Chapter 1 - The Arrival of Captain Jack Sparrow

A cool breeze whipped past the sails of the ship, trailing along the fresh scent of salt and land not too far off. Jack Sparrow checked his compass once more, chancing that the direction they were heading in was the right one. His brown eyes set North West, he steered the ship just slightly and smirked at his great directional skills.

"Gloating inwardly again?"

Jack, not bothering to turn around, grinned at his only female shipmate's remark.

"You'll be thanking me when we get to the uncharted lands of Asia and pick up a couple o' nice dresses for ya," Jack replied smartly, still staring north-west. Knowing the silence included Anamaria rolling her eyes and stalking off, Jack smiled and gazed off at the sky, glancing behind him.

His heart in his throat, a worried look passed over Jack's face as he watched a growing mountain of black and gray clouds circulate just over the horizon. Concluding that storms have ravaged the Pearl before and that this one couldn't be much different, Jack took a deep breath and continued to sail onward, compass in hand, but mind still on the sky.


"Damnit, Senara, can't you ever leave me alone?" the first daughter asked of her younger sister, a questioning look in her eyes. "I can't concentrate when you're pestering me!"

"Well, Jesus, Nessa, I didn't know sewing a dress could be so strenuous for you," Senara replied, heading towards the curtains that opened to the balcony.

"It's not normally strenuous, but with you bothering me all the time -- Senara? Are you listening to me?"

Thunderous clouds rolled across the horizon, beckoning the onslaught of a fierce and violent storm. Senara bit her lip nervously, her hand immediately fingering the gem at her throat. Storms always made her nervous; not for her own safety, but for the safety of the ships at sea.

"Nessa, do you think this storm's going to be a bad one?" Senara asked her sister, concern written on her face.

"Yeah...most likely...why do you care if it's bad or not? It never affects us."

"Yeah, but think of all those ships at sea that might be in danger if the storm hits just worries me is all."

"You spend way too much time worrying for other people, why don't you worry about yourself for once?" Nessa continued with her sewing, tearing the thread and lifting up the maroon silk dress. "What do you think?"

Glancing at the dress, Senara smiled politely. "It's'll look gorgeous on you."

"Do you think Prince Marcus will like it?" Nessa asked with a giggle, thinking of the grand feast her father was having that night.

"Do you really believe that Prince Marcus, whose father hates the rogues, mind you, is actually going to pay attention to the Rogue king's daughter when he is in reality focused on peace between the Rogues and the Nobles?" Senara stated matter-of-factly, tearing away the hope in Nessa's eyes.

"Well, fine, be a downer if you like, but don't come crying to me when you can't find a husband because your too busy being a man!" Nessa snapped, leaving the room quickly with the dress clutched tightly in her hands.

Sighing, Senara rolled her eyes and went to the window again to check on the storm's progress. Her older sister was always the prissy one, spending way too much time on her looks then on what really mattered. In her opinion, Senara thought to herself, Nessa was just one big drama queen, just waiting for her romantic Ball where she could meet her prince charming who would whisk her away from the rogue island of Gyaros.

As for her, Senara loved being a rogue, and took pride in her heritage and in her family. She also didn't worry about petty things like hair and clothes. She worried about things that mattered, like lives and ships and the sea...

A sudden roar of thunder and flash of lightening shocked Senara awake from her daydream, forcing her to glance up at the sky and see the storms speedy gain on the island. Cursing, Senara was about to rush back inside to warn her father when she noticed something sailing towards the island.

A ship, a black one with sails that had holes in them, was being ravaged by the storm, its direction clearly towards the island. Intrigued and ready to aid whoever was on board, Senara grabbed her cloak and raced downstairs and out towards the docks, awaiting the arrival of the strange ship.


"C'mon lads! Let's get her to the dock!" Jack called to his crew through the stormy gusts of wind.

"What island be this one, Jack?" Gibbs questioned, gripping the sides of the ship for support.

"This be the island of the Rogues...Gyaros." Jack grinned, turning to face his old friend. "We'll be much welcome here...pirates are allies with the Rogues. We share the same enemy."

"That we do, Captain."

"Now c'mon, let's dock her! Move!" Jack bellowed, all his years of experience as a captain taking hold. Steering towards where men awaited their arrival, Jack waved, grinning.

As the boat stopped next to the dock, the wind still howling in their ears, Jack, along with the rest of his crew, hopped off the ship and shook hands with the men awaiting them.

"The Rogue Heron is expecting you in his chambers...we shall show you the way." One of the men greeted, bowing slightly and leading the way.

"For Rogue's these people seem awful friendly." Anamaria commented, taking note of the stature and disposition of the guards.

"To allies, the Rogues are the nicest people in the seven seas...but to their enemies..." Jack began, shivering at the thought, "the rogues are the meanest lot you'll ever encounter."

"Well, then, we ought to keep on good terms with these folk." Gibbs put in, grinning.


Her eyes darting between each member of the crew, Senara checked to see if she recognized any of them. Her father had informed her that the ship was the Black Pearl, and that Jack Sparrow was on board. Senara had no idea what Jack Sparrow looked like, so instead she just inspected the crew as if each were a simple pirate. Pirates were harmless after-all, she thought with a silent chuckle.

She stood on the docks, hidden completely behind her cloak excluding her eyes. As the crew passed her, she glanced down, so as to not draw attention. Once past her, she began to follow them.

One man walked slowly and behind all the rest of the crew, his sights set on the infamous city of Rogue. Eyeing him, Senara measured him up. He must have been around 6 feet tall, with hair down to below his shoulders and a red bandana tied around his forehead. He was carrying his hat, for fear of losing it, she guessed.

He walked strangely; a kind of sure step with a hint of arrogance. Either that or he was just drunk. Thinking to mess with him, Senara walked closer behind him, making sure to stay silent and discreet. Remembering all her lessons as a natural born thief, Senara inched closer to the man, and gently removed his pistol, knife, change purse, and other various items on the man's belt with simple ease. Tucking the items into pockets on the inside of her cloak, Senara grinned as she reached out for the bottle of rum hanging from the belt.

Right as her fingers touched the bottle, the man turned around and grabbed her wrist tightly, glaring at her.

"Trying to steal me rum are ye?" the man asked, noticing her eyes and how piercing green they were, and dropping her wrist immediately, taking a step backwards. "Sorry, Miss..." he added, looking at her with a puzzled look on his face.

The man started to walk away, but Senara grinned and perked an eyebrow. "Aren't you missing something?"

Checking his belt, the man noticed all his belongings were missing. Glancing back at the woman, he saw her open her cloak and reveal an assortment of items, including his own.

"I should've expected to be made a fool of on an island ruled by thieves." The man grumbled, taking back all his belongings and giving the woman one last look, unable to take his eyes off of hers. They were a deep emerald green with gold flecks in them...true eyes of a woman.

The woman winked and turned away, walking off into an alley that led into the city. Jack turned around, shaking his head in disbelief. Who was this woman?
