A/n: I'm sooo sorry. I really just kinda left this story hanging, and I probably shouldn't have. I was kinda busy with other things. But, finally, finally, an update! I'm just gonna finish this story up really quickly. I don't see the point of prolonging it, since basically, I've lost interest in this story, and it would be better to start something new.

Thanks to:

Hayley, dragonfirechick, curlgurl612, Gayle, babyjayy, Fire of Wolves, Turwen, awaiting impatient person, Swishy Willow Wand, fineflyer, Kassi of Pirate's Swoop, blah, darkangle4056, Lalaith, movielvr, CrimsonEnchantress, Eclectus, EdhelWen, princess of hearts, yahyjgd, fsng, EllaFreak, Megan, songwithoutwordz, darkangle4056, emilym.47


. : At Last - Epilogue : .

As it turned out, Ted had found his true parents – the royals of Ayortha.

In the time that I had spent locked up in my room, not getting palace news, it had been found that Darren was really only a helper of Maydria; a replacement as the Prince of Ayortha, but not true prince.

When Darren was questioned, he admitted Ted's true identity, and so everything was resolved.

Darren left the palace and stayed with his real parents, who were merchants. And finally, everyone was happy. Darren had always disliked his job as "replacement prince", so he was glad to finally leave the palace and live a normal life. The Ayorthian royals had found their real son. Ted had found his parents.

And I got to marry Ted.


Two years later, Ted and I got married in the Secret Valley – the ethereal place that Ted, James, and I had discovered on our little "quest". It was a small, private wedding, under the flowered arch that the two tallest trees formed.

Emerald sunlight played over the ground and flowers shimmered. Only the royals, James, Cordelia, Mandy, Lucinda, and Areida, my mother's best friend, were invited.

After the wedding, James was pronounced the official Archery Master of the palace, a Lord, and a Royal Advisor. Cordelia was announced as the palace Healer and Potions-master, as well as Royal Advisor. She received the official title of Lady, and overlooked everything in her home – Lord Donovan's manor – while still remaining in the palace.

Ted and I assumed our roles as the King and Queen of Kyrria and Ayortha. The countries had been allied, and were now both under our rule. It was hard at first. I was the typical stubborn princess who had refused all queenly lessons. Ted hadn't even known of his true heritage until just a little while ago.

But both of us stuck to our task, and pretty soon, we had everything under control. We both found that it was rather interesting to rule an entire country – or rather, two countries. But Kyrria and Ayortha, as well as our parents and friends, had confidence in us, and we did just fine.

A few months later, James and Cordelia were married, also in the Secret Valley. Finally, we were all happy.


We had three children – two sons and a daughter. The eldest son was serious and intelligent; the perfect future ruler of Kyrria. The second son resembled Ted in all aspects: mischievous, clever, and adorable.

Our youngest, a daughter, we named Eleanor, to keep up the family tradition. She insisted on being called Nora, and we did so, just to please her. She, like me, was rebellious and stubborn and strong-willed, and a terror to the palace servants, cooks, and maids.

Cordelia and James had two children, twins, whom they named Theodore and Amanda. They were a delight to have around, because both of them were funny and cute and loved to play pranks. Needless to say, the two of them and Nora instantly became the best of friends.

Looking back on our adventures of when Ted, James, Cordelia, and I were younger, it seems so long ago. We'd gone a long way from whom we once were and who we are now.

But still, even if I could have changed anything, I wouldn't. Everyone was content with the way things had turned out. I was too.

So, with our new families and friends, and a bright future ahead of us, we lived happily ever after.


A/n: I'm sorry, I know it really sucks, but I totally lacked inspiration for this story. I just had to finish it.