Disclaimer : I do not own any of these characters SIGHS. There is no profit made here except for entertainment. Though the characters are mine while they roam through my mind and force me to write for them!!

For now I will stretch out the time that Aragorn is missing from the Deep. Its my story and my universe so get used to it and I understand that this breaks away from the CANNON of the movie. It is just my little daydream into this world. OK? This is a work of fiction it never happened - it is my Alternate Universe - in which I am RULER, HIGH PRIESTESS, AND GODESS MOST HIGH!!! (lighting flashes and thunder crashes and I glow briefly like Cate Blanchette's Galadriel Moment).... oops sorry got carried away!!

No Slash -  Though if Sir Ian McKellen see's fit to stop by he is welcome to bring any friend he likes!!

I want to SHOUT OUT – a huge thanks to all who have stuck with this story and apologize for the length of time it takes me to update – those who know me know what little time I have to write even though I love it so much! . Thanks to all those who review and those who have enjoyed it but not reviewed :o) -

I think there may only be one more chapter maybe two to this story

I know where I want it to end.

I started it with a line right from the movie and I will end it the same way just to give a good sense of closure and make it feel that it could have fit and been a real possiblity ya know!!

Amthramiel – Thanks I am glad you like it

chickie5131 – here is more

boromir -I am glad you are still reading along! – did you every get my email??

Lady Lere - Yes I love to share the pain – ha ha ha

luvguurl - I really do try for longer chapters and then life creeps in on me and keeps cutting them short on me. Hope you like this one.

Frisha – Thanks

Vampiress24 - I am sure he will be fine once I am done hurting him a little – Mwah ah ah……

Eph - here is more

Quickbeam1 - I love your reviews and I love that I can write lines or parts that move you – You are one of my Fav authors!!

Veboriel - SO true - I never though they would leave their friend behind eitherOh my I hope you did not perish because this update took me so long! – PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE OK!!

Roccovende - . I am always glad when others can see it in their minds eye as I can when writing it. Thanks for your review – stop by again soon!

BM - WOW I am blushing from the compliments loaded into your review - Your welcome for the Slash note too – I think its goofd to include it– Now I feel very guilty now for taking so long to update – I will email you an update alert right away! –Sorry its just been a rough couple of months between work and home and sick twins etc etc….

galadriel evenstar – thanks so much and here we go off to the DEEP

Now back to the story

"Stubborn rock dweller indeed." Gimli harrumphed to himself as he adjusted his hold on Legolas so as not to topple off Brego and land unceremoniously on the ground. Brego had been going full out for some time now as Gimli continued to mumble a litany of curses under his breath. He was sure that whatever Elvish magic Legolas had worked to heal Aragorn had made the lad daft.

Countless generations of distrust between Elves and Dwarves had bred into each race a stalwart and often seething disgust of each other that existed far beyond the battles won and lost in ages too distant to be easily recalled. Gimli wrestled with feelings that no longer felt right in his heart. This Elf was his friend and he counted himself not cursed but fortunate to have met and befriended him.

Gimli remembered the resolute fierceness with which Legolas had defended him when the Rohan riders had surrounded them. Yes THIS Elf was a GOOD friend and Gimli could feel through Legolas' cloak and tunic the slight tremors that wracked his friend's body. He was certain that Legolas had not been entirely forthcoming about the ramifications this Elvish spell of his would have on the Mirkwood Prince in the long term. Stubborn indeed.

"Are you still sure this is wise Legolas?" Gimli questioned as they rode as fast as they could dare to keep all three of the company atop the horse. "Brego is lathering. Look at him, he is laboring under the weight of a dwarf, an injured man and a stubborn elf."

"My stubbornness, thankfully, does not add to my weight Gimli," Legolas chided playfully back to him. "It is not much farther and then Brego can have all the rest and water he needs. I think, however, he would have walked all the way through the blazing fires of Mount Doom to get Aragorn to safety. When Aragorn met him and set him free at Edoras a bond was forged between them. It is more than fortunate that Brego found him in the river; the fates smile on Aragorn, Gimli, of that I am sure. "

They rode again in silence and Legolas willed himself to believe the words he had spoken to Gimli. Namely, that all their efforts would not be in vain, and Aragorn would be alright once they got him to safety. Legolas' own strength was dwindling, it would be so easy to loose the bonds he had fettered around the pain he had taken from Aragorn. He would not. No matter the cost to himself, this man would be King and his destiny far outweighed that of any other.

"There, Gimli! Do you see it? The tower of the Hornburg." Legolas said over his shoulder to his friend.

"Aye lad, I see it," Gimli answered again tightening his grip on the Elf as Brego picked up his pace sensing the nearness to safety for his charges. "Its not so small that only your elf eyes could pick it out , you know. It towers high into the valley."

"Yes but do you see the White Lady standing on the battlements? The scouts will have brought the King word of our coming," Legolas answered over his shoulder.

"No I can not see her though I do not need my eyes to tell me that she would be there. She is a fine woman, strong, but young, and she has lost her heart to this one I fear." Gimli offered loosing his hold of Legolas to touch Aragorn's arm briefly.

"She has not lost it. In the White Lady of Rohan lies the heart of a warrior, Gimli. She just does not see that Aragorn has ignited a fire in her that will bring her to great things though they do not lay with him. I sense there may be pain yet for her to bear. I love Arwen as if she were my own sister, yet Eowyn would be a excellent match for Aragorn and a worthy Queen of Gondor."

Brego closed the gap to the Deep with renewed vigor and sped up the sloping ramp just as the heavy doors swung open to admit them. Many people milled about the entrance to the keep but now Gimli could see the flaxen hair of Eowyn shining in the mid-day sun as she rushed down the step's to meet them.

Eowyn's heart leapt into her throat at the sight of them. Legolas held Aragorn in front of him in the saddle and Aragorn was slumped lifelessly forward. All too painfully the picture flashed in her mind of when Eomer rode into the Golden Hall bearing the dying son of the King her uncle. "Lord Aragorn…?" she started, willing her voice not to crack with panic. Her heart would not allow her to speak the words she feared might be true.

"He lives, my Lady," Legolas answered her as he slid carefully out of the saddle landing on unsteady feet before her.

"Legolas?" Gimli questioned worriedly as one of the king's guards helped him off Brego's now fully lathered back.

"I am fine Gimli. Let us get Aragorn to a warm bed as that is what we rode so hard in search of." Legolas responded, willing his body to cease its protestations and reached up to lower his friend into his arms.

"And you should seek a bed, you stubborn Elf," Gimli countered. "You're not as well as you would have us believe, Legolas.

"Master Elf, let one of the guardsmen carry Aragorn if you are injured…" Eowyn began.

"I shall bear him forth, my Lady. Show the way and we will follow." Legolas interrupted her with soft spoken but resolute determination.

"Very well," Eowyn agreed. "This way, the Kings Quarters have been laid ready for him."