Chapter Fourteen

Okita raced down the hall taking corners with reckless speed. Despite this Saitoh smoothly stayed a few paces behind him.

Although his nose was dulled and filled with the distinctive and overpowering tang of copper and fear he didn't pause. There was no time for hesitation. Hoji had gotten a good head start, and he knew the place better than probably even Shishio.

As if to prove that theory correct the scent trail led straight into a wall. Okita frantically groped searching for the edges until Saitoh calmly pushed him aside. He fidgeted in frustration as his alpha carefully probed for uneven surfaces or irregularities in the stone. With a slight noise of satisfaction and a click the wall swung inward. It was an ingeniously rigged hidden stairwell, but Okita didn't pause to examine or even think about it.

He flew past with his nose working to pick up the cold, fading scent while his blood boiled with excitement of the chase and the closeness of his quarry. He simply had to close the distance between them and the prize would be his. He salivated at the thought.

He was a relatively good natured and forgiving creature, but this vampire had dared to defile everything honorable. The code the pack lived by demanded nothing less than his life, or Okita's. One of them wouldn't come out of this alive.

The scent was stronger now and he put on a burst of insane speed. If only he could trap the prey, then the hunt would be his.

"Okita wait!"

The cry fell on deaf ears as he surged ahead with one goal in mind. Nothing was substantial enough to stop him.

He slammed through the skinny, bat-like vampire throwing him backwards. There was a sickening crush as bone grated against invisible wire. The emaciated head rolled forward neatly and Okita barely managed to skid under the wire. It was not even where he could see it when he slid under. The height was perfect to decapitate most any humanoid at either the top, the base, or in between.

"Moron, when your alpha tells you to stop, you stop!" Saitoh snapped in a backwash of relief and fear.

"That was very reckless." Tokio added. Her pupils narrowed and her chest slowed in heaving. "You should be far more careful about such traps."

Okita stared at the body, shaken. That could have been him. He would have to be more careful if he didn't want his revenge to fall short. The wolf in him had been so caught up in the hunt that he hadn't been wary enough.

"Yes." He agreed letting a bit of shame creep into his voice.

"Hajime, there are some problems." Tokio remarked. Her voice was calm, but Okita could tell that she was worried and anxious.

"Go ahead. I'll deal with this scum; I'll catch up later." Okita said with a painful grin. Part of him wanted the sing with a packmate and hunt together. The human side of him was taking this personally and wanted to do it the way it wanted. No other was an acceptable and no one was to get in the way.

Saitoh stared between them with hooded eyes. There was the unspoken question: Could he handle the stress on his body?

Okita ignored the tightening in his chest and gave a nod of encouragement, "I'll be fine! There's nothing wrong."

"If he does not complete this it will hang over him Hajime." Tokio reasoned, but she also cast wondering looks.

Saitoh paused before dragging the younger wolf into a quick, hard embrace, "Have a good hunt."

"Yes Saitoh."

Tokio gave a gentle smile and gave him a more lingering hug. She brushed his bangs to the side before stepping back. The two alphas disappeared without another look back. It was enough. It was enough of a good bye should something happen.

Okita stared after them with sad eyes and loped the other direction at a fast pace, but not so fast the he couldn't detect any future traps. He avoided a few more cleverly hidden ones and almost was speared by another if it wasn't for his swift reflexes. That didn't slow him however. He pounded down the twisting maze with one goal in mind.

A goal that was about to be realized.

He snarled in anticipation and lunged through an opening. Again, his unusual eagerness and blood thirst nearly led to his undoing. The mancatcher slammed past his left shoulder clipping and numbing it. He reeled back with katana ready. It would take more than that to get rid of him.

"Do you want to play little wolf?" Hoji sneered boldly, but Okita could smell his fear hanging around him like a colorful cloud.

Okita licked his lips slowly and adjusted his stance. What was it with long ranged weapons? Were they so cowardly that they couldn't use a katana? Or was it simply not good enough for a brave, noble, strong vampire?

He darted left and the mancatcher swung to fend him off. With a tuck and roll he was under the reach. It was a risk move because it left him wide open for a good twenty seconds or so, however, he had gauged it correctly because it swung him inside the monstrous weapon's guard.

Wasting no time he threw himself forward with a powerful motion in his legs and slashed. When the vampire evaded the swing with a slow stumble Okita remembered that Hoji was an intellect, not a fighter. It should be an easy kill.

Should. Okita snarled as small throwing knives embedded in his thigh and bicep. He ripped them out contemptuously and tossed them to the side. The vampire fought more like an honorless ninja than anything else. The werewolf half expected a face full of pepper while the vampire dashed off for another game of chase.

This. Would. End. Here.

Feinting to the right he slipped to the left being careful not to be knocked off his feet by the long, sweeping pole. The vampire panicked, his dark eyes wide with the knowledge he was staring at his death.

And interesting emotion considering he was already dead.

Even more so because the cruel vampire had enjoyed that same look in the terrified eyes of his victims.

"Did you enjoy it Hoji? Enjoy tormenting my Katsu so that he felt ghastly pain? But he didn't scream or tell did he? That's something you would never understand. You are a spineless coward and a vicious bully. You don't fare so well when your victim isn't bound and gagged. I'm tempted to toss my katana aside and tear out your throat with my teeth. I won't of course. Saitoh would have my hide for such a stupid, rash move. 'Never be weaponless Okita, remember that!' he would snap." Okita circled in with slow deliberation and smiled reassuringly, "I would love to string you up and break every single bone in your body, but I'm woefully short of time and equipment. You wouldn't want to do an honorable thing and surrender would you? I thought not. It's too bad. Not that it would matter. I would still kill you."

Hoji backed up slightly until he bumped into a wall. He licked his lips, but held his weapon steady. It was odd until Okita realized that this man, while not a fighter, had been around many great fighters. He was very clever and sly so of course he would pay attention to everything and add it to his knowledge. It was too bad such a bright, eager mind was so corrupt.

He gave another feral grin and circled in closer. The exercise had agitated his lungs, but he ignored the constricting pressure and fought back the tickle that always seemed to lead to a bone-breaking cough. He could cough his lungs out later, in private.

"You should always know that what comes around goes around. Humans have such silly sayings, but sometimes they're very true." He remarked in a combination of solemn and teasing. "This one is very true, in case you couldn't tell."

The dark eyes darted around looking for an escape that wasn't there.

Abruptly Okita lunged forward catching the vampire off guard completely. He wasn't even able to bring up a block before the katana swept through him at chest level. The thin blade easily slid between the slats of the ribs. Okita jerked his wrists breaking the ribs, the katana tip sat between then dragged horizontally. A mortal would have been slain instantly by the assault to the organ cavity. Hoji, instead, writhed as his chest cavity was torn and shredded, but he wouldn't die until Okita finished him.

The smaller wolf ripped his blade out with a controlled wrench and surveyed his handy work. He nodded to himself then addressed Hoji, "Enjoy what after life you may have."

Okita's strong swing had gone clean through the vertebrae in the neck when he was hit from behind. He tripped forward, falling on Hoji's carcass.

When he squirmed to a crouch he snarled at his attacker. How Kamatari had managed to sneak up on him was no mystery. Aside from the fact that she was far more effective than most people gave credit for Okita had lost himself in a kill.

Stupid, he chided himself.

He couldn't feel the wound with his hands or see it because it was in the middle of his back. If she had thrust the tip of her scythe deeper and further to the left he wouldn't be able to move at all. His spine would have been completely severed.

"Killing Hoji was not very nice," Kamatari reprimanded then muttered, "Even if everyone wanted to."

"Sneaking up on someone is not very nice either." Okita pointed out trying to stretch his hand to his katana hilt.

"True. I will let you get your sword without interference to make up for that cheap move." Kamatari said with a smirk.

"How generous." Okita replied lightly while his back screamed. At least it was a broad slash and not a deep stab. His ribs had buffered some of the blow, but the network of muscles had be cut and rendered. The lack of muscle power hurt him most. Just to move his shoulders and torso to grab the katana left him panting.

"I thought so. I figured you'd want to die like a warrior anyway."

Okita pushed himself up and slipped into a clumsy stance of defense. He wasn't sure how he was going to get out of this. Offense was looking less and less of an option with every second that slipped by. Also, no one knew he was down here besides Tokio and Saitoh. There would be no unexpected rescuer.

When the first slow, lazy swing of the giant scythe whooshed by he managed to dance back without too much trouble, yet each swing it became harder and harder. He needed to get some place to launch an attack from. It would have to be a one hit or failed attack.

He spotted a likely spot and started moving over towards it. He had almost gotten there when Kamatari flipped the long, metal chain attached to the base of his weapon and tripped him.

He sprawled with bruised ankles. He was lucky his left wasn't broken since it took the brunt of the blow.

"Dying so young." Kamatari remarked pulling his head back by his topknot, "But you and your friends did kill Chou and Anji. You killed Hennya and Hoji. Those can't be let go."

Okita looked up defiantly, but didn't answer.

He didn't flinch or close his eyes as the blade swung down. But the strain on his body decided to lash out.

He exploded into a fit of gut-wrenching coughs that tore him out of Kamatari's hand leaving only a handful of hair. He curled inwards trying to alleviate the pain and degradation. Stupid disease. It almost seemed to take delight in ruining every single aspect of his life down to his death.

Kamatari waited patiently with a mild look of surprise on her features.

"I see now." She remarked as he tried to wipe the crimson splatters that had stained the flesh of his hand on his pants. Usually he carried a cloth, but it wasn't normally so bad. No.

"Yes, you see. I don't suppose I could convince you that it was just a bit of blood caught in my throat?"

"Not a chance." Kamatari said taking up his head again to bare his throat. He struggled slightly to get in a position that didn't hurt so much.

Again, Okita steeled himself only to find himself thrown a few feet away as Kamatari was shoved from the side.

The vampire regained her feet quickly with a grunt of surprise.


The company didn't bother to answer, or even look at Okita. She simply watched the vampire with flat blue-gray eyes. Her long weapon was held out. While Kamatari's scythe was both longer and heavier the halberd was far more flexible.

"Such bad manners! And you were such a perfect companion too." Kamatari exclaimed with no outward worry. "I know your moves little one. Who trained you in such an art?"

"True, however, you were my master, and I will not allow any other to kill you. That duty is mine." Kikisha replied.

Okita scooted against the wall ignoring the stinging of his wound as it pressed into cold stone. He sagged against the solid surface holding his ribs.

The battle was relatively short and unspectacular. It was obvious that Kamatari didn't know half of what she thought she did. Especially when the tall, lean wolf pulled a maneuver that would be difficult with a mere sword. With her long haft it was purely amazing. She had been watching Saitoh's moves for too long in Okita's opinion.

"You sliced her in half." Okita commented with a faint grin, "Being airborne and stabbing directly down must have been a challenge. Good thing there's a high ceiling, right?"

She pulled her weapon out and cleaned it with a swift motion. Then, leaning the weapon out of the way, she knelt down.

"I was too late."

Okita blinked. What didn't surprise him was the fact that she already knew of his injuries. What did was that she apologized for it. She never apologized to anyone for anything. She and Saitoh had many disagreements over proper humility in reference to that odd habit.

"It doesn't matter." He said trying to pass it off.

She shocked him again: "Because you are fatally ill. Yet, you could have had a few more years."

"How- No, it doesn't matter, does it? Could you...?"

"Certainly. I do not, however, have a katana. Will the blade of my naginata do? I am skilled enough that I can promise a clean swoop." She asked retrieving his katana for him. He grasped it with white knuckles.

She helped him off the wall, only making a small sound when she saw his back, into a manageable position.

His hands were shaking and his body trembled. He willed them to still and be steady.

"Did we win?" It was the last thing he wanted to know.

"Yes, we won."


A/N: Hopefully that was clear enough that I don't have to fill in blanks. I am of the opinion that TB is a crappy way to die so I had to "fix" it. There's one more really short chapter, an eppy of sorts, that I will post on Sunday and then it's over! Yay!


Fyyrrose: See? Why do people doubt me? I don't know why it doesn't. I did everything correctly, I guess I'll have to reload. Hey, you can kill off N. If I can kill off Sano and/or Okita then you can kill off N. I really need to stop treating characters like objects. Using Okita as a bargaining chip to bribe you was a very mean thing. Yes, so I have Hellschool, Tall Tales of an Unlikely Hero, Strays, and Shoulder Angels... and not one of those is the dark, serious story was I planning to do next!

MissBehavin: Saitoh and Tokio get to live ^__^ So there's no reason to come after me. Besides, ask fyyrrose, I don't believe in fighting fair. My weapon of choice is a silver Toyota Rav4. Hehe, no, I had a specific hitlist and it was hard not to kill Soujirou, Kenshin, or Enishi O__O Took a bit of planning.