He slowly walked back towards his home taking in the lasting darkness before the sunrise. To bad he would never see the full sun light again. He had to remain in the shadows during the day. Those he had once knew seemed like memories, and he had some how wound up back with them. Not necessarily with their knowledge of his presence, but he knew he was there. It wouldn't be likely for them to notice him anyways. The last time he had been in contact with any of them he had been twelve and still walking in the sun. Being one of the undead had drastically changed him, even more than growing like a normal teenager should have. His skin once a healthy pale now was just pale; it seemed that there was no life in his skin. His hair was shaggy, the color still the same, but with black strands every so often. His eyes however were what separated him from humans and vampires alike. They were an un-earthly crystalline sapphire; they glowed. He often cursed his eyes when he could never pass as a human or vampire.

He thought about all of the miss conceptions made about his kind. Garlic was no harm what so ever neither was a cross. Yes sunlight could kill if stayed out in to long, but he could be outside during the day as long as for the most part he stayed in the shadows. He didn't care a whole lot for the sun anyways. Silver and stakes killed though. The only true part in the fiction book, but then again a stake could kill a human, and a silver bullet could to. Just a miss-conception….

Being human wasn't something that he missed. His friends however were some thing that he was missing horribly now that he was back. He had been adopted by Yamato's parents when he was a baby. When he was 14 he had found out and with Koushiro's help he had finally found his real parents. The change that he welcomed into his life when he found his parents was almost over whelming to him. He had found out that he was 2/3 vampire from his mother. She told him that his father was only half-vampire and half something else that he had never told her, but she had said that he was killed for his other half. He and his mother had thought it best if they didn't stay together after a near death experience concerning his father. He had regretfully left her in England after spending two short years with her.

" I swear to myself that I will meet up with them tomorrow." He promised himself before relaxing into a dream.


Miyako was going to lock herself up in a straight jacket if something didn't change and soon. She only wanted for them all to get back together and catch up, but it seemed impossible, well almost. Once Yamato had agreed, which had surprised her, Taichi and Kari had accepted to come and dragged Koushiro with them, which had lead to Joe excepting and him bribing Ken and Cody into coming. Mimi and Sora lived in America but they had called everyone and kept in touch. Her problem right now was Daisuke. The stubborn good for nothing goggle wearing jackass had not talked to any of the group for months.

She marched right up to his door and began to bang on it, letting her frustration out.

" I'm Coming! I'm coming! Don't break it down!" The person was apparently Jun. She quickly threw open the door and was about to shout at the psycho that had been banging on the door.

" Oh it's you. Dai's in his room. Why don't you see if you can't drag him out of it." She had an apologetic smile on her face as she talked about her brother.

" Oh. I will. I even have ropes to drag him with." Miyako cackled and Jun just sweet dropped and let her pass. Miyako went to Dai's room and threw the locked door open.

" You broke the fucking lock!" Daisuke yelled at her.

" Hello to you to. I have come to drag you back from the lines of hell." She then proceeded to lasso him up and drag him out the front door. Jun just shot them a funny look but figured it was for Dai's own good. Daisuke threw insults at Miyako all the way to the park.

" Nice of you to join us today Dai." Ken smiled at him.

" Courtesy of Miyako." He told them sourly. He held up the rope that was attached to him that Miyako was keeping a rather tight hold on.

" Yeh….." She was interrupted as a rather familiar looking person walked into their presence. It was dusk so they really couldn't glimpse at him and he had his head bowed. The trench coat pretty much covered everything else. When he raised his head was the real shocker.

" Hello. Pleasant to see you again." Takeru smirked at them.