Winter Holiday… Winter Tennis… Winter Love…

(AWW!!! What kind of title is THAT!!! I'm really becoming insane now!!!)

A/N: AYYY… I'm so bored here!!! I'm now in holiday in my hometown. Nothing is really fun to do actually… Now I'm a bit disappointed for forcing my parents to visit them here. Well… that's why I wrote this story. Perhaps it won't be good, or is it? I don't know… Oh gosh… I'm so damned bored here!!! Tasuketekure yo!!!


Ryoma opened the changing room door and stepped inside, finding the other entire member of Seigaku regular member there. They made a circle with Oishi in the middle, talking something to them. Silently, Ryoma put his bag of racket and joined them.

"Yo, Ochibi!" Eiji is the first who recognize him and greeted him. "Going to library again today?"

"No." Ryoma simply answered. "Cleaning duty. What's going on here?"

Oishi looked at the new comer then smiled. "I have a plan to spend our winter holiday… of course if you don't have your own plan."

"Yes?" Ryoma demand him to continue.

"My mother's friend have a Tennis vacation dormitory at a hilly area. It's not a good place to run such a business actually. That's why there should be not much other people there." Oishi explained. "I'm sure it can be a great place to spend our holiday for worth."

"How much it's cost?" Ryoma asked again, shifted his seat on the bench beside Momo.

"Free of charge since perhaps it will closed immediately, I belief." Oishi said. "But if we really have to pay, it won't cost much."

"We got connection here!!" Eiji exclaimed enthusiastically. "I'm in!"

"Yeah, you are in as long as Oishi in." Momo teased then laughed himself.

"When will we go?" Fuji asked after discussing something with Takashi who sat beside him. "And how long will we stay? Surely I have to do something at my house."

"It won't be too long. Just a full week then we'll go home." Inui answered. He is actually examining the brochure of the dormitory he got from Oishi with Kaido also from his behind. "I'm in." Then he turned to Kaido. His eyes were asking for some certainty.

Kaido looked at him for a moment before he spoke up, "I'm in."

"Good then, I'm in." Fuji said with his usual smile on his lips. "What about you, Takashi?"

"I have nothing to do actually, so I think I have no problem for coming." He answered.

"Yosh!!" Eiji shouted, made the other jumped. "Now how about you, ochibi, buchou?"

Ryoma's eyes went to the other side of the room where Tezuka stood against the wall. Their eyes unintentionally met and that somehow gave Ryoma a shot of order to look at the other way. "I'm in." Ryoma answered slowly as he aimed his sight to the floor.

"And you, Tezuka?" now Fuji asked.

"Yes." He said with his usual simplicity.

"Good!!! It will be very nice!!!" Eiji shouted again.


"Ne!!! Oishi… this place is great!!!" Eiji said, stretched his hands up after he got out from the bus that brought the Seigaku regular member to the desolated area where the Tennis Vacation Dormitory is. "It's way so cold here…" He added.

"It's winter, Eiji." Oishi patiently explained while he pulled his backpack to his shoulder. "Let's get inside and check in. We also have to decide the roommates."

"Roommates?" Ryoma asked while he placed himself beside the vice captain and walked inside the entrance of the old building that was all covered with snow. "For what?"

"The rooms are available for two people only. So, we have to decide who sleeps with who." Fuji who suddenly had adjusted his steps with Ryoma said.

For a reason he didn't know, Ryoma's head turned to the back, searching the figure of certain person. He found one jumping out from the bus, holding his travel bag with his left hand. Tezuka looked up and once again their eyes met. Not much change as Ryoma looked at the front again. He didn't really know why he did that, or why actually he needs to look back and see the captain's figure as he should has known the captain come with them. But somehow, just for certainly look at him, made he felt lighter.

"Where's the tennis court?" Momo asked while he joined the group.

"It probably at the back yard." Oishi answered then turned to Eiji. "Although it's not my first time here, I forget nearly all my memories here. The latest time I went here was at my age of five."

They went inside the entrance and Oishi checked them all in at the reception desk for five VIP dorm since they actually don't need to pay for all the services they'll get. And as Kaido, Inui and Tezuka stepped inside the lobby, they gathered around once again.

"Now we have to decide the roommates." Eiji said eagerly.

"Let's decide it in gambling!!" Momo suggested.

"Hmm…" Inui opened his notebook in front of his nose and began to read it. "From the data I got, it will be great if Oishi was paired with Eiji."

"AGREED!!!" Momo shouted and there goes Oishi with a blush upon his face.

"Agreed." Fuji added with his innocent face and smile.

"Why don't we decide the pair with by vote?" Ryoma suddenly suggested. The others looked at him, demand more explanation since what he had just said seems to be interesting yet too brief. "For example, now is Oishi sempai's turn. The other decides for his partner. Every voice counted as one, even Oishi sempai's own voice."

"Sounds a good idea." Takashi responded.

"Sounds stupid." Kaido spoke up.

"Okay, now Oishi's turn!!!" Eiji shouted excitedly. "Ma, ma… I choose Fuji!"

"Eiji." Momo said.

"Eiji." Fuji said innocently.

"Eiji." Said Takashi.

"Same here." Ryoma spoke up.

"Eiji will be great." Inui said. "Just as the data said."

"Eiji." There comes Kaido's husky voice.

Ryoma looked up to the captain, waiting for his answer. He thought Tezuka wouldn't say anything. That's why he was quite surprised as he heard Tezuka said Eiji's name unhurriedly.

"Eiji… how about you?" Momo asked.

"Well… I'll be glad sleeping with Oishi." He grinned broadly.

"Eiji won… No matter you choose him or not, Oishi." Takashi said to the tomato face Oishi.

"Uhm… Eiji will be fine." He spoke up very slowly.

"Decided! Eiji!" Momo shouted cheerfully.

"Ima ima!!! Kaidoh!" Eiji said lively. "INUI!!!"

"Agreed." Ryoma responded suddenly, making the mabushi blushed slightly.

"Hmm… what about Momo chan?" Oishi teased.

"Yada!" Momo shouted. "Inui!"

"Inui." Takashi said chorused with Tezuka.

"Same here. Now Inui and Kaido, what will you say about this?" Fuji asked, his voice sounded exceedingly teasing.

"Up to you." The viper said, almost in delegate.

"Well… decided Inui then…" Inui said doubtfully and the other grinned naughtily.

"So… now… who will be the next?" Oishi asked. He seems enjoying the game finally.

"Ochibi!!!" Eiji shrieked again.

"Well… Momo will be great." Ryoma said since he really gets along with him. But his eyes went to Tezuka's suddenly as if those sucked it up. He looked at Ryoma intently and somehow, Ryoma suddenly regret for saying Momo before.

"I think so…" Takashi said.

"What about Tezuka?" Suddenly Fuji said, making all of them especially Ryoma jumped in start.

"Are you crazy, Fuji!?" Eiji frowned. "Nope, think Momo's the best."

"Hey… Tezuka will be great!" Oishi said suddenly after Eiji. "Wanna see how they get along." He grinned sheepishly at Ryoma who looked rather worried than surprised.

"Tezuka." Kaido said.

"I love paired with Echizen, so… I'll choose him!" Momo said eagerly. He didn't really mind sleeping with anybody actually.

"Tezuka." Inui said. "According to the note, they could share some experiment during their great matches." He still looked at the notebook then looked up to the others. "But, despite all of that… they may be cute together." Then he grinned.

"Wow!!! Same count here if I am not mistaken." Eiji said.

"Now it's all up to you, buchou." Fuji said. And they all waited for Tezuka to speak. His voice decides everything and Ryoma just can't tell how he feels that time.

Ryoma could feel Tezuka's eyes looking at him, demanding the shorter boy to give any clue. But Ryoma only glanced at him once. It's really up to him actually.

"Echizen." Tezuka finally spoke and somehow Ryoma felt there's nothing to be surprise about. This seems to be… what suppose to be.

"Well, decided then." Momo said. Though he felt a bit disappointed. "Now, let's move to the other pair."

Decided then, Momo with Fuji, and Takashi will sleep alone. They all separated to their own rooms and get some rest after the tiring journey. And as all of them left, leaving only Ryoma and Tezuka alone at the lobby, Ryoma started to feel a bit nervous.

They stayed in silent for a moment. "Echizen. Are you okay? You may…"

"No. Fine. Let's go." Ryoma abruptly answered. He knew exactly Tezuka is going to offer an exchange if he felt uncomfortable. But, he is not. After the silent, he began to understand it even though briefly, this is what he wants actually.

And as they stepped to their room, Ryoma felt his heart slightly beat faster than it's usual. This going to be a long holiday…




A/N: IT'S SO SILLY!!! It's probably the silliest fic I've ever write… Oh my God!!! I'm so damned bored here. Tomorrow I'll go to Bali… I'm not really looking forward for it though. Well… I hope it won't be as boring as here!!! Oh yeah… Review me, kay!!?? Please let me know what do you think about this really silly fic!!! But… maybe I'm a bit scared of flame… please be nice!!! It's my first Tenipuri fic…

Sankyu all!!!