CHAPTER I: The Untalented Little Sister of Kikyou


My name is Higurashi Kagome. I am from the clan of the Higurashi, one of the Emperor's most trusted branches. My entire life up until a few years ago has been spent inside Palace walls, and I knew nothing about the outside world. I was spoiled and untold of the more worse things in life. The story you will read before you is a story of my eventful life, and I refuse to let go of the past, therefore I'll put it down in writing. Maybe once you've read my full tale, you and Sesshoumaru will both understand.


I am a blissfully unaware girl at just turned 15. My father, Shiroimaru serves at the Emperor's Court, and is currently at a high position, but I do not know what.

I have a mother, a brother, and two loving sisters as well. My mother is called Higurashi Tenko, which Papa claims to be such a childish name for a woman of high position. Mama and I disagree with him.

My brother is Souta, a little brother of mine who was born 7 years before. My darling little prodigy-of-a sister, Kaede, is but two years below me, she is quite experienced with her *katakana-, and last but not least, my elder sister, Kikyou, who is a beautiful maiden at 17. I've idolized her so, her being so calm and collected- and her beauty was like no other-. She played the *Koto so well, and her brushstrokes were so beautiful that I thought I would cry in envy. What I truly admired in her was her personality, and the way she moved was like the wind blowing cherry blossom petals around the paved patio.

Naturally, as girls should be married at ages 15-18, Kikyou has been engaged to a man of a foreign Japanese clan, Mama claims them to be *youkai and absolutely went berserk when she found out. But it had been Papa's decision, and women never had any say in anything in these times.

In all seriousness, I never believed that such creatures actually existed. 'Youkai?' I thought they only lived in the minds of little children, but this? It was unbelievable to me.

As to how I found this information about youkai out, I had been walking down the open hallways of the Mansion, when I heard Mama's unmistakable yells through a slightly open Shoji. Of course, being curious as I always am, I eavesdropped.

"What do you mean, to the Tsukishidai clan? I do not even favor of the name!" Mama exclaimed, her voice shrill.

"But Tenko-"

"-Does Kikyou even know about this?" Mama cut poor Papa off.

"Yes, well-"

"-Has she met the man she is to marry?"


"Is she happy with the decision YOU made for her?"

"Ay, ay, ay, Tenko!! Calm down, woman! You've nothing to worry about," Papa scowled good-naturedly. "It had been Kikyou who had made the suggestion, so leave this poor man alone!" he uttered, addressing to himself.

"K...Kikyou wanted this?" Mama stuttered, and with my ear pressed against the shoji, I heard her plop down on one of the pillow seats by the low-rise table. "Has she gone out of her mind? All of these years that I've put her through- trying to make her brilliant so that she could one day serve in the Court, and now here she is, off marrying some demon-"

"You are a truly superstitious woman, Tenko," Father sighed. "Everybody knows there are no such thing as- as, demons."

"Hmph. And that's coming from a man who had never stepped outside castle walls," I heard mother retort back. "I know demons. Unlike you, I have been trained-"

At this turn of conversation I became very interested. I pressed my ear just ever so slightly more against the Shoji.

"-Up in the Mountains to develop my Miko abilities. I was once a village Priestess, so I know for sure that-"

"That demons exist, yes, I know," Papa sighed once again. "You know, this is exactly why I chose you to marry."

"Do not get so cocky as to refer to me as if I was picked out of a flea market," my mother fired.

"Ah, I always loved that lively flame that stirred inside you..."

Okay. Now I was officially uninterested. Noiselessly, I detached myself from the shoji and walked on casually down the hall.

I walked around for a few minutes, in which I find Kaede practicing new Katakana, Souta playing with a one of the servant boys, Kohaku, and I saw my friend, Sango, who was a commoner, but I never ever thought of it that way. She worked at our castle daily, fetching the new brands of silk for us, making sure the caravans of food were made to our Palace. She and I have been friends for so long, longer than I can remember. Actually, she was so dear to me that I went so 'low' (as said by my parents) as to suggest inviting her and her family to live in our Palace. Oh yeah, Sango and Kohaku are siblings, by the way.

Back to the present.

I am now headed towards the place I always find Kikyou in- the Courtyard. The Palace Courtyard was an open-air room and cherry blossom trees were planted there, among exotic plants. Kikyou always loved to sit on one of the clean, beautifully sculpted flat elevation rocks that were scattered amongst the courtyard. There she would be either playing the Koto, or sipping tea with a Higurashi relative. Today, I saw her wearing five layers of her best formal kimonos, she seemed pretty anxious, and was neither drinking tea nor playing her Koto.

"Onee-sama," I called out to her tentatively, stepping off the elevated wooden floor and onto the grass. "You looked a bit troubled. There something on your mind?" I asked her in my carefree voice.

"Kagome-chan," Kikyou smiled softly at me. "I don't suppose you know, but I have been engaged-"

"-To a demon clan, yes I know," I nodded attentively. Realizing my mistake, I instantly blurted out some more words. "Um, I didn't mean that demon part, sorry..."

Kikyou chuckled and motioned for me to sit next to her. I did, and she regarded me with calm, warm eyes. "Dear little sister, have you been eavesdropping again?"

"N...No...." I said slowly, trying to hide the smile on my own face by raising my kimono sleeve.

"So you HAVE been," Kikyou laughed again, the very sound melodious. "Well, don't worry, your big sister Kikyou can handle herself well."

"I know," I sighed, slouching. Kikyou's eyes scolded me, but still held the warmth.

"Sit up, Kagome-chan! That is not the proper behavior of a lady," she told me sternly. I regarded her reprimand off-handedly. "Yeah, sure.." And with that, I sat up.

"I am going to get married," Kikyou said blissfully. "Oh how long I've waited for this day!"

"Do you truly want to live your life as a wife, Kikyou-nee-sama?" I said with a hint of distaste. "Think of all the things in life that you could be exploring..."

"We're not that type of people," she retorted, her voice a scolding tone once more. "We belong inside palaces, like beautiful canaries in grand golden cages."

I frowned. My sister was wonderful and elegant and I admire her so, but sometimes I can't help but disapprove of her. Sango told me once that there are more to life than fancy banquets and beautiful kimonos, and I believed her so.

Sighing inwardly, I nodded in false agreement with Kikyou. Then I decided to change the subject.

"Do you know this man you are to marry?"

"Not entirely. Tsukishidai-sama is going to introduce me to one of his sons."


"That is an odd name, I must admit. His full name is Tsukishidai Inutaisho, and that, I believe, would be the father," Kikyou informed me. She looked up at the darkening sky. "I am to meet him today."

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes, but these things can't be helped."

An uncomfortable silence filled the air. Oh how I wish Kikyou had her Koto right now, so that I could just listen instead of think of topics to talk about..

I was about to start up a conversation about the gray weather, when Kikyou's gaze suddenly turned playful. "Hopefully he is not an ugly creature, otherwise my reputation is ruined!"

I looked at her, confused for a while, then I started to get it. I smiled widely. "Yes, a beautiful maiden does not go well with a hideous hunchback," I imagined an old rickety creep with little to no hair, bright ugly yellow eyes and a rounded potbelly.

Kikyou must have imagined something like that also for we both burst into fits of laughter after a few moments of silence.

"Hahaha... how unfortunate I am, to be wed to such an eye-offending-brute!"

"And I shall laugh when it is your wedding, for you will be drowning in humiliation, and I shall enjoy every moment of it!"

"Oh, cruel words from such an innocent child, they hurt me so!" Kikyou giggled.

We burst into another fit of laughter. Kikyou was so fun to be around when she was not trying to be elegant. I smiled more widely. "Fear not, dear sister, for after the wedding, I shall provide you with a knife so that you may kill yourself before you die of embarrassment!"

"I think I would rather have you marry the other brother! The uglier one!"

"No, unlike the one you married, I shall marry the one who's entirely handsome," I argued playfully.

"Absolutely not! Obviously I will get to marry the more handsome one, for I am special!"

"Yes, you ARE special," I snickered. Kikyou's eyes widened in pretend hurt. "Ka-go-me-chan!! Those words have struck me in the heart!"

And we burst into yet another handful of giggles and laughter, of course.

After that we stared at the still darkening sky. The silence was no longer tense like before, now it was warm and comfortable.

A familiar voice broke our trance.

"Kagome-chan! Kikyou-sama! Shiroimaru-sama wants to see you!" Sango burst open the shoji, red in the face from running and panting hard. "Where WERE you guys?"

Kikyou stared coldly at Sango. "How dare you speak in such a manner to us loyalties?"

Sango turned red, this time in embarrassment, and bowed lowly. "Gomen nasai, Noble ones," she said quickly. I am not sure if Kikyou did, but I certainly sensed the sarcasm in Sango's voice.

"Do you know why, Sango-chan?" I asked curiously.

"Nope. But he said it was urgent, so please, go!"

Kikyou and I glanced at each other and made our way to the chambers where our family had meetings in.




A few minutes later....

Kaede, Kikyou, Souta and I are now standing in a straight row. Mama is looking uneasy as she is sitting down at the low elevation table, and Papa is pacing back and forth with his hands clasped together behind his back. Curiosity is gnawing at me.

"Children, there is some news your mother and I must tell you," he cleared his throat. "It is about your sister, Kikyou..."

Oh. I already knew what this was about. All curiosity left me, replaced by boredom, but I tried to look anxious and eager.

"...She, is to marry soon," Father paused, as if letting the information sink in. I heard Kaede gasp and Souta falter. Papa continued. "We will wish her a happy and long life..."

"With lots of children!" Souta suddenly piped up. Kaede gasped, I snickered, Kikyou blushed furiously, Mama scowled, and Papa tapped his foot impatiently. "Do not interrupt Souta... Anyways, we are going to meet the Clan in which she is going to marry a man. Listen to me very carefully."

He paused again, and I felt interest prickle at my senses once more.

"You, as in Kaede, Kagome, and Souta, are NOT allowed to leave your rooms at all times during tonight," he said softly, yet firmly. "Only Kikyou, your Mother and I are to meet them."

We nodded, and I had the curiosity the size now, of Japan.

"Pardon me," Kaede said softly, shyly. "What is the name of this 'Clan'?"

Mother and Father exchanged unsure glances at each other.


"*SUGOI!" Souta snapped in a hyper voice. Mama winced.

"It's just a name, Souta," Kaede nudged Souta in the side.

"Yeah, but it's still cool, though.." Souta looked down, a smile still visible on his face.

"Well, that is all I wish to inform you children about. Dismissed," Father said, bowing. We bowed courteously in return. "Oyasumi nasai, Otou-sama."

I headed to my room, absolutely curious. One thing was for sure. Tonight, I am going to eavesdrop once more.

~ ~



It is four or five hours before midnight.

I changed into a white *Yukata and softly, carefully slid open the Shoji. I decided not to wear sandals because they would make much noise on the hardwood floor, so I went with nothing on my feet but socks. The reason for wearing a Yukata was to prevent too much sound of cloth movement- I learned these things from past mistakes, and from Sango, who has been doing a lot of snooping around herself.

Sliding the door carefully, my sock-clad feet touched the cold floor. I stood for a while, waiting for my eyes to get used to the darkness. Then slowly, painstakingly, I made a step forward, and then another, then another.

All the rooms of the Palace seemed to have their candles blown out. Yet then I smelled a wonderful smell, the fresh smell of hot food. A feast or banquet was taking place. I followed my nose and found myself standing infront of the entrance that led to the biggest room in the Palace- the room where Court Ladies and fine Nobles had their parties in.

The Shoji had been pushed wide open for some reason, so I was limited to hiding at the side while listening.

I could smell the food so distinctly, and my stomach churned in hunger. I've not eaten any lunch, nor dinner. My stomach yearned to have some food. But I fought hunger, trying to remind myself that I was here to settle my curiosity.

Music started to play- that is, Kikyou, who was playing on her Koto.

The sound of my father's laughter rang throughout the room above the talking and Kikyo's music and merriment. Obviously he was enjoying himself with the Tsukishidai's.

I peered inside slightly, and saw something that made my eyes want to bulge. There were women with exotic silver hair in the room!