Chaos Control

Chapter 1

Author's note: This crossover includes concepts and characters from the video games, "Sonic Adventure" and "Sonic Adventure 2 Battle" and from the Sonic the Hedgehog anime, "Sonic X." If you're not familiar with the Sonic the Hedgehog games or the anime, don't worry. I will write this story in a way that should make sense to everyone.

The city of Townsville. A city inhabited by humans and other assortments of beings and creatures. From green skinned teenagers, pink fuzzy hill billies with large green noses, and even cross-dressing demons. Why is Townsville such a magnet for these creatures and villains? It's not clear why but luckily, Townsville has a unique way of controlling this bizarre collection of freaks: three super powered kindergartners known through out Townsvile as The Powerpuff Girls. Yes, this set of adorable triplets single handily keeps the city safe from these unusual monsters and creatures who inhabit the city. But little does the girls know that there are other heroes and villains outside of Townsville and even across dimensions...

The whole story started when Mojo was at his observatory, devising another plan for destroying the Powerpuff Girls and taking over the world. This time, however, he was working on a different approach to his goals. Unlike his previous plans, this plan does not involve a large machine, a mutated monster, or a fatal chemical. This time, Mojo intends on using something even more powerful than all those, but first, he must find it.

Late at night, while the rest of the world slept, Mojo was on his computer testing his brilliance once again. Mojo sat in front of the computer screen typing away and attempting to hack into some classified documents in the U.S. government's computers. Of-course, normally the most advanced hackers can't hack into the government's own computers, let alone without the government's notice, but Mojo had a secret weapon. His computer contained a new and advanced computer chip which he calls the Rogue Computer Information Invader or RCII for short. The RCII is the most advanced hacking tool ever invented. Despite the advanced security systems of the governments computers, Mojo was capable of hacking into the U.S. government's own computers completely without their notice. But why would Mojo want to hack into such classified documents? His reason: he wanted to find out if there were other, more powerful weapons he could use. If there were such a weapon, the government would certainly know about it and keep it secret.

Mojo searched through all the files, looking for information he could use but all he found was productions of secret missiles and other things Mojo had already tried. When Mojo found nothing of value in the list of secret weapons, he searched through other files but found virtually nothing of value. Just when Mojo was beginning to think this was a waste of time, he notices something. At first, it didn't seem like an important file but when Mojo got a closer look, he realized that there was something unusual about the file he had discovered. The file was labeled, "Unknown Jewel of Power." Intrigued, Mojo opened the file. Inside the file was a surprisingly short report and a picture of a green colored jewel. The report read:

Recently, there was a discovery at a construction sight that has baffled scientists. While digging into the ground with a backhoe, the diggers discovered a fist sized green jewel buried underground. When the backhoe's shovel touched the jewel, a strange energy coursed through the backhoe and suddenly, the machine went berserk. As researchers examined the jewel, they discovered that there was an unusual energy radiating from the jewel itself, causing malfunctions of nearby machinery. The area was closed off to the public but before any of the scientists could study the jewel, it was stolen. Although the scientist didn't get a chance to study it, they can safely conclude that the jewel did have a power of its own. Possibly unlimited power. Ever since the discovery of the first jewel, there have been other sightings of similar jewelry and scientists believe that they may be connected. We've also learned that these jewels are called Chaos Emeralds but where they came from, it is not clear.

UPDATE: Three days ago, one of the Chaos Emeralds was discover and was immediately transported to the Station Square Laboratories. News about the discovery was kept hidden from the public in order to prevent theft. The scientists are currently studying the Chaos Emerald but no further information is available.

Mojo leaned back in his chair and thought about what he had read.

"A jewel with unlimited power?" thought Mojo. "With a weapon like that, not even the Powerpuff Girls can stop me."

"Yes, all I have to do is obtain these jewels and use their power to take over the world." said Mojo. "But first, I must find out where the jewels are." Mojo logged out of the government's computers and then searched the internet for a laboratory called Station Square Laboratories. He found the lab in a city called Station Square.

"That's an unusual name." thought Mojo. He located the address of the laboratories and wrote it down on a piece of paper. Mojo glanced at a clock on the wall and it read 11:00 PM.

"It's far too late to be preparing for the trip." said Mojo. "I shall take a quick nap and then proceed to Station Square. Sleep well this night, Powerpuff Girls, for it will be your last. Wahahaha."

As Mojo intended, he slept till 5:00 AM before setting up all his equipment. For the trip, he packed up a few robots that he was saving for the Powerpuff Girls, as well as a few supplies. At around 6:30, Mojo and packed everything inside a large bipedal device. It was oval shaped with a drivers seat on top. It walked on two robotic legs that also came with rockets in-between the legs. Mojo sat into the machine and said, "Now, it is time to go out and shape my destiny." The roof of Mojo's observatory opened up after Mojo pushed a button on a remote. The rockets under the robot were ignited and Mojo took off into the air. The cold breeze of the early morning brushed against Mojo's face as Mojo soared into the air. Fortunately for Mojo, the Powerpuff Girls were still asleep so they didn't notice that Mojo was flying out of Townsville.

The trip was longer than Mojo had expected and he ended up falling asleep in his robotic walker while it flew towards Station Square on an automatic pilot. When Mojo's transportation was close to Station Square, it gave off a loud beeping sound, waking Mojo up.

"Wha...?" said Mojo as his sleep was disturbed. Mojo yawned loudly and rubbed his eyes. "Uh...what time is it?" Mojo looked at the clock on the dashboard and realized that it was nine in the morning.

"I must have dozed off." said Mojo. "I got to stop pulling those all-nighters." As Mojo managed to see clearly, he noticed the city in front of him. By this time, the sun was shining brightly and Mojo could easily see the city before him.

"Ah huh, I'm almost at Station Square." announced Mojo to no one but himself. "Soon, that Chaos Emerald will be mine, but first, I must enter the city without being seen." Mojo pushed a button on the dashboard, activating a cloaking device and turning the entire robotic walker invisible.

"Mahahahaha, with this cloaking device, no one will be able to see me." Mojo flew the device over to the city, completely unnoticed by anyone below.

Mojo located the laboratory he was looking for somewhere near the center of the city. A scanning device was used on the building and the scan revealed to Mojo that there were no life forms inside. Mojo landed on top of the building and deactivated the cloaking device. Mojo grinned evilly as he pressed a button on the dashboard and two laser cutters came out of the sides of the robot Mojo was riding in. The cutters looked like free floating, tear drop shaped, dentist drills but the drill emitted little sound when activated. The two drills flew away from Mojo and began to cut a perfect circle into the roof of the building using some kind of laser technology. Once the hole was cut, the drills then proceeded to the next floor and began to cut another hole into the next floor. The drills continuously cut holes directly under the other, allowing a clear passage to the bottom floor

Once all the holes were made, Mojo activated a rocket under his robotic walker and he hover off the ground and slowly descended down the path of holes created by the robotic drills. Mojo carefully hovered down to the bottom floor of the laboratories and made a gentle landing as he did. Mojo pulled out seven metallic cubes from a compartment in the robot he was riding in, pressed a button on each one of the cubes, and threw the cubes towards the door leading out of the room. The cubes instantly expanded and changed into seven tall robots. The robots both were bipedal and they had guns for hands. Their heads were dome shaped and they had a single camera for an eye.

"Guard the door. Let no one enter." order Mojo to the robots and the robots lined up in front of the door in order to carry out Mojo's orders.

Mojo examined the room. The room was large and obviously used for research. There were a few round tables, each one was black and had several scientific equipment on them, such as computers, machines, and chemistry tools. Mojo drove his robotic walker through the room and noticed a small safe in the corner. Mojo grinned evilly as he moved the walker towards the safe. The safe was on top of a file cabinet and the robotic walker that Mojo was driving raised Mojo high enough to be at eye level of the safe. Mojo pulled out a stethoscope from a glove compartment and then placed the stethoscope into his ears. Mojo placed the stethoscope against the safe's door with one hand and turned the dial on the safe with the other. Once Mojo heard the tumbler, he turned the dial in the opposite direction and heard the tumbler again. Mojo then pulled the handle on the safe and opened it. Inside the safe was a fist sized jewel that was mustered yellow in color.

"At last." said Mojo as he pulled the Chaos Emerald out of the safe. "I have one of the Chaos Emeralds and now all I need is to..." Mojo's sentence was cut off when he heard the sound of explosions behind him. He turned around and realized that someone was destroying the robots he had guarding the front door. The attacker was capable of plowing through the robots with little trouble and he was moving too fast for the robots to counterattack. The attacker was moving too fast to make out who it was. All Mojo could make out was a blue blur.

"Bubbles, how did she find me?" said Mojo outraged. He turned his vehicle around and pulled out a laser gun to face the intruder.

Once all the guard robots were destroyed, the figure stopped in front of Mojo, enabling him to see his attacker. But the attacker was not Bubbles as Mojo had expected or any of the Powerpuff Girls for that matter. The figure did not look human but had a humanoid body shape. The creature was entirely blue in color except for some skin color on his arms, belly, and around the mouth. He wore large white gloves and red shoes with a vertical white stripe running down the middle. The back of the creature was covered in long sharp quills that ran down the back of his head and down his back. Mojo didn't know what to make of this unknown attacker. The figure just stood there, glaring at Mojo with his piercing green eyes.

"Who are you?" asked Mojo.

"My name is Sonic." said the blue figure. "Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm a defender of the innocent and a defender of that emerald that you are stealing. Now, hand over the emerald or prepare for some serious butt whooping." Mojo was not amused.

"The only one who will be doing some butt whooping here is me." said Mojo. He tossed two cubes in front of Sonic and the cubes began to expand and transform.

Like a deflated balloon being filled with air, the two cubes that Mojo had thrown in-between himself and Sonic started out as only the size of large dice but rapidly, they began to expand and take shape. Sonic watched as the two robots began to grow in size and shape and once they reached their full length, they were eight feet tall and humanoid in shape. They each had two large arms that had spinning buzz saws on them for hands. Compartments were located on each of their arms, hiding dangerous weapons inside. The robots had large eyes that glowed crimson and they all were focused on Sonic.

"Robots, destroy that hedgehog." ordered Mojo. From the compartments in their arms, the robots unleashed two large laser weapons and pointed them at Sonic.

Sonic was not at all afraid. He simply stretched out his hand and appeared to be focussing as if in meditation. Mojo was confused about this strange action until he noticed that the emerald that he held in his hand was glowing a yellow light.

"Chaos Control!" commanded Sonic and instantly, he was surrounded in a golden shield of light. The robots fired at the shield but the shield reflected the attacks with ease. Sonic then shot forwards like a bullet and began pounding at the robots in a blur that was even harder to see than before. Mojo wondered how could Sonic had gotten so powerful, until he realized that the emerald he was holding was glowing brightly. Immediately the truth struck him.

"He's drawing power from the emerald." thought Mojo but before he could do anything else, Sonic had already destroyed the robots and had just rammed into Mojo knocking him unconscious.

Five minutes later, six police officers arrived on the scene, surprised to see all the broken robots and even more surprised at seeing Mojo just lying on the ground motionless. The chief of the police, who was a tall fat man, stood over Mojo as another officer approached him.

"Chief, one of scientists reported that nothing was stolen except for a large jewel." said the officer.

"Any idea who took it?" asked the chief.

"None, sir." said the officer.

"Were there any witnesses?" asked the chief.

"There are none reported." said the officer. "Sir, do you think Dr. Eggman had anything to do with this?" The officer thought to himself in silence upon hearing the name.

"I don't know, but we best keep this theft a secret from the public." said the officer. "By the way, do you have any idea who this guy is?" The chief pointed to Mojo who was unconscious on the ground.

"Oh yeah, that's Mojo Jojo." said the officer upon seeing him.

"Mojo Jojo?" asked the officer.

"Yes, he's an infamous villain in a city called Townsville." said the officer. "I have a cousin in Townsville and I saw Mojo briefly when I was visiting my cousin."

"We better notify the Townsville police to pick this guy up." said the chief. "In the meantime, he will be in our own cells for interrogation."

"Yes, sir." said the officer.

Meanwhile, outside of the building, Sonic was watching the police carry the remains of the robots out of the building. Sonic observed the officers from on top of a shorter building that was across the street from the other building where the robbery took place.

"Who was that guy?" said Sonic to himself. "And how did he know about the Chaos Emeralds." Sonic held up the yellow colored Chaos Emerald up to his face in one hand. "Well, at least that freakish monkey man didn't get his hands on this. Wait until the others find out." Sonic quickly disappeared as he turned around and ran off, leaving a blue blur as he ran.