Author's note: If you see three little periods. like that- it's a dramatic pause usually. There's lots of dramatic pauses in reality dating shows! Now on with the show!


Damn commercials. Time to get a drink refill which means the stupid KFC, McDonalds, Ford and GMC commercials can run and you don't have to listen to them. And those advertisements for the sitcoms that you'll surely be watching later in the week.

Ah..settle back down on your cozy couch and hit the volume button.

Volume |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 23

". Don't miss it!" Yeah right.

The screen fades black a moment and then back we are, dramatic music playing in the background as a picture of the Xavier Institute fades in. It looks to be about morning, as the camera fans past the gardens. Birds are calling out a merry song, butterflies flit across the mosaic of flowers that grown in abundance and all seems calm and peaceful.

Or is it?

The camera zooms in towards the back doors of the mansion. They swing open as if invisible hands had pushed them inward. The camera follows through the doors until it is inside the mansion, traveling through the hallway. It pans past several rooms revealing a recreation room with a pool table, a mini-bar, tiffany lamps hanging low. There are several comfortable couches centered near a giant screen television with surround speakers set up beside it.

There's another room, but only a glimpse reveals tall shelves full of books. It's shadowy, the drapes of the room drawn closed, but there's not a doubt that it is a library inside.

The living room is more of a Victorian style, as if someone had pulled out a moment in history when furniture is very small, very stiff and very formal. It's all white, gold and beige colors.

The camera traverses the hallway until it enters the kitchen. The kitchen is very modern, all silver and black. There are currently two occupants of the house preparing breakfast. It is Katrina and Kitty.

Kitty is mixing batter together in a large bowl. Katrina is working a waffle iron, pouring on the thick batter. She presses the upper lid shut, excess batter squeezes out between the sides. She wipes it off with a cloth. They are laughing and talking as they work together.

"I'm an early riser," Katrina says as the shot cuts to her alone sitting in the living room. She shifts in her chair, obviously uncomfortable on the Victorian furniture. "Because of my job as a nurse, I work twelve hour shifts, for three days a week." The shot is altered slightly after that, indicating there was editing done. "Kitty and I are roommates. I really like her," Katrina is smiling at this point as she talks, "She's such a lively person. I get along with most of the girls, except a few." Her face turns down at this point as she says, "Well mostly Emma.. I don't think she likes me much." She pauses and her eyes look away as if searching for something to say, "She's. well she. is.."

"She's bitchy!" The shot cuts to Kitty who is now the one being interviewed. She rolls her eyes and throws her hands up in disgust. "Oh my God, let you what that ice queen did! She was totally rude to Katrina and Rogue!" Kitty explains the story in detail as shots from the previous night are shown.

~Last night Rogue and Katrina fix us fabulous southern fried chicken dinner! There were these weird things called collard greens, which actually weren't so bad once I tried them. I didn't have any of the chicken myself, because I'm like totally not into eating things with faces. But we had cornbread and bean soup and all this really good stuff! ~ (Kitty)

The camera shows Rogue and Katrina working together. Rogue is shaking chicken in a bag of flour batter. Katrina is stirring the bean soup and the collard greens. They seem to know what they're doing, being southern girls. At one point though, the bag of chicken busts sending flour everywhere.

~Well when we all sat down to eat, Emma one bite and said that what we were eating was only fit for people used to eating such poor fodder. It was so rude! Then she had the nerve to like. get up and leave! She's so stuck up! And snobby! The food was so good, we all agreed! ~ (Kitty)

Emma retreats from the dining room, shocked expressions covering the faces of most of the remaining dinner guests. Nobody speaks. Rogue's face is thunderous, a severe frown marring her features. Katrina looks close to tears.

It's Jean who takes a bite of chicken and says, "She's wrong!" She chews through the bite and swallows. "She doesn't know what she's talking about. This is very good. I really like it!" She looks around for the others to follow suit.

Once everyone had taken a bite, they chirped in with their own encouragement. "Hey this is even better than KFC!" Jubilee said brightly, bringing a smile to Katrina's face.

"Wow this cornbread is really good!"

And back to Kitty who says with a sly smile, "Too bad for Emma, she like.didn't have any dinner. I bet she's paying for it this morning. And we had extra thanks to her."

~The other girls started to wake up later. ~ (Katrina)

There's a zoom in on the stairs as the ladies start to wake up and wander down. Tabitha and Amara, pulled by Jubilee, come down at the same time as Taryn who seems to shy away from them. Ororo and Jean follow a little while later. Sammy comes into the kitchen but doesn't say a word to anyone. She unsheathes her claws, knifing a stack of the waffles before taking off out of the kitchen with them.

"You're like. SO welcome!" Kitty calls sarcastically after her. Katrina laughs at Kitty and says, "I think she likes them."

Wanda and Lorna are the next to come down. Wanda is scowling at Lorna and says, "Get away from me now!"

Now Wanda is once again in the hot seat, sitting on the Victorian chair. She's still dressed in her pajamas and her short hair is sticking up in the back. "Last night the ladies decided to talk about their powers and mutations at dinner," she says her mood turning dark. "At least some of them did."

The screen is filled with girls eating and talking, enjoying their meal. Lorna speaks up, "I can control magnetic fields and anything metal. I manipulate it."

Back to Wanda who says shortly, "My father does the same thing." And the camera closes in on her face as her cheeks turn bright red. "I hate my father!" Anger flashes in her eyes, severe anger and obviously what looks like some psychotic feelings. "And now here I am with HER to remind me of him!"

Lorna's in the seat next, looking extremely unhappy about being there. "I have no idea why Wanda hates me. She's deliberately trying to get on my nerves. If she continues to act like that towards me, it's her problem and not mine. She'll just have to deal with it."

Breakfast is an ordeal with everyone waking up at different times. Kitty and Katrina manage to coerce Jean and Taryn into doing the dishes.

Rogue and Risty appear late, managing to snag the last of the waffles. Betsy joins them a while later and looks around in dismay, "I missed breakfast? Why didn't anyone wake me? I'm not my roommate!"

Speaking of Emma, the camera shows her in bed, still asleep. She's wearing a white, glittering eye mask over her eyes to keep the sun out. She also appears to wear white to bed although the camera pans away fast before she wakes.

~After breakfast was over, everyone decided to go to the pool. ~ (Rogue)

The girls leave the house, each of them wearing a swimsuit in bright colors.

~Ah stayed in mah room because Ah don't like to wear swimsuits. Mah roommate however.she had a different idea. ~ (Rogue)

Jean enters the room where Rogue is sitting beside the window looking down into the backyard. The view from the window shows all the ladies splashing and giggling in the pool. She's sketching in a very large book.

"Rogue," Jean puts her hands on her hips, striking in her blue bikini. "Why aren't you out with the others? It's a beautiful day and we're all going to work on our tans." A towel floats out of the bathroom and over to Jean. She snatches it out of mid-air.

Rogue pauses in her drawing, her head turning to look at her roommate. Her eyes travel over Jean's form and she almost looks envious - for just a moment. Then her head snaps up and she says stubbornly, "Ah just don't want to."

In a different shot, Jean is alone sitting in the chair in the living room the girls are getting to know so well. "Rogue is so . anti-social," she sounds stressed about that. "She's not as bad as Emma, but her attitude leaves A LOT to be desired. I can't believe I chose to room with someone like her."

And back to the conversation in the room. At this point Rogue is standing up, her arms crossed defensively in front of her. "Look! Ah don't want to go outside and swim!"

"Oh come on," Jean makes a move to grab Rogue by the wrist to drag her out.

"Don't touch me!" Rogue jerks back her arm, backing into a corner away from her advancing roommate. Her voice rises in anger and pain, crossing her arms in front of her defensively again. "Ah told ya to stay away from me or Ah'll hurt ya!"

Once again, Jean is in the chair looking distressed, even talking about what happened. "Well she threatened me." Her voice trails off in recollection. "I normally wouldn't use my telepathy powers, but I was trying to understand Rogue, so I searched her mind."

Jean folds her hands together, her eyes lowering, looking almost guilty as she admits, "I'm not sorry I did it. I know what Rogue's power is now and. I feel sorry for her." Jean looks up at the camera. "But she doesn't want pity so all I can do is keep her secret for her until she is ready to tell it."

In the room where they stay, Jean stares intently at Rogue. After a moment her face softens and she says, "I had no idea." under breath. The camera has an excellent microphone though and it catches what she said. "Rogue, would you at least consider borrowing Amara's wetsuit to come outside? She packed it because she didn't know if we'd be near an ocean or not. Of course," Jean laughs, "So far in New York we don't have many beaches for surfing."

Rogue stared suspiciously at Jean. For a moment hope lifted in her impossibly hazel green eyes, and she said grumpily, "Fine.whatever." Like it was no big deal to her.

Jean smiled. ~Ah don't really think Ah like Jean. She's kinda pushy and she'll never understand someone like me. She's so purty with a figure any man will be crazy for. But Ah'll give her credit for trying with me. Not many do. ~ (Rogue)

The scene fades as different and varying scenes are displayed from the day. The ladies appear to spend most of it near the pool. There's a shot of Jean rubbing oil into her skin - ooh lah lah! Emma apparently had awakened because around noon she walks out in a fabulous white fur bikini. She selects a chair, pulling it away from the others, into a shaded area by the pool. She dons silver colored sunglasses and lies out, appearing to sleep some more.

Amara and Tabitha dive into the pool together, racing along the sides. They tag the other end, flipping and swimming the other way. Katrina walks by with a tray of lemonade in her hand, smiling at their antics and talking to them. What she says can't be heard.

Betsy is on the back deck, suited up in her purple swimsuit. She's currently in a stance similar to the sight of a praying mantis. As she moves, it becomes apparent she's working on martial arts kata. Jubilee is sitting nearby, looking fascinated by the woman's movements.

Wanda, Rogue and Risty are seated on the steps of the pool, talking to each other as they relax in the water.

Taryn swims a lap in the pool and then lies out next to Jean although the brunette seems intimidated by the redhead.

Sammy skulks around behind Katrina for a while before swiping a glass of lemonade.

Kitty has somehow managed to get a hold of a volleyball and says, "Come on everyone! Let's play volleyball! We have enough for teams!"

The groups split up, forming teams of six players each. Three girls, Emma, Rogue and Sammi, sit the game out.

There's a good shot of Kitty shouting, "Spike!" as the game is started. She throws up the volleyball into the air and slams it over the net into the other side of the outdoor court.

The game continues through the afternoon, until one by one the sweaty girls drop out of the court. "I'm like. so hot." Kitty fans herself as she walks through the doors into the house.

The afternoon grows later; the shade of the trees is longer as all the girls finally enter the house. Evening winds its way up the road towards the mansion, covering the lawns of the estate at first before settling the house into a warm glow from the setting sun.

The girls are at dinner - someone cooked Oriental food from the looks of tonight's fare. This time Emma has deigned to join the group although she's picking at her food with the chopsticks provided.

As they eat, a young man with perfectly combed blond hair joins them. Only his back is seen, his face not revealed yet. "Ladies." he stands in the doorway to get their attention.

Slowly the din of the voices dies down. Lorna's pale green eyes widen. Her mouth drops open.

The male says to them, "Good evening. I'm your host, Alex Summers." And they show him in a frontal view, gorgeous man that he is. His eyes are a warm brown color and his skin is tanned much like a surfer. He's broad of shoulder, with a muscular build that would make any woman's heart beat a little faster. He smiles at all of them, revealing perfectly white and even teeth.

Lorna looks ready to faint. Her eyes are sparkling and she keeps looking from the girls, back to Alex as if disbelieving he's actually there. Her mouth works, like a fish, gaping and closing shut, gaping and closing shut of its own accord as she stares at the handsome host of X-factor.

"Lorna are you okay?" Alex grins at her, obviously enjoying the reaction he's causing. His eyes sparkle with warmth and humor as he shows his concern over her behavior.

Lorna's mouth snaps shut. Several of the ladies giggle. Lorna nods mutely to their host, her cheeks pinking at the attention he gives her. She glances around again but her gaze always returns to the host of X-factor. Yeah...someone has a major crush.

~When I saw Alex, I couldn't think. He's just so handsome! I can't believe I embarrassed myself like that. But.if Scott doesn't pick me I wonder if I would have a chance with our host! ~ (Lorna sounding almost mischievous.)

Once Lorna manages to control her blush, their host looks around expectantly at each of the ladies. He graces them all with a smile stating, "Well I can see our bachelor has his choice of the loveliest ladies I have the pleasure of setting eyes on." His compliments get smiles from some, rolls of the eyes from others.

"However, I'm not the one you have to impress," Alex continues. "Our bachelor will be arriving in exactly two hours. He'll be meeting each of you, one at a time, on the balcony out back." Alex looks at each girl in turn. "After your introduce yourself, walk down the stairs to the patio and wait until everyone has been greeted."

"Now," Alex claps his hands together, "For the unique twist of this particular dating show." He grins. "Our bachelor is a mutant, just as you ladies are mutants. He'll get to know each of you, get to know about your mutation and what you are like." Alex catches the eye of Lorna, grinning at her again and causing the mature woman to blush like a schoolgirl. "Each of you has an equal opportunity to impress our bachelor right now. However, after tomorrow night, five girls will be eliminated and ten will continue to stay on through the next round of dates. Our bachelor will make his choices tomorrow night." After such news, there's only one thing a host can say on these shows. "Good luck ladies."

Alex Summers leaves (awwwwwww he's so cute), leaving the women to fend for their selves. They leave the table in pairs, heading up the stairs to get ready for the evening.

There are several camera shots of the ladies getting ready for their evening. Hair blow-drying, make-up applying, eyelash curling, and straightening long tresses of hair - it's all women stuff that makes them beautiful.

In the meantime the scene shifts to outside the mansion where the wrought iron gate is opening. A white stretch limousine is pulling through the entrance. It drives up to the house in slow animation - an editing trick used to draw out the entrance even longer.

Slowly the door opens and out steps that handsome hunk, Scott Summers. He's wearing a black and white tuxedo, his ruby-red signature shades in place on his nose. He looks up at the house, and it can be clearly seen he's nervous.

As he walks up to the door, Alex Summers opens it, smiling, "Welcome to the Xavier Institute Scott. Welcome to what could be a change in your life."

Scott walks through, offering a smile at Alex.

~Alex was really dramatic when I walked in. It almost made me forget why I came here. My life may change based on if I choose one of these girls, but I haven't even met them so how do I know if they'll understand me? But I came because I had to know. ~ (Scott)

"Now Scott, before you meet these girls," Alex walks him towards the balcony still talking. Scott is looking around the house in awe. "I have to tell you, we have chosen fifteen ladies for you that I believe you'll be able to find someone from them." He flashes that grin, the one that made Lorna blush. "You see, the girls we picked out have mutations - much as you do."

Scott, if he looked surprised, had a discernable face with those glasses on. Only a slight drop in the shape of his lips, gave away that he was surprised.

"Are you ready to meet these ladies and find out about them?" Alex asked as they reached the balcony. He turned Scott around so that he was facing the house and the double French doors that would be propped open during the meetings.

"Yes," Scott nodded. "I'm ready." He looked almost anxious. "I'll go tell the girls you are here and send them down." Alex promised. He walked away, calmly heading up the steps.

In their rooms, the girls looked anxious and nervous.

Kitty's face peered into the camera, her eyes wide as she said quickly, "He's here. He's here. Oh my god he's here!" Only her face is seen before it pans to another shot.

Alex stood outside one of the rooms. He knocked. "Are you ready to meet Scott?"

And fade to black.

~Coming up next! Scott finally meets the ladies! And don't forget - five of them won't be staying for the next round .~ (Alex)

Scott is standing at the balcony and he is saying to someone that isn't seen, "I just didn't feel a connection between us."

~All that and more when we return to The X-Bachelor! ~ (Alex)


PS) For All my Reviewers! Thank you thank you thank you! And remember - the future is not set - there's no fate but what we make for these characters!! So the winner isn't certain yet!
