Yugi: PARTY!!!
Tea: actually, the last chap was chap 19. this is the epilogue.
Tristan: who cares? ITS OVER!!!
Shibby: *pouts*

thats right people. LAST CHAP!!!!!!!! strange how it ends on chap 20. well.... im SOOO glad i wont hafta update this anymore! glad sooooo many people like this fic, it makes me sooo happy! so... tata~

I'm Still Dreaming


From the start of this story, one year ago to the moment Yugi solved the Sennen Puzzle, many people knew that their lives had changed forever.

Now they knew it even more. For their lives were going to be different from now on.

They were constantly in check; even after they graduated, the group was still in touch, more spiritually then in any other way. They had minor occurrences, but that was it -- nothing too great like this happened.

Yugi awoke from his coma about two months later, and had to go to therapy for eight months afterward for his body. He hadn't used it for nine weeks, and it was weak, his muscles nearly deteriorating. The Arc gave him the same sensation as the Puzzle had; comfort, and a knowing and sense of belonging to something so incredible, it made his head spin. After graduating from Tokyo High, Yugi finally went to the one place he had wanted to visit since his father had -- Egypt. He got to see the grand city where Yami lived, and he could even see the Ark of Osiris across the river in the morning light. He saw it for the first time, nearly four years after his solving the Puzzle. He was twenty.

Anzu graduated and became more involved with medicine, dancing for exercise and in her free time. One of the stranger occurrences that had happened that had to do with spirits was all the cherry trees in Domino Center where she lived had, one spring, all bloomed white, with longer petals and a beautiful fragrance. They were mitsukai flowers. She became a medical student, studying in Tokyo, then in Osaka and Hokkaido, with some of the best trainers she could afford. Her caring nature and sweet smile made many people want her for a nurse as she was training. She lost physical contact with most of her friends, just knowing how they were through the Prayer Circle.

Honda, who hoped to one day be a fighter pilot, or a pilot in general, was in a motorcycle accident a few months before graduating. He fractured his arm, which is nothing compared to what happens to other people in those types of accidents. Luckily, he was able to graduate in time, and studied to be a pilot. He moved to America and became a pilot for the U.S. Air force, becoming one of the most valuable pilots they ever had in the Air Force. He always grieved for his friend, Jonouchi, and even did a special little show on his birthday, the day he would have been twenty years old. He met Shizuka when he visited his sister in Japan, and she eventually went back with him, to see America for the first time in her life. He proposed to her on top of the Statue of Liberty at night, on the Fourth of July, with fireworks and colored lights, red, white and blue shining all around them.

Arya eventually moved back to Hokkaido, training to be a press reporter. Her high emotion problem toned down a bit for awhile, until she met Malik Ishtar in her last year of high school. They became fast friends, and before they knew it, both of them were head-over-heels in love with each other. Accept neither of their siblings knew this. Since their love was 'forbidden', they ran away to Europe, and no one had seen them since. Her feelings for him caused her to collapse a couple of times, once during a report after she got a job as a reporter. She almost lost her job because of it. She was overexcited and had to take medication for a long while. She visited the cemetery in Domino twice a year, putting fresh flowers in Jonouchi's grave during the summer, and dropping flower petals during the winter. No one knew it was her after awhile, since she reported for a different continent in a different language.

Maho, who didn't know that Arya had run away because of the ancient laws on Malik, was grief-struck at the thought of losing Arya. He eventually got over it, though, and pursued his attraction to Isis. He moved up into the world, taking on tons of different jobs. He was qualified in many different fields of work, which made his life exciting. He eventually married Isis, both of them not knowing their siblings were in love, too. Some kind of 'legal loophole'. He worked in places from restaurants to music stores, law firms and schools, going wherever he was needed. His longest job was being a substitute teacher in Domino High, which was what he did for a year and a half, when his sister attended the school.

Isis became a member of the Supreme Council of Antiquities for Egypt, which forced her to leave Maho and Japan for awhile to work abroad. She saw Yugi in Egypt, right before he was going to leave to attend school in America. With the Council behind him, Yugi postponed his trip to pursue what he thought was a new chamber in the Pharaoh's tomb, which it actually turned out to be some kind of record room. It caused a great deal of excitement in the Council, which had been searching for something like this for years. As it turns out, Mutou Jonah's notebook had the same things as in this chamber, since he had broken in nearly twenty years earlier, unbeknownst to the Egyptian government. Isis eventually went back to Japan, where she and Maho moved to Kyoto.

Ryou became an archaeologist himself, moving north to Hokkaido with his new wife Samayo Alluige, and their son, Issie, who was born three months prior to their marriage, when both of them were nineteen. Up there, he set to work on restoring a ninety-year-old mansion built by an Englishman in the early nineteen hundreds. He, and Samayo's brothers, who lived nearby, worked for years on restoring the old house, furnishing it with nineteenth-century furniture and re-planting the garden. He remained linked strongest with Yugi and Anzu spiritually, sometimes actually dreaming about them. The strangest thing for him that happened with the Arc of Osiris was the link being cut for a little while, because Theif Bakura had tried to break through his hold, like Meretseger's. This temporarily cut Ryou off. It came back, though. He knew it was revitalized for good when Samayo woke him up in the middle of the night when he was shouting in his sleep, because he was dreaming about them. Something about loneliness and RPG games and schizophrenia.

KaibaCrop bloomed into a multi-company, with many different branches. With Mokuba helping him, Seto was able to provide jobs for hundreds of people in Tokyo and Domino, putting Domino on the map as one of the highest-grossing cities in Japan. He became fond of the daughter of one of his executives, a girl named Hinata, who would keep him company through the long hours of the day. She, along with watching Mokuba grow up, eventually softened Seto's stone-hard heart. Although he hated to admit it, his connection was strongest with Yugi and Isis, and he even felt a strange, excited feeling in his gut when they found that side chamber to the Pharaoh's tomb. He didn't want to turn soft, but eventually Hinata turned him that way, and even Mokuba helped as well. He sometimes thought about the way Osiris had ordered him to hide throughout the whole event, so maybe he could beat down Meretseger, since she didn't know him that well. This theory was never tested.

Although the Circle of Osiris separated, as Osiris had said, they all stayed connected, and when a threat warning from Zvallah came to them years later, they did the best they could to stop it, even though they were miles away. They were able to beat down Meretseger, however, it resulted in Yugi becoming comatose again for a few days, then coming out of it fairly quickly

In their last year of high school, with only about five months of school left, a strange power surge hit the school, making the power box explode, lighting the school on fire. It burned until the top floor was completely gone, and much of the west part of the building was gone. All the students were transferred to different schools, the senior class transferred to Tokyo High, forty minutes away. That was the start of many strange power surges throughout this small section of Domino. Eventually, after almost half of Domino had experienced power surges, they evacuated that small portion of the city and shut down the power permanently.

Luckily, the city grew over the years. It stretched north, across the river that surrounded it, now right next door to Tokyo, on it's outskirts. It also stretched west, across that same river, so it was separated into three sections by a river, connected by bridges. That one section was forever closed, as a memorial to all the people who died in the fires.

And, as Honda had said, they were all right. Their lives had been changed..... For the better.

However, with this little threat from Meretseger, she claimed to see the future. The near future. And what she saw was a little orphan girl with no family, who she could take for a host... She said it involved people they knew, but didn't exist.

They figured she was just nuts.

They didn't know how right she was.

But, as they say, besides this little threat.... They were all right.... §


"Anzu-chan…." He said softly. "It'll be alright, honestly." Anzu looked up at him, tears still shining brightly, like little crystals of ice in her brown eyes.

"Are you sure?" Yugi nodded.

"I promise." Anzu smiled. Yugi sat back and looked at Honda and Ryou. "I promise you, all of you, no matter what happens, we'll be alright." §



Shibby: ;_;... aww... its all over...
YGO cast: WOOHOO!!!!!!
Shibby: BUT--
YGO cast: uh-oh--
Shibby: I HAVE A SEQUEL!!!!!
YGO cast: AH!!! RUUUUUN!
YGO cast: YAAA--- wait.
Yugi: how can it NOT include us???
Shibby: I'm not telling...^^
Joey: *sticks out tongue*
Tea: why not?
Shibby: it DOES include you... just not you you, like different people but like you...
Yugi: x_x
Tristan: my brain hurts
Tea: thats no surprise

well, in any case.... I DO HAVE A SEQUEL!!!! look for it! It's called Kanben-Yumemiru, and it's gonna be cooli~ go to mah profile for the description!!


MarikzAngel: okay, NOW it's over…. EPILOGUE! The reason these last chaps went up so fast was cuz I already had them typed and I HAD to get them up!!
YumeTakato: that was from another fic of mine I was reading at the time, so I was like "why not stick that random quote down there anywayz?" it was from a chap of a Pokemon fic I wrote loooooong time ago… it was weird cuz the same, erm, "activitites" were going on as in chap 19… *^_^* and the pokemon are like hanging out in another room and the door magically locked and their all talking about A&M their erm SEX yea and then Totodile randomly goes and says that line. It was sooooo funny! Hmm, maybe he does… I mean, the sequel is based around his SON, correct???....
Yugiohchix2008: YAMI THE PLAYER… WOO…^^
YoSta: I missed you, dude! Glad you liked my lil plot thingy! WEEEEEE~EEEEE-


Yours truly, Shibby-One
