I don't own X-Men Evolution…I'm just borrowing…I promise to return everything when I'm done…well…except for Remy's trench coat…that might just be absorbed into my closet.

Author's note:  Teehee…So here's the third instalment coming at you.  Thank you to everyone who has been loyally reading…Keep the reviews coming….tell your friends…the Romy-ness is coming!  Please let me know if I'm being a bit ham-fisted with it all.   Your opinions really do matter!

Survival and Sacrifice


Spreading his wings wide Warren Worthington revelled in the caress of wind currents against his feathers.  Since his tenure as New York's 'Angel', he had been careful to take his flights only in the dead of night-to avoid prying eyes.  Shifting he lined his body up with the balcony of his penthouse for a landing and touched down softly just in case Rogue and Asli were home from their explorations and sound asleep. Thinking of the girls brought a small smile to Warren's handsome face; even with her prickly exterior he thought Rogue was one of the most beautiful women he had seen, and he had been impressed by Asli's thoroughness. 

Warren had been so impressed that he wondered if he had made the right choice by declining a place in the X-Men.  There were certainly days where running about in tights, saving the world made more sense than the endless number crunching he normally did.

Soft footed he walked to the French doors and entered the dark penthouse.  On the spur of the moment Warren decided to check on the girls-if they were still awake he might even get a progress report.  Cracking the door quietly, Warren poked his blonde head into their room only to find it empty and the beds unmade.  Throwing the door wide he flicked the lights on-but all of Rogue and Asli's belongings were gone.  In his search Warren found a note on Rogue's pillow, "Warren, tell the Professor not to worry.  I've made my choice.  Rogue."

Crumpling the paper in his hand Warren ran to contact Professor Xavier.


"Tell me Cypher why I shouldn't kill you for allowing Colossus to defect to the X-Men?"  Magneto stalked angrily around Asli's hunched form as she tried not to cry out from the force he was exerting on her implants.

Asli had known that he would hurt her when she returned without Pitor-but the pain was worth knowing that he and his sister were safe from the mad man.  Grinding her teeth Asli met his cold blue eyes with her blankest stare-she couldn't believe how easily the lies were rolling off of her tongue, "Because, Colossus' emotions made him weak-even with your grip on him he was a liability.  In the end he would have betrayed you at the first opportunity."

The force intensified and Asli bit back a scream, "Is that all?"  Magneto bent down so that he could evenly meet her eyes.

"No," Asli took a shaky breath as he started to back off on her implants, "Rogue was getting sick of Xavier's empty promises of control.  She was disillusioned with the X-Men's cause.  I used that and brought her here to you.  As long as you can give her some hope of human contact she'll be loyal." 

Magneto was weighing the truth of Asli's words but he let go of her implants completely allowing the hacker a chance to finish, "You and I both know that Rogue is the more powerful mutant-not only because of her powers but because you can use her to get Mystique back in line."

"In the future," Magneto's voice was tight-he had actually believed Asli's performance, "It would be wise for you to clear it with me before you make any major decisions regarding the effectiveness of my team."

Playing the good solider Asli rose to her feet and nodded gravely, "There won't be a next time Sir."

Magneto's smile chilled Asli down to the root of her soul, "No there won't be."


Pacing back and forth Rogue flicked her eyes to the door for the tenth time in as many seconds.  Waiting to find out if Magneto had bought Asli's story about Rogue's leaving the X-Men was nerve wracking.  Having to wait with Gambit while he fiddled with his cards and watched her out of the corner of his eye was unendurable.  Rogue took a breath and broke the silence, "You think he's hurtin' her Swamp Rat?"

Her companion looked up from the cards he had been idly shuffling since Magneto had led Cypher away for their 'talk'; his red on black eyes were patently blank, "Probably Chère, but de petite's gotta take her licks.  That be de way it is."

"You sound pretty damn calm about your 'friend' getting tortured," Rogue snapped reaching a hand toward his cards, "And will ya quit playin' with them cards-you're driving me crazy."

Gambit pulled the cards just out of the Goth's reach-after all if she took them he'd have nothing to keep his hands busy and she'd know just how worried he was about Cypher, "You wound Remy Chère-just because he isn't wearin a hole in de floor don't mean he don't care."

"You have feelings?" a lock of white hair fell into her blazing eyes but Rogue ignored it to put her hands on her hips and glare at the Cajun; he thought she looked cute trying to intimidate him, "And here I thought you were just another sociopath for hire."

A smirk curled the corners of Gambit's mouth upwards as he measured her with his dark eyes-Rogue blushed despite herself, "What did Remy do to make such a belle fille hate him so?"

"Well we can begin with you nearly blowing off my hand," Rogue pointed out with a shrug, "Last time I checked that wasn't how you endeared your self to a member of the opposite sex.  Then there's the fact that you work for my enemy…"

"But you're on Magneto's side now Chère," Remy shook his head lightly to indicate to the girl to play it a bit cooler-the last thing they needed was for Magneto to figure out their plan.  Cypher wouldn't be the only one to suffer if that happened.

"I am." Rogue sighed taking the hint, noticing that Remy was standing a bit too close for her comfort, "You ever hear something about personal space Swamp Rat?"

Remy moved a few inches closer to the Goth-almost close enough to touch-and gave her a dazzling smile-Asli would have called it 'Seductive Number three', "Why Chère?  Are you having naughty thoughts about Remy?"

"In your dreams Swamp Rat," Rogue backed away with a frown-Sure, Remy was good-looking but she didn't want anymore of him in her mind if she could help it, "And will you quit with all the 'Chère' crap-I'm not one of your fawning admirers…I have a name…You know it…Use it."

His mouth opened to reply but the doors behind them slid open and Magneto strode in followed by a pale but alive Asli.  Rogue steeled herself as the Master of Magnetism smiled unfeelingly at her, "Cypher has told me about your wish to leave the X-Men.  Tell me why I should believe her."

"No," Rogue narrowed her eyes and decided to at least be honest, "It doesn't matter what I say-you'll believe what you want.  The truth is I'm tired of sitting back and letting people walk over me.  I don't want other mutants to have to endure what Asli's gone through-or to be locked up like animals.  As much as I'd like to think that there could be a peaceful solution-my tenure in Area 51 has taught me otherwise.  But I suppose it's all up to you."

Magneto nodded as if he had expected the girl's outburst, "Fine, I will accept that.  I will however be watching you Rogue-do not doubt that." The empty look in his eyes served as all the warning Rogue needed, "As there are no female quarters you and Cypher will share one of the larger rooms.  She and Gambit will help you settle in."

He spun on his heel, leaving the three young people alone.  Rogue started to ask Asli if she was alright but was stopped when the older girl offered a faint smile, "So I guess this is welcome to the Acolytes."