Disclaimer- I don't own Zelda

Chapter 1

Zelda sighed as she stepped out onto the balcony, "Link," she said sadly, "where are you? Are you okay?" It had been so long since she had last seen him that day he came into the courtyard after Ganondorf was defeated and sent to the sacred realm. "I remember that day so clearly now" she said to herself, "that day he said goodbye."


"Zelda," Link said, "there's something I want you to know." "Yes?" Zelda asked "what is it?"

"I'm going off to search for Navi," Link told her, "she disappeared after I returned the sword so I'm going off to look for her." Zelda turned and looked at him and smiled "well then Link," she said softly, "I wish you all the luck in Hyrule in finding Navi just...promise that once you find her you'll come back her so that I'll know that you are safe." Link nodded "okay Zel," he told her, "see you then" Link cried waving and walked out of the courtyard.

Zelda waved good-bye "the Triforce of Courage is with him," she told herself once he was gone, "he will be safe, I know he will."


Zelda placed her head on her hand and looked around the path, the only green she saw was the grass on the ground below her. With a sigh Zelda got up and walked back inside "time for a walk" she said to herself as she exited the castle.

"Good morning Princess" said the guard at the gate "good morning Sir" Zelda said with a small bow of the head.

Zelda heard the gates close behind her and continued down the dirt path and into town. Zelda was 17 years old now, which meant Link was 17 also. She laughed as she remembered happy times that she had had with him before their parting.

"Good morning Princess Zelda" came a voice from the fountain. "Hello Merril," Zelda said, "I'm surprised to see you up this early" Merril laughed and smiled before her face got a sneaky rumor grin on it. "Did you hear?" she asked as Zelda came closer "did I hear what?" Zelda asked confused.

"Why it's been all over the town," Merril said with surprise, "you really haven't heard?" she asked in shock at Zelda's confused look. Zelda shook her heard and Merril smiled "well then Zelda, it's been said that a green clothed boy's been wander' in the market's streets at night."

Zelda looked at Merril "it's probably just someone who works late into the night" Zelda said calmly.

"No," Merril cried, "there's more, you see this boy wore green and had a tiny glowing light bulb flying right next to him, every single night." Merril looked at Zelda, "a light bulb?" Zelda asked. "Yep" Merril said standing tall.

"Merril," Zelda said to her friend, "there is no such thing as a flying light bulb."

Merril looked at her friend and shrugged "if you don't believe me then why don't you stay out tonight and wait for him, you'll see Zelda" Merril smiled and waved good-bye.

"A flying light bulb" Zelda said rolling her eyes. "I'm going to visit Malon" Zelda said with a sigh and walked out of the market and into the field.

A small ball of light flew above her and with a nod flew away.


Zelda entered the ranch where she found the also 17 year old ranch girl Malon singing happily "hey there Malon" Zelda cried happily "hey Zelda" Malon said returning a wave.

"Have you heard the rumors around town?" Zelda asked Malon.

"Yeah I heard it when I was delivering milk yesterday," Malon told her, "but I think it's just something someone sees and mistakes it for something else." "That's great then!" Zelda cried happily, "you can stay up with me tonight so we can prove to everyone that this is just a simple stupid rumor." Malon looked at Zelda in shock but smiled and agreed after all she had never been alone during the streets of Hyrule market, all her life she had been afraid that something might happen to her and she did live out in the field, so at night she would have to stay until morning before she could return home.

Malon looked at Zelda, her face showed a mixture of emotions, hope, worry, happiness. Malon looked Zelda straight in the eye "wouldn't it be great if it was him?" she asked, "you know......... Link?"

Zelda turned around to face the other way, "yes it would be him but it couldn't be because Link would never wander the streets at night, he would come to me just like he promised Malon. He promised me when we were younger that he would return to me after finding Navi who had disappeared after he returned the Master Sword to the Pedestrial of Time and closed the Door of Time. He said he would return so that I would know that he was safe and okay."

"I mean this is Link, he would never break a promise, he would never forget, he told me he would come and he will because he not only had the Triforce of Courage with him but also all the luck and determination of Hyrule with him."

"He promised me, and he wouldn't forget...he wouldn't" Zelda said more to herself then to Malon. Rumors are going around Hyrule Market that there's a strange and a flying lightbulb wandering the streets at night. Link promised Zelda he would return after he found Navi.

"Well Zelda," Malon said trying to bring the hopes up, "why don't you go on inside while I put the horses and cuccos back in the barn, the winds are picking up." Malon was right a storm was coming their way and the winds were harsh and cruel, "don't you want some help?" Zelda asked Malon who denied the offer and told Zelda to go.

Something struck Malon as she was bringing the last horse into the barn; she closed the door and hitched up the horse. Calling Zelda out she pointed over to the horse "why wait for the wind to calm?" she asked, "we might as well just head to the market now while before the rain comes" Malon yelled to Zelda who agreed. Malon helped Zelda up and then got up herself, soon the horse was running and Zelda and Malon were rushing towards the town market.

"Come on," Malon said leaning in closer to the horses' head, finally they were across the bridge and into town. Zelda told Malon to just run straight through the town and the gates will open. Malon did as she was told and lead the brown coated horse straight through town and through the gates where a girl came out and took the horses reigns once Zelda and Malon got off. "Let's go inside" Zelda said "what about Cannas?" Malon asked. "Don't worry Malon Jinni here will take her to the stable where she can stay dry and safe."

Malon smiled and followed Zelda inside the castle as the sky darkened. "Well this is going to be a fun day," Malon said sarcastically as she looked out the hall windows while she and Zelda walked up the tower steps towards Zelda's room.


Malon flopped onto Zelda's bed and Zelda sat beside her "great now what are we going to do?" Malon asked Zelda turning over and putting her chin in her hand. Zelda simply shrugged.

"Well let's see" Zelda said looking around her room.

"Book, book, book, book, book," Malon said, "your room is filled Zelda" she said. "This would make a great book museum" Malon said with a laugh "ha ha ha" Zelda laughed sarcastically. (A/N: the wind has calmed down yay!!!...gomen that was really random, but there's was a harsh wind blowing.)

Zelda sighed "why don't we go for a walk" "outside?!" Malon exclaimed shocked. "No in the castle, you know until we think of something to do" Zelda told her, Malon giggled but agreed and they walked around for hours upon end.

Finally after hours of walking and thinking of nothing to do night came and Malon and Zelda set out a plan. "How about after dinner we hang around by the castle gate for awhile, then we can run into town and quickly head up the stairs and look up from above the wooden platform" Zelda suggested.

Malon thought for a while before saying, "that's a good idea Zelda but why don't we look around from the alleys that way we'll be in darkness and they won't see us."

"Yes," Zelda said, "but they might come from the alley and see us" Malon looked at Zelda and sighed realizing Zelda was right.

"Well come on then," Zelda said, "night goes fast" Malon followed her friend out of the room and down the steps and into the dining hall where they ate the prepared dinner.

"You are so lucky to eat this stuff Zelda" Malon said as she placed a load of cucco meat in her mouth. It was just right, it was burned or under cooked unlike the food she ate back in Lon Lon Ranch. Zelda nodded and slowly cut her meat, watching Malon do almost the complete opposite.


Finally they finished eating and got up, brushing away the dropped meat that had fallen on Malon's clothes she stretched "I'm stuffed" she cried while Zelda slowly got up.

"Well then I suspect now will be a good time to go" Zelda said to Malon and began to walk out the door with Malon right behind her.

With a smile they exited the castle and as planned walked to the gate and hung around, the moon was high in the sky by the time they left the gate, quickly they ran up the wooden steps and got down on the stomachs and looked down onto the street and waited.

They waited......and waited......and waited but no one came "I knew it was a rumor" Zelda said quietly. "Don't speak so soon Zelda, look" Malon urgently whispered.

Zelda looked over to the entrance of Hyrule Town Market where you came in from the bridge. A figure ran in and looked around and right above him was a...flying light bulb?!

Malon rolled over and slinked down the steps and hid behind the boxes with Zelda in tow. They got on their knees and looked at the figure, the small light bulb flew past him but not high enough to see his face. But he did wear a blue tunic, Zelda silently sighed and looked over at Malon who was staring at the boy.

'This means it isn't Link' Zelda thought as her hopeful face turned to a disappointed one. The boy walked closer and the two held their breath, he looked around and stared straight at the boxes, which Malon and Zelda were hid behind.

They got down as low as they could go. The box was shattered and the boy stood above them. The light flew higher this time and showed his face. The two gasped and Zelda stood up.

"Is it really him?" she asked herself begging that this wasn't a dream. Malon got up next to her and Zelda could only stare at the boy who stood a few feet away from her. "Link," Zelda said quietly, "of Link your back!" she cried out loud running into the arms of the blue tunic clothed boy.

She fell into his arms and hugged him "I knew you would return to me Link," she said as she began to cry the side of her head rested on his chest as he held her, "I never gave up hope, I knew that you wouldn't forget about me and you didn't and your home."

Zelda's tears continued to fall and she turned to look at the boy she was holding "I'm sorry Miss," he said, "but...who's Link?"


I'm so proud of myself for finally finishing this! Now please make me even happier by pressing that button below. Flames, comments, suggestions, anything you say to make this story better!

So until chapter two arrives

Ja ne!