Chapter 1- Pissed

Kagome POV

It never ceased to amaze her. No matter how close her and Inuyasha got, whenever Kikyo pooped her ugly little head in Inuyasha ran to her like a little puppy. It was really beginning to piss her off. Whenever she got close to a guy Inuyasha would bitch his little head off, but when it was his loving Kikyo it was a different story. They had gotten so close this time. Inuyasha had given her, her first kiss. Granted it was really only a peck on the lips it was still a kiss. Kagome wasn't even mad at Kikyo anymore. Despite their differences about Inuyasha, they were beginning to get closer like they had some sort of understanding now. Plus it was Inuyasha's fault he couldn't keep his tongue in his own mouth. She was getting fed up with him. She wasn't going to give him the usual silent treatment. She was going to make him pay for it this time. By the time she was done he would be begging for her to take him back.

Inuyasha POV

'He couldn't help it' he thought to himself. Kikyo was his weakness. She was like a goddamn addiction to him. No matter what went on or how much he told himself not to he would always come running back to her. Kikyo's lips were so soft, Kagome's were softer but Kikyo was his first. No matter how hard he tried to forget her he couldn't. He knew he was going to get it if Kagome found out, but she would just forgive him anyways. Maybe I'll make it up to her with a good long kiss followed by a good hard fuck. He let go of Kikyo's hand. He looked over to find Kagome walking up. To say the least he wasn't surprised. The thing that surprised him was her seemingly happy disposition. She didn't seem mad at all.

"Hi Kikyo, how are you doing." Said Kagome with a crystalline smile on her face.

'Hmm, maybe she didn't see. No she must have, she was standing there a good minute. He had heard the twigs snapping under her feet. Crap I am in for it this time' Inuyasha thought

Kagome wrapped her arms around Inuyasha's tummy and gave him a hug. "When your done come back and I'll make you some ramen" Kagome said before walking away.

'Hmm, maybe she is not mad' (Inuyasha)

'Yea, come back so I can make your life a living hell!!!'