at the owl entrance to see owls pouring in. the whole hall was confused.

The owl post had already come and gone.

The owls came and dropped letters at all the teachers and flew off.

The teachers looked at Sakura and gang suspiciously.

"Open them," said Sakura.

They nodded and opened them.

"You really want us to come?" asked Dumbledor.

"Of coarse! You were all our Professors! We would want to, really!" said Sakura.

"Yes that's right and I wanted you to wear my creations but I wasn't allowed to. And, it's a double wedding!!!!" said Tomoyo.

"It'll be held at Japan, Tomeda, so you'll have to travel. Sorry that it's really far," said Yukito.

"It's all right. I wouldn't mind seeing your country," said McGonagall.

"Then it's settled! You can let the students have an extra holiday!" said Tomoyo.

"How come we couldn't have an extra holiday when we attended?" asked Sakura.

"Because they didn't have a wedding to attend to," said Meilin.

"I suppose."

"By the way Meilin, who did you invite to the wedding?" asked Syaoran.

"Oh just somebody I know."

The teachers smiled knowingly.

~The Day of the wedding at Tomeda~

Everyone was there. Down at Cherry Tree lane was a beautiful wedding but muggles couldn't see it because then they would question the robes that the wizards were wearing.

The Potters' were there with Sirius, the Grangers' and the Weasleys' too.

And someone else was there too.

Meilin was walking over to them linked arms with a boy.

"Hi everyone! I believe you know who he is," said Meilin cheerfully.

"He looks familiar. I know I've seen him but where?" pondered Harry.

"Let me refresh your memory. Hello Potty."

"Oh my god. Malfoy?!"


Hermione fainted from shock.

"That's right. Draco Malfoy," said Draco.

"What are you doing here?" hissed Ron.

"Why else would I be here? Think real hard and maybe the pieces with click together."


Much, much more silence.

"Ah! I'll tell you! He's me boyfriend idiots!!" said Meilin.

The group ohed.

"What happened to your father? He wouldn't approve," spat Arthur.

"Dead," said Draco.


"Well I must be going and I better help Sakura. I'll leave you to catch up with each other," said Meilin as she dragged Hermione.

"So, how's life been?" asked Lily starting up a conversation.

"Fine but it has been real quiet at home though," said Draco.

"When did you and Meilin become boyfriend girlfriend?" said Ron.

"End of fifth year."

They talked more and by the end of the conversation, they were friends.

~Time for Syaoran and Sakura, Tomoyo and Eriol to be wed~

Everyone was sitting on the side of the laneway with Cherry Blossoms falling off the trees. The grooms were standing at the alter with the best men and groomsmen.

Sakura and Tomoyo peeked out of the tent they were in. Sakura was extremely nervous while Tomoyo was extremely happy.

"It's almost time Sakura-chan! Aren't you excited?" said Tomoyo.

"Yeah just there are a lot of people out there," said Sakura.

"How can you say that? You've performed in two plays! Both in front of the whole town basically," said Meilin.

"You're right."

"I know I am."

Sweat drop from everyone.

The music started.


"Yep!" said everyone.

"Lets go!"

Sakura walked down the aisle first with Kaho holding her veil. Tomoyo was right behind her with Nakuru holding her veil and the bridesmaids walking behind them scattering flowers.

[I've never been to a wedding so I wouldn't know how it works okay!]

They got to the alter and went to the grooms.

They had to get a priest with magic skills so they didn't need to explain and they found one!

A priest from the Li side of the family had come to do the honours.

He said the first and went on to the 'I do's'

"Do you, Sakura Kinomoto, accept Syaoran Li has your husband?"

"I do."

"Do you, Syaoran Li, accept Sakura Kinomoto as your wife?"

"I do."

"Do you, Tomoyo Daidoji, accept Eriol Hiiragizawa as your husband?"

"I do."

"Do you, Eriol Hiiragizawa, accept Tomoyo Daidoji as your wife?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the brides."

The couples kissed.

The crowd cheered.

Syaoran's sisters cried in happiness.

Nakuru clung onto Touya.

Everyone went to the reception to have a great dinner but first was the bouquets were to be tossed.

"One, two three!" said Sakura and Tomoyo as they turned around and threw the bouquets.

Hermione caught it and ran over to Ron and hugged him and kissed him.

Ginny caught the other one and did the same but she went to Harry.

Even though Meilin didn't catch the bouquet, she went and kissed Draco.

Nakuru on the other hand slung her arms around Touya and have him the infamous Nakuru teddy bear hug!

And they all lived in a happily ever after.

-The End-

Okay, I know sucky ending but tough!

I want to thank all the reviewers out there who read my story and reviewed!!!



Star Katt.






Star Silver fox.



Vi3t BaBiI.

Autumn Ann Star.



Princess Krystal01.

Gavroche Rules.

Tenshi Peony.


Shinigami Clara.

Nothing but greys.


somebody .

chibi cherry blosom.


fleur de cerise.



Devil's Little Sister.


Hogwarts, A History Girl.


hikaru mitsukai.

Lil Dark Kawaii Grl.

iii_sis .

Autumn Ann Star .




midenight kitsune.

wondering author.

Amanda McDonald.


princes sakura.


Ying-Hua .



tomboy 101.


Yun Fei.

*The person with a blank username*.





S&S Luver.






White Fox 612.




Lerning Japanese.





Susami Masaki.

kitty sage.





Adorable Akane.




more to life.






Well, that took me a long time to do. As in REALLY long time. My figures hurt. T.T

Stories I WILL do:

A Sailor Moon and Harry Potter Crossover

Stories that would need voting to do:

A X/199 and Harry Potter Crossover

Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 and Harry Potter Crossover

Stargate and Harry Potter Crossover

Read Or Die and Harry Potter Crossover

Evangelion and Harry Potter Crossover

Okay, I think that's all I'm thinking of right now. Oh yeah, does anyone know what happens in Fushigi Yugi at the end of it? Tell me at [email protected]!

~Dark Card Mistress