There's an overhead view scanning down all the streets of Nerima showing famous Tokyo sights in the distance such as the Tokyo Tower.

There's a close up of the Tendo Dojo, Furinkan High and the Kunou estate. The scene switches to an overhead view of a park where kids are playing basketball. Apart from the kids is a group of teen boys watching with expressionless faces.

There's a panning view down to reveal snapping fingers. It travels up an arm covered in a red Chinese shirt and up to reveal Ranma snapping his fingers. Behind him Kunou, Ryuu, Hiroshi, Daisuke, and others are snapping their fingers as well.

Ranma starts to walk still snapping his fingers. Ranma stops then nods his head. His gang gets up and follows him. The basketball player's ball rebounds off the rim and Ranma catches it. The boys playing ball take notice of him and back away nervously.

"Yah!" Ranma tosses the ball at the rim. It swooshes in. For several minutes his gang take over control of the ball whooping and hollering, until they get bored and toss it back to the original players. Ranma and his friends leave the park.

The scene shifts to show a young Chinese boy with long dark hair taking fruit from a vendor stand. He walks down the street with a confident air to his walk. Ryuu and Kunou notice him and begin to follow making quacking noises and saying, "Hey...hey blind boy!!" Ryuu takes the fruit from Mousse and bows to him to walk mockingly.

Mousse not amused, passes by. He continues to walk while they do this. All of a sudden passing a truck, Kunou and Ryuu notice two people waiting there for Mousse. Tarou and Konatsu step out menacingly. Kunou and Ryuu stop. Mousse takes his fruit back from Ryuu and gives them the same mock bow. This time it's Tarou and Konatsu following the two boys clucking at them and teasing them.

They follow until Ryuu and Kunou turn a corner. Tarou, Konatsu and Moussefollow only to be confronted with Ranma and the entire gang.

Mousse, Konatsu and Tarou take off running in the opposite direction. After a moment's pause, Ranma follows whooping his gang call. They chase the trio through town until they pause noticing they are on the edge of Mousse's territory. Hiroshi doesn't let this deter him and he slips over onto that side to paint Ranma's name over Mousse's. Then he paints "FREAKS" over Mousse's gang colors. Mousse's gang catches him in the act and chases him back through town all the way to the playground.

"RANMA! Ranma! Ranma!" Hiroshi yells rounding the fence into the park. Mousse and the others are right on his tail. Ranma's gang pours into the park and both groups start to fight violently.

A police whistle blows and all of a sudden two hands pry apart the two major combatants, Mousse and Ranma.

"Break it up! Break it up you two!" a Hawaiian voice says. Office Kunou stands there with a pair of giant hair clippers in his hands. Ranma and Mousse reluctantly part, glaring at each other.

"I don't like to have to break up fights all the time," the officer shouted. "It makes me want to cut more hair when I do." He glared at all of them. Then he noticed Hiroshi's face in which his nose was bruised. "All right. Which one of you Jusenkyo's did this?"

No one said a word. "Hiroshi. Who hit you?" Officer Kunou asked the boy. Hiroshi grimaced and shrugged. He wasn't a squealer. "That's it.." Officer Kunou raised his clippers. "Mousse you get your blind butt off the street and take your gang with you."

"I have as much right to be here as they do," Mousse glared coldly at the Nerima policeman.

"Go now before I haul your butt down to detention!" Kunou glared. Mousse gave Ranma a challenging look before nodding his head. Motioning to his gang, they cleared out of the playground.

"And don't think you'll get off so easy," Officer Kunou looked over Ranma's gang, "If you weren't my sons friends...I'd." He left the threat open, pushing the handles of his scissors for a haircut motion.

After Officer Kunou left, Ranma mocked him. "Don't think you'll get off so easy. I swear Kunou your dad likes his job too much."

Kunou who had been on the receiving end of his dad's haircuts a time or two grimaced. "He doth like it."

"Man Ranma. When are we going to take care of Mousse and his Jusenkyo freak gang?" Daisuke complained.

"That was so fun! I gave him the ole one two!" a voice piped up.

"Shut up Tsubasa!" Hiroshi poked the owner of the voice. "You think you can fight but you're just a girl!"

"I am not!" Tsubasa glared, "I can fight too! Come on Ranma let me in the gang."

"No girls allowed," Ranma told Tsubasa, "Or in your case cross dressers."

"It's not fair!" Tsubasa wailed, "I fight just as well as you do!"

"Yeah in garbage cans," Ryuu cracked. "I can beat you," Tsubasa challenged to Hiroshi.

"Cool it," Ranma walked forward, "We have to round up. We need to come up with a plan to take care of those Jusenkyo freaks once and for all!"

They ran through the streets until they found their hideout in a secluded area behind a shopping mall. The cars from the freeway not to far away helped to cover any noises they made, so that no one would try to overhear.

"Beat it Tsubasa," Ranma said to the cross dresser who had followed them.

"Aww..." Tsubasa's eyes filled with tears. He kicked the dirt with his shoe and stalked off prettily like a girl.

"So how are we going to take care of them Ranma?" Hiroshi asked.

"I say we take em out once and for all," Ryuu punched his fist, "This is our neighborhood. We defended it against them other gangs. We can defend it against them halfsies."

"Hold thy temper Ryuu," Kunou told him, "Our leader speaketh his plan."

Ranma who had been quiet spoke up. "I have been thinking about it. I say we have a duel. Straight duel like the English people. We choose the sight. They choose the weapons. They say guns. We say guns. They say knives. We say knives."

"A gun?" Hiroshi looked nervous. "Ranma we're better sticking with martial arts. You really think they would bring guns?"

"You're such a baby face Hiroshi," Daisuke punched him in the ribs lightly. Hiroshi pulled down his eyelid and stuck his tongue out at Daisuke.

"Hey Hiroshi," Ranma held his hand out, "Cool it. I'm not saying they're going to bring guns. But if they do we have to be prepared. We do whatever they pick."

"Say Ranma," Ryuu asked, "If you're going to duel don't you have to have one of them seconds? Of course that will be me."

"No man," Ranma shook his head, "I was thinking of asking Ryouga."

"RYOUGA?" all asked.

"Yeah he helped me start this gang. So he gets lost occasionally. He's still one of us," Ranma crossed his arms over his chest.

"Remember when you're one of us, you're one of us for life." Ranma said.

"Really?" Hiroshi asked.

Ranma nodded. "Always," Ranma confirmed.

"Ryouga is never here Saotome," Kunou stated as if it should be obvious. "He be not a good choice for selection."

"I saw him down at the Old Ghoul's place," Ranma said, "He was working there this morning. He's probably still there. She's training him on some strange new technique of rock breaking."

"She be a beast," Kunou's nose turned up at the thought of the old woman who could cause such harm.

"So where you going to challenge Mousse?" Hiroshi asked.

"Tonight. At the school dance," Ranma punched his fist together, "I'll do it real gentleman like. Then we have a war council to discuss where we're going to do it."

"Tonight then," the gang chorused ready for a fight.

* * *

"Yo Ryouga you down there?" Ranma went down the steps to the basement beneath Cologne's shop. Ranma could hear the sounds of something busting from inside.

"Yah!" *BOOM BOOM BOOM* Ranma ducked out the door to avoid the bits of rock that went flying.

"Ranma?" Ryouga stopped hearing his friend call him.

"Hey man," Ranma walked in. He sat down on a crate. Ryouga wiped his face slicking back his sweaty black hair before it flopped over his bandanna again.

"Hey!" Ryouga flashed a toothy grin, "I didn't think to see you again before I left. How's the gang?" He grabbed a towel off a bench and began to wipe his neck and shoulders.

"They're doing great man."

Ryouga turned, throwing the towel at an old soda machine. Two cokes fell out and he popped the caps on his teeth handing one to Ranma. "Well let them know I was here," he took a cold drink.

"Tell 'em yourself tonight Ryouga. I need you to come to the school dance," Ranma set his drink down and stood up pacing.

"What? Ranma I don't know if I'll be here tonight. Time was, I used to get around okay with you but I can't be led everywhere forever," Ryouga shrugged.

"You gotta come man. I'm making a challenge to Mousse tonight. You have to be there for me."

"What kind of challenge?" Ryouga sat down on a crate with a sigh. His muscles were sore from working out all day.

"A man to man fight. A duel," Ranma told him, "I wanted you to act as my second."

"I don't know Ranma," Ryouga said apprehensively, "I haven't fought like that in months. I used to be a punk but now...I don't know..I'm thinking there's something better out there for me."

"Like what?" Ranma asked.

"I don't know..just something.." Ryouga started turning a bit red, "I was having these dreams while I was lost. I would wake up and I was reaching for something..."

"A girl huh?" Ranma grinned.

"I don't know.." Ryouga was blushing.

"Well who knows! Maybe what you're looking for is at the dance tonight! Say you'll come Ryouga!" Ranma cried.

"Yeah..who knows," Ryouga's face took on a thoughtful look. "Alright I'll come."

"Cool! Come on over the dojo. We'll fix you up real nice looking 'cause man you smell terrible." Ranma pinched his nose to emphasize his point.

"Hah! You're the one in need of a bath Ranma," Ryouga tackled his head and noogied it.

"Yo leggo!" Ranma punched his side. "Womb to tomb?" He stuck out his hand.

"Birth to Earth!" Ryouga finished the famous promise the two boys had made each other as gang brothers when they were little. He took Ranma's hand and shook it.

They laughed all the way to the dojo cutting up.

* * *

"Please no.." Ukyou sighed looking at Shampoo sewing up the dress. "Don't make me wear that."

"Silly girl," Shampoo shook her head, "Spatula girl how you think you get boyfriend if you don't look nice?"

"Just because you're my brother's girlfriend doesn't mean I have to let you do this," Ukyou sighed, "Besides Mousse is making me go with Tarou." She sighed again a long drawn out one, on purpose.

"It's only because you never go anywhere," Shampoo concentrated on her sewing.

"I cook all day in a restaurant and then sit at home at night wasting away." Ukyou exaggerated. "Why did Mousse bring us to this country anyways?"

"He is your brother. He bring you here to marry Tarou. What else you expect spatula-girl?" Shampoo finished the dress.

"Adopted only" Ukyou grumbled. If only her father hadn't made that stupid bargain trading her for Chinese spices. Mousse had fallen in love with Shampoo, so his family had adopted her instead of making her marry him. She loved him, he was sweet as he could be, but Mousse had wild ideas about what she should and should not do.

"Well you dress up like male chef," Shampoo held up the dress a beautiful silk blue. "Tonight dress nicely for Mousse's sake. Your brother want make good impression on stupid Tarou."

"I don't want to marry Tarou."

"Why not? He is a nice boy."

"But nothing happens when I look at him."

"What do you expect to happen?" Shampoo asked her.

"I don't know. Something." Ukyou shrugged. She grinned, "What happens when you look at Mousse?"

"It's when I don't look and see those glasses that something happens," Shampoo teased.

Ukyou reluctantly removed her chef's garb and put on the dress Shampoo held out for her. Only when she caught sight of herself in the mirror did her expression change from disgruntlement, to pure awe.

"It's so beautiful," she whispered. The blue really brought out her dark hair and the blue of her eyes.

"Yes. Now maybe you not complain about wearing it," Shampoo smiled and put on her own purple and pink silk dress.

A knock came on the door. It opened to reveal Mousse and Tarou standing there with smiles on their faces. "We are here to escort the loveliest ladies in this house to the dance."

Shampoo smiled at Mousse. She didn't mind that he changed into a duck. She herself was Jusenkyo cursed, turning into a cat.

Ukyou looked at Tarou. He really was handsome. And he could be very nice as long as no one was making fun of his first name. It was too bad for his transformation. She sighed, knowing it wasn't her family's fault for living near the cursed springs. Thank goodness she wasn't a true member. Otherwise she might have been dunked in them for baptizing as well.

"You look beautiful tonight my sister," Mousse kissed Ukyou's forehead.

"Shampoo not quite hear that?" Shampoo cupped her hand over her ear expectantly.

Mousse laughed. "My girlfriend is a genius at making you look beautiful." Shampoo smiled.

"You look pretty tonight Ukyou," Tarou complimented her. "Thank you," she smiled. "I think I'll have fun dancing." She twirled. The twirling figure became a blur until other figures blended in twirling.

Music played from the band that had set up on a stage. Ranma twirled Akane around then flipped her over his head. "Yeah!" He cried. Akane giggled. They danced some more. Ryuu and his date, Kunou's sister Kodachi were dancing up a storm, whenever her ribbon didn't get in the way. Kunou had escorted Akane's sister Nabiki to the dance and they were grooving in a corner.

A hip hop beat came on the stereo. Ranma and Akane started to dance fast to the dizzy beat. Ranma tensed when he saw the Jusenkyo freaks come in. He stopped dancing partially. Akane puzzled at his behavior until she turned seeing them. Her face fell. She wished Ranma would get over his hatred of the Jusenkyo people. But this was his neighborhood and he was protecting it.

Ranma jerked his head at Kunou and Ryuu who stopped dancing. They came up standing with him.

"Now?" They asked. Ranma nodded. They started forward.

Mousse turned to his sister, "Ukyou I want you to meet some friends of mine." He began introducing her to everyone in his gang and their girlfriends. Ukyou nodded smiling at them. This was so exciting. It would be the first time she had gone to a dance. She felt like a princess in the dress Shampoo made for her. Shampoo smiled seeing her friend's happiness.

"Would you like to dance?" Tarou asked Ukyou. She started to nod but three, teenage boys came up to them stopping their progress to the dance floor. All boys had serious looks on the faces.

"Hey Hey!" All of a sudden a cute little figure moved between the groups. Miss Hinako stood with a microphone in her hands. "How about we all dance? Let's mix groups shall we?"

Ranma would love to have said no and to go shove it, to this little woman, but everyone knew about the yen she carried in her hands.

"We're cool," Ranma backed off.

"So who will start this off?" Miss Hinako called out.

Ryouga came out of the bathroom. It took him a few tries to get out of there but he had finally found the right door. He heard what the short woman had said. As he watched, Ranma and Akane walked onto the floor looking serious and strained.

Mousse went out bringing Shampoo with him. He'd be damned if he let that jerk Ranma show him up in front of the neighborhood. With a nod at his friends he indicated them to join the group.

"No," Ukyou shook her head when Tarou offered. "I will sit this one out." She wasn't sure what was going to happen but she didn't like the looks the two gangs were giving each other. Tarou shrugged and found another girl to dance with.

What happened next turned into a dance off. The girls walked in one circle while the boys walked in another. When the music stopped you were supposed to dance with the person in front of you. Instead, when the music stopped, Ranma grabbed Akane from in front of Mousse while Mousse grabbed Shampoo back. They began dancing. Shampoo and Mousse danced to a Mambo, while Ranma and Akane were doing the Meringue.

"MAMBO!" the Jusenkyou crowd shouted. "MAMBO" the Nerima regulars challenged back. "GO!" was the challenge.

Ukyou giggled. Her brother was an awesome dancer. As the music swelled it became clear that Shampoo and Mousse were the better dancers.

The other couples joined in, each gang trying to outdo the other in dancing. As the rest of the neighborhood crowded around for the finale, Ukyou went to join them. She glanced out the corner of her eye smiling.

Her breath caught. She turned her head.

Ryouga smiled as Ranma and Akane tried to outdo the other couple. He wanted to laugh as the crowds pressed closer. He felt eyes on him and glanced up. His smile faded.

Ukyou had never seen such a handsome boy. He was wearing a black suit with tails and a bandanna was keeping his shaggy black hair out of his face. His eyes were a rich brown. He was tall and nicely developed from the looks of it.

Ryouga had never seen such a beautiful young lady. She was wearing a Chinese style blue silk dress with a shimmer pattern running through it. Her hair was held back by a bow of a similar color. The dress only served to bring out the color of blue in her eyes. She was standing straight and tall. When she noticed him looking she smiled slightly. It was a nice sweet smile.

Ukyou smiled. He was so good looking. He blushed seeing her look at him. She blushed too realizing she was staring more than was necessary. The loud music was fading as a slow song came on. She stepped towards him unable to believe someone like him existed.

Ryouga found himself unable to keep from walking towards this beautiful girl. They stepped forward at exactly the same time until they were standing in front of each other.

"Is this a dream?" he asked.

"I know it is not," she replied.

Ukyou had never had a dream this good. She could feel the electricity coming from him. She was even thinking crazy thoughts about what it would be like to kiss him. She never felt this way before. As if she was flying high and at any moment could fall, but she didn't care.

"Then this must be a joke," he said.

"I have not learned to joke this way," she said.

Ryouga felt as if he were dizzy. His heart was beating so fast. What was this strange reaction to this girl? He vaguely heard the music and was aware his arms encircled hers to dance.

Ukyou felt a thrill of excitement when he pulled her close to dance. She wasn't even aware of the music. Just of his touch, his smell, his eyes which beckoned with some unknown mystery.

Ryouga moved slowly trying not to breathe in the clean scent of her. She seemed so fragile in his arms he was afraid he would break her with his strength if he crushed her to him like he wanted to do.

They danced slowly then parted staring at each other more.

"I feel as if I know you," Ryouga told her, "And yet I've just met you."

"I feel the same," Ukyou said back. She couldn't believe the sensations she felt in his arms. Joy and excitement had infused her.

"Are you a dream?" Ryouga asked.

Ukyou shook her head. "Are you a dream?" she asked back.

Ryouga shook his head. He smiled and she saw his fangs which seemed to only make him more cute. She stared at his lips wondering what it would be like to kiss him.

Ryouga wondered what it would be like to kiss her. His cheeks turned slightly pink and he could feel his nose heating up a bit.

Ukyou leaned forward her eyes starting to close. Ryouga did the same. Their lips met for a brief instant and then someone grabbed Ukyou spinning her around.

"What are you doing with him?" Mousse practically shouted in her ear.

"What?" Ukyou felt confused and disoriented as she came out of her dream state. She looked up at her brother uncertainly.

"You stay away from my sister!" Mousse made to grab Ryouga's collar but Ranma pulled Ryouga out of the way.

"No way Mousse," Ranma pointed behind them. Officer Kunou was lingering in the doorway looking at them suspiciously. Mousse had to control his temper, but the angry glare he gave Ryouga said it all.

"Take Ukyou home," Mousse barked to Shampoo who glared at him. "I no babysitter," She told him. "Take Ukyou home now," Mousse pushed Shampoo and Ukyou towards the door. Shampoo left dragging Ukyou who still looked dazed. "Sometimes Mousse behave like duck boy he is" she muttered.

Mousse would have had more words with Ryouga who had the same dazed expression but Ranma put his arm around his shoulder turning him away from Officer Kunou with a smile like all was right.

"Take your arm from me Saotome," Mousse growled. "Easy, easy duck boy," Ranma and Mousse walked out of the sight of Officer Kunou and Ranma dropped his act.

"Okay. We have a score to settle and we're going to settle it once and for all," Ranma said menacingly, "This was my turf before you half freaks started to steal it. So for the sake of being gentlemanly we're going to settle this in a duel. A rumble. My gang is calling yours on a war council."

"What are the terms," Mousse listened.

"We choose the sight. You choose the weapons. Agreed?" Ranma challenged, "We'll meet at Old Ghoul's later to finish the deal."

"Agreed," Mousse said. They didn't bow or shake hands because neither had respect for the other.

"Ukyou," Ryouga said at the door. "Her name is Ukyou. A beautiful name."