Author's Note: I hope you guys are not too angry, but I removed my last story, The White Rose. I just didn't like it very much. :-S Anyway, this is the sequel to My Princess and I hope you'd like it! Have fun!


Chapter One - Monica's First Day

Eleven-year-old Monica Malfoy entered the Great Hall, shaking all over, with the other first-years. McGonagall led them along the hall and Monica could feel the eyes of the people who were sitting near the table on her and on the other new students.

"When I call your name, you will put on the Sorting Hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," said Professor McGonagall to the first-years. She drew out a long roll of parchment and started to read out names. "Aniston, Katelyn!"

Every student whose name was called stepped up to the stool and put the Sorting Hat on, and after a moment's pause the hat shouted the right house for him.

Monica knew this was going to happen. Her mother, Hermione, had told her all about that. "The Sorting Hat is very ancient," she had said. "It once belonged to Great Godric Gryffindor himself. When you put it on, it can read your mind and decide according to your nature which house is perfect for you. The Sorting Ceremony is very important and very fun, too. You'll see."

And now she was here, all alone, in front of the whole school, about to wear the hat and have the name of her house shouted so everyone can hear. Why couldn't she put it on in a private room?

"Malfoy, Monica!" said Professor McGonagall.

That's me, Monica said to herself, and sighed silently as she walked uncertainly to the stool, sat down, and closing her eyes - as if expecting it to swallow her head - put the Sorting Hat on.

"Oh," said a small voice in her ear. "What have we here? A new Malfoy. Every single Malfoy in the past has gone to Slytherin, haven't they? So you will... hold on."

Monica tensed. What was wrong?

"You are not a typical Malfoy, not a typical Slytherin," said the small voice. "How come? Oh, I see it now, your mother was Hermione Granger - wasn't she? Interesting combination, may I say, a Malfoy and a Gryffindor. Oh, not only a Gryffindor, but also a Muggle-born. I assume your father has changed a bit."

Monica remained silent, her eyes still closed. Why wouldn't this hat just say her house?

"All right, all right, I will now decide," said the voice. "Hmm, so what have we got here? Brains... not bad. Courage... definitely. Lots and lots of talent, I see, just like your mother's... so what shall I do with you? I think you belong in... GRYFFINDOR!"

"Thank you!" Monica thought happily, took the hat off and went to the Gryffindor table, where they greeted her with loud applause.

"Hullo, Monica," said Kenny Weasley, a fourth-year with red hair. She recognized him at once and smiled. He was the son of Bill Weasley, and she had met him a few times before.

"How are you doing?" said an unfamiliar first-year who was sitting next to her. "I'm Katelyn Aniston."

"Nice to meet you, Katelyn," Monica replied, and they started to chat. Katelyn was a Muggle-born, as Monica soon found out.

"I was so surprised to get the letter, you know," said Katelyn, "weren't you?"

"Uh, no, actually," said Monica, "both of my parents are wizards, so I've kind of known it my whole life. But my mother is a Muggle-born, she told me about the shock she had."

"Wow!" Katelyn exclaimed. "You're a pure-blood! That's awesome. Wait a minute... isn't your father somehow connected with Lucius Malfoy?"

"He's his son," Monica answered, wondering.

"Oh my God," said Katelyn, "I - I don't know if you know that, but Lucius was a very dangerous Death-Eater. That means someone who worked for that evil wizard, Voldemort. I read about him in some book I got."

Monica almost burst out laughing.

"Of course I know he was a Death-Eater," she replied, "that's how he died! But my father is totally different. After Lucius had died, my father became very close with my grandmother, Narcissa, and she was a much better influence."

"Oh, all right," said Katelyn.

Monica took the short pause to glance around to the teachers' table. There was Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, whom she had known she would meet - both of her parents had told her so much about this wonderful man. Next to him was Professor McGonagall, and beside her - Monica's breath was caught in her throat - none other than Severus Snape.

Snape was Narcissa's new husband. They had got married six years before, and Monica saw him at the Malfoy Manor a few times, when he came to visit them with Narcissa. Monica now remembered she had once heard someone saying that Snape was a teacher in Hogwarts, but she hadn't given it much thought. And now he was going to be her teacher!


Hermione Granger-Malfoy leaned herself on the counter in the kitchen of the Malfoy Manor and re-read the letter Monica had sent her.

-----Dear Mom and Dad,

I was sorted into Gryffindor! I feel really great. I think it's the best house. Tomorrow we're starting our lessons, I can't wait, I really want to learn magic like I've seen you and Dad doing.

However, I've noticed Severus teaches here! He teaches Potions. Mom, this is the husband of my grandmother. Isn't it a bit unfair for him to teach me? How do you think he will treat me? I hope it'd be OK.

Say hello to Sapphire.

Kisses from


Hermione and Draco had answered the letter an hour before, congratulated Monica for being sorted into Gryffindor and promised her there was nothing to worry about with Snape, because he won't treat her differently than to his other students.

It was the first night in eleven years that Monica spent apart from Hermione, and it was hurting her a little. But she knew Monica was happy, and this was the most important thing. And besides, she had Draco. They were married and had a second daughter, the four-year-old Sapphire. What else could she ask for?

Still, there was something bothering her.

Hermione had never told Monica that she had her as an eighteen-year-old. Nor had she told her that this pregnancy was actually a mistake, nor about Draco's behavior... nothing. Monica didn't know that she was born as Monica Granger, not Monica Malfoy, and her parents changed her last name when they got married, in order to prevent her from wondering.

Now Hermione was wondering whether they had done the right thing. Should they had told Monica the truth? When they had done that, they didn't have any doubts. They wanted Monica to grow safely, peacefully, happily. They didn't want her to know what a jerk her father had been - they didn't want her to love him less.

So they actually lied to her. Hermione knew she would have to tell her one day. She only hoped this day would be far, far away...

"What are you doing here, sweetie?" she heard a voice behind her. The next moment, strong arms were wrapped around her waist from behind, followed by a chin resting on her shoulder.

"Hello, Draco," she smiled warmly and put her hands on his.

"I've just put Sapphire to sleep," he whispered in her ear. "She looks so calm when she's asleep. Do you want to see?"

"Why, of course." She followed him outside the kitchen, then upstairs to Little Sapphire's bedroom.

"Oh," Hermione moaned as Draco opened the door silently and led her in. Her eyes rested on her child, sleeping so sweetly, her long eyelashes resting upon her small, red cheeks. Her soft, light-brown curls fell on her small shoulders. She looked like an angel. Hermione was reminded of Monica as a baby, and how she had been sleeping just like that.

"She is so cute," Hermione smiled at Draco. He smiled back and led her outside again.

"Honey..." he leaned her on the wall, embracing her, "you were looking thoughtful down there in the kitchen... is anything bothering you?"

"Not now," she smiled as he kissed her softly on the lips.

"Are you sure?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Sure I'm sure."

He kept staring at her very closely, and though he didn't say a word, something in his eyes told her he knew she was not exactly telling the truth. They had grown to know each other so well.

"Well," she said slowly, "it's Monica's first night outside the house, at school, and I was... well... wondering if we had done the right thing."

"About sending her to school?" asked Draco, looking amused. "Did you want her to remain uneducated for the rest of her life, just so she could stay near you?"

"No, of course not!" she punched him playfully. "I'm talking about us not telling Monica... you know... the truth about her birth."

"Oh. That." Draco bit his lip. "Hmm... I don't know, Hermione, I thought we agreed on that."

"We did," said Hermione quickly, "it's just that... I'm not so sure anymore."

"Look, sweetheart, we did the right thing," said Draco softly. "We had no choice. We wanted her to have a happy childhood. She is very young, and if we tell her too soon, it may hurt so much that she would never get over it. Let's make a deal, OK? When she reaches her fifteenth birthday, we'll tell her. All right?"

Hermione smiled. "All right." He had always known how to calm her worries and make her smile. "I love you," she added.

"I can't blame you," he replied and winked.


A/N: Hope you liked it! I have plans for the continuation, certainly, so don't worry. ;-) However, I'm afraid I won't be able to update every day, because I'm having a terribly busy time at school now. Next week I'll have more time, I think. So please review and let me know what you thought of this very first chapter!


Roni Black.