Chapter 1: The Invitation

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing. All credit goes to Bandai,

Sunrise, and anyone else who was involved in the creation of said

series. The only thing I own is the plot. This is the only disclaimer

I'm going to post with this story.

Now then on with the story......

He was lonely. For the first time in his life he was missing

something. He wasn't supposed to feel this way, he was a soldier, a

weapon, a tool for the war with no emotions. 'I'm getting soft' he

thought to himself sitting in his plain wooden chair. 'But does it

really matter, the war is over.'

He missed his friends, the few friends that he had. They

were just like him, tools for the war. Each baring scars from their

pasts, though none were willing to talk about it. Although if they

had been, he wouldn't know. He had never asked, didn't want to pry,

and back then he didn't really care.

All he did was consentrate on the mission, and the war. It

was all he thought about, but now 'I miss them.' He thought to

himself. 'If only I could see them again.' He really did miss them,

all four of them. With that thought he started to drift off to sleep.

Just as he was about to drift off into the much needed sleep,

the telephone rang. Heero Yui looked up and gunted at the dang thing.

He knew he should not have gotten one, but he did anyway, incase

anyone of any importance needed to call. He was just going to let it

ring and let whoever was calling, call back later. But it might

accually be important so he got up and answered it.

"Hello, Yui residence." He said abit of irritation in his


"I'm sorry Heero, Am I disturbing you?" a young voice asked

with a hint of sadness but also a ping of hopefullness in his voice.

"No, I'm sorry Quatre, I was just going to take a nap. That

can always wait until later. So why did you call?" He asked, the

irritation gone.

"Well it's just none of us have seen each other in awhile, and

I was wondering if you and the rest of the guys were willing to come

over to a little get together I'm having?" Quatre said the sadness

gone, but the hopefullness remained. "I already asked Duo and Trowa

and they said they could come. So what about you, are you up to going

too?" He asked.

Heero had to think about that for a moment. Yeah, he missed

his friends and wanted to see them again. But was a get together

really needed. Not that it would be that big, unless the Mogunacs

came as well. However at the mention that Duo would be there, he

couldn't help but smile. Seeing the "Braided Baka" again, might just

be what he needed. Ever since the war had ended he thought of Duo

quite often, even when he didn't want to. No matter what, Duo

always seemed to get into his mind. It was during one of one of these

times that he realized that he accually has feelings for the braided

pilot. With that thought he made up his mind.

"Sure Quatre, I've missed eveybody as well." He said, a slight

smirk on his face.

"That's great Heero. Everyone will be very happy to see you."

The young pilot replied. "It's next Saturday at my house on L4. You

know where that is, and if not I'll send someone to get you. Everyone

will be staying about a week, so it might be wise to bring a few extra

clothes with you. Hope to see you soon. Goodbye."

"Hn" Heero stated, and with that they both hung up. Afterwards

Heero went back to his room for some much needed sleep.

End Chapter 1

WOOHOO, my first chapter (usa: Heaven help the world.) Ignore my beta

she just has to be a pain. Keep in mind this is my first story ever.

I wrote this during class so sorry it's so short, the next chapter

will be longer I promise.

Pairings in this story will be 1x2x1, 3x4, 5x?

I don't know if Wufie will be paired with anyone at this moment. If

you have any suggestions please tell me.

Next Chapter: Packing & Preperations

Usagi_1313: My turn. Mwahahahahah. Any C&C will be appreciated. Any

Flames will be lauged at due to the fact you wasted ten to however many

minutes it took you to read this plus the minutes you wasted typing and

waiting for it to go through just to tell her you didn't like it. I'll

try to edit the best I can but nobody's perfect. (except Tasuki)

(ggmax:especially her) See ya