Well here's the final chapter of this story. I hope you all have found it interesting and thanks to you all who have left me great reviews. I feed off of all of your comments. Thanks again.


Second Chances: The Lights Over Italy Four months later... ...

Jason stood on the terrace of the villa he had rented for him and Elizabeth while they spent their time exploring all Italy had to offer. They had spent the last several months seeking out all the galleries Elizabeth wanted to see. They spent a week in the wine country and much to his own surprise Elizabeth had him stomping grapes with her. That image still brought a smile to lips. They had taken long motorcycle rides through many of the rural areas and he loved to sit and watch Elizabeth sketch the surroundings. It was difficult for him not to think about all they had gone through – all that Ric had put them through. He so desperately wanted to be able to just forget about it and normally he could. He wasn't one for looking back especially on things there was nothing you could do to change yet now he found himself doing just that – looking back.

He gazed out over the Italian countryside as the blazing orange sun decorated in hues of red, amber and purple made its decent behind the rolling hills. Through the half open French doors he could hear Elizabeth chatting away on the phone to Carly. They did that a lot now. It still amazed him that somewhere along the line Elizabeth and Carly had become friends. Who would have thought ever that pair would have seen eye to eye on anything especially Elizabeth's fitness to be Jason's girlfriend? Even though Jason knew that the term girlfriend in no way described all that Elizabeth meant to him.

Carly and Sonny's second child had been born two months ago without complication and it saddened Jason a little to know that he had missed it. He knew what that child meant to them and all that they had gone through to have him. As much as he wanted to be a part of this new baby's life there was a part of him that wasn't quite ready to go back to Port Charles and pick up where he had left off. He and Sonny had had several strained conversations while he and Elizabeth had been in Italy but nothing more than that. Jason wasn't sure if he would ever be able to look at Sonny as he once had.

Elizabeth hung up the phone and crossed the expansive living room. She pulled back the gaze fabric that hung across the open doorway as it danced in the early evening breeze. She stopped and stared at Jason – the man that she loved with all she had. Elizabeth wondered if this was what it would have been like if she had gone away with him that first time he had asked her to. Would he have been as free spirited then as he was with her now or was it all that they had been through that had brought out the carefree side he let her see now. She giggled recalling how she threatened him with taking photos of him and sending them back to Max as he stood in a large barrel full of grapes He ended up tackling her to the ground tickling her until she swore to never speak of the vineyards again. In the end for good measure Jason removed the film from her camera destroying any and all evidence. He had willing followed her to every museum and gallery she wanted to visit without so much a single moan even though he couldn't really see the paintings she was showing him. Elizabeth had never been able to tell him a painting as good as she had her painting of 'The Wind'.

The day the call came from Max that Carly had gone into labor for real this time Elizabeth noticed a change in Jason's demeanor. Up until then they had been able to skirt the issues of Sonny and what had happened in Port Charles. Yet knowing that another Corinthos life had entered the world made thoughts of Port Charles, even unspoken ones, glaringly obvious. Elizabeth's eyes rested on Jason's still frame and she could tell by the way his body was slumped over the stone railing of the balcony he was deep in thought. He had been doing that a lot lately. She tried not to push or pry but Elizabeth knew it was about time that they talked about where they were going to go from here – and more importantly they needed to talk about Sonny. "That was Carly on the phone," she said slipping quietly behind him.

"How are she and the baby doing?" he asked.

"Morgan is wonderful." Elizabeth watched Jason's expression when she mentioned the child's given name. Carly had insisted on naming the little boy in honor of Jason – their best friend. If the circumstances had been different Jason might had thrilled to be the child's namesake but to him now all it felt like was pressure for him to return to a friendship he didn't know existed anymore. "Carly and Sonny are having him baptized next week. Carly asked me to be his godmother..." Elizabeth hesitated for a moment. "...and Sonny would like you to be his godfather."

Jason hung his head low and let out a heavy sigh. Instantly Elizabeth ran her hands over the taut muscles in his back. He loved how it felt when she touched him and often more times than not it eased the tension away but the idea of being Morgan's godfather and having to deal with Sonny was something that even Elizabeth's touch couldn't erase. "What did you say to Carly?" he asked quietly.

"I told her that I would talk to you and get back to her. Is being Morgan's godfather something you don't want to do?"

"No...yes....honestly I don't know," he groaned almost angry with himself for his indecision. "Do you want to be his godmother?" Jason turned the question back on her.

"Yes...yes I think that I would." Elizabeth smiled thinking about Carly going into premature labor and again about the shopping spree she and Carly had taken that day at Wyndam's Department store. Her answer didn't surprise him but it didn't lend itself in his favor. "Jason," she stroked his back gently. "Don't you think it's time we talked about Sonny?"

"There's nothing to talk about," he stated.

"That's not true. I know that you are still angry with him and really you have every right to be but don't spite yourself with that anger."

"What?" Jason was confused by her statement.

"I know how much you love Michael and in turn what you mean to that little boy. Don't you think that Morgan deserves the same from you? He shouldn't be held accountable for the sins of his father. Morgan is an innocent who deserves the best Jason Morgan has to offer." Elizabeth smiled softly admiring the loving man standing before her.

"I don't know if I'm ready...."

"Ready for what?" she cut him off, "to face Sonny or to face trying to repair your friendship?"

"I don't know if we can." Jason's pained expression ripped through Elizabeth's heart. She knew better than anyone what Sonny had meant to Jason and how much it hurt him that his mentor hadn't seen a clear picture of what was going on around him even if he had come through for them in the end.

"Do you want to repair it?" she asked a very poignant question.

Jason looked away not sure of how to answer that question. If he were very honest with himself the answer would be a resounding yes. He wanted his friendship with Sonny the way it had been before Ric had literally burned it to the ground and hell maybe in the end Ric had gotten what he wanted. He hated Jason's relationship with Sonny and now because of him it had been forever altered. But the logical rational side of Jason knew that too much damage had been done for either man to ever feel the way they once had about one another. "I'd like to," he admitted honestly.

"Then let's take that first step," she urged. "Let's go to the baptism and pledge our support to Morgan. I don't expect you and Sonny to ever be the same. I don't think that you could be, but he did save both of us that day in the boxcar. Yes – yes I know," she said just as Jason was about to open his mouth in protest. "it was Sonny who ultimately let things escalate to the point that they did but honestly Jason, Sonny wasn't responsible for Ric's madness and you can't fault Sonny for the loyalty he felt to his own mother. You know better than anyone the guilt Sonny carries around about Adella."

"How can you be so forgiving?" Jason asked in complete astonishment.

"I don't know. I guess I just think that you shouldn't throw away all your years of friendship over one lapse in judgment on Sonny's part. In the end Sonny has to deal with killing his blood brother to save his true brother and that's you Jason. Like it or not you and Sonny are family and in the end we forgive family."

Jason pulled Elizabeth into a tight embrace. "I love you Elizabeth Webber."

"And I love you. I just don't want to see you unhappy. Your job's a part of you as much as Carly's children are and I don't think you should ignore that."

"You really want to go back to Port Charles?"

"I think it's time," she answered. "I think it's time we showed all those who never thought we were meant to be together that we are. We need to show them that we are stronger together than apart. Hell if we can change Carly's mind about us I'm pretty sure that we can change anyone's." Elizabeth laughed.

"When's Morgan's baptism?"

"This Sunday."

"I'll make the arrangements."

"Carly said she would sent the jet... ..."

"No, I'll handle our getting to Port Charles," Jason said. He may have been going back but he wasn't ready to fall back into the way things once were. He would always be Sonny's enforcer and always protect Sonny's family but for now that's all he could manage.

"Okay. Can I tell her that we will be there and will be Morgan's godparents?" Elizabeth asked tentatively.

"Yes," Jason smiled as he watched her grin back at him.

He picked up the phone as he looked on as Elizabeth bounded up the stairs and began gathering their things for their return to Port Charles. It still amazed him daily what he had ever done to deserve her – but in the end he just decided to give up trying.