The boys left each a little ashamed but not too much. Ryouga came bounding up the steps hearing Cologne's voice. "Is she here yet?" he asked looking around hopefully.

"Ryouga my boy. Listen to me," Cologne gave him a serious look. "I have news about Ukyou."

"I can't wait to leave with her. My stuff is all packed. I figure we'll take the train to Kyoto and then it's on to China or maybe America."

"Listen to me boy!" Cologne whacked him with her staff, "Ukyou won't be taking a train ride. She won't be taking any train rides ever again."

"What do you mean?" Ryouga asked. His face grew serious.

"Tarou.." Cologne hesitated. This was going to kill him. "Tarou took a sword...and he...he.."

"He what?" Ryouga asked grabbing Cologne. He didn't want her to continue but if she didn't..

"He killed Ukyou," Cologne stated.


Cologne watched the eager light dying in Ryouga's eyes. "No..." he repeated softly. His voice choked on his tears threatening to spill over.

"I'm sorry," Cologne patted him but he ran away. "NO!" he shouted into the night. The door to the shop slammed behind him.

"WHY?" Ryouga felt the depression overwhelming. "WHY HER AND NOT ME?" He cried, "Tarou!! TAROU!!!" He began looking in earnest running through the streets.

"Ryouga!" Tsubasa called but he ignored the cross dresser.

"TAROU!! COME GET ME!!! COME GET ME!!!" Ryouga half ran, half stumbled into the park, "Come get me," he pleaded. "Why did you take her? Why not me? Please," he sobbed pressing his face into the chain link fence around the park.

"Ryouga?" He heard her voice. Was he imagining it? Ryouga turned around.

Ukyou stood a few yards away with a smile on her face. Was she a ghost? An angel? Then she stepped towards him and he stumbled towards her. "Ukyou!" he shouted happily.

Suddenly cold water splashed on him. Ryouga found himself looking up at a very tall and very overgrown giant Ukyou.

"Ryouga-kun! No!" Ukyou stared down at the little black piglet. He had been hit with the spring of the Drowned Pig water. She looked around for his attacker drawing her spatula out.

'UKYOU!' Ryouga tried to get out. What he heard was a "BWEE!" He jumped scaring himself. What happened to his voice? He looked at himself now about three inches from the ground. He looked at his hands but they seemed to be hooves. "BWEE!!!" he squealed indignantly.

"You are going to die tonight Lost Boy," Tarou stepped out of the shadows tossing down an empty bucket. He had another in his hands. "Tarou no! Please don't," Ukyou pleaded. Tarou lifted the bucket and dumped the contents on his self. With a roar, the beastly creature he could become, made its way into the world.

"No Tarou!" Ukyou held her battle spatula ready. "I do not want to hurt you but I cannot let you kill him."

Tarou roared at her accepting her challenge. He swiped at her with a claw. Ukyou grabbed a squealing black piglet and dodged. One of the tentacles attempted to get her but she batted it away. She had to get Ryouga to safety! She couldn't battle Tarou one handed. She jumped onto a rooftop and began running with the piglet in her arms.

Tarou roared and gave chase, his wings flying him up above her. Ukyou used her spatula to poke him when he tried to get too close. She stopped above the hospital placing Ryouga in a sheltered spot. She used her spatula to defend against Tarou's attacks. He was so strong in his altered shape. She wished she had hot water to turn him back into a normal human. She could deal with him then.

He got through one of her attacks and a tentacle picked Ukyou up and tossed her against the wall. There was a sick sound like a melon splitting. Ukyou lay still against the concrete, blood beginning to form around her head.

Ryouga squealed in outrage and anger. He came out of his hiding place facing Tarou. It was a comical sight. A small 6-inch piglet facing off against a thirty-foot tall beast. But Ryouga wasn't afraid. If he died at least he'd be with Ukyou.

Ryouga bounced off Tarou's tentacles his small form making him appear a blur. Tarou's tentacles followed until they became twisted up in each other. Tarou roared his anger at this tactic.

Ryouga landed next to Ukyou and nudged her. She didn't move. His body started glowing eerily green. Tarou backed up recognizing the color but it was too late. 'Shi Shi Houkadan' Ryouga pig let loose his depression blast more serious than before. The roof of the hospital crumbled underneath them and they fell three stories below into the ER waiting room.

Nurses and Doctors screamed as a thirty-foot monster dropped into the room. A young girl with a serious head wound dropped down on top of him followed by a little pig. Tarou's arm hit a pot of coffee and the hot water hitting his skin transformed him back into a young man with a third degree burn. He leapt up cursing and swearing, "HOT HOT HOT DAMN HOT!"

"Get her into the ER!" A doctor took charge of the situation. When they tried to remove the pig from her chest, the pig tried to bite them so they left the pig there, working around him to save the girl. Two hours later they wheeled her into a room where two more victims were nursing head wounds.

The other patients were awake and arguing loudly.

"You are a freak!" a female voice yelled, "I won't forgive you for this!"

"You make a nice female Ranma!" the other voice, familiar in tone commented, "I should have done this to you before to humiliate you!"

"I hate you I hate you I hate you!" Ranma glared back. The other boy who had long black hair and green eyes stuck his tongue out.

"BWEE!!!" Ryouga's pig eyes bugged out of his head. Ranma and Mousse weren't dead? But.. But...

"They've been arguing all night. Has anyone told their families that they are alive yet?" A nurse in the hall asked her coworker.

"We can't get any information out of them. The girl won't tell us who she is and the boy says he's not telling until the girl says her name."

"Hahahahaha!" Mousse overhead them, "You can't say who you are Ranma without revealing you were once a boy!"

"DAMN YOU! HOW DO YOU GET RID OF THIS CURSE?!?!?!?" Ranma threw a pillow at Mousse who ducked. Mousse then got hit by a water glass and was turned into a duck.

"QUACK QUACK!" Mousse was laughing in duck.

Ryouga also wanted to know how to change. He squealed loudly getting both Mousse's and Ranma's attention.

"What is going on here?" Tarou was complaining as a nurse dragged him in. His arm was bandaged from the burns he received from the hot coffee. He spied the two forms in the bed.

"MOUSSE!??" he said in disbelief. "Ranma???"

"You know their names?" The nurse looked surprised. Tarou informed her at once and she went to go call the families.

Tarou fetched some hot water and poured it onto the duck. Ranma watched him then went and got some for herself. She came back as a man. "So that's how you do it," Ranma said. Ryouga squealed. Ranma looked him over. "Stupid pig. What are you doing here?" Ryouga snorted at Ranma. If only he knew.

"Ukyou?" Mousse moved over to his sister's side. Tarou had told him the story quietly while Ranma fetched his water.

"Ukyou. Wake up please." Mousse pulled her hand into his. "Please wake up!" She was so still, lying there. Her breath came in evenly indicating no sign of her waking up.

Ryouga nudged her caressing her face with his little snout. He wanted her to wake up too. What if she never did? Head injuries like that could put someone into a coma. Or what if she did wake up and she had amnesia?

"Tarou," Mousse eyed Ryouga, "Go get some more hot water."

"But.." Tarou guessing his intent sighed. "I will." He scowled, turning to run the errand. When he came back Mousse held the hot water over Ryouga pig's head. "I will pour this water on you and you will change back," Mousse told Ryouga. "Only because I feel you might help bring my sister out of this. We still have not settled our fight between us."

Ryouga squealed and then nodded agreeing. Mousse poured water. Then Tarou had to get some nightgowns for the very much naked Ryouga.

"Ryouga they got you too?" Ranma asked seeing the pig change. Ryouga didn't comment.

Ryouga was glad to be back to himself. He sat in the chair opposite of Mousse and grabbed Ukyou's other hand.

"Come on Ukyou you can come through. Please remember our promise to each other," He leaned forward and whispered into her ear, "Who else will lead me around when I get lost?"

He drew back but still her eyes did not open. For hours they talked to her and waited.


Two girls came in squealing and ran to their respective loves. Akane clasped Ranma showering him with kisses before punching him. "Don't you ever make me worry like that again!" she yelled. Then she hugged him and kissed him some more.

"Mousse I love you so much," Shampoo's brown eyes filled with tears, "Please no die again."

"I love you too my darling Shampoo," Mousse brought his mouth down to hers and kissed her sweetly.

"What is matter with Ukyou?" Shampoo finally got a look at her. Tarou told her the story. Shampoo's face whitened. "Oh no! What have Shampoo done?" Shampoo joined those trying to coax Ukyou out of her unconscious state. The doctors came in to check the scalp wound. It had started to bleed again. The doctor looked worried and didn't say much.

"If she makes it there could have been massive damage to the brain tissue," he said, "She could wake up retarded."

'No please god no,' Ryouga clasped her hand in his. She couldn't be harmed. Please let Ukyou be all right, he prayed.

The nurses put Mousse back into his bed and by Shampoo who would take no chances he was going to have a bad recovery.

"I'm fine!" Mousse protested. His eyes looked worried over at his sister. Tarou was told to go home and keep his arm from any movement from the burns he received. Ranma took an immediate dislike to the doctor who told Akane about Ranma's newest form.

"He was a girl when you brought him here?" Akane stared dumbfounded at Ranma.

"Mousse did it to me!" Ranma yelled partially at Mousse who grinned at him still delighted at his revenge.

"Now you know what it is like! HAH! You're a freak too Ranma!" he gloated.

They settled down and Akane and Shampoo left. Ryouga sat in the chair still holding Ukyou's hand. He didn't know what he'd do if she didn't wake up.

Mousse and Ranma finally stopped arguing when the extra morphine the nurse put in their IV's made them sleep. She checked Ukyou's vital signs, frowned and walked off.

"Please Uuchan," Ryouga adopted a name on the spur of the moment, "Please come back to me. I love you and I can't face the world without you. Please come back."

He stroked her palm, tears started to course down his face as there was no response from her.

'Please god don't take her from me.' he prayed. He closed his eyes thinking of the times they shared. Their first meeting at the dance. The love he had seen in her eyes when they stood on the balcony. Her happiness when he had come to the shop. The understanding and the humor and the love when she found out about his sense of direction. The sorrow and the forgiveness when she found out about his supposed sin against her brother. The innocence and the trust when he had proposed and they had loved each other with their bodies. The smile when she had seen him just before Tarou had cursed him. 'Please I need you Ukyou.' He willed. 'Please stay with me.'

Ever so slightly he felt a tremble in her palm. Her fingers gripped his hand for just an instant. Ryouga's eyes snapped open. He had felt it! He was sure of it!

"Uuchan! Uuchan please love wake up!" he called softly. Her hand gripped his again a bit tighter.

Ukyou's head felt as if something heavy was weighing on it. There was darkness that was slowly becoming brighter from behind her eyelids. It was giving her a major headache. She moaned lightly because it hurt so badly.

"Ukyou Ukyou!" Ryouga snatched up the nurse call button pressing it rapidly. Moments later a nurse came in and snapped, "Put that down! Once is enough!"

Ryouga dropped the call button and took Ukyou's hand again, "She's waking up!" he cried.

The nurse went to go get an on duty physician. She came back with a young fellow who had glasses on.

"This is Dr. Tofu. He will examine her when she fully wakes." the nurse left.

Ukyou could hear someone calling her. It sounded familiar and she tried to place the voice. Ryouga. She smiled a bit. 'My love' she thought. "" Ukyou said dreamily. Ryouga jumped up. "She's talking!" he said excitedly.

"That was just noise making," Dr. Tofu said. "Ukyou can you hear me? My name is Dr. Tofu. I need you to wake up."

"No," Ukyou wanted to shake her head but it was too much just to protest opening her eyes. "Sleepy," she murmured.

"Please Uuchan wake up for me," she heard Ryouga's voice.

"Ry..." Ukyou couldn't finish. She was struggling to open her eyes, which felt so heavy. She cracked one lid open first.

Ryouga's smiling face was the first thing she saw. She tried to smile back but what came out was a wince.

Ryouga felt like leaping in happiness seeing her eyes open. They were clouded and fuzzy with exhaustion and confusion but she was awake!!!!

Dr. Tofu poked and prodded her. He asked her questions to ascertain she knew who she was and where she was. Then he smiled, "Aside from a slight concussion she should be alright now."

'Thank you Thank you Thank you God!' Ryouga wanted to dance for joy. He settled for profusely thanking the doctor many times.

Ukyou had fallen asleep again when the doctor left. Ryouga put his head in his arms, watching her. He fell asleep assured she would be okay.

* * *

Ukyou didn't have as much trouble opening her eyes the second time although the morning sun gave her a piercing headache. She reached up and touched the bandage surrounding her wound.

She saw Ryouga's dark head by her bedside. He was sleeping on his arms, using part of the bed as a pillow. She struggled to sit up. She examined her surroundings. Last night she had been unable to discern much but as she looked around, Ukyou received a shock.

'A ghost. I am seeing the ghost of my brother,' she stared at Mousse's sleeping form a few beds down from hers. Her blue eyes widened further seeing Ranma in the bed next to her brother's. Had they lived? Was it all for naught?

Ryouga was waking up sensing some kind of distress around him. He opened his brown eyes and yawned sleepily his fangs showing briefly. He glanced around sleepily and only when he noticed the stark white, did he remember he was in a hospital. He bolted upright.

"Uuchan! Are you feeling better?" he felt joyed at the sight of her sitting up. Her face was a bit white but she was still as pretty as ever.

"Am I seeing ghosts?" Ukyou was staring behind him. He turned and saw only Mousse and Ranma sleeping blissfully under the heavy morphine the nurses had snuck into their systems.

"No. They are alive Ukyou!" Ryouga smiled, "Still fighting and arguing but they are alive!"

"Then last night was not a dream," Ukyou looked Ryouga in the eyes, "Tarou has cursed you. Are you prepared to live with it?"

Ryouga remembered last night as well. His eyes turned inward. It was a terrible curse. In his pig state he had felt so helpless and unable to do anything. "I don't know," he said quietly.

"It is not so bad," Ukyou waved her hands, "Hot water will cure it. Just keep plenty of warm kettles around. I do not mind Ryouga that it happened."

"What did happen?" Ryouga asked. He listened as Ukyou explained about the cursed Jusenkyo springs and how the inhabitants near the land would baptize their children there. She explained what triggered it and what changed it.

"Why a pig though?" Ryouga sighed. Pigs were food and food only. He didn't want to think of what might happen if someone tried to cook him.

"I do not know. Tarou himself was dumped into the pool of the yetti with a crane and an eel riding a goat. Then he deliberately threw himself into the pool of the drowned squid to get his tentacles," Ukyou told him.

"He's weird," Ryouga said. Ukyou laughed. Ryouga was glad to hear it. Her laughter woke up two other patients who were soon arguing with each other.

"Heh! Femme boy can't handle his curse," Tarou came in escorting Shampoo.

Ranma glared at him. "Don't call me that," he snapped.

"Ranma! You're alive!" Tsubasa came sprinting in carrying a huge bouquet of flowers. "I'm so glad!"

"Thou hast many lives like the furry small slitted eye beast," Kunou stated stepping through the door. Nabiki followed. "You have more lives than a cat," she translated.

There was tense silence as the two gangs gathered in the hospital room. Bruises were apparent on the faces of those who had fought the night before which included all of them.

Ukyou and Ryouga watched the tension mount in the room. Some looked ready to fight right there. Others were barely constraining their emotions.

"Freak," the word was soft but everyone heard it. No one knew who said it but everyone started forward with fists up.

"NO!" Ryouga marched up and planted himself between the two groups. "I have had enough of your nonsense!"

Both groups stood aback in shock or fear. Ukyou swung her legs over the bed and attempted to stand. Ryouga came over and put his arms around her supporting her.

"Ryouga is right," she said staring at the two groups. "You fight and hate each other. Mousse and Ranma are alive. You should be celebrating, not hating. It is a gift that they are not dead from your hate. You did not kill with your skills. You killed with your hate. And you will continue to hate unless you look at each other as Ryouga and I see each other. Not as cursed or uncursed. But as a person."

Ukyou slumped against Ryouga. She had not meant to make a speech but they had to understand. Ryouga took up where she left off. "Ranma is cursed. And so am I. We did not understand before. I have learned much from Uuchan," Mousse grimaced when Ryouga called her that, "And I now know that the curse is not something they are born with but receive from ignorant parents by baptism. I do not feel any different and yet if I'm touched with cold water I will become a pig. Ranma becomes a female."

No one snickered at the suggestion. The two groups were staring at each other. New light was trying to dawn into their brains as they heard Ryouga's words.

Mousse watched with anger as this boy held his sister. He was not a man Mousse would have chosen for her, but knowing he had a curse made him seem a little more approachable.

Ranma was stewing. He didn't like his curse. It ruined his manhood. He paled thinking of his mother and how she might react to this news. Would she make him commit seppuku? Damn Mousse! Now he would have to hide this fact from his mother. He muttered to himself.

The gang stared at the leaders. They usually took their cues from them. Mousse and Ranma stared at each other glaring for the entire world to see.

"It is no use," Ukyou buried her head in Ryouga's chest. Her chest was heaving at the thought these two gangs would not surrender. Silent sobs racked her body. Ryouga put his arm around her comfortingly. She didn't want them to fight.

Ranma looked uncomfortable. A girl crying always made him feel like a heel and to know this girl was crying over something like this. He squirmed.

Mousse didn't want to see Ukyou cry. She was his sister and should be full of happiness and love. He sighed looking at his hated enemy. How long would the fight go on until they really did kill each other? Shampoo had made him promise not to die again so soon.

'And Akane may punch me if I fight again,' Ranma was thinking. His arms was still sore from her punch the night before.

Mousse and Ranma looked at each other. The hatred was there but so was a new emotion. Compromise. They looked at each other and nodded mutually. "Truce." they said at the same time.

"I'm still getting you back for the water!" Ranma grumbled. Mousse laughed. Their twenty-four hour contact made him realize Ranma was not like he appeared to be. Meanwhile Ranma was frustrated to realize he could almost recognize himself in Mousse.

Ukyou and Ryouga looked at each other happily. They hadn't won much but it was better than nothing. He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"And now on a happy note. Ukyou and I are going to get married!" he announced.

"OVER MY DEAD BODY!" Mousse shouted ruining the truce. He struggled to get up to beat Ryouga. Ranma yelled, "NO WAY MAN! You can't marry her!"

Ukyou and Ryouga looked at each other and sweat dropped. Okay so maybe they should have waited to announce that.

The End

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this. If you're disappointed nobody died - well this is a parody - Hardly anyone ever dies in Ranma ½ cartoons - so .. That's all folks!