Title: Somewhere In the Night 1/3
Author: Jyorraku, Josephine, Chrysa, Didi, Mara, JustVisiting, Catseye
E-Mail: For contact info, check the Linguistics Database Forum: .
Rating: R
Category: Romance
Codes: A/S
Summary: Round robin in the Archer/Sato forum. When Jonathan met Hoshi. . .
Disclaimer: Star Trek and Enterprise are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures. No infringement is intended.
Notes: This was a round robin started in the Archer and Sato Forum: of the Linguistics Database: . There are multiple authors involved, please seek permission from all before archiving. Format by Jyorraku, beta by Mara, Portugese by Babelfish.

Posted By


When Captain Jonathan Archer arrived at the Los Angeles Linguistics Institute, there were already students slowly trickling out the buildings. He had hoped to arrive early to see what actually went on in these places, but a shuttle malfunction delayed his arrival. He hoped Professor Sato was still there. She taught upper division exolinguistics and he wanted her recommendations on who to recruit for his communications officer. She had taken some classes at Starfleet Academy for a research position. Desk job. But she should know what it took to be a Starfleet officer. Yes, no matter who he was going to recruit, her recommendation would be vital.

He glanced at her file again. No picture. Of a Japanese background, from the last name. Age . . . well, that's got to be a typo. He looked suspiciously at everyone that he passed as he approached the building, hoping she hadn't left already.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Professor Hoshi Sato's classroom?" Archer politely inquired at the receptionist desk.

The receptionist looked up, started to gesture, but ended up gaping at him instead.

"Oh my God! You're Jonathan Archer! You're going to be the captain of the Enterprise when they finally finish building that warp 5 engine!"

Archer smiled wryly, "Finally, yes. We're still in the testing phase."

The bubbly receptionist scrambled for a piece of paper. "Can I have your autograph?"

More students were filing out from his left and right. He tried to keep his head down. After the publicity stunts he had made on behalf of Starfleet, it was hard to walk on the street without being accosted by someone with hero worship in their eyes. "Sure," Archer quickly scribbled a signature, "I would really like to speak to Professor Sato, though."

"Oh yeah, she's heading off to Brazil right after this class. Her room is on your left, four doors down. Can't miss it. Her, that's another story, I mean once someone came to sit in on her class and thought she was a student--Hey! Thanks for the autograph!" the receptionist yelled after his fading footsteps. He didn't even finish listening to her. Admiring the bold scribble of her newly acquired autograph, she muttered to herself, "He's even cuter in person."

* * * * *

Students were already filing out of her room. Archer went in and found himself amongst a sea of jabbering students and no teacher in sight. He grabbed a young female student and yelled to her, against the chaos, "I'm looking for Professor Sato!"

Suddenly, all the voices went silent and Archer found himself in the center of attention. The students stared curiously at the stranger in their mist. Archer braced himself for recognition, wondering how he was supposed to escape now.

Then there was a snicker. Then another. Then the whole class fell into giggles as they started to file out again. Archer was severely puzzled at their reaction.

A male student patted him on the shoulder. "Nice one, Captain. See you later, Prof."

A melodious female voice called out next to him, "See you later, Jeremy. Good luck on the Academy entrance exam!"

Archer jerked his head around. The young female student he had pulled aside smiled beguilingly at him.

"I'm Hoshi Sato. I believe you were looking for me?"


Archer just stared at the 'student' in front of him. He had faced countless dignitaries and members of Starfleet High Command, yet he could feel his face redden under her amused gaze.

"I...ah...I'm Captain Archer, of the Enterprise. I called...?"

Professor Sato's smile grew. "Yes, I remember. Walk with me to my office. I have a few minutes before I have to leave for Brazil."

Archer followed her like a puppy. He was captivated by her smooth voice.

"So, Captain, what can I do for you?" Hoshi sat behind her desk and motioned him into a chair. Her eyes never left his face.

Archer got himself back under control. "I was hoping you could give me some recommendations for a communications officer. I had considered Frank Johansson..."

Hoshi laughed. "Frank? You're kidding. Sure he was number one in our class, but he certainly didn't deserve it. He's the worst sycophant I've ever seen." Archer's brows rose. Hoshi grinned back. "And I'm not saying that because I was number two. The man is a total suck up. He is not Starfleet material."

"Then who?" Archer watched, mesmerized as Hoshi nibbled her bottom lip, thinking.

"Alexander? Vignerot? Dalrymple?" Her forehead creased as she thought.

"You." Archer surprised himself with his outburst. Hoshi looked up.


"You. I want you." Archer smiled inwardly at the double entendre.

"Me? I'm not going into space."

Archer leaned forward. "I want you, Professor Sato, and I'm going to get you."


Hoshi raised an eyebrow. "Do you think you have what it takes?"

Archer grinned but before he could answer there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

A pretty blond poked her head in and smile. "Hiya, Prof. Got my report for you."

Hoshi held out her hand and the student slipped in and gave it to her. "Oh, Julie, this is Captain Jonathan Archer. Captain, this is Julie Summers. She's one of my best students."

Archer and Julie shook hands and Julie turned to Hoshi. "I hear there's a good thunderstorm brewing where you're going."

Hoshi smiled brightly. "Excellent." At Archer's confused look she said, "I like listening to thunderstorms. Don't like being in them but I like listening to them and watching the lightning flicker in the sky."

"Have a good time, Prof," Julie said heading for the door. Just as she opened it she turned and let out a series of clicks and trills.

Hoshi blushed and glanced at Archer before laughing and making shooing motions at Julie. "Go, you trouble maker!"

With a last laugh Julie slipped out the door. Shaking her head, Hoshi turned to see Archer regarding her with a raised eyebrow of his own. "What exactly does that mean?"

Hoshi bit her lip. "It means I have a flight to Brazil to catch, Captain." She rose from her chair, paused to grab a bag from her closet, and headed for the door.

"Wait, that's it? You're just going to leave?"

Hoshi's laughter rang down the hall. "You want me? Come get me!"


* * * * *

Archer sighed. The heat was getting to him. If Sato wasn't such a good linguist, he'd have said the hell with her and gotten someone else. But she was the best, and he needed the best. Which explained why the exalted captain of the starship Enterprise had gone to Brazil to convince a lowly ensign to join his crew.

Archer sighed again, taking off his soaked t-shirt. Insect spray stopped the bugs from biting, but nothing could stop the sweat from pouring off him. Now wearing only hiking boots and shorts, he began to feel a little cooler.

"How much farther?" Archer called to the guide.

"Just around the bend, Senhor."

Five more minutes and a bend in the path brought them to a small village. Archer could see numerous members of the indigenous tribe going about what he assumed was their daily routine. The guide brought him over to a newer structure, where he could hear Hoshi's voice emanating. He smiled at the thought of seeing her again. Archer waited outside where the guide told him to stand.

"Senhora Sato! I have a visitor for you!" The guide stood just outside the doorway.

"Enrico? What are you doing back so soon? And with a visitor?" Hoshi shielded her eyes as she came out of the dark hut into the bright sunlight.

Archer grinned at the sight. Hoshi was also stripped down to the essentials in this heat, tank top, shorts, and boots. Her hair was piled on top of her head, but tendrils had come loose, and were plastered to her skin.

Hoshi just stared at Archer. To say he was the last person on Earth she expected to see would be an understatement. Her eyes roamed over him. The uniform he wore in her office didn't even hint at his broad chest, flat stomach .... Hoshi stopped her thoughts from going any lower. At least for now. She took a deep breath. "What are you doing here?"

Archer's grin widened. "You did tell me to come and get you if I wanted you. And I want you, Ensign."


Hoshi was taken aback by his appearance here. And despite his easy grin, Hoshi suddenly felt like he was not going to let her slip out of his hands and whether she liked it or not, space was where she was going to be. This was turning serious.

"Ensign already? I haven't agreed to go back with you yet and I'm already demoted from Professor to Ensign," Hoshi said dryly.

That wasn't something Archer had contemplated yet, but somehow he knew that wasn't really what was at issue. Perhaps with Frank Johansson it would have been, but not her. "I don't think it matters that much to you."

Surprised that he already knew so much about her from their short time together, Hoshi tried another route.

"Captain, you do realize there are an enormous number of qualified linguists waiting in line to get on the Enterprise, don't you?" Did she even need to remind him?

Realizing that she was finally taking his offer seriously, Archer's grin faded and held her eyes level with his. "Qualified, yes. But I want the best."

The intensity of his eyes started to scare her. Something told her that she needed to end this right now, or she'd be swayed. Swayed to join him in a tin can hurling out to space at impossible speeds. Swayed to take a chance. To leave the comforts and luxuries of teaching and do something completely unlike her.

Hoshi broke their eye contact and said to the rock by her shoe, "I'm certainly not the best. If you want the best, Frank Johansson graduated first in our class--"

She was scared of being tempted now, grasping at straws. Archer knew. To bring up Frank Johansson again when she'd already dismissed him was a sure sign that he was having an effect.

"You were twelve."

Hoshi blinked at him. "What?"

"You were second, but you were just twelve years old."

Her lips thinned to a white line. "That's certainly no excuse." It was not an excuse. That's what her parents said. She was gifted damn it, there was absolutely no excuse for her to come in second.

Archer nearly laughed. "Do you want to know what I was doing at twelve? It certainly nothing to do with competing with someone nearly twice my age."

"That's not the point, Captain," Hoshi protested. Her heart was pounding fast now. "If you don't want Frank Johansson, there are nearly a dozen other graduates from later classes who are more than qualified. I can vouch for that! I'm not suited for space. It's like jumping over Niagara Falls in a barrel. Things out there," Hoshi rolled her eyes, exasperated at herself, "thing down on earth give me the creeps, what makes you think I'll last out there?"

She had nearly yelled that last part. He had forced it out of her. She had always been the youngest amongst her academic peers, so she had to be extra strong, extra confident, otherwise people would step all over her. No matter how enticing space and its languages, she could not bear the thought of showing someone that there was a weak side to her.

Archer, surprised at her outburst, was momentarily speechless. But he realized that nothing she said had to do with her linguistic ability or her desire to seek out new languages. She knew she what she had and what she wanted. It was only fear that was stopping her.

"Senhor! Senhora! A storm is coming, we should start heading back to the university compound before it starts pouring."

Somewhere far off, thunder rumbled. Hoshi shivered at the majestic sound. If she hurried back she could go one of the observatories and watch the sky without getting wet. Excitement drummed in her veins as she started to collect her things.

Something tickled behind Archer's memory. Yes, when they were still back in LA, Hoshi had said something about listening and watching storms, but not wanting to be in them. Watch them from a safe distance. Always safe. An idea started to take form in his mind as the clouds darken overhead.

"Come on, we'll give you a ride back," Hoshi offered.

Archer frowned in confusion. "But I hiked here."

Hoshi grinned mischievously at him. "I know you did."

Captain of the Enterprise! Conned by an ensign! But instead of getting mad, Archer smiled, dangerously.

At the sight of that feral smile, Hoshi instinctively stepped back.

"No, I hiked here, I'll hike back."

"But the rain--"

"And you're coming with me."



For a moment, she was sure she had heard him wrong. There was no way in the world she could....

"Come along, Ensign." Jonathan Archer wore the kind of grin every mother warned their daughters about. "If we hurry, we just might make it back before it starts to really pour."

For a moment, she was tempted to say the hell with him and climb into the jeep that sat neatly parked in view. The natives frowned at her need for modern conveniences. But there was something that sparkled in the young captain's eyes that made her spine stiffen. "Is this really necessary?"

"Yes, of course it is." He grinned at her and tugged on her arm. "Come on, it will be nice breezy walk down--"

"The side of a mountain with a giant thunderstorm chasing our tails."

"What better way for us to be acquainted before you join me in space?"

"I haven't agreed to anything yet, Captain," she replied tugging at her arm, which was clasped firmly in Archer's big hand. "And could you stop dragging me along like a dog on a leash?"

"Defensive," Jonathan replied with the same grin still gracing his face. "Come now, you know that it's only a matter of time before you give into my charms."

That certainly produced a laugh from Hoshi as she tripped down the mountainside with the big man. The light drizzling rain had begun, cooling them down while raising the temperature through the thick humidity. "You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say..."

"You should have been first." Archer murmured quietly as they moved further down, away from the curious ears of the native tribes.

She said nothing, hating herself for feeling just slightly vindicated that someone else believed her to be the best. But even the words of the first deep space captain couldn't make up for the many cold and disappointed looked received from her very disapproving parents.

Hoping for a safer topic, she glanced at his strong capable profile for a moment. "Dragging me wet, tired and hungry down a mountain side is hardly going to convince me to go along with your plans."

Tossing her a survival bar, he continued to walk down the now slightly slippery slope. "You know, you should wear your hair like that more often. It makes you looks just old enough to be respectable."

"What does that mean?" she asked, chewing on the tough as cardboard bar. "Yuck, you'd think after three hundred years someone might have come up with a better tasting bark for me to gnaw on."

"Do you always do that?"


"Change the subject when the current one doesn't suit you?" He asked as he grabbed her arm just as she was destined to trip over an exposed root.

Fearing for her own safety, she swung around too fast to avoid barreling into the more than solid chest of the man by her side. Feeling the heat crept quickly from neck to forehead, she pushed herself away quickly. Too quickly.

She never even saw the branch before it smacked her across the base of her neck, spending stars exploding in her field of vision.

The last thing she remembered clearly just before the darkness descended upon her was Jonathan Archer's soulful green eyes wide with shock and concern. "Ensign?"


* * * * *

"Ensign?. . . .Ensign?. . . Great, Jon, just great. Meet a beautiful woman, try to convince her that life onboard a ship is the best thing since sliced bread, get her whacked upside the head with a branch. Just friggin' great. Trip's going to laugh his ass off when he hears about this. . . "

A loud boom of thunder registered in Hoshi's hearing and drowned out whatever else Archer said. Thunderstorm, she thought. How come I'm not wet? She opened her eyes. They were sheltered underneath an overhang in the rocks.

Outside the thunderstorm raged but inside it was dry. . . and warm. . . Frowning, Hoshi looked over to the side and saw a nice crackling fire. She snorted. Figures, he would be a boy scout.

The sound brought Archer out of his rant. "Hey," he smiled down at her. "You're awake."

"Mmmm. . . Tell me again why we couldn't take the jeep?. . . And who's Trip?" Hoshi decided to save the beautiful woman comment as ammunition for a later date.


". . . Trip? Trip is Commander Charles Tucker the 3rd. He's the Chief Engineer of the Enterprise."

"And he'd find this funny?"

"Yeah, well, he's pretty smooth with the ladies."

"Ah. And the jeep?"

Archer finally met her eyes again. "Hoshi, I'm not going beat around the bush. You are the best. THE best. I need the best with me, out there where there are new languages that we are starting from scratch with. I need your ear, I need your uncanny ability with languages, I need YOU. I realize the unknown scares you, but we'll all be there for each other. Look at us now. There's a thunderstorm out there, but we're protected, we're dry, we've got a fire, we've got food."

As Hoshi started to open her mouth, little rivulets of water started to pour over the overhang. They scrambled toward the back of the shelter, trying not to get wet.

"There's not enough room," Hoshi muttered.

"Yes there is. Here, let me sit like this. . . " Archer sat with his back against the rock. ". . . And you sit here." He hauled Hoshi over his knee to sit between his legs, drawing them up out of the way of the fire.

Hoshi sat stiff as a board. "You got us to this shelter, you made the fire. I knocked myself out with a branch."

Archer rummaged through his pack, bringing out two fruit bars and a canteen of water. "And if we encountered a native tribe, you'd be the one who could convince them we meant no harm. Hungry?" he offered her a fruit bar.

"Um. . . thank you." Taking the bar, Hoshi unwrapped it slowly. She couldn't believe she was sitting in what amounted to Captain Jonathan Archer's lap.

"You might as well get comfortable. We'll probably be here awhile." His voice tickled her ear. Hoshi gasped slightly and turned her head, almost bumping noses with Archer. He smiled at her, his green eyes dancing. . .

Kiss him. . . just kiss him. . .

"All right. . . " Hoshi relaxed against his chest as he moved back. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of him against her back. Should have kissed him. . . Hoshi shivered at the thought of his lips on hers, and what it could have led to.

"Cold?" Archer wrapped his arms around her. Hoshi nearly groaned. What have I gotten myself into? She decided not to think about it too much, and fell into a light sleep.


Honeysuckle and roses, Archer thought as he held her close. Her little body felt like a block of ice. Wonder why women can't seem to keep enough body heat to stay alive. Maybe it has something to with men having... The thought was lost as Jonathan felt his own body produce too much body heat for comfort. Easy cowboy, you're going to scare her off before she's even said yes to the mission!

Shifting until he was comfortable once more against the rock, he grinned. Trip really is going to have a field day with this. Here I am, trying to convince a beautiful woman to come to space with me and keep me alive, and I end up with her in my arms. Wonder if old Trip would turn green with envy or blue with laughter.

"Hum..." Hoshi wiggled in her sleep, her body curling around enough to give her more comfort at the same time it was driving Jonathan crazy.

Okay, time for me to put her down. Shifting his burden onto the ground, he almost got his arm around when her head flopped over and hit a sharp protrusion.

"Ouch!" Hoshi came awake with a start and rubbed the offended area of her head vigorously. She looked up at him with a delightful pout, "You were saying something about this being easy?"

He grinned. He wasn't sure what it was about the young lady that was just so... darn attractive, but everything about her screamed out cute. "Okay, so there will be some rough spots along the way, but I'm sure we can get through it just fine."

"I haven't agreed to anything yet," Hoshi replied carefully moving the rest of her body to investigate any more damages. "I don't particularly like space. It's one of the reasons I'm only technically part of Starfleet."

"Just think of all the wonderful things you'll get to see and learn, Ensign." He argued, leaning forward. Yep, definitely honeysuckle and roses.

She looked at him with amusement then opened her mouth to speak.

But he beat her to it. Leaning in even close, he allowed himself the pleasure of seeing the surprise in her dark eyes. She was just too tempting. "Just think of all the different languages you'd be the first to listen to... to learn... to translate..." He drew each job out like a seduction of the mind.

She shivered slightly, whether from the cold or not was another question.


Tempting. Way too tempting.

The job or the man? asked the amused voice inside her.

Shut up, Hoshi! she chided herself. Oh God, she wasn't even out in space yet and she was already going crazy. Weary, she inched away from Archer. Not that there was that much space in this tiny alcove to begin with. She could still feel heat emitting from his body.

Archer didn't let her off that easily. He closed in on her, denying her retreat. "Tell me that's not want you want. Tell me that's not why you became an exo-linguist."

Hoshi suddenly felt like she was little red riding hood and he was the big bad wolf. What a very broad chest you have, grandma. . . She was his prey and he had her cornered. Were her ambitions and desires so completely transparent?

Then, somewhere above them, thunder roared, followed by a bright flash, lighting up the rainy sky. Hoshi gasped aloud as she felt the vibrations echoing through her, drumming through her veins. It was the first time she'd heard thunder so close. It was fresh, clear, and first hand.

Archer watched her carefully. She looked to be in some kind of trance, though her breath was too uneven for it and her face too flushed. She looked. . . too damn excited. It was just lightning for pete's sake. She didn't have to look so. . . Swallowing hard, Archer ran his hand over his face. Did she have any idea what she was doing to him?

"I've never heard it this way before," Hoshi whispered with awe in her voice.

Of course. That's what he was doing here. Recruiting her. Keep your eyes on the goal, Archer reminded himself. "This is the way it should always be heard. Up close and personal," he added, hoping this was going to be the thing to sway her.

Hoshi blinked a few times, as if to digest his words. Then her face split into a crooked grin and she had to force herself not to roll her eyes. "I'm perfectly aware of the parallels you're trying to make, Captain, I'm reluctant, not obtuse."

Smart mouth. Smart pretty mouth. Archer sighed inwardly. He really didn't like where his thoughts were trying to take him.

"You don't have to hit me over the head with it. . . " Hoshi continued to say, "I--OW! I didn't mean that literally!" She glared Archer, who stared blankly at her. Puzzled, she then stared at the offensive rock that had just bounced off her head. Suddenly, the earth started to rumble and more rocks fell all around them. Water started dripping overhead, dousing the fire he'd built.

Archer stood up immediately and covered her from the falling debris as they scrambled out of the alcove.

Hoshi's arm was tense under his hand. "You okay?!" Archer asked as the rain poured down on them.

Her head pivoted back and forth. Listening.

"This is bad," she said, to no one in particular.

"I've had bad."

Her head jerked. "This is worse." A second later, her eyes snapped to his and yelled, "Run!"

Archer didn't ask for the details, trusting her judgment. "Which way?!"

Hoshi grabbed his bigger hand in her smaller one and they started to head southeast.

The rain was coming down faster and harder. They could each see their breaths now, misty in the icy downpour as they jogged and tumbled through the woods.

Even Archer could hear the roar now. Flash flood. Only he wasn't sure which way it was heading. Hoshi was his only guide.

They came to what would have been a quaint little creek had they been a couple hours earlier. Now it looked like a deceptively shallow stream with water storming down at impossible speeds.

Archer held her hand tightly in his as they prepared to cross the stream. "Hold on tight!"

Hoshi snorted incredulously, "You don't have to tell me twice!"

Biting cold water gushed around her bare knees as they navigated across the creek. The rock bottom was slippery, and she was about to lean into Archer for weight support when her foot slipped and she plunged into the icy depths.

"HOSHI!" Archer turned to grab her, only to see the sheer terror in her eyes as she went under. He leaped toward dry ground and ran down the bank. Rain poured on him, branches snapped at him, mud spattered around his shoes, but he had only one thing in sight.

Starfleet survival training was extensive, but since it was something that Hoshi thought she'd never use, it was not something she thought about often. It was amazing how things start to kick in when you're in a life or death situation. Despite the overwhelming urge to panic, she let the current carry her. She conserved her energy while her arms sprayed wide to grasp any anchor she could find. Then there it was, a fallen tree lined up across the banks. It rushed at her like a ton of bricks but she managed to hold on, digging her fingers into the semi-rotting bark.

"HOSHI!" Came her name from somewhere above. But she was so tired. It was an effort to just move her head. Besides, she already knew who it was.

Archer stood at the higher left bank of the creek. His heart nearly stopped at the sight of Hoshi, wet and tired, but alive and holding on. If he thought she was beautiful before, she was a goddess now.

"Grab my hand!"

Hoshi managed to turn her neck. That took nearly every ounce of energy she had. She gazed forlornly back at Archer. "I can't!" She couldn't even feel her arms and legs anymore, how was she supposed to grab his hand?!

"Yes you can! C'mon Hoshi. I know you can do it!"

Then there was a louder roar somewhere in the upstream. The water was going to flood the entire creek and take the both of them with it if they didn't get to higher ground.

"Get out of here!" Hoshi managed to say. He couldn't die there with her. He had better things to do, more things to accomplish then drown with some nobody linguist.

Archer felt an angry twitch on his cheek. "No. I'm not going without you. Now grab my hand! That's an order, Ensign!"

She thought she would cry in frustration if she could still feel her face. Did he think she wouldn't reach for him if she could?!

"Hoshi," Archer said, his green eyes boring into hers, "Trust me."

Biting so hard into her lip that she could taste the blood, Hoshi drank down his words. Then, slowly but surely, she released her death grip on the tree and reached for him.

When he touched her icy fingers, he all but tore his arm out of its socket to reach further down to get a secure grip. Finally, with both their efforts, Archer hauled her up. They wordlessly climbed up to a higher ledge as the water washed by their ankles.

Exhausted, Hoshi collapsed on top of Archer while the both of them tried to catch their breaths. Even now, she could hear their hearts pounding in unison. His arms were still securely around her, chasing away the cold, just as they had before.

She blinked slowly, watching as his eyes caught hers. Her skin tingled where it used to be numb, the wet thin clothes between the both of them no match for his body heat. In all her year, she'd never felt so. . . alive.

Archer could feel her body shifting. He caught her shoulder before she could do anything else. "This is a bad idea," he breathed. This situation was a classic case of residual adrenaline rush. . . anything they did now they'd probably regret later. So he had to be the clear-headed one, no matter how much his body and instincts screamed at him. He was the captain of the goddamn Enterprise, damn it!

"You've had enough bad ideas for today, it's my turn," Hoshi replied as she ignored his restraint and leaned in. Then she abruptly stopped, staring at the red line that ran down his cheek. "You're bleedin--" Hoshi yelped in surprise as Archer, with a frustrated growl, yanked her lips down to his.


It was another loud roar of water that finally brought them out of it. With a gasp, Hoshi looked up to see an almost solid wall of water coming down the side of the mountain. They wouldn't be swept away by it but there would be debris floating in it just waiting for the chance to be flung into the air. "Roll!"

Not waiting to find out what else was going to go wrong, Archer rolled them away from the ledge and as close to the tree line as possible. They stood and Hoshi yelped in pain as she slipped on a rock and her ankle twisted. Picking her up, Archer headed up higher into the trees before stopping to rest next to the trunk of a large tree. Wordlessly, they watched as a fallen tree being carried away by the raging river was lifted up out of the water and slammed onto the ledge where they'd been only a few minutes before.

Holding her securely against him, Archer looked down to see Hoshi staring at the ledge with wide eyes. She started to shake. "We--we could have been--"

Archer rested his cheek against her forehead. "But we're not. It's okay. We're alive and we're going to be fine." He looked at her again and noticed that her eyes were bright and excited. For having two near death experiences in the space of minutes this was not quite the reaction he'd expected from her. "Hoshi? Are you all right?"

She grinned. "Actually, I've never felt better. . . .Do you think we might get out of the rain first before we do any more kissing though?"


More kissing. Archer tore his thoughts away from the delightful image of Hoshi in his arms. "First we have to get you warm. You're soaked through. Here. . . " he rummaged through his pack, pulling out a dry shirt. ". . . take off that wet one and put this on." Archer turned his back so Hoshi had some privacy, breathing deeply to regain his equilibrium.

A quiet Hoshi took the proffered shirt, also turning her back to change. He's not getting away that easily. Not after that kiss. She wouldn't stoop to using feminine wiles on him, but Jonathan Archer wouldn't find it so easy to forget she was around.

"Finished." Hoshi tossed the wet t-shirt at Archer, almost smacking him the face as he turned. "Sorry," she giggled. He gave her a look that promised later retribution.

Archer brought out his bolo and used it to start tearing the shirt into strips. Putting the knife down, he started wrapping Hoshi's ankle. "This might hurt a little."

Looking up at her gasp, Archer saw Hoshi biting her lip against the pain. Lips he had just been kissing. Concentrating on her ankle, he quickly finished, trying not to let his hands linger. "The underbrush is too wet to start a fire, I'll try to build a shelter before it gets any worse." Archer had picked up the bolo when they heard a voice.

"Capitão Archer! Professor Sato! Onde estão você?"

Hoshi felt a mixture of relief at being rescued and disappointment at not being alone with Archer anymore. "Enrico! Aqui!"

"That was quick, how did they find us so easily?"

Hoshi grinned. "We all have transmitters in our boots so if we get lost, we can be found before something happens."

"Well. Let's go then, shall we?" Archer sheathed the bolo, then put on his pack, not looking at Hoshi the entire time. Kneeling beside her, he scooped her up into his arms, walking toward the sound of Enrico's voice.

Archer was also feeling a mix of emotions at being rescued. Now what? Either she'll come back with you to Enterprise, where the chain-of-command will stand between you; or she'll stay on Earth, and you'll probably never see her again. I can't let it end this way!

Hoshi struggled against fatigue as Archer carried her to the jeep. He held her on his lap in the cramped vehicle as they rode back to the main village; her head on his chest as sleep finally over came her.

* * * * *

Hoshi woke up in a soft bed with light streaming through the shutters.

"Ah, Senhorita! You're awake. How are you feeling? And your ankle?"

Struggling to sit upright, Hoshi saw Senhora Perez come toward her with a glass of water. "How did I get here?"

"The Capitão, he brought you up to your bed himself. Wouldn't let anyone else touch you. A fine figure of a man, your Capitão."

"He's not my Capit--Captain." Ever since Hoshi had started boarding at Senhora Perez's house the older woman had been looking out for her.

"That's not what he thinks." Hoshi barely heard the Senhora's mutterings. Louder, she asked, "How is your ankle? Will you be able to dance at the fiesta tonight?"

"Fiesta? Why are you having a party? The feast of Our Lady of Lourdes isn't for a week."

Rummaging through Hoshi's closet, Senhora Perez tossed out "It's to celebrate your assignment to the Enterprise. Such an honor."

"That man! I never said I would take the job, Senhora." Flinging off the covers, Hoshi hobbled to the door. "Where is he? I'll not be pushed around like. . . " Pulling the door open, Hoshi came face to face with the cause of all her recent problems.

"Hoshi! You're up! Are you sure you're okay?" Archer stood in the door looking at a decidedly rumpled and ruffled linguist.

"Just what do you mean by telling these people I'm accepting this assignment? They're throwing a party for me!"

"Hoshi! I didn't tell them anything. They jumped to that conclusion themselves, and by the time I found out about the party, it was too late to stop it."

Hoshi hobbled back to the bedpost. "I feel like I'm being railroaded into this! You come to my office, say you want me; you follow me to Brazil, for goodness sake, and now my friends are giving me a going away party! Don't I have a say in my own life?!?"

Archer could hear the frustration in Hoshi's voice and realized she was close to tears. He motioned to Senhora Perez to leave them alone. Taking Hoshi in his arms, he let her cry out the stresses of the day.

"Of course you have a say in your life, if you want me to go, I will. I just wanted you to realize how much I. . . we need you on the Enterprise. But it's totally up to you if you come or stay. I'm sorry I bullied you. I'll go back to San Francisco, and you can let me know later what your decision is." Archer waited with a heavy heart for her to send him away.

Hoshi buried her face into his chest, embarrassed by her spate of tears. She didn't want him to go. She was going to accept the assignment, but as soon as she did, they went from equal footing to one where her was her superior. And she didn't want that to happen quite yet.

"No, stay. They're having a fiesta; it would be rude to leave. I've made up my mind anyway, so you wouldn't be pressuring me anymore."

"Are you going to tell me?"

Still not looking at him she replied, "No. Not until tomorrow."

Archer sighed with relief. At least he got one more evening with her. "The fiesta doesn't startfor another few hours. Do you want to rest more?"

"Yes, I do, thanks." Hoshi pulled away, meaning to hop to the bed, but Archer swung her up into his arms again and placed her gently down on the sheets.

"Let me take another look at that ankle." Unwrapping the makeshift bandage, he moved her foot around, checking for swelling. "It looks better, does it hurt much?"

Trying to think past the warmth of his fingers on her skin, Hoshi managed to get a 'No" out.

"Good. I'll re-wrap it, and maybe you can dance on it tonight," Archer said with a grin. Tucking her in after he was done, he kissed her forehead. "See you later."

Damn straight you will, Hoshi said to herself as she watched the handsome captain of the Enterprise walk out of her room.

* * * * *

"So he's not you're Capitão, is he?" Senhora Perez stood behind Hoshi, who was looking at herself in a mirror. "Then why do you dress so nice? It is isn't for any of the men around here, that's for sure!"

Hoshi looked at her outfit, cobbled together from the finery of the Senhora's five daughters. "Well, maybe my captain, a little bit." She ran a brush through her hair one last time, deciding on wearing it down.

"Hmph. Good thing your bed's as big as it is."


"What? Like I don't see the way he looks at you. Or you at him. Come. You won't look any better than you do now. Except when you get married."

Giving Senhora Perez an exasperated look, Hoshi gingerly walked out the door and down the steps to where Jonathan was waiting for her.


Hoshi didn't think of herself as a vain person, particularly. In a roundabout way, she supposed she was pretty, but it had never figured highly in her life.

Then she walked out the door toward the man who wanted her to go into space with him--on his ship at least--and saw the look in his eyes. And she knew that in his eyes she was beautiful. That thought simultaneously warmed her and frightened her.

Without a word, he held out his arm and she linked her arm through his to hobble to where the fiesta would be held.

"I could carry you," he said.

She looked to see if he was kidding, but couldn't tell. "No thanks, somehow I think it would give the wrong impression if you carried me into the room."

That got a grin. "What wrong impression?"

"Never mind." She shook her head at the incorrigible Jonathan Archer, still trying to get an answer out of her before she was ready.

The room was full of her friends, her colleagues, and the family she'd found here in Brazil. Am I ready to start over? she wondered as they cheered her entry and her safe recovery.

Hoshi and Jonathan were placed in seats of honor in the center of all the excitement and food was brought to them. She got tired of telling the story of being lost and then found again, and even more tired of the winks and nudges the retelling always caused.

But every time the noise, her aching ankle, the excesses of food, and the assumptions of her friends started to annoy her, she'd look over at Jonathan, immersing himself in a new culture and obviously having a blast. And that core of annoyance would just melt away when he grinned at her.

Damn it! she thought, swallowing convulsively. Why did Starfleet have to pick a captain who was handsome? Tears pricked her eyes.

A look of concern came over his face, and he leaned toward her, yelling into her ear over the music. "Are you sure you're okay? Is it your ankle?"

"No, I'm fine," she said, forcing a smile. "Just tired."

"Okay," he said, but she could see him keeping a closer eye on her, even when he was dragged out to dance. He seemed reluctant to leave her, but she urged him to enjoy himself.

She tried to have a good time, although she longed to dance.

You know, Hoshi, following him into space isn't going to solve your problems. You've still got that pesky chain of command thing to deal with.

Finally, the party began to wind down, or at least die down enough that Hoshi felt she could go back to bed without desperately insulting her hosts. She smiled brightly at Jonathan. "Time to get some sleep, I think. I'll just hobble back to my room--"

"Not alone," he said, putting down his drink and helping her stand up. She couldn't decide whether she wanted him to accompany her or not.

Is it going to make your decision any easier if he...well, if something happens? she wondered. A buried portion of her brain brightly pointed out that the kissing had been quite nice, and if she wanted to do that again, there'd be no objection from down there. She ruthlessly stifled that thought, and concentrated on walking without further injuring her ankle.

Halfway to her room she stumbled on the weak ankle, and without even asking, he swept her up in his arms. She couldn't decide whether to giggle like a child or yell at him like a fishwife. She settled for behaving like a reasonable adult and letting him carry her rather than hurting her ankle.

The buried portion of her brain noted casually that he had a rather nice warm and comfortable chest. Great, betrayed by my own brain. It's hopeless. She groaned.

"Are you okay?" Jonathan asked.

"Fine. Really. My ankle. Never mind." She leaned against his chest and closed her eyes. Some linguist I am. A man picks me up and I'm reduced to two-word sentences.

They reached her room, and she held her breath as he carried her across the threshold of the room. Does he really not know what that means in some cultures?

He placed her carefully on the bed. She sat on the edge and looked up at him.


"I'm looking forward to your decision tomorrow. I hope you agree to join the crew," he said, turning to leave.

She held out her hand. "Wait."


Hoshi couldn't believe she just told Jonathan to wait. A blush spread over her cheeks as she glanced down at her ankle. "Umm. . . "

"What is it?" Jonathan came over and sat at the foot of the bed. "Your ankle hurting more?" He gently picked Hoshi's foot up and began to unwrap it. Hoshi closed her eyes and gently bit her lip at the sensations Jon's hands were giving her.

"It's still a bit swollen, but it's not stiffening up." Gently rotating her ankle, Jonathan looked up at Hoshi. Thinking she was in pain, he set her foot down and moved up to sit right next to her. "Hoshi?" Jonathan smoothed her hair back from her face, trying to read her expression.

Raising her head Hoshi met his green eyes filled with concern. "I. . . I'm fine. Maybe a little tired, but I don't think I could sleep yet. Would you mind sitting with me awhile?"

Jonathan looked at her: hair spilling around her face, cheeks flushed, breast rising and falling under the thin blouse. . . he turned away. "I don't think so, Hoshi."

Swallowing her pride, Hoshi leaned forward and laid a hand on his arm. "Please?"

Tuning back, Jon found himself just inches from Hoshi's face. "If I stay, Hoshi, I can't promise that I won't. . . that I'll act the gentleman."

"I know."

"But do you realize what it will do to our working together? And if you don't come with us, I don't know when I'll be back."

"I'll be honest with you, Jon. I'm going to take the position. And I realize that once I become active, that we can't be together. I can accept that. All I want from you, if you're willing to give it, is until then. Just the few days until they reactivate my commission." Hoshi waited nervously for Jonathan's decision.

"You'll be able to live with that? Having the few days, then nothing?"

"I'll have to. I'd rather have that than spending the rest of my tour wondering what it would have been like to be with you. And hopefully I'll have your friendship."

Jonathan looked at her for a short wile, then smiled. "I'm glad." Cupping her face in his hands, he brought her forward for a kiss. "The past few days I've been almost mad from wanting you."

"The feeling has been entirely mutual," Hoshi murmured back, removing Jon's shirt. She smiled in delight at the sight of him, running her hands over his chest. Hoshi swiftly helped him remove the rest of his clothes, then pulled him down to the bed.

"Hoshi. You still have your clothes on," Jonathan managed to get out as she explored his entire body with her hands and mouth.

"I know." Straddling him, Hoshi leaned forward and kissed Jon, nibbling on his lip. Straightening up, she ran her hands over him. "You're so beautiful. . . ," she whispered, tracing the muscles on his chest and abdomen.

"Hoshi. You're still dressed." Jon ran his hands under her skirt. She swatted them away.

Undoing the pin that allowed to her wear the too-large skirt, Hoshi unzipped and pulled the skirt over her head. The also-too-large blouse billowed around her. Untying the neck, the blouse followed the skirt.

"Oh God, Hoshi. . . " Jonathan drank in the sight of her nude body. His hands went back up her thighs, up her torso to grab her shoulders and pull her down to him for a kiss. Sliding down her back, one hand gripped the curve of her bottom, the other wrapped around her waist; both holding on for dear life as the kiss intensified. Jon could feel himself drowning in the emotions this slip of a woman was causing.

"I can't wait, Hoshi. . . "

"Then don't. . . "

* * * * *

Senhora Perez shooed her giggling daughters away from the door. Not my Capitão, indeed. . .


* * * * *

The next morning, consciousness filtered slowly into Hoshi's brain, more a series of disconnected thoughts than anything coherent. An attempt to translate what she was feeling into words might look something like this: warm...happy...mmm...again?

Ahem. You get the idea.

By the time the sun came through the window and brought her closer to consciousness, Jon was already awake. She blinked up at him and he kissed her forehead gently.

"Good morning," he said.

"Mmm. Morning to you, too. You're not a morning person, are you?" She frowned at his grin. "Because that could be grounds for kicking you out of bed. At least, making you go get my coffee."

"I don't think that will be a problem." Jon's grin got wider.

"Morning person or coffee?"

"Either one. I'm only a morning person because I've woken up with a beautiful woman, and I suspect the coffee will be arriving soon."

Wrapping the covers around her, she propped herself on her arm, and drew designs in his chest hair. "I hate to disappoint you, but this isn't exactly a hotel, I doubt room service will come if we call."

"Well, Senhora Perez tapped on the door a few minutes ago and I distinctly heard something that sounded like coffee. Over her daughters giggling, of course. Do they ever stop doing that?"

Hoshi groaned and buried her face in her pillow. "Good grief."

He rolled over and put his arm around her, his face against the back of her neck. She could feel his mouth moving against her skin as he hesitantly said, "Any regrets?"

She rolled over immediately. "No, no, of course not."

"Good." That easy grin that made her breath catch. He was leaning in for a kiss, when there was a tap at the door. His eyes closed for a second, obviously searching for patience.

Hoshi leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the lips before calling out, "Sim, Senhora Perez?" (Yes, Senhora Perez?)

"Apronte para o café?" (Ready for coffee?)

"Em um minuto." (In a minute.)

"Sou eu que perturbo o?" (Am I disturbing you?)

Senhora Perez was trying to sound innocent, but failing miserably. Probably trying to get a look at Jon with his shirt off. I don't know why she's disturbing us, I thought she was all in favor of this.

"Muito engraçado," (Very funny), Hoshi said, as she climbed over Jon to find some clothing to put on. He lay back watching her in amusement until she stage-whispered to him, "She'll come in whether you're dressed or not. Your choice."

That galvanized him and he managed to find enough of his clothing to cover his dignity before the Senhora bustled in, setting up enough coffee and breakfast to feed a horde. She settled them down with food and was halfway out the door before she turned.

"Oh, Capitão?"

"Yes, Senhora?"

"There was a call for you," she said, frowning. "From your ship. You will contact them. But only after you eat." She nodded firmly and left, closing the door behind her. Her bearing showed exactly what she thought of duty calling at a time like this.

Jon and Hoshi stared at each other.


"I'll see what my ship wants later. It couldn't have been too important, my communicator would have been beeping like mad." Archer held out the chair for Hoshi, dropping a kiss on her shoulder.

Hoshi smiled at him, wondering if he was just saying that for her sake. Digging in to her breakfast, or lunch, depending on the clock, she looked over at Archer.

"How is she coming along?"

"Enterprise? Pretty well, actually. I keep waiting for something to go wrong, but nothing has so far."

"Hmm. Wait and see. When something does happen, it'll be big."

Archer pointed his fork at her. "And if it does, I'll know who jinxed us."

"Darn. You've found me out." Hoshi smiled, and watched Archer eat. She couldn't stop staring at his hands. She remembered their strength, pulling her from the river, but they could be gentle too. Hoshi felt a thrill run through her at the memory of them caressing her skin.



"Where were you?"

Cheeks flaming, Hoshi mumbled something noncommittal.


"You can stop grinning like that!"

Archer laughed and took hold of her hand, turning it over and kissing the palm. Hoshi felt her cheeks grow even redder.

"I'm done," he said, pushing his plate away. "I guess I should call the ship."

"I'm going to take a shower and get out of your way." Hoshi took the tray Archer had piled the dishes on and placed it outside the door. Trying hard not to look back at Jonathan, she went into the bathroom.

Letting the water run to get hot, Hoshi slowly pulled off her t-shirt and shorts. For some reason her mind kept going back to Jonathan and last night. Brushing the tangles out of her hair, she put it up in a twist and stepped under the spray.

Opening the note Senhora Perez had left on the table for him, Archer found that Trip was the one who had been trying to reach him. Opening a channel on his communicator, he called the ship.

"Howdy, Cap'n. Have much luck finding the Prof?"

"I found her, Trip. What's up?"

"Not much, jest wanted to give ya the weekly report. You convince her to come with us?"

"Professor Sato was reluctant at first, but she's coming."

"Turned on the charm, eh, Johnny?" Trip laughed.

"Hoshi Sato is a professional, Trip."

"Hmph. Rebuffed ya, huh. When ya coming back?"

"In a few days. You seem to be doing fine without me."

"Naw, ya jest don't want t' deal with th' Vulcans. Have fun, Jon! Trip out."

Putting the communicator away, Archer walked into the bathroom. He could see Hoshi's form through the curtain and hear her singing. Stripping off his clothes, Archer stepped in behind her. "Have room for one more in here?"

Gasping, Hoshi turned and lost her balance, falling against Jonathan. He pulled her close to stop her from dropping any further. "Are you alright?"

"Yes. I'm sorry, you startled me." Hoshi tried to step back, but Jonathan wouldn't let her go.

"No, it's my fault. I should have warned you." He was acutely aware of her body pressed against him, the curves he remembered from last night under his hands. "Were you done washing?"

"Umm, no, not quite." Feeling Jon's arms relax, Hoshi stepped away. "I still have my back to do, then I'll be done."

"I'll help." Taking the cloth from her, Jon lathered it up and tuned Hoshi around. Starting at her shoulders, he worked his way down her back. Seeing Hoshi brace herself against the wall, he asked "Too hard?"

"No, it feels nice," she gasped, arching her back as Jonathan traced a finger down her spine. "Your turn." Taking the cloth and turning him around, Hoshi started scrubbing Jonathan's back.

Why grandma, what broad shoulders you have ... Hoshi got lost in the play of muscles in Jon's back as he also leaned a hand on the wall. The cloth roamed all over his back, down his waist ... "All done." She held out the washcloth as Jonathan turned around.

"You forgot my front," he said with a grin.

Narrowing her eyes, Hoshi decided this man was not going to get the best of her. Lathering up the cloth, she started at his chest and worked her way down. Finishing at his feet, she looked up at him, an alluring smile on her face.

Dear Lord, he looks like a Greek god. It took all of Hoshi's self-possession not to melt into a puddle of want and desire as Jonathan pulled her to her feet, an unreadable expression on his face. All bets on Hoshi keeping her composure were off as Jonathan crushed her to him, his mouth descending to hers.

Jonathan hadn't really expected Hoshi to finish the job when he turned around and said 'You forgot my front', but his amusement turned to something else as she ran the washcloth over his chest, continuing to go lower, and lower ... He stared down at Hoshi as she finished washing him and then glanced up with a small, knowing smile.

Looking down at this wet, naked, beautiful woman kneeling at his feet, something definitely primeval was aroused in Jonathan. He felt a million years worth of evolutionary testosterone rush through his body as he lifted Hoshi up and brought her to him. Jon wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with all the ferocity of a man staking a claim.

"Mine, all mine..." he murmured, biting his way down her collarbone, lifting her up to straddle his waist. Jonathan kept Hoshi in his grip as he stepped out of the shower and into the bedroom. Letting go only to lay her down on the bed, Jon lifted himself up just enough to let his possessive gaze roam over Hoshi's body.

Hoshi shivered at the fire in Jon's eyes. She had never had anyone look at her that way before. It was frightening and thrilling at the same time. It made her feel like she was the most desirable woman in the world. Reaching up, she pulled Jon's head down for another fervored kiss. Coming together, their passion flared and consumed the two of them as life continued outside their door.


* * * * *

Sated and limp as a noodle, Hoshi rested her head on Jon's chest, listening contentedly as his heartbeat slowed to normal. His fingers were slowly threading through her damp hair, massaging her skull. She fought the urge to purr, but failed quite miserably. Beneath her, she could feel him laughing softly.

Cheep! Cheep!

It was his communicator. As he sat up, his eyes met hers, and the world beyond this room rushed in. She was to be Ensign Sato, and he Captain Archer, her commanding officer.

Silently, Hoshi wrapped the sheet around her and headed for the bathroom, closing the door with a soft click.

Jon's eyes trailed after her, unsure of what do say or what to do.

Cheep! His communicator insisted on his attention. He snapped it open.

"What is it?!" he asked, unable to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

"Jon, this is Admiral Forrest."

Archer immediately got out of bed and started to put his clothes back on as he answered, "Yes, Admiral?" For Forrest to call him, something must have gone wrong. Was it the Enterprise? Was it the Vulcans again?

"I'm afraid there's a bit of a situation. We need you back at HQ immediately."

Archer frowned, "What kind of a situation?" The admiral's voice was tense.

"I can't tell you over this channel. I'll have someone brief you when you get back."

"All right, I'll be on the next shuttle back. Archer out."

Dressed, Archer knocked lightly on the bathroom door.


"I need to go back to Starfleet Headquarters."

There was a pause. Archer almost went for the doorknob when Hoshi replied diplomatically, "Have a safe trip back, Captain. I'll see you at the launch."

His fist clenched. This was not how he envisioned their separation. Yes, he knew that this was only temporary. Yes, he knew this couldn't continue once they were on the ship. But he never realized that it could actually hurt this bad. The admiral's urgent call beckoned his sense of duty. Nothing was going to endanger his mission, his father's dream, and prevent Enterprise from being launched. Nothing.

Not even his own heart.

He left without saying good bye.

* * * * *

"Tighten back your tongue," Hoshi instructed, and demonstrated again the Vulcan affricatives. Her students were captivated as they listened to her trill another impossible sequence of sounds.

She sensed him before she even saw him. Looking up, she saw him standing in the shade of a tree, watching her. Hoshi fought the urge to run to him, instead took measured steps, keeping her smile cool as she approached him. She kept her hands laced tightly behind her, fearing they'd reach out without her permission.

"Back so soon, Captain?"

His lips twitched at the slightly mocking tone in her "Captain." She was as beautiful as he remembered, his hands ached to touch her. But he couldn't. She had taken the first step to sever their relationship, all he needed to do was follow along. She was making it remarkably simple for him. And yet she was being difficult.

"I'm sorry, Captain, I owe it to these kids."

Professional and cool, just the way she was before he met her. Almost as if what happened between them never occurred. He felt almost...angry that she could be so nonchalant. But once again, he reminded himself he needed her...expertise. He kept his tone smooth and his expression mild.

"I need someone with your ear."

Again, a refusal. He decided it was time for another thunderstorm. The recorder snapped on, and a bizarre series of words filled the air. Klingon. He watched with distinct pleasure as she cocked her head to listen more closely, her breathing slightly hitched.

He handed the recorder to her. And for a second she smiled, conceding to his winning hand. Without a second thought, he reached up to touch her soft lips, wanting to capture that smile.

With a sharp inhale, Hoshi backed away. The place he had touched burned. He was testing her control, she had to forget, forget the time they spent together in each other's arms. Her chin came up bravely, tilting back the tears that threatened to spill.

"I'll see you in two days, sir." With that, she turned and walked back to her students.

Archer watched as she disappeared into the trees. Hating his lack of control, he retraced his steps back to the parking lot, vowing to erase the memories of their time together.

* * * * *


Staring at the view port, watching the stars go by, Jonathan Archer tried hard not to look at his Comm Officer. Thankfully, she was just outside his peripheral vision range.

Six months. Six months down; four years, six months to go. I don't know if I can make it that long.

Working with Hoshi had been more difficult than he'd thought. He'd fallen, hard. They'd been professional in all their dealings together, but Archer had caught her staring at him with something in her eyes he couldn't quite read. He knew he had a hard time hiding the hunger he felt for her. Jon sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

And tonight's her 'get to know you' dinner. That's gonna be rough.

He had had an informal dinner individually with each officer, starting with most senior. Hoshi, being the most junior, was last.

Popping up out of his seat, Jonathan strode off. "I'll be in my ready room."

Looking up, Hoshi watched him walk away.

* * * * *

Pacing the wardroom that evening, Archer jumped slightly as the door chimed. "Come!" Thankfully, his voice didn't crack.

"Captain." Hoshi walked in and stood by the table.

"Hoshi. Please, sit down." After they were settled, he continued. "This is just a dinner to get to know each other better, and to let you know how you're doing do far." Archer saw a ghost of a smile on Hoshi's face as she looked down at the table. He knew she was remembering how well they already knew each other.

"Good. Dinner." The crewman brought in their plates and Hoshi and Archer began to eat. Archer kept the conversation light, talking about the different things the crew had seen and experienced since they left Earth. He couldn't help the longing he felt for her, though, watching her across from him. Her smile, her hands, the column of her throat...

Jonathan had hoped that just being with her, just talking to her, just being able to look upon her without anyone wondering why he was staring would be enough. But it wasn't. It just left him wanting more.

Forcing himself back to the conversation yet again, Jon realized they were done and the crewman was clearing the dishes away.

"This is the time I'd like to talk to you, to let you know how you're doing. I really have no complaints, Hoshi, you were ... skittish at first, but you have come into your own. Sub-Commander T'Pol and Lieutenant Reed were impressed with your work on the Klingon ship. I think you've the makings of a fine Star Fleet officer."

"Thank you, Captain."

"Well, unless you have any questions...?"

"No, I don't." They rose at the same time, walking to the door.

"Dinner was wonderful, thank you, Captain." Hoshi and Jon paused next to the door. Jon looked down at the slope of her cheek, watched her uniform rise and fall as her breath quickened. He remembered a phrase he asked Senhora Perez to teach him.

"Meu coração..." he whispered. (my heart)

Startled, Hoshi looked up to meet Archer's eyes, filled with desire and love.


Reaching for her, Archer pulled Hoshi in for a searing kiss. She paused a moment, then wrapped her arms around his neck.

Archer backed them up to the table, reaching out an arm to sweep off the vase of flowers that was gracing the middle. Picking her up, he set Hoshi on the table's edge. Archer kissed his way down her neck, his hand on the tab of her zipper. "Please?" he asked.

* * * * *

Thinking he heard breaking glass, Trip looked up from a technical manual he was reading toward the wardroom door. Not hearing anything else, he went back to his dinner.

* * * * *

Hoshi nodded, reaching for Jonathan's zipper. They swiftly peeled off each other's clothes, trying to stay in as much physical contact as possible. Finally getting Hoshi undressed, Archer lay her back on the table, gazing at the beautiful woman waiting for him. He was glad he had established he wasn't to be disturbed while doing the crew's reviews.

"Don't make me wait any longer, Jon." Hoshi reached for him as he came to her, kissing any part of her he could reach.

Muffling her cries into his shoulder, Hoshi arched her back and bit down trying not to scream her release. The pain tipped Archer over the edge. Clenching his jaw in an attempt to also stay quiet, he leaned his head against Hoshi's. Breathing heavily, they looked at each other.

"Hoshi..." Uncertainty laced Archer's voice.

"Are you sorry?" She seemed to withdraw into herself.

"No! Never." Archer kissed her again. "I needed to be sure you wanted this too."

"Oh, trust me, I did." Hoshi pushed herself up. "But I think we went over our allotted time," she said with a grin.

Archer dressed, watching with regret as Hoshi's body disappeared under the layers of her uniform. Finished, they faced each other, once more Starfleet officers.

"Again, thank you for dinner, Captain."

"My pleasure, Ensign."

Archer turned, looking at the shattered vase on floor as Hoshi opened the door and walked out of the wardroom.

* * * * *

Back in his cabin, Archer was coming out of the shower when his door chimed. "Come!" he called out, wrapping a towel around his waist. Walking into the sitting room, he found Trip waiting for him.

"How'd the last of the reviews go, Cap'n?"

Turning toward him, Archer absently said "Fine, just fine."

"What th'...? Where'd you get that, Cap'n?" Trip came closer to look at Archer's shoulder.

Jonathan glanced down and saw a definite ring of teeth marks in the beginnings of a purple-blue bruise.

Trip looked from the mark, to Jon, to the mark, then back to Jon. Amazement dawned on his face as he put two and two together.


Archer sighed and grabbed a t-shirt and boxers.

"You're screwing around with Hoshi?!?"

From the thunderous look on Archer's face, Trip knew he'd made a mistake.

"You will NEVER speak of Ensign Sato that way again."

Pausing, Archer continued. "Professor Sato and I became...close during our stay in Brazil. We knew that once her commission was activated, the relationship would end. But after six months of having her so close..." Archer roughly pulled on his shirt and boxers. "It's not just her body I want; I can't share things with her the way I want to, I can't just be with her."

"You got it bad, don't cha?"

"Yes, I think I do." Archer met Trip's sympathetic gaze. "This goes no further, Commander."

"Understood, Cap'n. I won't say a word."

--continued in part 2--