Title: Always and Forever

Rating: R

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, it all belongs to Joss (he is evil but he is a god nonetheless), the WB, Fox, and Mutant Enemy (Grrr Arrrg). Please don't sue, I have no money, so all you'd get is a creepy cat...


Chapter 4

Angel pushed open the trapdoor, hearing it clatter as it hit the floor. He and Buffy climbed up the ladder from the tunnel into Angel's sunproofed apartment. Angel turned back to close the trapdoor. Buffy stood in the living room, looking at him.

"Are you tired?" he asked her.

Buffy nodded. "Yeah. A little," she replied weakly. She seemed to be lacking energy, all her limbs hanging weakly. She did feel tired, but more drained out.

Angel gave her a suspicious look. "Buffy, tell me the truth. Are you hungry?"

Buffy instantly averted her gaze, focusing on the fireplace. But she couldn't deny it any longer. Images of her skeleton flashed before her eyes, and she knew she was hungry. But...blood. Ew. There was no way she was drinking blood.

"I'm fine," she firmly answered.

Angel didn't believe her. He could tell she was weak, something that could only be cured by feeding. He knew she would react this way to drinking blood, but he had an idea. Stepping closer to her, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against him. Not giving her a chance to react, he planted his mouth firmly on hers and kissed her more passionately than she thought able. She gave a little squeak of surprise, tensing at first, then relaxing into the sensation. His tongue pushed at her lips, and she opened her mouth for him, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth. His tongue traced all her teeth, gums, and ridges, dueling with hers as they both clashed together. He ran his tongue over her bottom lip, tracing it's curve erotically as his fangs lengthened. He pierced her bottom lip with one of his fangs, just deep enough to draw blood. The blood seeped into Buffy's mouth, and she whimpered, loving and hating the taste.

"Angel..." she whispered against his lips. He could tell that wasn't enough for her to be overcome, and his hands swept up under her jacket, rubbing her back through her cotton shirt. He needed her to be in a frenzy, so overcome by emotions she would only follow her instincts. His hands slipped under her shirt so he was running his hands over her bare back. Buffy moaned as she felt moisture between her legs. She was just a virgin, and this was a lot for her to handle. Then, as Angel's hands began to move around to her front, she knew she wouldn't be able to take much more. His fingers rubbed her nipple through her lacy bra, and Buffy gasped, the sound lost in his mouth. Suddenly Angel's other hand changed direction, running down her side and thigh until he reached the hemline of her skirt.

Oh, god, not there, is he trying to kill me? Buffy's thoughts were fast becoming incoherent.

Angel pressed his extremely talented fingers against her damp panties, and Buffy cried out in desire. Then, all of a sudden his hand was inside her panties, rubbing her slick folds while the other had ripped her bra away and was fondling her nipples. Buffy was in a state of desperation. She could feel the knot forming deep in her womb, and knew she wouldn't be able to take much more. She didn't know why Angel had suddenly started this, but she knew she didn't want him to stop. It felt too damn good.

As she began to come, she felt her boyfriend's lips pull back from hers. She uttered a small moan of protest, but couldn't do anything more. She felt her gameface emerge as she came, unable to control it. Smiling with satisfaction, Angel took her head in his hands and pressed her mouth against his neck. Buffy's instincts took over and she involuntarily buried her fangs in his neck. Her entire body shook as the first drop of his luscious blood hit her tongue. She sucked greedily for the entire duration of her orgasm, finally calming down and drawing back from his neck. Only then did she realise what she'd done.

"Oh, god!" she cried, covering her mouth with her hand. She was disgraced, disgusted, but it had been so good...

Angel quickly grabbed her arm before she could bolt. "Buffy, stop," he commanded gently. "Calm down. You can't keep doing this. You are a vampire, and you need to drink blood. That's just the way it is."

Buffy uncovered her tear-stained face and looked deep into Angel's eyes. "Is that the only reason you did that?" she managed to choke out. Anger replaced the fear in her eyes. "So I would feed? What, am I just some object you know how to get off? That you just take advantage of so I'll do what you want me to do?" In a blind rage, she jumped to her feet and made a dash for the door. Angel immediately rose and chased her, grabbing her arm seconds before she wrenched open the door. He roughly pulled her away and spun her around to face him. His right hand clutched her wrist, and his left twisted her arm around her back, holding her in a completely submissive position.

"Buffy, no!" he cried. "That's not how it is! I love you! I've loved you ever since the first goddamn day I saw you! I did that, I made you come not just so you would feed, but because I wanted to!" He broke off, realising he may have said too much. Buffy appeared calmer now, more trusting, but she was still crying and very vulnerable. She looked up at Angel.

"You love me?" her voice came out shaky.

Angel relaxed slightly then, and smiled. "More than life itself," he confessed. "You light up my life, Buffy, and I love you. Always have, always will."

A single tear tickled down her cheek. "How can you still love me like this?" she murmured.

His eyes filled with trust and love. That alone proved to her how much he loved her. But she needed to hear him say it. "Because," he answered. "Buffy Anne Summers, no matter what you are, or what you look like, I will love you because of who you are."

She sniffled, a huge smile breaking out on her face. She had heard the words she had been aching to hear for so long, and they were beautiful. Her lips met his in the deepest, most meaningful kiss they had ever shared. "I love you, too," she whispered against his lips. "You're my vampire."

He chuckled a little, and wrapped his arms around her. "Always."
