Disclaimer: No, I don't own Ella or Char or other main characters, or rather, any characters from the book, G.C.L. does. I only own those that you don't recognize from the book, because, well, they're my characters! So, anyways, I'll stop and just let you read.


"Absolutely NOT!" I cried, stamping my foot. "Tell them that I will not go down, and that they can't just order me around like that!"

The maid, who had been sent upstairs to fetch me, stared back at me, terrified. "I-I can't just tell their Majesties that you won't come down! Your highness." She added hurriedly.

"Excuse me, but I have just told you that I do not wish to be called 'Your Highness'." I snapped. At the age of 15, I was stubborn, defiant, and difficult, just as my mother, Queen Ella of Kyrria, was when she was my age.

"Yes, Your - I mean -" the servant broke off, confused. "Just, please, will you come down? The King and Queen request your presence for breakfast."

I sighed; I wasn't usually like this. But then again; usually, I wasn't awakened early in the morning, with orders to go downstairs for breakfast - immediately. I usually went on my own time.

As you can see, I hate taking orders from anyone, and mother usually understands. She never tries to order me around, which is probably because of what had happened to her so long ago. Her curse. But I have a curse too. Maybe not as extreme as hers, but mine was bad enough. My curse? Being a princess. I hated being princess. Maybe that's why I was so mad at the maid this morning. She had curtsied and addressed me as "Princess" as soon as she saw me.

I mean, I wouldn't mind being a Prince. A prince meant you were a boy, rich but powerful, skilled in swordplay and weaponry, and king-to-be. "Princess", to me, meant that you were rich and spoiled and a total brat, because you got everything you wanted because of your beauty and status. And you could never be king, only queen, and even then, only when you don't have an older brother. Unfortunately, I DO have an older brother, who is everything I want to be. But I can never be like him. I have to learn sewing, embroidery, dancing, singing, and etiquette, while he can do whatever he wants - hunt ogres, practice swordsmanship, and have fun. And, worst of all, I have to be protected. My brother can protect himself. And I can't, or so Mother and Father say. Because I'm a girl.

I stared at the servant girl, who was watching me with worried, scared, eyes. I knew she didn't want to tell the King and Queen of Kyrria that their only daughter refused to come downstairs. "Fine, fine, I'll go." I sighed. "But, tell them that I won't go next time, unless they ask me, politely, not order me."

The girl instantly brightened. "Of course, your highness." She said, curtsying, and left. I scowled after her. Why can't people stop calling me "Your highness?" I shut the door abruptly and changed into a suitable dress to meet my family. And, at that moment, the thing I wished most resurfaced. I wish I wasn't a Princess.


When I finally was dressed properly, and my messy straight dark-brown hair pulled back, I descended the stairs. As I walked past, servants bobbed curtsies or bows to me, and I nodded in acknowledgement as I passed by. I reached the door of the wide, cheerful room that served as a breakfast room for my family. When I stepped inside, both of my parents looked up at me. My father, King Charmont of Kyrria, frowned as I took my seat. "Eleanor, why are you late?"

I flinched. I hated my full name. It was a family thing - mother's name is really Eleanor, and so was my grandmother, and hers. . .it goes back a long way. "I was . . . getting ready." I said, not meeting his eyes.

"Dear, why did you tell the maid to tell us that you weren't to be ordered around?" my Mother asked gently.

"I . . . um . . ." I stammered. Mother could always make me feel this way. Like I was being bad, and doing wrong, and I shouldn't do that.

I saw Charles, my older brother, look at me quizzically. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, and saw him give me an encouraging nod. "I hate to be ordered around!" I burst out. "I just want you to ask nicely. And besides, you can't blame be for doing that when I was very rudely awakened."

I heard Mother sigh. Father grinned. "Just like you, dear." He said to my mother.

"At least I would do it, when I was that age." My mother retorted.

"But that's only because you had that stupid curse." Charles quickly stood up for me.

Mother sighed again. "Yes, I guess so. But, do try and be on time, dear."

I nodded, not looking at her, as a servant brought me my breakfast. I took a bite, and grinned. It was delicious, but then again, anything Mandy cooked was delicious. My frizzy-haired fairy godmother was also the best cook in all of Kyrria.

"And, talking about being on time," my father began, "I would very much like you to be on time tonight, when the banquet is held."

I stared at him, mouth open with surprise. "B-banquet?"

"Yes, a banquet." Ella spoke up. "Remember? This afternoon, the prince of Ayortha comes to Kyrria. We need a banquet in his honor." She looked at me, amused. "Where have you been for the last few weeks? This isn't new news."

I felt so stupid for forgetting. It had been the talk of the castle - and the towns - that the prince would come. It was a yearly thing - every year, the princes (or princess) of both Ayortha and Kyrria would spend time in each other's courts. I had never gone yet, but Charles had. He claimed it was the most boring thing in his entire life. So you see; I'm not exactly ecstatic about the time when I'll have to go.

Anyway, there were rumors flying about the castle that this Ayorthian prince was the most handsome, charming person. He hadn't been here before, so it's not like I would know. But the thing is - some rumors said that I would look perfect with him. As soon as I heard this, I was furious. I started a counter-rumor, saying that the prince was already engaged. Of course, it was a lie, but at least it wasn't me. But the sad thing is; I think Mother and Father are really hoping that we'll hit it off. No chance of that. I wasn't going to let it happen.


A/N: Okay, that was my first chapter. Maybe it was kinda boring, but things will get better. That was basically all an intro into the story, before the real stuff happens. Please R&R, and feel free to send any thoughts or suggestions that you have! Oh, and btw, in case you want to know, I want some reviews before I'm posting the next chapter. Thnx!