Disclaimer: As I bath in money and everything I touch turns to gold, I have no need to make money out of these characters. Therefore, I have decided that Marvel should be allowed to own them.

A/N Welcome to my story. Just so you know:




Good, now that is settled: On with the show!

If you can't beat them.

1. I entered into O'Mally's bar, I said O'Mally I have a thirst.


''Let me introduce a new student...''

He had stood in the shadows, which was actually quite weird since it was a pretty light room, but now was clearly visible. Everyone present (Kitty, Kurt, Scott, Wolverine and Storm) studied him. He wore ragged down shoes, torn trousers, a worn down brown trench coat lay beside him, he wore a black shirt and he had a face. ~Oh my God.~ was the general thought. Long messy auburn hair backed in a ponytail and a black bandana, hadn't shaven in three days (actually in eleven days, but it didn't look like that). And those eyes. Black on red, like a devil. He would have looked menacing if he hadn't been so incredibly gorgeous.


''Is that your name?'' Scott asked with mild...no...make that hard skepticism.

''It'll do.'' Gambit said dryly.

''Right and where exactly did they find you?'' Scott with just a little too much emphasis on the 'you'-bit.


~Files, check. Access-code, check. Boredom, check. Cards, uncheck. Solution, now.~

A young man sat in the most secure isolation chamber in the most secure prison in the U.S. (A/N don't ask me which one, I made it up, this is AU remember.). The guard that brought him there had vanished into thin air and non of the guards there has actually seen his face. There was a picture in his file and criminal record. Both these documents were soon to be no more. He got what he came for, now it was time to leave. After ten days in isolation, the big bang finale was near.

''Guards?'' He spoke through the miniature hole in the door. The guards, who were playing poker, didn't react.

''Guards? I just want to ask something. Come on.'' One of the guards approached.

''Whadaya want? I'm not even supposed to come this close.''

''Could I have some playing cards?''


'' Please? I'm bored. Come on, what damage can cards possibly do?''

Four minutes of whining later, the guards gave him a pack of cards. Bad idea. But they didn't know that. They didn't know that the man in the isolation chamber was a mutant, because the file didn't say so and they had never seen him.

The prisoner had just finished his tenth game of solitaire. His internal clock said it was dark now.

~Time to blow dis joint.~

A loud explosion rang through the entire building. Smoke was everywhere, prisoner was nowhere. Big Bang Finale a la Carte. Oh, he could have escaped without any one noticing, just like he had when he was gathering the necessary documents. But he couldn't, he wouldn't. His name was Gambit.


Cerebro went beserk.

''Mutant activity, location unknown...''

Xavier rushed in.


A young man strolled through the woods smiling to himself. He had just escaped maximum security prison nr. 1. They'd never find him, because he was never there. Nothing is left to prove that, except two rambling guards. He never liked the woods, he was more of a city boy, but it worked to hide things. He grabbed a green duffel bag, previously hidden by leafs and a fallen tree. He turned around to look at the burning building he just left.

''Looking back, on the track, for a little green bag...''

He approached a cave, entered and uncovered his Harley (A/N Davidson, but you should know that.)

''Jump to the left, jump to the right. Lookin' upstairs, lookin' behind.'' He continued humming as opened the duffel bag and put on some new clothes. He took off on his bike and finally reached a bar.


''The activity burst was enormous, and I am certain we will hear more from it on the news, but I cannot pinpoint its location yet, which is very curious. It has left a significant trace leading to...well...here.'' Xavier pointed to the map. Wolverine looked at it in surprise.

''_There_? And you need to recruit him?'' The professor nodded.

''Then I guess I'll make a visit to my old friend O'Mally.''


''But I love him!'' The young man whined smiling just as Wolverine got in.

''He be de only one f'me!''

''You're a liar, kid.'' O'Mally replied and continued cleaning some glasses.

''Non! I need him. Please get him f'me. I be a good boy.'' The younster looked at the bartender pleadingly. ~This is a weird conversation.~ Wolverine concluded. He decided to listen to it.

''I will do no such thing, kiddo.''

''Jack's de only one f'me, really.''

''Sure, now it's Jack, last time it was Johnny, what will it be next time?'' The barman smiled as the young man looked pleadingly. ''Alright, alright. I'll get it. But it's the last one.''

Wolverine was a bit confused as the young man turned to him.

''I can share if y'want some too. I'm real good at sharing.'' Wolverine was now a bit more than a bit confused, the young man was looking him straight in the eyes. Red on black eyes penetrated his own blue ones. He looked rather intimidating, with demon-eyes and a devil's smile. Then O'Mally came back.

''Here you go, kid.'' He placed the bottle in front of him. ''It's my last one you drank the rest already. Why you are still standing is a mystery to me. Just don't come back for more until Friday, or go to a liquor store like normal people.''

Wolverine looked at the bottle. Jack Daniel. The young man saw him looking at it.

''It's paid for. Wan' some?'' He asked.

''Sure.'' This was the guy the professor was after.

''So,'' Wolverine said continuing on the conversation. ''Johnny disappoint you?'' The young man smiled.

''Oui. Walker's a pain. At least Jack lets me use him without tryin' t'get even in de morning.''

Logan chuckled, internally, of course, the Wolverine does not chuckle.

''My name's Logan by the way.'' He reached out a hand

''Remy.'' He said and shook the hand presented to him. Logan raised an eyebrow and looked at him with unbelief.

''Non, really. Not Remy Martin. Just Remy, and dis is my best friend Jack. Say hi, Jack.'' He poured Logan some in.


''Fine. Y'got me. Just call me Gambit den. At least dat's not a drink.''

End Flashback

''At O'Mally's Bar.''

The introduction continued as Xavier introduced all of his students to the new recruit. After this small introduction Kitty spoke.

''So, like, what are your powers.''

Gambit scanned Xavier's desk and took a pencil. It started to glow a reddish-pinkish glow. The professor interrupted.

''Gambit, maybe you should save this demonstration for the Danger Room. We will be going there shortly. Gambit charges objects bio-kinetically causing them to explode when released. He will be staying with us. Kurt, you will be his roommate. Perhaps you can show him around.'' Kurt nodded. ''Well it's getting late, have a good night sleep and tomorrow we'll have a introduction interview, and you can be introduced to everyone. That's the end of this meeting. Dismissed.''

They all left the office and went their separate ways to their rooms. Scott, however, waited for Gambit and Kurt outside the office.

''So, what exactly made you decide you'd join us. You don't really seem like the type for it.'' Gambit looked at him, penetrating his face with his eyes. It wasn't until he spoke that Scott realized how close his face was to his own.

''If y' can' beat dem, join em.'' He turned around to Kurt and they left, leaving a very disturbed Scott in the hallway.