Queen of Random: I'm back, and (hopefully!) better than ever! I've been kinda busy, as I have found a new addiction: The Beyond Evolution forum! I love it!

Anyway, this is a story that just came to me when I was trying to recall a dream I had had the previous night. It turned out that the dream was about me going to my Ball with Pietro Maximoff, and, for some weird reason (and yes, I know that dreaming about going to a Ball with Quicksilver is weird) it was kinda like a double date, as a girl from my Biology class was going with Pyro, and she kept asking why I kept calling her date Pyro (she was calling him John). The really funny thing was, the first thought that went through my head after I walked through the door with Pietro was, 'Candles. Damn.'

Now, on with my random as story! Oh, I don't own X-Men: Evolution, Beyond Evolution (which is, in my opinion, one of the best X-Men: Evolution sites out there!) and apologies to Disney for the title.

Beauty and the Beast

Chapter One: Ms Reed

"Where is Evan Daniels?"

The teacher looked up and down her class list, her hazel eyes, framed by her glasses, worried. She looked up at the class, and repeated, "Where is Evan Daniels? He has not been in class for the last few days. Is he all right?"

"Like we care about some mutant," muttered a student in the back.

The teacher frowned. "Your personal opinions are your own, Mr Holmes, and I must respect them, but I must warn you that you are not to repeat things like that again. At least, not in this classroom."


"Well," sighed the teacher, "if I am not going to get any answer about Mr Daniel's whereabouts, then I must insist that we get on with Chemistry. So if you will all turn to page fifty-six in your book, we will continue where we left off yesterday." The teacher turned so that her back was facing the class, and she was facing the board. "Now an ester is formed when. . ."

Kurt sighed, and turned to page fifty-six in his book, and listened to what the teacher had to say.


Kurt tried to leave the classroom as quickly as possible, but as he could not use his mutant powers, he was confined to walking, just like everybody else.

"Mr Wagner," called the teacher. "May I have a word with you before you go?"

Kurt turned around and walked over to the teacher's desk. "Sure," he said, trying to sound cheerful. "What is it?"

The teacher leaned back against her desk. "It's about Evan. I'm really very worried about him. Is he all right? You can tell me, Kurt."

"Nothing's wrong with, Ms Reed," answered Kurt. "He's just. . . sick, that's all." Kurt hated lying to Ms Reed, as she was the nicest teacher in the school, and the only one who showed no sign of dislike for mutants. The funny thing was that she was the replacement for Hank McCoy, and had filled the position when he 'disappeared'.

Ms Reed sighed. "All right, Kurt. You may go now."


Kurt left the room, and breathed a huge sigh of relief. "That was close."

Although Ms Reed was sympathetic towards mutants, Kurt still didn't know how she would react if he told her that Evan was now living underground, because his body was starting to be covered in bony growths resembling scales.

Kurt looked at his watch. "Ach! I'm late!"

He looked around the hallway, and spotting no teachers or students, disappeared in a puff of sulfurous smoke.


Kitty ambled to the front door of the Institute to answer it. "Ms Reed! What are you doing here?"

"Is Professor Xavier in?" asked Ms Reed. "I would like to speak with him."

"Ah, Ms Reed," said a voice. Professor Xavier and Logan came into the room. "How can we help you here?"

Ms Reed smiled. "I want to discuss with you one of your students here at the Institute."

Xavier nodded. "Of course, Ms Reed. Why don't you follow me? Logan," he said, turning to face the man, "could you please find Hank, and help him with the newer students. Thank you."

Logan nodded, and stalked off, ignoring the presence of the young teacher.


"Now, Ms Reed," began Xavier, once they were alone in the library. "I know what you wish to speak to me about."

"You do?"

"Yes. Evan Daniels. You are worried about him, as he has not been at school for the past few days, correct?"

"How did you know?" asked Ms Reed. Then she blushed. "I'm sorry. I forgot that you were a telepath. I tend to do that sometimes, forget that people are mutants."

"I'm sure the students do not mind when you treat them just like all the others," replied Xavier, smiling. "They need some form of normality in times like these."

Ms Reed smiled back. "Of course they do. They are still children, after all, and they do not deserve to be treated like monsters." Ms Reed's expression sobered. "But that is getting off the point. I am here to speak to you about Evan. He has not been at school for the past few days. I am quite concerned about him. Is he all right?"

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Ms Reed," began Xavier, "but Evan will not be returning to school."

"Has he returned to New York?"

"No. Do you know of his mutation, Ms Reed?" asked Xavier.

"I know a little about it," answered Ms Reed. "We - the teachers, I mean - are told all about the powers of the students who are part of the 'mutant menace', if you'll excuse me for saying that. That is what several of the faculty are calling the students."

"Principal Kelly is the instigator of such feelings?"

"I would rather not say," replied Ms Reed, "but I'm sure a powerful telepath like you already knows what I am thinking." She smiled.

"Evan's mutation has caused the growths that emerge from his skeleton to become more permanent in nature. They now make it appear as though Evan has scales all over his body."

"Poor Evan," murmured Ms Reed.

"Unfortunately for Evan, not every human in this world is as understanding as you. Because of this, Evan felt that he could not live in a world that is predominantly human, and so he has left the Institute."

Ms Reed was silent for a moment, and Xavier could see tears well up behind the glasses. Then she spoke. "I knew something was wrong. All of the students from the Institute were so quiet. I remember thinking that they were in a state of shock. Now I know why. Poor Evan," she repeated. Ms Reed looked down at the floor, then at Xavier. "I will inform the other teachers at the school that Evan will not be returning to school."

Ms Reed then rose from her seat, and Xavier proceeded to show her the way out.