Title: Keep me Safe 1?

Author: Harmoni


Rating:T for teen...cuz I like to swear hehehe

Chapter Summary: Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs at you and making you run for your life… Buffy dreams of another Potential's death… and a mysterious girl ends up smackdab in Harry's arm

Disclaimer: the OC's belong to me… Harry Potter to Rowling, Buffy to Whedon

Spoilers: Doubt it, this takes place after Season 7 and book 5

Feedback: Please

Author's Note: Yes so this is being revamped.. why? Cuz parts of it make me cringe… and I'm waiting out my current writers block…so bare with me, and give it a chance please and thank you, and review…and this is also my first one ever so things may not be superb…

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"Mom?" she softly called, opening the door wider. "Where are you?"

She had just arrived home from a friend's house and had found the door slightly open. That bothered her, but not as much as the eerie silence that seemed to be enveloping the house.

"Dad?" She called a bit louder this time. "Jenny? James?"

Still nothing. Her gut told her to run, to get the hell out of this place. Something wasn't right, but if her family was in trouble, she wasn't leaving. She wasn't a runner. Never had been, and she'd be damned if she started now.

Her head snapped to the hallway as she saw something go swishing by out of the corner of her eye.

"Hello? Kat? Are you here? What's going on?"

Her parents weren't answering, and neither were her sisters and brother. That feeling that something was wrong intensified even more until she was cramping in the mid section having problems breathing.

She pushed open the door to the bedroom she shared with her twin, Kat, and was stopped cold as she saw her sister's bed, drenched in red blood.

"No" she whispered to herself, going numb with shock.

If there was a time to book it out of there, this was it, but still she made no move for the front door, instead going further down the hall to her parents room. As she took those final few steps, she hoped and prayed that all was fine. God how she prayed at that moment, and she had never prayed before in her life.

As she reached the door and went to open it, she did so with a heavy heart.

"Run baby" Her mother whispered right before her throat was slit.

Her eyes widened in horror as she took in the scene before her. Her whole family was strewn across the bed, bloody, and staring at her with lifeless eyes. A cry escaped her lips as the three guys turned and advanced towards her. She took a step back as she looked into their eyes, only they had no eyes. Where their eyes should have been, there were only weird looking symbols, yet they knew exactly where she was. They were also carrying knives, knives that were full of her family's blood. Now she did what she should've done a long time ago. She turned and ran, stopping only to grab her mom's purse which was hanging on the doorknob. She didn't know why she took it but had a feeling she would be needing it. So she turned slammed the door on them and ran. She ran as fast as she could through her neighborhood, chased by these weird looking guys. She figured she could run until she found someone, but everything was quiet, almost as if everyone knew something odd was going on and they didn't want to be a part of it.

It was so painful now. She hated running, she wasn't a runner. Now, though, she wished she had joined the cross country running team with Kat.

Oh god, Kat her beautiful twin gone with the rest of her family.

There was a sharp pain in her chest and the creepy guys were gaining on her. She looked back to see how close they were and tripped, landing flat on her face. Quickly she turned over, only to find the guys above her holding their knives up. She opened her mouth to scream.

--- --- ---

Sunnydale, California

Buffy Summers sat straight up in bed, gasping from the dream she just had. It was another potential on the run from the Bringers. Another potential lost before they could get to her.

Quietly she slipped out from underneath Spike's embrace and walked towards the window. It was odd, whenever she dreamed of these potentials, she only saw the chase and the kill. This time, she watched as though she was the girl. Watched as she first discovered her family, then was with her when she was being chased. It stopped before the girl was killed, but Buffy didn't doubt she was dead and that weighed heavily on her mind. So many girls had died and she hadn't been able to do a thing. The war was almost over, Buffy knew that for sure. She had taken the scythe from Caleb and she felt confident. She knew they could do this.

She felt a presence beside her and turned to see herself staring back at her. It was the First, here to taunt her.

London, England

In a small grungy motel, a fifteen year old girl woke up from the exact same dream. It was late morning, but she had only slept a couple of hours. Probably the most in the past two weeks. Every time she fell asleep the same dream haunted her. It was slowly killing her. How many times did she have to see that same scene over and over?

'Forever' A voice whispered inside her. She was afraid that was the truth.

Alexa Conners would never forget that night. She didn't know how she escaped, but she did. She remembered staring in horror as the knives loomed over her. Then, without really thinking, she reached out, grabbed two of the hoodie guy's ankles and pulled hard. They landed with a loud thuds as she kicked out at the third guy, catching him in his stomach. He doubled over and she shot up taking off at a run again. She reached downtown, hailed a cab, and went to the airport.

This is why she took her mom's purse. She needed to get out of this place, and now she had money. She asked for the first plane leaving to anywhere and had ended up with London, England. She didn't care as long as she got out of there.

The story of her family had reached the news, they were desperately trying to find her, they assumed her to be dead, kidnapped, or a major player in the death of her family, the newspaper had told her. God, how that had pissed her off. It hurt too. She missed them so much. They were so close and now they were gone. Alexa wanted to cry, but she didn't. She hadn't cried at all since she left. She refused to.

She barely had left her motel at all afraid of being recognized. She wanted to be careful. As an extra precaution, she dyed her blonde hair, black. She hated doing that. Her hair was her best feature, it was a very unusual light blonde, everyone would swear up and down she bleached it but she didn't. It was also very long, it hung to her waist and she hadn't been able to cut it. She figured that if she was going to go out she could tuck it in.

Now she realized she would have to go out, she was running out of food, and she needed clothes, she also had to figure out what she was going to do now that she had no one.

Alexa sighed, picked up a hat and tucked her hair into it. She felt like a zombie, she really needed to find a way to get more sleep, there were bags under her eyes.

She picked up a pair of sunglasses and stepped outside into the sun.

--- --- --

Harry Potter was sick and tired of being followed, He knew it was necessary but it bothered him no less. He just wanted to be alone with his thoughts. He missed his god father Sirius, but there was nothing he could do. Being at the Dursley's just made it that much worse. Right now, his uncle was having some very important clients over for dinner, so before he could be locked away in his bedroom, Harry took off and took some Muggle transportation to downtown London. He knew it wasn't entirely safe for him to be out like this but he figured that he was being followed and he was in a Muggle city, there wasn't much Voldemort would do.

He walked down the streets just looking through windows. As he was passing a small grocery store, a girl burst out, looking very scared.

"Get back here, girl." The shopkeeper yelled from behind the counter.

The girl was facing the door but then she spun around and crashed right into Harry.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't see- the jars- It wasn't- he flew- I dunno- please I need- oh god." She stammered looking back at the store.

Harry didn't know what was going on but this girl looked terrified. He grabbed her arm and took off at a run, not stopping until they were a couple of blocks away.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, turning to get a good look at this girl. She looked to be about his age. And was an inch or two shorter then him. She wore a hat with her hair tucked in but could see from a few loose strands that it was black. She also had big blue eyes that held so much pain. They looked so haunted and he had only seen those eyes on one other person, Sirius.

"I'm fine" She gasped. "Thank you"

"What happened?" Harry asked

"I- I was shopping. Then this guy grabbed my arm and told me to come with him. I said no and when he started pulling me, he just went flying backward into a shelf of jars. Then that cashier guy started yelling at me, he thought I pushed him, but I didn't it, and he threatened to call the police so I left. But I swear. I didn't hurt him he just went flying back on his own." She cried looking up into his eyes.

"It's okay. I believe you. But he just flew back, like magic?"

She nodded.

"Did you know this guy? Was he just trying to hurt you?"

"I didn't know him and I think he was trying to hurt me." She whispered. "He didn't look too nice."

"So you felt threatened?"

"Yes, why?"

Harry didn't answer, he just stood there thinking. This had happened to him as well, before he found out he was a wizard. Strange things always happened whenever he felt scared, or threatened. But, he knew there was one question he could ask, without giving away who he was.

"Are you a Muggle?"

"A whatle?" She asked wrinkling her nose at him.

'Nope, guess not,' he said to himself. Out loud he said "Umm a foreigner, you know it's slang for that." It was lame but he had to say something.

"Then yeah, I'm from Canada. I decided to come over for a visit."

"Where's your family?" He asked

She immediately went rigid and tears filled her eyes, but she closed them and willed them away. "Not here" She said through clenched teeth. "I should go"

"Wait." He called as she turned away. "What's your name?"

"Ale-Lynne. My name is Lynne." She decided it would be better to use her middle name. Her First name was not too popular and it didn't help that she was all over the news. Then again, she did look different then the picture they were showing.

"Look. Thanks, a lot, for helping me and stuff, but I should-" She didn't get to finish her sentence.

This mysterious girl named Lynne collapsed right into Harry's arms.