Pan, Bra, and Marron have the boys wrapped around their little fingers for a good laugh and a prom date. But what happens when a certain son of Vegeta has feelings for Gohan's daughter? Will Trunks make it out of high school alive?

Disclaimer- No, I do NOT own the Dragonball series? I think it belongs to some guy named Akira TORIYAMA (who happens to be a genius)!

'thoughts' telepathy

Ages: Pan:16 Marron: 17 Bra: 16 Trunks: 18 Goten: 17 Uub: 18

Chapter 1: Pasta Party, Anyone?

"Come on, lets do this," Pan smirked rather maliciously. She tied a string to the door handle.

"But," Marron objected, "what if we get busted?!"

"Don't worry, I got this," Bra chirped, "The most we can get is a three-day suspension. " She looked both directions before tying another knot on Pan's string.

"Three days!! But I have a test on Thursday!"

"Chill out, Marron!"

"Yeah, Mar! Don't be such a goody-good!"

"Um, Pan...goody-good?"

"Okay, what's the plan, anyways?" Marron asked, ignoring their childish remarks. Pan and Bra just looked at each other.

"Plan...?" Pan repeated looking stupidly up at a bemused Marron.

"You're telling me that you don't even have an official crazy plan?"

Then Bra suddenly spoke up. "Yea, I guess we weren't thinking, there for a second," she laughed shakily.

Marron just rolled her eyes. 'I thought I was blonde.' "Hand me a piece of paper." Pan managed to fish a sheet out of her bag. After 45 seconds of frantic scribbling, Marron's scheme turned out to be quite beautiful.

"Wow," Pan said, impressed. "It's so brilliant. And disgusting. Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because I'm just good like that."

"I could've done that," injected Bra.

"Sure," Marron snorted.

"Anyway," Pan interrupted, "should we carry it out before or after lunch?"

Bra stopped sticking her tongue out at Marron to answer. "Oh, definitely before. It'll ruin their appetites. I don't even see how people eat all this cafeteria food, anyhow. What do you think, Mar? Marron?"

A sigh escaped Marron's breath. 'Who knew it was possible for people to get kicked out of school over something this stupid?'

"Marron, for the last time, stop worrying. We are NOT getting kicked out!"

"What? Hey! Pan, quit reading my thoughts!"

"Sorry, it was tempting."

"Whatever. I guess I'll say before lunch, too."

"Great! Then I'll see you and Pan in a few," Bra said while skipping off to her 4th period class.

"Later, M," Pan waved as Marron trod toward a hall that branched off near the one which Bra had wandered to. Walking to social studies made Pan wonder why she was excused, and remembered easily after catching sight of a bathroom.

"So, Miss Son, it takes 5 minutes to walk to the restroom and come back?"

"Sorry, Mrs. Hiroshi. I'm not that familiar with the upstairs halls."

The middle-aged woman eyed Pan suspiciously, and then nodded for her to be seated. Just before she sat down in front of him, Pan greeted her friend's purple-haired brother with a malignant sneer. Trunks gave Pan a little wave and flashed a famous smirk. She slid into a blue chair hiding her face, which was a little pink from holding back laughter. 'I'm starting to feel sorry for him.'

In roughly an hour, a bell rung, signaling the next lunch break. Students flooded into the once solitary halls. Among a few who lacked behind were Goten Trunks, and Uub.

"Hey, Trunks, Uub, Goten! I need your help with something!"

Trunks shook his head. "Women show up at my doorstep and ask the same questions," he told his two best friends.

"TRUNKS! I heard that, you loser!"

The boys caught sight of a petite dark- haired girl standing at the end of the hallway, and Goten's nose picked up the scent of food.

"Aw, man. that smells good." He looked around. "Now I'm hungry. Trunks, can you smell that?" "

"Yeah, I smell it. Shoot, Goten, you're always hungry."

"So," he replied, "Hey, Pan, why are you looking at us like that? ...Pan?" She broke the string and smiled innocently at him, stepping back a few feet as spaghetti showered from the ceiling on top of three horrified victims.

"These are new threads!"

"My hair, my hair!"

"Ugh, there's tomato sauce in my shoes!"

By the time Bra and Marron rounded the corner to see some results, Pan was rolling on the ground with shrill laughter erupting from her throat... Goten looked sadly at his once clean shirt, and Trunks was removing noodles from his hair. A frantic Uub had pulled off his shoes and began pouring sauce on the floor.

"What was that for? My hair's ruined! Somebody's payin'!"

"Come on, Trunks, you know you were drawn in by my feminine charms."

"Feminine charms? What feminine charms?"

"Now, now, dear brother," Bra reasoned, "Panny meant no harm to your precious hair."

"Thanks, Pan… I don't want kids now because of you. I'm afraid they'll throw spaghetti on their friends," Uub muttered venomously.

Marron was snickering, and then Bra could no longer hold in giggles after looking at Goten's expression. The girls took an opportunity to make an advance on the poor excuses for guys standing in front of them. Bra strode up to Goten and whispered something in his ear. He took a step backwards looking flustered.

Marron simply grabbed Uub's arm and led him towards the nearest girls' restroom, clearly unaware of his protests.

"Marron, don't you know it's highly dangerous for a guy to go in there?! The last one that did came out beaten within an inch of his life, warning the rest of the male population of the dangers hidden beneath that door!" He pointed to their destination.

"Oh, shut it. I'm just going to clean you up. That shoe has got to go."

"Agh! There's a freakin' meatball down my shirt!"

Marron pushed him through the door where they disappeared, while Uub's girly squeals echoed around them.

Pan peered up at a sheepish looking Trunks. She was so close, and he could feel her breath on his skin. It was making him nervous.

"Um, hey, Pan, what's up?"

"You know what's up, Trunks," she whispered into his ear.

"Um, the ceiling?"

"By now, you also know that this is a war, correct?"

All he could do was nod and make a noise that made him sound almost scared. Trunks attempted to turn to Goten and beg for a way to escape this madness, but he turned around to find Goten and his younger sister, Bra were missing. From somewhere behind him, a voice chuckled.

"Looks like all your troops have been captured, Trunksie."

The teen didn't know what to do. He really wanted to crawl under a rock and die, but unfortunately, that wasn't an option. This was Pan Son- the enemy! They'd been hating on each other ever since kindergarten. Her sudden change in attitude scared him. She could take vengeance on him now, when he was vulnerable and covered in sauce, noodles, and meatballs. Suddenly, Trunks dropped that thought. No, she was just playing with his mind. Besides, she was a Son- they were too honest, anyways. Someone was calling his name.

"Trunks," Pan's face appeared, "Trunks, are you in there?!"

Trunks focused on the hand waving in front of him.


"Quit zoning out, idiot, and listen! Now, as I was saying," she grabbed the front of his shirt, which had managed to stay clean, and pulled him close to whisper, "You're coming with me to the prom- no objections. Besides, all the other guys are too stupid and pathetic to go with."

He took that as a compliment. 'How'd she know I couldn't find a date…?' He rolled his eyes. Pan was rather pretty, anyway- he wouldn't mind taking her to the dance.

"First, I've got to put some sense into your thick lavender skull, so we're going out to a restaurant tomorrow for a practice drill."

His heart stopped beating for a second. 'Kami, what have I done to be tested this way?!'

"Oh, and wear something a little more decent," she smirked after looking down at his sagging jeans and an inch of heart- specked boxers that peeked out from under an extra large white T-shirt. Pan received an evil glare that said 'quit jackin' my style, woman.'

"I'll see you tomorrow, Lavender."

With that, she skipped to lunch, leaving behind a pathetic looking, spaghetti-covered son of Vegeta.

Revised: January 2008