Disclaimer: Characters from Ranma ½ and all mentions of them belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and her manga publisher. It's a Wonderful Life belongs to whatever film company made it back in 1947 or so. These are NOT original characters by me and this is merely for entertainment for Ryouga/Ukyou fans or Ranma ½ fans.

It's A Nerima Life

The backdoor of the Tendo Dojo slid open and shut. Black slipper clad feet made a soft pitter sound as they walked across the porch. The girl who owned the feet moved around to a corner of the house, out of sight of the party inside. There, she waited alone for her chance to be with Ranma again.

She sighed, alone with her thoughts. Ukyou reached up and tucked a stray lock of her chestnut brown hair behind her ear. It was quiet out here. If all went well as Nabiki had promised, she would soon be alone with Ranma out here. She could give him the Christmas gift she had brought.

She straightened her merry red sweater, still hearing the sounds of revelry inside. Kasumi, the eldest Tendo daughter had thrown a Christmas party last year and this year was to be no different. Last year's party was a riot. Ukyou blushed wondering how Nabiki had talked the three girls into paying for time with Ranma at both parties.

It was worth it. She smiled thinking of his beautiful blue eyes that sometimes held a clueless look but other times could be so serious and devoted. 'To Akane' a voice whispered in the back of her head. She shoved it away. Would Ranchan like the gift she had for him this year? She hoped so. She had spent the past month picking out Christmas gifts for each person she treasured.

She had mailed her father's back home. She wondered if he received it yet. Ukyou smiled. She couldn't wait to see Ranma's face and the others when they opened their gifts. That was the best part of Christmas. Watching their faces light up in joy when they opened their gifts was her special gift.

'And mistletoe' Ukyou blushed. She fingered the sprig she had brought out with her. If she could position Ranma under it, it would be perfect for a kiss! Ukyou's eyes closed. She sighed dreaming of kissing Ranma.

Around the corner, she heard the door slide open. She smiled. Nabiki had made good on her word. Now if only Akane doesn't find out, Shampoo and Kodachi wait their turn, then she would have Ranma all to herself.

Ukyou turned but the sound of two set of feet stopped her. Ranma was supposed to be alone. Was Nabiki delivering him personally? Or had one of the fiancees found him first?

She peered around. 'If Shampoo glomped herself to him I'll teach that hussy a thing or two.' Ukyou swore. The purple haired Amazon was always horning in on her turf. What she saw surprised her into shock.

"I wanted to give you this in private." It was Ranma. He was talking to Akane who stood there looking up at him with her wide brown eyes.

Ukyou tried to see what Ranma was giving the tomboy. He handed her something. Akane stared at it with an awed look on her face.

'What is it?' Ukyou strained to look.

Akane opened something and then she gasped. "Ranma...you don't mean.." Akane trailed off.

"We might as well make it official," Ranma said to her.

Ukyou could see tears start to form at Akane's eyes. "This is what I've wanted all this time," she sobbed.

"Hey now..you don't need to cry or nothing," Ranma waved his hands. He put his arms on her shoulders. "Akane..I.. I..love.."

"Hey guys what are you two doing out here?" Kasumi poked her head out, "Oh excuse me."

"The way you look tonight. You sure don't look like the tomboy who was beating up bricks this afternoon. Who knew?" Ranma did what Ranma does best. He opened his mouth wide and swallowed both feet down.

"BAKA!" Akane did what Akane does best. She buried a mallet in his skull. His head went flat, his hands went up in the trouble ward sign, index and pinky fingers and thumbs go up and his middle and ring finger go down. Akane stomped off into the house. Ranma scampered behind with a huge red lump sticking up from his hair.

The doors slid shut bathing the outside once again in darkness and silence.