Hello there! The name's CPegasus. Some of you may recognize me from the Yu-gi-oh and anime crossover sections. This is my first time straying into the world of Shaman King, though it's hardly my first fic, or my first real romance.

This is gonna be short, I think three chapters, but nothing's definite. I was reading the November Shonen Jump, and I found a pairing I'm very surprised isn't up here yet. But without further ado . . .



\"Bailong . . . MY BAILONG!" she cried. Tao Jun ran to the corpse. Though he had been dead for years, the reunion of his soul and body warmed Lee Bailong. She felt the warmth of his skin on her hands fade away as his spirit left the Jiang-shi. Jun looked up with tears shining in her eyes as the spirit took on its true form and faded away, passing into the next world after so long. She stretched one hand out to his form

"Don't go . . ."


Her eyes snapped open, hand still outstretched in her bed.
"A dream . . . it was just a dream . . ." she muttered, and rolled over to try to get back to sleep. But it wasn't only a dream. She'd had the dream before. And she'd seen it happen for real. Not that the same events had happened, she reminded herself, looking through the thin curtains covering her opulent bed and seeing the silhouette of Lee Bailong there as always.

After being defeated by Yoh Asakura and his Samurai, Bailong had chosen to remain her Jiang-shi and perfect his art of Dao Dan Do. And though she didn't want to admit it to herself, or to Lee, Jun had been glad. Something in her had changed that night. She'd always been taught that he was only a corpse; but a shadow of the man he used to be. He had no feelings, no heart; he existed now only to be her puppet. And she used to believe that. But during that battle, Yoh had insisted that ghosts had feelings, and she had seen Bailong's tears with her own eyes. And he had chosen to remain in the world of the living, to remain with her.

Jun shook her head to clear her thoughts. No, she chided herself, he had stayed to perfect his martial art. That was all. But then, why would he have asked for her to remain his Dao-shi . . .?

She stared through her curtain at his still form. In his Jiang-shi body, he didn't need food or sleep. Lee had taken it upon himself to watch out for Dao Jun, for reasons he kept to himself. She raised her arm again and lightly traced his strong and sinewy form with a finger. She didn't know quite why, but Bailong's presence was comforting to her. He was something she could depend on, she thought. Slowly drifting back to sleep, her hand traveled to her heart and she repeated in a whisper, "My Bailong . . . someone I depend on . . ."

In a flash, she was far from sleep again. Her heart raced suddenly, thinking of him. What was going on? What was coming over her? She had never felt this way before, never imagined it, never knew what it could be, apart from what she heard as she traveled. Through the many towns and cities she'd passed through, there were sure to be a few young girls caught up in this same fit of emotion over a man. She used to simply ignore them, dismissing their plights as foolish and petty. But now, she thought back, trying to remember what it was they'd called it . . .

Tao Jun lay still, trying to keep her breath steady. Her mind went around in circles, but the last thing she needed was for Lee to notice her discomfort and ask what was bothering her. For she knew in an instant now what it was. It was that fickle emotion called Love.

But how could it be? He was dead! But then, she thought, was he really? It was true that his body had died, but the Jiang-shi body he inhabited now was his own, and his soul was in it. Technically, if his soul was in his own body, wasn't he alive? No, that was only her mind trying to explain this away.

Tao Jun knew her feelings must be crazy. This went against all her training, all her upbringing. A Shaman's ghost was no more than a tool for her to use in battle. What would her father say, if he could see her now? What of her brother? She didn't know. This would be too ridiculous to them for her to even guess their reactions. But Yoh Asakura . . . he would understand.

Of course, she blinked, there were other views on the relationship between a Shaman and her Ghost. Amidamaru, the Samurai was one of Yoh's best friends. Was it really so crazy then, if she loved Lee? She'd seen it proven that a Shaman and his ghost could be partners, friends even! What was stopping her from achieving something even more with Lee?

"He's dead," she muttered, keeping the thought alive in her mind. "He's dead. There's no way . . ."

But there was a way. There had to be. Tao Jun looked over once more at Lee Bailong's shadow. There, again! Her heart beat that much faster, and a calm yet unsettling wave of emotion rushed through her body. She realized for perhaps the first time how young she was. At only 15, she'd considered herself fully mature, having been training abroad for years. Now she was barely 18, and she saw how empty her life was. Since she was so young she had devoted herself to training as a Dao-shi. The only people she'd ever been close to were her parents and Ren. When had she become so close to Lee?

What was it about him that caused her to feel this way? He needed the corpse puppet she'd used to control him as a body, so he could continue to live. In a way, he needed her. There was a satisfaction there, that such a strong man needed her help. And he _was_ strong. She had seen him training, seen the grace with which he practiced his powerful moves.

A small sigh escaped Tao Jun's lips. She was tired. All these new and unsettling thoughts still swam around her mind, but her body wouldn't lie awake much longer. She was still facing Bailong's form. His silhouette was the last thing she saw before she fell asleep again.


A/n: sorry about the stuff I made up, I'm not sure about everything. Please no one yell at me too much if I got something wrong. R&R! 5 reviews earns an update . . . as soon as I write chapter 2 that is ^^"