Well, here you go. The final chapter in my story, Crystal Potter. Less than a year later, I'm finished. I know some of you were probably hoping for a longer story, but I was running out of ideas, really, and I didn't want an anticlimactic ending where Harry drinks some potion, then, poof he's normal again. Yay...

Disclaimer: I don't need a disclaimer for the last chapter, do I? I don't think so, so you're not getting one! SUE ME! MUAHAHAHA!!!

After a week in the Hospital wing, life had basically gone back to normal for Harry. Hermione had forgiven him, upon studying the spell and learning of its side-effects, people generally had stopped asking about what it was like to change into a girl and back, and Ron and Hagrid had returned from their long disappearance that had lasted nearly the entire book. (Hope I didn't make anybody mad by pretty much obliterating them! )

There was one thing left on Hermione's mind though. . .

"Why, Harry, why did you try to change yourself back? You know you could have died, and the potion was simmering the whole time, it was halfway ready. You could have waited. . ."

so Harry Began his story once more, but this time it was the longer version he told.

"Hermione, what went through my head at that moment I hope you never have to deal with. I knew, in my heart, that I loved you more than anything else on earth. I couldn't take it that every day, I would have to wake up and not feel the same way about you as I WANT to. And then you started to hate me, and all the stress, it wore me down, and I knew I had to try, and if I died in the attempt, so be it. The important thing is that we're together now, and always will be." And with these words, their lips met in a kiss so deep and loving, they would take it with them for the rest of their lives.

So thyis is the End, I hope you enjoyed. And please read some of my other fics, and review there as well.

Haha, I got all sappy there at the end

bye everyone