Back to Preskool

Torika_Blayde: Hello to everybody, here's my first fic for Transformers Armada. I hope you like it; and please review at the end, I'm looking forward to see what you all think about it. (^_^)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything here, except for the plot, my character Tori, and my latter character Zack.

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~*~Chapter 1: The Chain-mail Begins~*~

Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, had always had something to do. But today, today was something special; the kids call it a day off from work, or a jig; but a day off work sounds way better than the word jig.

Well on Optimus' "special" day; he had locked himself in his room. So big and roomy, and just for him. But yet, he was at his desk, typing on a lap- top, an e-mail (chain-mail) that he had thought of, after he had "accidentally" logged into one of the kids e-mail addresses.

The heading was simple, too simple, (He needs practice) and read 'Back to Preskool'. See here, it was spelt wrong because he was a very appalling speller, (that's why Red Alert does everything) and only got past grade three by threatening the teacher. And since the time on earth, the kids had been trying to teach him; but still, he couldn't get the gist of it.

Anyways, his e-mail, 'Back to Preskool', had started off like this:

Hello to whom it may concern,

On my "special" day, a day where I got to sit down and do anything; I thought of the old times, our preskool times. And this e-mail (it's what the kids call it) is dedicated to those times.

After you read all that has been written, I. . .we, would like you to add to it. May it be your favourite song from back then, or even a memorable moment, please type it up and then send it to a close friend of yours, and as well as the person who had sent it to you.

And now I will start this off with a memorable moment, which I remember so well.

It was a hot summers day. . .hang on, no it wasn't! Oh, ok, I'll start again.

It was a stormy winters day, and our preskool teacher had kept us inside to stop us from getting rusted.

For amusement, she had bought out some paper, pencils and paint. Oh how the hell started when Starscream stuck that coloured pencil up his nose, getting it jammed up there pretty well.

His frantic calls for us to get it out were so funny; it sounded like he had several pencils stuffed up each nostril, for his voice was so nasally.

But remember, that was only the beginning of it, remember when Megatron came to help him out. It was like it was super glued to the inside of his nose and wouldn't budge.

It's getting to the funny bit now.

Megatron called his buddies over and ordered them to help him remove the pencil. Well remember how they pulled so hard, that not only did they actually pull the pencil out of Starscream's nose; but all of them had pulled so hard, that they went flying back into the paint table, knocking all the paint over themselves and the ground, missing us Autobots by a mile. Hehehehehee, that was soo funny!

Well G2G & SYL



Very happy with what he had typed, the Autobot leader checked the spelling. Wow! Only three words miss-spelt, he must be getting good at this. Fixing up his mistakes, Optimus then typed in the address to who he was sending it to, and then pressed send.

Sitting back happily as he watched it send, and then logging off after it had finished, Optimus then walked out of the room, unaware that I - Torika Mawson, was watching his every move. Mwhahahahahaa. . .

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So did you like it, or hate it, should I continue with it, or should I not. If so, some of you might want to send some ideas of what I could put into this fic.

BTW, sorry I made Optimus a bit OOC, but it is to humour you all. Question, who did Optimus send the e-mail to?

You'll find out next time; if there is a next time.