A/N: Thanks to reviewers. You inspire me, so please, review if you have anything to say, and feedback is always welcome. Please see responses at the end of the fic.

I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or anything really. I don't even own this computer I am using, so even if you tried to sue me, you would be sorely disappointed with your winnings, if you won.

Yami's plan has been set into motion. His plan for revenge, love, hate, and lust. He has his reasons, all he needs now is his Seto. Rated for future rape, language and even more in the future BDSM.

The Mind's Binding

By: Merciless Tantalus

Chapter Six: Tricks

"Okay, so...let me get this right...if I can just do that...and get him to come here...then you're sure that you can get Seto out and everything will be okay again?" Mokuba frowned faintly as he considered Bakura's words.

"Yes. I'm sure that it will..." The tomb robber spoke with a touch of impatience in his voice. He really had far better things to do than to stand here and try to explain things to the younger. But it is important to the plan... he reminded himself.

Sighing, Mokuba paced in his cell, "Well, yeah, I can definitely do that. I just...I just don't get why we can't get to Yami now! I mean, we don't REALLY need his help, do we? Aren't you strong enough to handle it on your own?"

Bakura ran his tongue along his teeth, "Listen, I'm working with you for the sake of your brother, but that doesn't mean I need you, and if I don't want to tell you everything then I won't, got it?"

I guess...I don't really have a choice... Mokuba sighed and sat back, "Right. Sorry...I didn't mean to anger you...It's just, kinda hard to be in here while the freak is doing who knows what to Seto...And, I know that you love him, so...so...I trust you and trust that you're plan'll work."


Standing, the Tomb Robber slipped easily back out of the cell, taking Mokuba with him. His threat to Kimo seemed to have spread very well throughout the popular club, for the pair were not stopped once as they made their way to the front door and out onto the street.

"Here..." Bakura handed Mokuba a piece of paper that had Ryou's address on it. "He should already be there. Just get him and come right back here."

"Right." Mokuba nodded, stuffing the paper into his pocket. He set off running into the night.

Pulling out a cigarette, Bakura stood there and watched the boy vanish into the night. Blowing out a ring of smoke, his face split into a devilish grin. You may get to him first, Yami Yuugi, but I will have him in the end, and that is what really matters

It took Kaiba a few minutes to recover from the shock of waking chained to a bed with his former boyfriend kissing him. He was less than pleased, to say the least.

"What the fuck is the matter with you?" Kaiba blinked rapidly, his temper getting a hold of him. "You can't just take me and bring me here and fucking call me your love...I have things to do. I have to fucking find my little brother! And even after I do that, I have to get to work. I have no time for this. And even if it weren't for all that...you're a fucking asshole!" It now occurred to him that perhaps Yami had not chained him properly and he tugged on them. "Let me go!"

Through out the rant, Yami at sat back on Kaiba's legs, his arms folded over his chest, studying Seto's face with a blank expression. "Are you done?"

Scowling, Kaiba tugged on the chains again, "What?" he asked, irritated.

"You obviously needed to get that out of your system, and I was just wondering if you were done yet." Yami replied calmly.

Kaiba stared at Yami for a long moment. "Is this some kind of joke to you?" He asked finally. "Is this your way to spend the weekend...or because you were bored, and you thought it would be funny? Well guess what, Yami, I'm not laughing." Another tug on the chains. "Let me go. Now."

This order earned him nothing but a harsh slap across the face that made him hiss in pain. "No. And you do not tell me what to do. Ever." Yami's face now clouded with anger. "I brought you here, love, to bring you to your senses. I was hoping that just talking to you would be enough, but now I can see-"

"You fucking chained me up!" Kaiba interrupted. "And your shocked I don't want to talk to you?"

Sighing, Yami stood and shook his head. "Very well, Seto, I'm sorry it has to come to this, but you must be educated..."

Kaiba managed to reel in his temper at that statement. He let a moment of silence pass. "Yami...what are you talking about?" He asked evenly.

Moving back over to Kaiba, he put his hand under Kaiba's chin, his heart tightening painfully as his koi shrank away from him, but that only made him push forward more. "Seto..." He spoke lowly. "I need you here with me. I need you...like there is something missing deep inside where you are not here. I think about you...I do nothing but think and dream about you. I think about your soft brown hair..." his hand drifted to run through said hair as he spoke.

"I dream...I dream about those soft lips of yours...I dream about your deep blue eyes...your flawless pale skin...your...gorgeous, tight ass..." Yami's eyes started to gleam at this point, causing Kaiba to shrink back even more, which only caused Yami to climb on top of him once more, pushing his erection into Seto's stomach.

"I dream about...causing you pain..." His eyes seemed to turn yellow, "I dream about your blood...tasting your blood...I dream about lifting your pale, long, elegant legs into the air...putting them over my shoulders...I dream of your weeping erection and of your gasps at the slightest touch..." He was not even blinking. "I dream of taking my own length and pushing it into you...shoving deeper and deeper, ripping and shredding you to pieces...I dream of you, screaming my name helplessly lost in pain and lust..lust for me..."

"For you see, Seto..." Here Yami blinked and that look was gone and he smiled, "you do love me too. You want me...the only reason you left me in the first place was because you wanted me too much."

Kaiba's mouth was completely dry and he was staring up at Yami, almost gaping at him. "I..."

"But, please, do not think I'm so shallow that that is all I love, Seto..." Yami smiled at him and ran one hand through the brunet's hair, the other running down his cheek. "You see, I love your spirit. I love how you fight against everything, no matter how hopeless...I love how you fight me, even though you know you will lose. I love how smart you are. I love how you overpowered your adoptive father to come to power...your ambition and I love how you love. So passionately, Seto, you loose yourself in your love...And that is what I need to capture again. I need to have you...every part of you..."

After staring at Yami for another moment, Kaiba closed his mouth and let out a slight cough, turning his face up and away from Yami. "Fuck off, I don't believe you."

Yami jerked away as though he had been slapped. "Wrong. Answer." He stated coldly, standing from the bed once more. Grabbing Seto's chained leg, he pulled the boy suddenly. Seto was taken off guard and slid down the bed so that he was lying on his back.

Quickly, Yami used his Shadow power to adjust the chains to fit this new position. To stop Seto's curses from filling the air, Yami picked up a piece of cloth he had set on the bedside table for just this purpose and walked to the struggling boy. "I should have known this would happen, but I needed to give you a chance...For my own peace of mind..."

Grabbing Seto by the chin he placed the cloth over his mouth, but Kaiba wrenched his head to the side and knocked it off. Not waiting a moment, he took the opportunity to spit in Yami's face. "Get the fuck off me, you asshole! You will never get me to listen to your shit! I need to get Mokuba, so let me the fuck-"

With all his might, Yami slapped Seto harshly across the face, causing the brunette to bite his tongue and he let out a cry of rage and pain. Quickly, Yami put the cloth over his mouth again and tied it around the brunet's head. Kaiba sent him a death glare all the while and bucked his body, muttering curses through the gag. Though now the only came out as growls.

"I see you still have much energy. I will leave you for the time being..." Yami spoke to him, walking to the door and locking his love inside. Sighing, he leaned against the door for a moment. It will take long to break you, Seto Kaiba, but I am determined. I always get what I want and I want you, broken and loyal and submissive to me. I will have that. I will return...and I will make you bleed for your words...You try to hurt me, thinking I will give up. I will never give you up. Never again.

Dropping his cigarette, Bakura seriously considered just leaving for the time being and making sure Mokuba wasn't screwing things up. Glancing back over at the club, however, he soon decided not to. No, I need to talk to Yami...

And so, he pulled the door open again, sighing at the smell of so many bodies pressed together, dancing. Normally he did not stay this late, but this was not a normal occasion. Glancing at the watch of one of the dancers, which he then proceeded to take, he found that the time was only two in the morning.

Great, the kid won't be back for at least another hour...what till then? He wondered to himself, looking through the crowd. A shock of hair caught his attention as he looked up towards the private rooms and he shook his head. Huh. Yami's not fucking him yet. Can't say I expected that...wonder what the fuck is wrong with him...

So it was only out of curiosity that Bakura wandered over to Yami and stood next to him, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. "What's wrong with you?" He asked, looking the former Pharaoh over. "You've got him there...but instead of fucking his brains out, you're here moping...?"

Yami let out a heavy sigh. "He doesn't understand...He thinks I'm lying...How could he think I'm lying?"

Bakura lifted a brow at the other man. "And why should you care what he wants? He thinks you're lying...So what? Go fuck him anyway..."

"I will, I will..." Yami sighed heavily. "I just wanted our first time back together...I wanted it to be what I always dreamed of..." At that moment it was almost as if Yami realized just who it was he was talking to and he glared at Bakura. "Why do you care anyway?"

I CARE because if you're moping about him, you're never going to leave him alone, and that'll make it more difficult for me to take him, even with my extra help... Bakura thought, though he knew better than to say that out loud. "Because...I don't get to fuck him till after you, and I want to fuck him."

"You'll just have to wait then, asshole..." Yami snapped.

Fuck waiting...I'll just have to hurry this along a bit... "Yeah, whatever..." Bakura said out loud, moving away from Yami, leaving the Pharaoh to wallow in his self-pity.

Bakura walked purposefully through the crowd, searching through them until he found the person he was looking for.

Malik Ishtar was dancing, you could call it dancing but it was more like grinding heavily, with at three of the most attractive people in the place. Bakura put his hand on the other's shoulder and turned him around. "Get over here, Ishtar..." he muttered, pulling him away from the others who let out sighs and moans of disappointment.

"What the fuck, Bakura? I was working the crowd..." Malik complained, pouting.

"You still got that old rod of yours? I think I've got an idea...I want to use it on the Priest."

Malik snorted, "What, can't fuck him without it?" He teased, "But seriously, 'Kura, that won't work, it won't work on him."

"Oh, I think it will..." Bakura sneered. "If you remember our dear Pharaoh and the High Priest were lovers...And I'm not trying to fuck him myself, no, I just want to make things easier for the Pharaoh. And I'm sure the rod'll do it if it thinks it's helping..."

"Whoa, wait, wait, wait...why are YOU helping Yami?" Malik asked, bring the rod out of his back pocket and tossing it back and forth in his hands.

Crossing his arms, Bakura smirked, "Because it'll be good for me. Obviously. Now are you gonna let me use it or not? You owe me one. Remember? I got that one asshole who was resistant...I got him for you, didn't I?"

Sighing, Malik reluctantly handed it over, "Yeah, yeah...Just give it back to me in an hour, right?"

"Yeah." Bakura answered, already activating its power.

Malik shrugged and moved back to his dancing partners as Bakura proceeded to successfully convince the rod that it would be a good thing to make Kaiba convince Yami to fuck him. Bakura can be very persuasive...

Yami put his hand to his forehead and rubbed harshly. A loud groaning noise emitted from the room the Pharaoh had left Kaiba, and it was giving him a headache. He knew that it was Kaiba undoubtedly still cursing him out. Oh, I'll teach him to shut up...

Glaring, Yami's hand went to the door when at once, the noise stopped. Hand still on the door, Yami blinked. I...suppose he's tired? Or, what if something happened to him? He wondered, his heart starting to pound though he knew he left the room completely sealed, with no way for anyone to get in.

Regardless of logic, Yami pulled the door open and made his way over to the bed. "Seto..." he breathed out, relief flooding him when he saw the boy was still as he had left him at most twenty minutes ago, and he seemed fairly unharmed, though his wrists and ankles were very red and bleeding lightly.

At the sound of his name, Kaiba's eyes opened, though they looked strangely lidded. He did not struggle, did not pull away from Yami when he walked near. No, in fact the CEO even moved as though he wished to be closer to Yami.

Not daring to hope, Yami stopped short and, studying the other boy thoughtfully. "Do you want me to take your gag off?"

Blinking once, Kaiba slowly nodded but did not move otherwise.

Sighing, Yami nodded, "Very well. But only for a moment..."

Reaching over, Yami took the gag off and Kaiba let out a breath. Before Yami could speak, Kaiba interrupted him. "Yami, I'm so sorry. I should not have doubted you. You don't know how much I've missed you too. Please, please don't leave me again. I was only calling for you to come back..." As he spoke, tears filled his eyes convincingly though his tone was...not his own.

Yami, however did not even notice. He simply stared at Kaiba, his heart pounding in his chest, wanting to believe. "Seto...My...love. What are you saying?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Yami, please. I need you to touch me. I love you..."

Yami gaped at him, tears filling his eyes. Wiping them away angrily, he tried to glare. "This won't work, I'm not going to unchain you, Seto."

"But...I don't care. You don't need to unchain me to touch me...you don't need to unchain me fully to...to...fuck me."

"I...Oh, Seto!" Now Yami took steps closer to the bound boy and flung his body on him, hugging him tightly. "Oh, Seto..." Moving his lips to the other boys, Yami gave him the chance to prove it and lingered just above his lips, brushing Seto's own gently. "Please, Seto, don't lie, I couldn't bare it if you-"

Yami's words were cut off by a kiss from the CEO, and the Pharaoh kissed back, devouring the other boy's mouth, shoving his tongue deep inside the other's welcoming mouth, tasting him and claiming him fully once more.

Still sitting back down at the bar, Bakura allowed himself a snicker. Oh this is too perfect...much better than just watching plain old porn...and it's a gain for me...And it'll break Kaiba up inside...thinking he gave into Yami himself...Too rich... Bakura laughed.
A/N: And so the plot thickens...

setosgirl - I'm sure that it is all the ukeSeto! that makes you feel good about this fic. ukeSeto! is a wonderful, wonderful thing...

Nachzes Black-Rider - Thanks! I'm glad that you like the fic. It's just I never seem to be able to get on to the boards. The very few times I am online recently, I've just written things...the number of updates I have shows you how often that is...;

noone - Well, I'm sorry that it seems I never update anything! I AM really horrible about that, and I am very sorry! But, here is a nice and long update for you. I hope that you like it.

mistressKC - I'm really happy that you think it was well written. I'm sorry that it was confusing, and I hope this chapter was a bit more clear. And I rather agree that almost anything with Seto, ukeSeto! especially is good...So, thank you for the review.

kiokukaiba - I am very happy that I helped make your mood good! That's always nice to hear. I'm sorry that it took me so very long to update, but...at least it's a nice and long one. I hope you enjoyed the trip you went on!

Assassain - Yes, I also rather like how Yami isn't the 'goody two-shoes' that a lot of people make him out to be recently. I really don't think he was meant to be like that, and I try to portray that in my fics. I'm really glad you like it, and I hope you like the update!