Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the characters in anime that'll soon appear in this story.

A/N Anyway, I've started another fic -groans- I'll never finish all my stories at this rate … Ah well…This is a AU multi-cross fic (also known as bishies-galore) and it may contain spoilers!

Kyou Sohma - From Fruits Basket.
Izumi Rio – A Shinigami from Full Moon wo Sagashite.
Shuuichi Shindou – From Gravitation. (Oh, I'm not making him gay in the fic) He's the lead singer ofthe band Bad Luck.
Omi Tsukiyono – From Weiss Kruez/Knight Hunters/White Cross whatever you wanna call it.
Takuto Kiri – From Full Moon wo Sagashite.

Anzu Gardner – Also known as Tea. She's from Yu-Gi-Oh. I don't like her.
Meroko (?) – From Full Moon wo Sagashite. Very obsessive about Takuto. But she's sweet.
Relena Peacecraft – From Gundam Wing. Has an obsession with Heero. Sometimes stalks the poor bishie.
Rinoa Heartilly – From Final Fantasy 8. Has an obsession with Squall. But is overly sweet.
Ouka Takatori – From Weiss Kruez. Can you say obsessed and possessive? She's attached to Omi –who she doesn't know is her cousin o.O;;

Your Jap Dictionary
Baka – Stupid/Idiot/Silly etc. Depends on sentence.
Damatte Kudasai Please be quiet/Hold Your Tongue etc. 'Shut up' basically.


The Life of a Guy

By Angel-Goddess


Usagi grimaced and turned around in her chair when she felt something soft and squishy hit her on the neck with well-aimed accuracy. The blonde girl rubbed her neck to get the sickening wet feeling off and frowned slightly at the orange-haired youth who sat back in his chair with a satisfied smirk, his garnet eyes glinting almost viciously. She didn't understand why he loved to pick on her. It was true that the boy didn't seem to like girls by the way he would back away when they tried to express their affection by giving him a hug but if the reason why he was being so mean to her was the fact she was a girl... there had to be other girls in the class he could pick on besides her, right?

She watched in slight annoyance when the blonde boy next to Kyou patted him on the back for 'congratulations'. Kyou muttered something and both boys tried to stifle their oncoming laughter. The blonde turned his attention to her, smirking just as smugly as Kyou, his brown eyes dancing.

Izumi Rio. The person that came in a close second to Kyou in literally making her school life impossible to enjoy. Did she mention she disliked him too? Well, she did.

He was Kyou's friend and when those two were together... Oh God, they didn't get her a break. They'd torment her every single day and would do anything to drive her to the edge. It was scary how they could pop out of nowhere anywhere in school grounds and start bullying her. If it wasn't for the fact that school was only about six hours long, Usagi was sure that she would probably end up in a mental hospital by now!

Baka Kyou, baka Izumi…She thought darkly. She stuck her tongue out at them childishly. Oh, how she hated that duo. Too bad they were popular. If she tried any tricks on them, she'd most likely be hunted down like an animal by the 'popular' people.


Usagi snapped her attention towards the annoyed purple-faced relief teacher who was looming over her desk at the moment in an intimidating fashion. Usagi shifted uneasily in her seat at the penetrating glare she was receiving.

"Do not make rude faces to your classmates, Tsukino-san. That is disrespectful! Pay attention!" The teacher scolded, a sneer curling her lips.

Usagi flushed red and looked down at her desk as unwanted attention was drawn to her. That's not fair … how come she didn't tell Kyou off? Usagi could hear Kyou and Izumi laugh at her misfortune along with a few others in the class. She couldn't help but clench her fists. She had always hated math, more so, now that she was the current target of all the popular boys who just seemed to be strategically placed around her math class in a position where she was in the middle! Usagi couldn't help feeling as though some divine being up there really detested her.

It had all started when she had accidentally got on the wrong side of the gorgeous and popular Anzu by clumsily tripping over and smearing her ice-cream all over the shocked female's three hundred dollar Channel dress. The furious girl had immediately told the whole school about how 'the geeky Usagi tried to embarass her'. Now it seemed, all the popular people were after her guts! It wasn't her fault that shehad trouble walking and eating ice-cream at the same time!

Usagi sighed as she flicked a blonde lock of hair out of her eyes. She stared hard at the piece of paper with algebra written all over it with puzzlement, as if hoping the answer to the questions would just pop out of nowhere.

Looking up idly, her sapphire eyes took in the figure of another two popular boys who were sitting in front of her. Omi Tsukiyono and Shuuichi Shindou. They weren't mean to her but they just didn't seem to know she existed. Well, either that or they didn't want to acknowledge or be seen talking to her because she was dubbed as one of the 'major geeks' by Anzu.

Omi was sweet and kind, and the girls liked him not only for his gentle personality but also his near-movie-star good looks that consisted of rich, sandy-blonde locks and gorgeous azure eyes. A wealthy, somewhat-snobby popular girl named Ouka Takatori, however, claimed to be his girlfriend, so the other girls backed off in fear of Ouka's wrath.

Shuuichi on the other hand wasn't 'taken'. He was naïve, funny and every bit as kind as Omi. Usagi had a feeling that both her and Shuuichi could've become rather good friends because they almost had the same upbeat personality. He was popular because he was the lead singer of Bad Luck, a well-known band currently holding the record of having the third highest selling album of the year. With outrageous pink hair and unnatural violet eyes, he was like a dream come true to some girls.

Both Omi and Shuuichi were conversing in hushed voices.

Usagi's eyes flicked to Meroko, who was on her left. The pink-haired girl was ducked over her work, her pen scribbling answers at what seemed like a metre per second - if that was possible, anyway. "Meroko-san? Could you help me? I need-"

"TSUKINO-SAN! DAMATTE KUDASAI!" The teacher screeched at her, her long wooden stick snapping at her desk with a loud thwack.

Usagi cringed in her seat, her eyes wide in shock as the teacher told her to shut up. She tells me off, but not Shuuichi and Omi, and she could see them talking! Usagi thought darkly as she was set into a bad mood by the teacher's unfairness. She watched her teacher turn around to write her name on the board for being a 'naughty girl'.

Usagi once again felt something hit her on the head and ignored it. She felt like crying. Why do I always get picked on? Why won't they just leave me alone!? Usagi could feel her eyes start to blur with hot tears. Her throat was suddenly very tight. No, no, no! I can't cry here! I can't let them see me cry! I can't!! She thought defiantly. Another solid hit her again and she felt something inside her snap.

She whipped around, her blue gaze piercing into the sniggering duo of Izumi and Kyou. She glared heatedly at them. Seeing her glare, their smirks widened. Usagi was never one to glare at anyone. Even to her tormentors she was still kind and polite.

"Oh, look at that, Izumi. We made Usagi angry…" Kyou drawled loudly, catching the attention of a few people around them.

"Oh yes, I think that should go up on the calendar. 'Usagi's first glare was aimed at the Cool Kyou and Impeccable Izumi'…" Izumi threw her a nasty look, making sure his voice was heard over the whispers in the class. The fair, flaxen-haired boy leaned forward in his seat, resting his chin on the palm of his hand that was casually propped against his desk. A few girls swooned at the sight. He looked icily handsome in a twisted way.

Now, it was a known fact that no one could break Usagi's cheeriness. And if you did, you'd be a legend! Everyone's attention was focused directly on the blonde, their math papers forgotten.

Usagi had enough. The pencil she was holding in her hand snapped with a loud crack under the pressure she was gripping it, shattering the silence like fragile glass.

Izumi raised his eyebrows at the action, his face was indifferent but he had a surprised look reflecting in his cold chocolate brown eyes. He briefly glanced past the angry girl and smirked in triumph.

"Tsukino-san …"

Usagi turned around slowly to meet the teacher's annoyed green eyes with her darkened, snapping sapphires. She saw that the teacher look a little hesitant and Usagi knew she was intimidating the teacher with her cold glare.

"Detention after school today." Was the brief statement that came form the stiff form of the teacher.

Usagi bit her lip on the inside, and was about to open her mouth to ask why.

"Don't ask anymore questions! Get out of the room, Tsukino-san!" The teacher hissed through her teeth.

Usagi gladly collected her books and left the classroom without looking back. As she walked to her locker, she briefly wondered why she had acted like that. I must've broken under the pressure … just like the pencil. Usagi looked at her hand, mildly surprised that she was still gripping the broken pencil.

She opened her right hand slowly, letting the two wooden pieces fall to the ground with a soft clink as it hit the polished floor. When the pencil had snapped, it had snapped unevenly, cutting deeply into her pale milky skin. Usagi was a little astounded that she couldn't feel the pain when she snapped it in class. But now, it seemed the pain was making her hand throb in agony.

Dropping her books in a nearby bench, she slowly walked to the ice-cooled drink taps and ran her hand under the cold water, wincing as she felt the icy substance touch her bleeding palm. Usagi watched as the crystal clear water turned a dark red colour as it mixed with her blood. "It's not fair …" Usagi whispered to herself.

"I hate being the one picked on every day. Especially now that my senshi isn't in any of my classes to defend me …" Usagi let tears run down her cheeks freely, now that she knew no one was watching her. "I hate this school! … Guys have it so much easier than girls too! I wish I was a guy…" Usagi mumbled as she turned off the running stream of water. She pursed her lips in slight contempt. It did no good to feel sorry for herself.

Usagi didn't feel that warm pulsating of the ginzuishou in her pocket; she was too pre-occupied with her thoughts.


"Hey Odango!" Shingo greeted her with a playful smirk. His russet eyes were twinkling, mischief hiding in their depths.

"… Ohayou … Shingo," Usagi glumly greeted her brother in return without her usual enthusiastic voice and cheerful smile.

Shingo blinked, startled. Her blunt answer surprised him.

It was a daily routine. Usagi comes back from school, he calls her odango, she retorts, they get into a small argument and either Ikuko or Kenji would stop them. "Odango? Are you okay?" He asked hesitantly, barely hiding the concern in his voice as his eyebrows knitted together.

"Hm? Ah… yeah, I'm okay!" Usagi replied with a forced smile.

Shingo looked at his sister with suspicion and watched her back as she climbed the stairs lifelessly. He wasn't stupid, he knew how fake that smile looked. He cracked his knuckles audibly. He'd find out which baka did this to his sister, and make him pay …


Usagi woke up suddenly and sat up, feeling oddly misplaced for some reason. She was amazed that she woke up without Luna nagging at her or scratching her face. She glanced at her guardian, who was sleeping peacefully on a beanbag with a smile. If cats could smile, anyway. Luna's paw twitched and the blonde nymph stiffled a chuckle.

Yawning, her azure eyes flicked towards the digital clock on her bedside table. The red numbers flashing 6:17 gleamed brightly back at her. She blinked and rubbed her eyes wearily, when she opened them, she saw that the numbers were still the same.

Maybe her clock was getting slower because of the old batteries? There was no way she could've woken up this early in the morning! Usagi sweatdropped when she realised her clock ran on electricity.

She stared briefly at her ceiling blankly before forcing herself out of her warm comforting bed and tiptoeing to the door so she wouldn't wake up Luna.


Usagi's shrill scream roused all the sleeping occupants in the house. They all rushed to the bathroom door in alarm.

"Whud're ya screamin' 'bout 'Dango!?" Shingo slurred in annoyance, rubbing his eyes wearily to get rid of the glazed look. His mousy-brown hair was tousled since he had literally jumped out of bed and sped over to the source of the shout. He was clad only in his red, silk boxers.

"Usa-chan? Honey, are you okay!?" Ikuko asked frantically, knocking on bathroom door, her other hand clutching the opening of her dressing robe to hide the rather scant nightgown underneath. Her usually silky and well-kept blue hair was tangled and up in a hair net, blue locks sticking out in different places.

"It's too early in the morning for you to be up!" Kenji groaned, half awake as he shoved his glasses onto his nose. "I liked it better when you slept in!" He complained with a loud yawn.

"I-I...I'm okay!" Was the stuttered, shaky reply. "I only slipped in the shower… You guys should go back to bed…"

And that's what they all did.


Usagi gripped the sink tabletop with white-knuckled hands, resting her full weight on it and wincing when the cut on her palm opened up to the pressure she was putting onto it. Her legs had gotten insupportably weak and she couldn't rest any weight on it. She stared at her exceptionally pale reflection with mixed feelings of horror and awe. A bishounen seemed to stare back at her. His facial expression mirrored exactly what she felt.

"Oh god … what happened to me?" Usagi's voice quivered. She had watched as the boy in the mirror spoke at the same time as she did, confirming her terror.

"I'm … a boy!" She hissed in just above a whisper, the rough voice that came out of her throat cracking.

"Maybe … maybe Shingo cut my hair to make me look like a boy!" She started jumping to conclusions, trying to reassure herself that this wasn't happening. She roughly pulled off her pyjama top, hoping that maybe she still had her breasts and that her hair was just cut to make her look like a boy. To her horror, she didn't have breasts… but a well-toned chest!

She almost forgot what she was panicking about as she curiously ran a hand on her tummy, checking if it was real. She could no doubt feel the lumps of the slightly visible six-pack. "I don't have boobs … but I have a six pack!" She gawked. "M-Maybe Shingo paid for plastic surgery for me while I was sleeping as a really mean joke?" She wondered aloud, in an effort to try and calm herself.

"If … if I have this … then I might … have …" Usagi slowly looked down at her pyjama bottoms in horror. "Oh god … please… no …" She closed her eyes and pulled her pink pants down in one swift motion, slight revulsion building up in her. She opened one eye very slowly, afraid of what she might see before both her eyes popped open, widening as far as they could go in their sockets. No sound came out of her mouth for a while.

"I … have a … have a …"

Usagi screamed into a towel in terror, "Mmmph mmrrrph!"


Usagi stayed in her room until 8:30, she had kicked Luna out before the sleepy cat could see her new … form.

"Usagi-neesan, I'm leaving for school. Come on!" Shingo knocked on her door impetuously. "Mum and dad already left for work. We have to go or we'll be late!" He shouted through her door in impatience.

"Ah… I'm not coming to school. I feel sick." Usagi lied feebly.

"Sick? Odango, open the door!" Shingo banged on the door loudly.

"Shingo, just go! I'll come to school when I feel better!" Now that Shingo was in year ten, (A/N I'm making him year/grade 10, so it'll fit my story.) he was taller than Usagi and could break down the door if he really wanted to with no problem.

There was a moment of silence. "… Alright, fine. Ja ne!"

Usagi breathed a sigh of relief; she was so sure that the door would come crashing down any second.


Usagi watched her brother until he was out of sight from her window. She immediately unbolted her door and ran to his room before shutting the door loudly and locking it, fearing that Luna might see her. She pressed herself against the wooden barrier with a thankful sigh for a short moment. There was no yowl to be heard outside. She was safe for the mean time.

Opening his wardrobe, she hurriedly grabbed a pair of the guy version of the school uniform. Thank god Shingo was in year ten, she could easily fit into his clothes. They would be a little baggy, but she didn't mind.

Quickly donning the simple white long-sleeved shirt, blue over shirt with a collar and blue pants, she ran a hand through her new boy-cut blonde hair in exasperation. "Why am I even bothering to go to school?" She questioned herself loudly.

It had taken her more than two hours to calm down and was now willing to come to terms with this … guy body … so long as it was temporary - that is.

"I have to see the senshi …" She decided, clenching her fist. Surely they'd know what to do, right?


"Ne … have you seen that gorgeous new boy that was wandering around the school this morning?" Makoto asked Rei, her lively green eyes turning into tiny red hearts. "He's soooo cute!"

"What's his name?" Minako asked eagerly, leaning in, her long light blonde hair flowing behind her almost sophistically. Her eyes were wide as she awaited the 'delicious' gossip from her tall friend.

"I don't know! I haven't found out yet. And none of the girls know it!" Makoto pouted, letting out a soft, almost-heartbroken sigh.

"I want to meet him! I want to meet him!" Minako squealed giddily. Her cornflower-blue eyes started to acquire stars as she succumbed into a dream-like state. As she pictured a dazzling young bishounen dressed in fine garments riding on a white horse, drool had started to leak out of the side of her mouth and a light pink hue appeared on her cheeks.

"Why don't you just leave the boy topic and start worrying about your English, Minako? You're so behind!" Ami countered, fearing for her friend's grades. It seemed that's all she talked about. Boys. The blue-haired genius shook her head sadly, her short hair flying at the simple movement.

"Your no fun, Ami-chan!" Minako groaned with a roll of her eyes. A thoughtful look replaced her exasperated one, "Say … have you seen Usa-chan?"

Rei snorted, rolling her exquisite violet eyes in an uncaring manner. "I bet Odango is still sleeping in." She sniffed, flicking a lock of raven hair over her shoulder. "I wouldn't be surprised."

"Anno…excuse me…" A boyishly rough, yet melodic voice interrupted their conversation.

"Oh, kami-sama! It's you!" Makoto immediately gripped onto the blonde newcomer's arm.

"Eh!?" The attractive boy looked at Makoto in slight confusion. His crystalline sapphire-blue eyes were wide.

Rei's brow furrowed immediately. There was something uncannily familiar about those eyes. There was something about this boy ... that didn't seem quite right.

Mako-chan, can't you recognise me!? Usagi thought, bewildered.

"It's you …" She repeated, her eyes clouding over with a dreamy gaze as she stared into the startled boy's eyes. What pretty eyes. Funny, those large beautiful orbs were so familiar, yet she couldn't quite place her finger on it. Besides, who could forget such gorgeous eyes?

Minako gasped at the appearance of the dashing blonde boy, "Bishounen-sama!" She cried out excitely, and latched onto his other free arm.


Usagi and the senshi turned around, caught by surprise by the sudden disruption.

There in all their 'pride and glory' stood three of the popular girls of the school. Anzu, Relena and Rinoa. They were three of the most coveted girls in their year, and their egos had been a little inflated. Sure they had been extremely nice at first and were willing to make friends with Usagi and her group, but popularity amongst your peers could drastically change your attitude. The three that stood before them were living examples.

Usagi unconsciously shuddered at Anzu's appearance. The girl that disliked her from the moment that she had first landed her sharp brown eyes on the odangeod blonde. It was only worsened by the fact Usagi had tripped over and splattered her ice-cream on the girl's expensive dress. At the moment, the short haired brunette was staring at her with her hands on her hips and Usagi involuntarily took a step back. Who knew what Anzu would do now...

Relena was smiling brightly, her sky-blue eyes glimmering as she inspected the startled boy that was being held onto the spot by a dazed brunette and a very happy looking blonde. She swayed her head slightly to make her sandy-blonde hair flit through the air and catch some sunlight to make herself more noticeable to the new, pristine boy. Sure enough, glee filled her when the gorgeous male glanced at her direction. She winked at him and held back a giggle when he looked surprised. Yes, this boy would be a wonderful addition to her list of possible suitors.

The dark brown haired female grinned almost flirtily at the confused-looking boy. Rinoa smiled sweetly. How cute. Boys were often so sure of themselves and were very forward when it came to girls. This one seemed to be a shy type by the way he seemed to closed off to the girls instead of basking in their presence. Rinoa's calculating dark eyes glanced around the group of girls in disdain. Then again, you would be rather closed off when you were being hung onto by a gang of geeks. She turned her attention back to the boy. Maybe she could use him to get Squall...

"What do you want?" Rei asked them rather testily.

"We just want to talk to the boy." Anzu answered in a sugary voice, throwing the fiery-tempered priestess a short glare. Rei glared back in return, her violet eyes making Anzu look away. Those abnormal purple eyes were unnerving to say the least.

"Well, we've got him first!" Minako said, not backing down. Just because these girls thought they were everything, doesn't mean that they should always get what they wanted. How she itched to transform to Sailor V and give them a good beating and - hopefully - when they wake up from a coma, they would be nice and friendly like they once were before being dubbed, 'popular'.

"Coming through, coming through! Excuse me, ladies!" A handsome grey-haired boy with his hair pulled back into a short ponytail parted the arguing girls and pulled Usagi out of Makoto and Minako's grasp with an apologetic look to the pouting girls.

He beamed brightly at the girls, making them almost swoon at the dashing smile. "Come on, you don't want to stick around." He whispered into her ear, almost inaudibly.

Minako watched their backs until their disappeared around the corner before snapping out of her stupor and clicking her fingers with a disappointed expression on her fair. "Rats. Forgot to take a picture."

Hey, who wouldn't want two gorgeous bishies in one picture?


"Thank you so much!" Usagi breathed as soon as they were away from the girls' view.

The boy looked down at her curiously. "Hm … how come I've never seen you around her before?" He asked. This boy sure was short. The top of his head would probably only level up to his nose.

"Uh … I'm new." Usagi fibbed, eyes flicking to the side and away from the older male.

"Really, now? How come none of the teachers knew you were coming then?" The boy interrogated, a suspicious glint appearing in his eyes. Usagi caught his gaze and couldn't help noticing how fascinating the shades of his eyes were. They were a stormy blue, a gentle tint of grey mixed into their depths.

At some point when they were outside, the sun glinted off them, changing them into more of a blue colour. Yet in the shade, they were a dark blue-grey. Usagi would've kept staring if he hadn't been waiting for an answer.

"Only the principal did. He asked me to talk to him! But… I got lost." Usagi countered, fear was starting to wash over her. She felt as if he was reading her mind like an open book!

The boy nodded, his curiosity seemingly satisfied with the answer. "Okay. I'll take you to the office. Call me Takuto."

"Ahh … okay." Usagi agreed, following the handsome youth to the office.


A/N Oh, please tell me what you think of it!! I don't really like reviews that just say, 'Continue. It's good.' It doesn't give me information of whatyou truly think of my fic. At least tell me things I need to improve, or what I can add.

Ne, if you want to see more bishies in the fic, tell me who should be in it. Vote for a pairing too!

Much Love,
aka Tenshi-Megami