Three Slayers 14d

Faith gnawed anxiously on her bottom lip as she slouched on the couch of her dockside apartment and waited for the next, and riskiest, part of Xander's plan to come to fruition. Suddenly the apartment door crashed open to reveal her crazed-looking sister Slayer. "You hurt Xander," she growled

Swallowing her nervousness, Faith leapt up and forced a cocksure grin. "Hey girlfriend," Faith winked. "I did you a favour, Xman's a zero. Babes like us need real men."

Kendra sneered. "My Xman's worth any ten of your real men. And you're going to pay."

Faith grinned, even though the fight was gonna be faked it was still enough to get the juices flowing and the blood pumping. "Let's see what you've got sis," she taunted.

Immediately Kendra lunged forward, her right foot shooting upwards towards Faith's jaw. Instinctively she slid inside the blow, grabbed her opponent's foot by the ankle and threw her into the wall. Hearing the sound of running feet and sensing the approach of vampires, she let out a shout. "Any of you pricks come in here and I'll stake you myself!"

Her warning delivered, she leapt towards her sister Slayer only to catch a shuddering uppercut to the gut. "Good punch sis," she complimented as she staggered away, ducking beneath a follow-up right, before bringing a knee up that her opponent blocked on her thigh. Grunting slightly with the effort, she landed a knife-edge chop to Kendra's neck, knocking the older girl off-balance.

Instantly she followed up with a leg-sweep at her rival's feet that her fellow Slayer leapt over before delivering a flying crescent kick that connected with her jaw, knocking her on her sweet ass. "Fuck Ken," she rolled instantly to her feet and moved into a defensive stance. "You could give a girl the idea you didn't like her."

"I don't."

Faith raised an eyebrow. "That case," she charged forward. Her sister Slayer leapt to meet her only to sidestep at the last second and slam the point of her elbow into her skull. "Shit!" Faith stumbled away from a follow-up right, grabbed Kendra's wrist and yanked her towards her and into a clothesline to the throat, even as she swept Kendra's legs from beneath her.

Kendra flew through the air to land with shattering force on her coffee table, breaking the table with her landing. Faith's eyes widened, she'd liked that table.. "Now that's just wasteful!" Conscious that she had to make it look good for the vampires straining to get in through the mystical barrier, she drove a foot into her sister's ribs, sending her crashing into the couch. Faith bounded towards her friend but before she could reach her, Kendra made her feet, her fist snapping out to crash into Faith's nose, shattering the bridge. Blood dripping down onto the carpet, and tears blurring her eyes, she stumbled backwards. Fuck, Kendra had taken her beating of Xander bad.

Ignoring the braying of the vampires who wanted to see blood, anybody's, spilt, Faith moved into a spin kick that her sister ducked beneath before grabbing her by the ankle and flinging her into the wall. "Shit!" Rolling to her feet, she saw her friend charging towards her. Immediately Faith leapt into the air into a flying hook kick that caught Kendra in the back of the head and sent her crashing face-first into the wall.

A snarl parting her lips, forgetting it was in fact an act, Faith leapt towards her friend only to catch a back-swung desk lamp in her face. Dazed by the impact of the lamp shattering against her jaw, she didn't see Kendra's foot until it exploded against her head.

Before she had time to regain her balance, Kendra grabbed her by her shoulders and flung across the room and through the glass balcony doors. "Shit!" Glass exploded as she crashed shoulder-first on the concrete balcony floor. Seeing Kendra clambering through the shattered doorway, she shot out a foot, her heel smashing into the other Slayer's knee taking her sister face-down down to the ground.

In an instance, she was on top of her sister, pinning her there with a stranglehold that if properly applied would render its victim unconscious in seconds but without pressure would merely restrain its victim. "It's been fun Ken," she whispered. "But I'm getting kinda pummelled here, so how about we go for the finale." Without waiting for an answer, she stood, dragging her friend's limp body with her before lifting Kendra above her head in an overhead press motion. With a growl of victory, she flung the body over the balcony wall. "God Ken," she whispered as the body dropped stone like into the ocean below. "I hope it works out."

The instance Kendra's limp body broke through the ocean's blue-green surface; Buffy swam over to her and quickly fixed the spare oxygen canister and snorkel Angel had stolen from a local outdoors sport store the previous night. That accomplished, she hooked an arm around her battered fellow Slayer's waist and began swimming towards the congregation point where Giles and the others bar Angel would be waiting. Xander's plans, she shook her head, she was convinced it was just an excuse to see her and Kendra in wet clothes.

"That was quite a fight at your place last night."

"Yeah it was wasn't it," Faith drawled casually. "Gonna need the builders in." God, she hoped Kendra was five by five. They'd decided that now they had the information relating to the Mayor's ascension and her part in the plan to defeat him that for the sake of her safety she wouldn't contact the others until the ascension began. It made sense, but it also meant she wouldn't know if her sis was five by five for two days. Two fucking days, they'd be the longest of her life.

"Why didn't you allow my other employees to help you?"

"I might be working for you boss, but I'm still a Slayer, no way I was going to let those blood-suckers feed on her," Faith shrugged. "Besides I wanted to beat her woman on woman."

"A sort of job pride."

"Yeah," if he tried to hit her....

Instead, the Mayor nodded. "I suppose I can understand that. Only Faith, yeah," he shook his head. "It's yes."

"Look," Jonathan was getting desperate. He'd been trying for hours to convince the student body about what was happening at the graduation, but as usual as they were deriding him.

"Hey listen you bunch of jack-asses," Jonathan winced at Cordelia's voice. Why bother with diplomacy when you had your own personal atom bomb in Cordelia Chase? "How many funerals have we all been to growing up? All the people we went to school with who one morning suddenly weren't there? I could list the names but that would take too long. We all know what goes on in this great town of ours," the brunette's voice was laced in sarcasm. "So are you all going to continue to bury your heads in the sand? Or are you going to fight back?"

Jonathan blinked in surprise as the others fell silent, momentarily cowed by Cordelia's impassioned speech, but then Percy spoke up with a snigger. "And who's going to lead us, the nerd and the cheerleader? Great, the world is saved."

"No, we are." Jonathan's heart leapt at Xander's voice and the appearance of his friend, Kendra, and Angel at the back of the sports hall. "And if you're not part of the solution, then get the hell out because then you're part of the problem." When no one moved or spoke, his friend nodded in satisfaction. "Good, now this is what's happening."

"It's a delightful day isn't it?"

"Great, boss. Nice and sunny," Faith replied dutifully. She'd changed into a black trouser suit that was loose fitting enough to allow her ease of movement, and had enough room to conceal her hunting knife and favourite two stakes. She was stood on the hastily built podium at the front of the sports field turned into graduation ceremony looked around the massed assembly, ignoring Willow's hate-filled glare. No Kendra , but then she wouldn't be here yet, she was part of the surprise attack. If they were still alive. "When does it start?"

The Mayor's chest puffed out. "After my speech."

Faith winced. Wicked, not only had she to fight for her life, she had to sit through another one of the pompous windbag's speeches first. "My life sucks."

"What was that dear?"

"Nothing boss."

The moment the sky began to cloud over and Wilkins began morphing into his demonic self, Faith leapt out of her seat behind the still pontificating public servant and slammed her dagger deep into his side. "That's for the slap the other night you piece of shit," she whispered into the amazed politician's ear before leaping off the stage to stand beside her blonde counterpart. "Long time no see B," she glanced over her shoulder and grinned to see her Johnny throwing off his robes to lead the students, god she made him so proud. "Ken and Fang?"

"They're ok-," the blonde grinned. "Five by five."

"Wicked!" Faith's smirk faded as she turned to face the now fully changed Mayor. The Mayor was now a green-scaled snake, perhaps fifty feet in length. "He's awful -."

"Big," the blonde beside her commented.

"I was going for scary but whatever works," Faith agreed.

"Want to do your thing?"

"Not really no," Faith muttered before stepping forward. "Hey Wilkins ya prick!"

As soon as Faith made her move Jonathan nodded to Cordelia beside him, instantly the cheerleader raised her megaphone, as if she needed one, and bellowed her order. "Retreat to the fall-back point!"

As soon as the students began to retreat to the back of the field, they were confronted by scores of vampire. "Remember kill, don't feed!" exclaimed their leader, a tall, thin vampire in a power suit.

"Actually," Xander proclaimed as he stepped out from behind the bushes to the left of the field, followed by Kendra and a score of weapon-wielding students, and Angel, Giles, and Wesley did the same with another couple of dozen students at the right of the field. "We'd prefer it if you did the dying," raising his pistol crossbow he shot the vamp leader, dropped his crossbow and drew his battle-ax. "At 'em!"

Faith grinned as she heard Kendra shouting orders to her troops. Big sis was five by five. "See that," she thumbed over her shoulder. "Angel, Xander, and Kendra all alive. So's Worth by the way. Played you like a cheap violin you dump fuck!" The demon let out an enraged roar. "Think he's pissed yet B?"

"Oh yeah! Run!"

"Good idea!" Heart thundering, Faith hurried inside the school, her long strides eating up the ground as she ran beside her blond counterpart. "So B," she panted as she ran around a corridor corner. "How ya been? Angel working on that sun-cream thing?"

"Just keep running!"

Gee, Faith mused, B was a lousy conversationalist. Although it was hard to talk when running for your life from a snarling, noxious-breathing demon. Spinning round a corner, her foot caught on a wet patch. "Shit!" Her balance gone, she plunged headfirst into a locker before plummeting to the ground. The wind knocked out of her and her head reeling from the collision with the dented locker she could do nothing but look up at the huge snakehead swaying above her. She was fucked.

"Keep up!" Suddenly a strong hand was pulling her to her feet.

"Thanks B!" forcing herself to focus she started to run.

"Don't mention it! Next corner!"

Faith nodded in understanding. "Five by five!" She just hoped they had enough time to get clear, Wilkins seemed awful close. As she swung round the next bend, Faith leapt into the air, clearing the four-foot high tripwire by some margin. Upon landing, she didn't look back but kept running.

Suddenly she heard the boss' voice. "Well gosh!"

The hall shook and rumbled as the Mayor set off the tripwire set to the thirty claymores Xander and Kendra had stolen from the army base and hidden into the lockers fixed to the tripwire, bringing masonry tumbling down onto the smouldering demon even as she and B leapt through the window at the end of the corridor. "Hey B!" she yelled "I wonder how many kids get to blow up their schools at graduation?"

Buffy looked over her shoulder at the raging inferno behind them before grinning. "Beats just burning your books," she agreed.

Kendra exchanged a worried glance with Faith. Three hours ago, as soon as nightfall had descended, Buffy, Angel, Willow, and Wesley had left for LA. When they'd left for patrol, Giles had looked maudlin but okay, but now he was sat on the sofa cradling a framed photograph of Buffy in his hands. "Ask him," she muttered.

Her sister Slayer elbowed her in her ribs. "Your idea. You ask him."

"Fine," she muttered through gritted teeth. "I'll do it." They'd asked Xander to stay over at Jonathan's tonight so they could ask Giles something, something very important.

At her nervous cough the Watcher looked up, his smile weary and his eyes watery. "Any trouble on patrol?"

"Nothing Mr. Giles, the Mayor's demise appears to have left the Hellmouth's resident demons in disarray," she replied.

"What she said," Faith echoed.

Kendra rolled her eyes. "You want me to do this or not?" she muttered.


"Giles, Faith and I were thinking. She never knew who her father was, and my father gave me up to the Council. We were wondering if," she paused at the Watcher's bewildered expression only to continue at Faith's encouraging whisper. "If we could change our surnames by deed poll to Giles." Seeing the Watcher's mouth begin to open, she hurried on, her words becoming a babble. "In the one year we've known you you've been more of a father and this has been more of a home than either of us have ever had before."

"What you think G?" Faith broke in anxiously.

The Englishman wiped furtively at his eyes before beaming and nodding. "I'd like that, I'd like that a lot."


Tbc in 'Two Slayers', featuring:-

The debut of Tara, and Riley Finn. Anyanka and a new, improved Wishverse. The return of the Council and Harmony Kendall. And much, much more!