Call of the Wild

Chapter I


Standard disclaimer applies. I decided to go ahead and try chapters. . . since my other stories were pretty long. Also, this story could use help, I know- so please review with comments, etc. Its appreciated.


Jane looked wistfully out her bedroom window, then back at her best friend- who was completely immersed in the latest episode of Sick Sad World.

"That's it Daria, time to go."

Daria turned around to look at Jane. "Huh?"

"We've done absolutely nothing outside this summer. Time to fix that."


"Yes. The great outdoors. Hiking, camping, animals, fire-building, whatever. Let's just go."

"Jane, I don't do. . . 'outside.'"

"Well, ya do now," she said, dragging Daria out of her room and downstairs towards the basement where Mystik Spiral was casually lounging, or 'taking a break' from their tough practice regime.

"Yo, Trent, do we still have that tent?"

Trent looked at Jane and Daria, confused. "Uh, yeah. I think so. Check the bottom of the closet."

Jane ran to the closet and began wildly throwing miscellaneous items out of it in search of the tent, so she didn't hear when Trent asked:

"You guys going camping or something?"

Since Jane couldn't hear, Daria had no choice but to answer Trent through her blush. "Yeah, Nature-Girl over here felt the urge to get some woodsy time in before the end of the summer."

"That's cool."

Jesse looked at her, then to Jane- still searching through the closet. "I like the woods."

Both Daria and Trent gave him odd looks. Jesse didn't notice.

"Aha!" Jane came up with the nylon bag that held the Lane family private bungalow. She turned to her brother. "Sleeping bags?"

"Uh, I think there's one in my room. I'll go get it." He left and returned a minute later with two sleeping bags, one red and one blue. "The red one kinda smells."

Jesse looked back at Jane. "Where are you gonna go?"

"Outdoors. Away. Camping."

"How are you gonna get there?"

Jane looked fuddled. "Uh, Trent?"

Trent's eyebrows went up.

Daria could see the gleam appear in Jane's eye.

"Why don't you come with us?" She said, eyeing the band.

"I can't, gotta get the Tank fixed this weekend," Max said, glad to avoid the trip.

"Yea, me neither. Kids and stuff," Nick chimed in.

"Oh, too bad," Jane said, obviously never expecting them to come along. "How 'bout you two?" She asked, looking directly at Jesse.

"Yeah, man. I love camping. I even have a sleeping bag."

She turned to Trent, quite aware of Daria staring at him, face still red.

"Uh, I guess. I'm gonna need gas money."

"We can handle that, right Daria?"

"Uh. . . sure."

Jesse stood up. "I know a really cool spot up in the mountains. It's right next to a lake. You guys don't have a boat or anything, do you?"

Trent looked at him as if he had just asked if the Lane's owned a small castle in Bulgaria. "No."

"That's ok. It's even warm enough to go swimming."

"Right!" Jane decided it was time to get going. "So, Jesse- go home and get your stuff, Trent- drive Daria home so she can clear this with her parents and grab the necessary essentials. I'm gonna scrounge around here and see what else I can come up with. Oh, and could you guys stop by the store and get food and stuff?"

Daria and Trent looked at each other, both sharing the opinion that this was going to be way too much work than it was worth. But Jane was determined. She stared at them, then addressed all three.

"Shoo! Get going!" She said, beginning to usher them up the stairs. Jesse started up the stairs, and Trent and Daria followed. Her best friend turned around and glared at her as she went up the steps, practically tripping over her own feet.