A/N: Ok, first off, I DO NOT OWN POTC! For now, but I'm working on a plan to "commandeer" the ownership papers if anyone wants to help me

Just so you know, I'm writing this fic as a present for one of my friends and am going to attempt to finish it by January. (Key Word: ATTEMPT) Anyways, on with the story!

Slightly Hazy

Chapter 1: Two Years

"You have it?"

"I have it." You reply.

"You have it?"


"You really have it?"


"You're actually holding it."


"In your hands."


"You really-"

"Yes." You reply in an exasperated yet amused voice. "It's here, in my hands and will be playing in exactly 10 minutes whether you're here or not so if I were you I'd-" You stop and grin as the dial tone sounds in your ear.

Smirking, you put a bag of popcorn into the microwave and turn to look at the brand new, still wrapped, DVD lying on your counter. Yes, noticing your extreme obsessive ness over the movie ( hey, you only saw it 8 times 'cause you ran out of cash) your aunt decided to make up for 3 years of missed birthday and Christmas presents by pulling some strings and getting you a copy of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl a month before it would be released to the public. The microwave beeped and you poured the popcorn into a bowl and got out some pop. Hearing your dog give a short bark, you open the front door to find your friend Jacque's finger poised over the door bell.

"You know, you really creep me out when you do that." She says as she slips off her shoes.

"It's a talent." You reply as you grab the popcorn, pop, and DVD and head down into your basement. Handing Jacque the cover to oogle at for a minute, you run back up the stairs and turn off the lights. Skillfully navigating your way back to the couch, you grab the remote and dramatically push the play botton.


You groan as you hit your head on something hard. You slowly open your eyes as you mentally curse whatever idiot invented mornings. The first thing you notice it that you're staring at wood. Funny, you thought you fell asleep on the couch, watching PotC for the 7th time that night. Sitting up, you rub the sleep out of your eyes as you take a look around. You see a foggy beach and you realize that you're sitting in a sorry-looking excuse for a rowboat. Turning around, you find Jacque sleeping on the other side of the rowboat. You nudge her shoulders to try and wake her up to no avail. You smirk to yourself as you get out of the boat.

"Jac," You say in a soft, calm voice, " You missed all the Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp goodness."

"WHAT!" Jacque screamed as she sat up. "You let me sleep ." She pauses as she looks around. " Where are we?" She asks as she stands up.

Once she stands up you notice that she's not in her normal clothes anymore. Instead, she's wearing a Victorian-looking lavender dress with white lace trim and matching heels. You gulp as you realize that that you're probably wearing strange clothes as well. Looking down, you breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of knee-high brown leather boots and black pants. Your shirt is white and loose and fastened to your waist by a brown belt. You pout slightly, imagining how much better you would look if your belt was red. You snap out of your thoughts as Jacque calls your name.

"Please tell me that the outfit that you're wearing isn't eerily similar to the one you envisioned you'd wear if you were in a PotC fanfic."

Your eyes widen as you realize the truth to her words, well, minus the accessories. Your mouth quirks up in a familiar smirk and you look at Jacque.

"Well, let's walk along the coast and test this theory."


After walking along the coast for about an hour, the fog begins to thin and you see faint lights in the distance. You and Jacque approach the wall surrounding the town that you are now positive is Port Royal.

"Halt!" A voice commands as you see three soldiers march toward you.

"Let me handle this." You mumble to Jacque. She nods, trusting you and knowing that she couldn't lie if her life depended on it.

"Sirs!" You call and approach them, attempting to look distraught. "We-"

"Stop right there!" One shouts with a pistol aimed at you.

Ok, so you admit, things weren't exactly going according to plan.

"Pirate, step away from the girl!"

"Pirate?" You ask in an extremely confused. "Have you ever heard of a female pirate?"

"No." The officer replies sheepishly as his comrades lower their weapons.

"I assure you that I am not." You reply in an insulted voice as you roll up your right shirt sleeve, showing the officer your tattoo and scar-free forearm. The officer blushes and lowers his pistol.

"I apologize. Why are you two ladies wandering around at such an early hour?"

"We were shipwrecked." You say in a solemn voice as Jacque, playing along, lets out a choked sob. "My father was the captain of a ship taking Miss, uh. Emerson and her father from England to the province where he was recently appointed Governor. But, a horrible storm struck and the hull started taking in water after lightning struck the mast and started a fire. The. first mate threw us into a lifeboat as soon as he realized that the ship was going to sink. He rowed us about 400 feet away from the ship before attempting to swim back to rescue any survivors. Only, he didn't notice the sharks that were circling the burning wreckage until it was too late." You glance over at Jacque who rolls her eyes, you'd always been melodramatic.

"Ladies," The officer says with pity evident in his voice. "We are truly sorry for your loss. Let us escort you to the Governor's residence. Surely he will want news of this tragic event."

They then led you through the sleeping town without much ado, although Jacque squealed loudly as she passed the blacksmith's shop, covering it up with another sob when the soldiers turned around to look at her strangely. By the time you arrive at Governor Swann's house, you find the Governor up and having breakfast in his dining room. Dismissing the soldiers, the Governor turned to Jacque to console her.

"Oh, you poor child." He said as Jacque, being the great actress that she is, lets a lone tear slide down her cheek. "This whole ordeal must be horrible. Tell me, where was your ship headed?"

Jacque looks panicked for a moment before using her all-purpose unwanted- question-avoidance maneuver- crying. You glare at her for forcing the question on you as the Governor turns to you, which is slightly surprising because he has been ignoring you the whole time.

"'We were headed south." You start off, racking your brain for any tiny piece of useless information that would help you now.

"Towards St. George?" The Governor questions, frowning down at you.

"Yes, to St. George." You reply, hoping he'll go back to ignoring you, which was far better than his disapproving glower.

"Most unfortunate." He says, turning back to Jacque who seems to have composed herself the moment the Governor's attention was directed to you. "Do you have any other family back in England?"

"No." She answers truthfully.

"Well then," Governor Swann looks thoughtful for a moment before continuing. "Would you like to stay here? Ii believe that a lady as yourself would make an excellent companion for my daughter, Elizabeth."

"Sir," Jacque says after a thinking it over for a moment and then replying in her most ladylike voice. " I would be most grateful. If I may ask, how old is your daughter?"

Good question.

"Sixteen." He replies, not noticing you and Jacque exchange wide-eyed looks as you realize what that means as he continues. "Now that that is settled," The Governor turns to you. "I will compensate you for your loss with enough money for you to return to your family, Miss."

"Burgundy." You supply, deciding that the name of your street would suffice.

"Yes, Miss Burgundy." The Governor continues, walking into his study to fetch a leather pouch that jingled softly. "There." He says, silently commanding you to leave.

"Governor Swann," Jacque says, standing up and walking over to you. "If you don't mind, I'd like to accompany Miss Burgundy to the docks and say goodbye to her."

The Governor nods before returning to the dining room, where his now cold breakfast is still sitting, but not before sending one last glare your way.

"What are we going to do?" Jacque asks as she sits down on the edge of the dock, letting her now bare feet dangle over the edge.

"Well," your reply slowly, sitting down as well. "Apparently Lizzy and Will are our age, so we've got about." You pause for a moment to think. "I'd say about two years before anything interesting happens."

"Two years!" Jacque yells. "What the heck am I supposed to do for two whole years? Teach Elizabeth how to be a lady?"

"No." You reply in a cool voice. " You'll stay here and become good friends with Lizzy, because she's never been a real lady at heart, and you'll also get to chance to hang out with Will."

"Will." Jacque drifts off in a dreamy voice before snapping back to reality. "And what will you do for two years, hm?"

"I," You pause for a moment before continuing with a smirk. "I think that I'll see if I can get myself a reason to be arrested by the time I come back."

"I should have known." Jacque says, smiling at you. "You'd do anything for a good challenge."

"What if our being here has serious side effects?" Jacque asks. "I mean, two more people added to the plot could re-write the story. Something horrible could happen, like Will dying and Barbossa winning."

"Well," You reply, standing up. "We'll just have to make sure that that doesn't happen. Until then, we'll each make a past for ourselves here and meet on this very dock in two years at sunset. You'll be there, right?" You ask, holding out your hand.

"Right." She replies, grabbing your hand. " Two years."

You smirk at her before walking off the dock towards a small tavern that you saw earlier. You'll need to know when the next ship leaves for Tortuga.


A/N: Ok, so this is my first POTC fic, so input is welcome- don't care if it's a flame or not, although I kinda hope I'll get at least one nice review. Anyways, the next ch will be when Jacque and you meet up again in two years and will be out by the 15th at the latest. (Sorry, I don't think that I'm gonna even be able to touch the computer this weekend, I sold my soul to my younger sister temporarily for her birthday.) ^.^

Ok, so hit that nice little button down there!!!!
