Standard Disclaimer: Never owned part of Harry Potter. J.K. Rowlings has that distinction along a few hundred movie studios, publishers and tie ins.

Colorblind by Teda

~~~Twelve years later~~~

"You jerk! I hate you!"

Angelina groaned, shaking her head as the dulcet tone of her oldest daughter reached her ears. Keeling on the floor in the hall way bathroom, Angelina washed her youngest up in the tub. She didn't even have to look up from giving Marcella, their second girl, her evening bath to know the twins were fighting. Five year old Marcella playfully splashed her muggle Barbie doll on the water, dunking the head repeatedly.

"Why do they always fight, mama?" Marcella asked. She leaned her chest forward toward her knees while her mother washed her back with her favorite Barbie wash clothe, careful of her long locks. Her light brown hair was twisted up in a high ponytail to keep it dry.

"Because they're silly honey. Very, very silly." Angelina explained with a tiny smile.

"Yes, they are." Marcella giggled along with her mother, her chocolate brown eyes twinkling.

Fred meanwhile downstairs tried to mediate between his screaming children. After three children, thousands of fights and hexes, he was a pro. Besides, he wouldn't hesitate to pull them over his knee and discipline them if necessary and they knew that.

"All right, zip it. What is wrong with you two?" Fred snapped, pushing the two apart. Anatasia hatefully glared at her brother. She folded up her arms and pouted. Fred was struck again on how much she favored her Mum. Same long curly black hair and pretty smile like Angelina's. Her soulful hazel eyes were large and slightly slanted and even now she turned little boys heads. He knew he'd have many sleepless nights when she began dating.

Maybe he should invest in a moat?

Arthur or Art as he preferred, stubbornly remained quiet. Fred had decided when the kids turned two that they definitely had chosen the right names. Just like his namesake, Arthur was mellow and a big softy most of the time. Unless riled, that is. He did have the Weasley temper after all.

"You have three seconds to answer me or I'll-" Fred announced, frowning. He didn't have to finish that sentence when they spoke out in unison.

"She's acting like a big dummy or some idiot guy!" Arthur pointed at his sister in an accusatory voice.

"He won't stop being a jerk. He punched Rufus for no reason." Anatasia growled, almost in tears. She started to blush and fidget when her father turned and gave her a hard stare.

"Rufus? Who's Rufus, Ana?" Fred inquired. What the hell kind of name is Rufus anyway?

Blushing even more, Anatasia nervously played with the edge of her yellow t-shirt. She moved her feet side to side in her baggy jeans while the two males waited. She remained silent.

"It's some stupid boy she met. I saw him chatting her up in the village and she was just eating it up like a big dummy." Arthur told his dad. He was dressed identically to his sister in jeans and a yellow t-shirt. Although they didn't do it on purpose, their clothing usually ended up the same colors. It was a twin thing. Although Arthur refused to ever wear any girly colors like pink or lavender. He had his standards after all!

"Was not!" Anatasia protested angrily.

Arthur made motions like he was batting his eyes. "Yes, you were. She was acting all stupid like she didn't have a brain in her head. Like this, dad. Like 'Hi, Rufus. I'm just a stupid 12 year old girl. Watch me as I try to bat my eyes and flirt with you and stick out my flat chest.'"

"I'm not flat, you git." she screamed.

It was that statement that Angelina heard yelled as she came down the stairs with her youngest. She was sure all of Britain heard it as well. Marcella, clean and dry from her bath, nonchalantly walked into the living room in her green pajamas. Ignoring the fight that was in progress, she gathered up a few of her scattered dolls and headed back up the staircase. Angelina smiled to herself over her behavior. Nothing fazed her. Fred secretly named her Dumbledore Jr. and she had to agree.

"Enough! So let me get this straight, you like a boy?" Fred questioned his eldest.

"H-He wanted to be my friend." Anatasia quietly said.

"Yeah, right." Arthur mumbled snidely. His sister licked her tongue out him.

Fred and Angelina shared a knowing grin before quickly wiping away any mirth on their faces. They were rather touched how protective Arthur was, especially since he was the younger of the two.

"Okay, then what did you do?" Angelina asked her son as she came over to stand beside her mate.

"I just explained to him my sister was way too young for him and that he should move on to someone his own age!" Arthur sneered. He was talking to his mother but glaring at his sister.

"He punched him. That's not talking to me!" Anatasia snapped.

Fred was secretly impressed. Arthur hardly ever became angry enough to strike someone. This boy must have really ticked him off for that.

"Well, how old was this boy anyway?" Fred asked.

"Eighteen." Arthur smugly replied. He knew just the boys age would be the end of it and it was.

"Oh, hell no!" Angelina said, shaking her head at her daughter. Anatasia instantly dropped her head down from her mothers piercing glare.

Fred immediately agreed. An eighteen year boy talking game to a twelve year old girl? Not in this lifetime. Although thinking on it, he wondered how strong his boy was to take down an older adult male.

"Where did you hit him?" Fred asked.

Arthur smirked before answering. "I hit him where his brains obviously were." He gestured below his waist and Angelina barked out a loud laugh.

"That's my boy." Fred praised, patting his son on the back.

"Dad!" Anatasia groaned, stomping her feet.


Bedtime couldn't come soon enough for the Weasley household, particularly for Angelina. Still chuckling over her sons behavior, she was proud of her children. Sure, they drove her mad. Made her curse and scream and cry sometimes. But they were her babies and she adored them. She had some regrets of her choices in life, but falling in love and marrying Fred Weasley wasn't one of them.

Feeling slightly emotional, she whipped out her photo album from the inside of her closet. A wizards photo album, the pictures moved and made the memories more precious. It was slightly worn, the black album torn in spots, but it was special.

Opening it, she smiled right away seeing all the pictures of the twins and Marcella. They filled up almost the entire book. She skimmed through and saw her wedding photos. And the wedding pictures and such of their friends.

Ron and Hermione had a lavish wedding six months after the twins were born. That had been a beautiful wedding. Hermione had never seemed more lovely as her father walked her down the aisle. Her wedding dress had been a spectacular off the shoulder sparkling white dress. Ron's mouth dropped at the sight of her and didn't close until the minister pronounced them man and wife. Of course, Harry was best man and Ginny was maid of honor. It was no surprise when Hermione actually threw her bouquet in Ginny's face, instantly assuring her friend would catch it. And she had.

Ginny and Harry married soon after. The entire wizarding world turned out for wedding of The Boy Who Defeated Voldemort. It almost rivaled a royal wedding.

A year later, George and Alicia's elopement caused quite the stir, notably when followed by the birth of their only child, William seven months later. Hell, Molly was still scandalized to this day over it. It must run in the family.

Gazing down at her husbands brother, George winked at her in the photo and Angelina couldn't help but giggle. He was still a card.

Katie and Lee married the next year. They never looked happier in the photo. Their four children were a testament to that love. All boys.

A lot had gone on in the past few years. Fortunately all good. Molly and Arthur Sr. were retired, getting a much deserved rest. Once a year, the Weasley children got together and sent their parents on a vacation to anywhere in the world they wished to go. Paris, Greece, wherever. Arthur had pleaded last year to go and live among the muggles for a vacation, but his wife shot him down. They headed for Tahiti instead.

The best change of all was Rueban and Fred finally managed to stay in a room together without coming to blows. They still despised one another to this day, but were civil for Angelina and the childrens sake. Her little brother Anthony meanwhile was studying aboard to be a chemist. His appreciation for muggle life still frustrated their parents, but they let him be. His girlfriend Sharon, Lee's kid sister, was a regular visitor to his dorm in the States. By the looks of it, Angelina saw wedding bells in the future for those two.

"Hey, reminiscing?" Fred asked, pulling back the covers and climbing into the bed beside her. He leaned over her shoulder and looked at the pictures. The picture of George winked at him and he smiled.

"Yeah. We are so blessed, you know that?" she turned to her husband. He still looked as fit and handsome as the day they married.

"I know I am." Fred said, kissing her bare shoulders. Taking the album out of her hands, he tossed it to the foot of the bed. He slid his right hand over her soft shoulder blades and smiled when she sighed breathlessly. Sliding the tiny strap of her floral printed nighty off her shoulders, he quickly removed her clothing, tossing it aside. His grey boxers quickly joined her nighty on the floor. His mouth slanted over hers hungrily, his tongue warred with hers in mock loveplay. Rolling her under him, he overwhelmed her senses.

No matter how many years went by, they made it work. They made the romance last and fell deeper in love as years flowed by. Race didn't matter, others opinions didn't matter either. Love did. They were soul mates..they were meant to be.

The End.

It's over! AHHHHHH! Want to send out huge thanks to everyone who stuck with this story. Big ups to my reviewers. I have NEVER gotten so many reviews in my life. Thank you. Obviously Fred and Angelina are my favorites, so look for more F/A stories coming soon. Bye!